Lee Oswald's call from jail.

Lol. The undoctored Zapruder film proves you‘re a liar, let alone the mountain of evidence proving Oswald was a government agent and a patsy.
No the zapruder film proves nothing of the asort and there Is NO devidence that Oswald was a government agent or patsy.

You have never been able to post such evidence because it is a debunked lie
You missed the most important point of that post though which is don’t you agree thst the hawk err I mean the idiot,is a much more clever disinfo agent than Allen’s grandson,Allen is the most transparent shill from Langley on the planet where the idiot is much more clever,he is part of the controlled opposition,he appears to be a concerned citizen cause he acknowledges the virus hoax and we had massive election fraud this past weekend,but he runs off with his tail between his legs everytime you prove him wrong oswald did not fire the shot and there were multiple shooters where as Allen’s grandson has the warped logic cause he has the last word,he won the debate despite unable to give any evidence thst oswald did it. :rofl:
Gipper still waiting for your comment on this post
BlackSand see we came to the realization he is Allen’s grandson cause he has an obsession over the jfk assassin propagating the lie thst oswald did it unlike other paid shills.i mean lol at the other shills that were here trolling,the hawk err the the idiot and sunsetty,they all left a long time ago,they got tired of the ass beatings,he has the hysterical logic that somehow him putting the last word in,his logic is he won the debate. :abgg2q.jpg: :rofl: The other thing we know he is Allen’s grandson is it is only the jfk assassin he rambles on about,these are the only threads he trolls on,you wond find him on threads talking about the virus hoax,the election being stolen,okalahoma city or Waco,dead give away right there.:abgg2q.jpg::rofl: He trolls the boards 24/7 as well cause this is not the only political message board he trolls on,he trolls on dozens of others,nobody has thst much time on their hands if they are not a paid shill for Langley.lol
I asked for specific evidence loser,.

You don't want it, you will just deny it.


Peter Dale Scott- ‘The JFK assassination as an engineered provocation-deception plot’​

". . . Why am I talking about Tonkin Gulf in a talk addressing the Kennedy assassination? Because of the case I am about to present to you that the JFK assassination was also part of a provocation-deception plot.

Provocation-Deceptions from Army Intelligence Reserve in Dallas, 11/22/1963

To begin with, we know that in Dallas, on November 22, there were people inside the military who falsified their reporting of the Kennedy assassination to create the false impression (or what I have called the “phase-one story”) of an enemy attack.
I have written before about these phase-one stories from Dallas concerning the JFK assassination, but I did not realize until recently that all of them came from a single Army Intelligence Reserve unit.

As these deceptions are immediately post-assassination, they do not in isolation establish that the assassination itself was a provocation-deception plot. They do however reveal enough about the anti-Castro mindset of the 488th Army Intelligence Reserve unit in Dallas to confirm that it was remarkably similar to that of the J-5 the preceding May that produced a menu of “fabricated provocations” for the Joint Chiefs.

In 1977 I tried but failed to draw one such false report to the attention of the House Committee on Assassinations. This was an army cable reporting a tip from a Dallas policeman:

Assistant Chief Don Stringfellow, Intelligence Section, Dallas Police Department, notified 112th INTC [Intelligence] Group, this Headquarters, that information obtained from Oswald revealed he had defected to Cuba in 1959 and is a card-carrying member of Communist Party.”#

The cable sent on November 22 from the Fourth Army Command in Texas to the U.S. Strike Command at Fort MacDill in Florida, the base poised for a possible retaliatory attack against Cuba.#

I knew before that Stringfellow’s superior officer, Captain W.P. Gannaway, was a member of Army Intelligence Reserve.# Later Ed Coyle, himself a warrant officer of the 112th Intelligence Group, testified to the Assassinations Records Review Board that all the officers in the DPD’s Intelligence Section were in army intelligence.#
Actually they were almost certainly in the 488th Army Intelligence Reserve unit of Dallas: Jack Crichton , the head of the 488th, revealed in an oral history that there were “about a hundred men in that unit and about forty or fifty of them were from the Dallas Police Department.”#

The Stringfellow message was an example of a phase-one report in the Dallas investigation: a deception report incriminating, falsely, either Cuba or the Soviet Union. It was not isolated. In Deep Politics I showed how it was supported by a concatenation of false reports about Oswald’s alleged rifle, and specifically reports indicating, falsely, that Marina Oswald presumed Oswald’s rifle in Dallas to be the rifle he owned in Russia.# (Marina’s actual words, before mistranslation, were quite innocuous: “I cannot describe it [the gun] because a rifle to me like all rifles.”)#

On the basis of such false phase-one stories, Dallas Deputy District Attorney Bill Alexander reportedly prepared “to indict Oswald for killing the President ‘in furtherance of a Communist conspiracy.’ “#

Evidence of a Provocation-Deception Plot Involving the Kennedy Assassination

Meanwhile, in Washington, the post-assassination phase-one stories out of Dallas were augmented by a more serious item of pre-assassination false evidence. A letter purporting to be from Oswald, mailed from Irving, Texas on November 12 to the Soviet Embassy in Washington, was intercepted by the FBI. In this letter, the writer spoke of “my meetings [plural] with comrade Kostin in the Embassy of the Soviet Union, Mexico City.” The letter also alluded suggestively to the lack of time there “to complete our business.” Even more alarmingly, the author revealed his accurate knowledge that the Consul in the Cuban Embassy had been “replaced.”#

This Kostin letter was completely unlike any other written by Oswald; to begin with, it was not handwritten but typed. For the FBI to verify whether Oswald was the originator of the letter, they should have tested the letter against the Ruth Paine typewriter on which he had allegedly written it. But there is no public record that this was ever done. This omission, along with much other evidence, suggests that the letter was a false artifact, or, as I would now say, part of a provocation-deception plot.#

The Kostin letter dovetailed neatly with another piece of false pre-assassination evidence: a report out of Mexico City, indicating that Oswald had visited a KGB agent in the Soviet Embassy there named Valeriy Kostikov. The evidence for this visit was clearly false; it relied on the tape of an alleged phone call by Oswald which in fact had been made by someone else.# We have documentary evidence that one day after the President’s murder this tape was listened to by FBI agents in Dallas, who determined that the speaker was in fact not Lee Harvey Oswald. Yet almost immediately this event was denied by other reports, including cables claiming — falsely — that the tape had already been destroyed before the assassination.#

There are a number of anomalies in both the FBI and CIA handling of Oswald in the weeks just prior to the assassination, such as the CIA’s withholding of important information about Oswald from the FBI. As one of the relevant CIA officers (Jane Roman) conceded years later in an interview, there was probably an “operational reason” for the CIA to have withheld important information about Oswald from the FBI.# . . . "
BlackSand see we came to the realization he is Allen’s grandson cause he has an obsession over the jfk assassin propagating the lie thst oswald did it unlike other paid shills.i mean lol at the other shills that were here trolling,the hawk err the the idiot and sunsetty,they all left a long time ago,they got tired of the ass beatings,he has the hysterical logic that somehow him putting the last word in,his logic is he won the debate. :abgg2q.jpg: :rofl: The other thing we know he is Allen’s grandson is it is only the jfk assassin he rambles on about,these are the only threads he trolls on,you wond find him on threads talking about the virus hoax,the election being stolen,okalahoma city or Waco,dead give away right there.:abgg2q.jpg::rofl: He trolls the boards 24/7 as well cause this is not the only political message board he trolls on,he trolls on dozens of others,nobody has thst much time on their hands if they are not a paid shill for Langley.lol

I tell you what old friend, as the world starts to fall apart, and the NWO is no longer a "conspiracy," this shit gets, unfortunately, easier by the day. I sometimes wish some of the old hands, like Paulitican and Eots were still here. . .

Where once the whole place laughed, and ridiculed, now, I find more of them tend to agree with us. . . .

Strangely enough, this does not bring me comfort though, I wish the world was as it used to be. I really loath us being mostly right about everything. . . . :sigh2:

Taking the paid shill from Langley the hawk,err I mean the idiot off ignore fir a second,as always he demonstrates what a liar he is,the idiot claims he admitted his guilt yet ignores the public statement he made in the jail when a reporter asked oswald did you shoot the president and oswald replied “no sir,I did not shoot anybody,I’m just a patsy,”.

yet the idiot here,Allen’s grandson,Dudley smith and the other magic bullet theorists are all trying to tell us here that oswald admitted his guilt,their bosses sure pay them a lot of money to keep coming back for these ass beatings they get and embarrass themselves all the time. :rofl:

none of the magic bullet theorists ever have an explanation for the question you pose them how is it the Warren commission is right thst oswald was seeking fame by shooting kennedy when he denied doing it when if you are seeking fame,the last thing on the planet you do is deny it,you proudly boast about it like all other assassins of famous people did in the past or like how hinkley bragged about trying to kill Reagan fir fame. :rofl: He talks about several eye witnesses but he won’t talk about the several eye witnesses like the one who took the picture of the sixth floor window just seconds before the assassination took place and it shows the window empty,he won’t talk about eyewitnesses like thst one sense it blows apart his lies.:rofl:
I agree with you. As I’ve stated many times, Oswald likely never fired a gun that day. The TSBD building was full of people that day, yet not one heard Oswald running down the stairs from the sixth floor. Two women testified they were in the stairway immediately after the shooting, but no Oswald. Of course, the WC ignored their testimony or changed it.
You don't want it, you will just deny it.


Peter Dale Scott- ‘The JFK assassination as an engineered provocation-deception plot’​

". . . Why am I talking about Tonkin Gulf in a talk addressing the Kennedy assassination? Because of the case I am about to present to you that the JFK assassination was also part of a provocation-deception plot.

Provocation-Deceptions from Army Intelligence Reserve in Dallas, 11/22/1963

To begin with, we know that in Dallas, on November 22, there were people inside the military who falsified their reporting of the Kennedy assassination to create the false impression (or what I have called the “phase-one story”) of an enemy attack.
I have written before about these phase-one stories from Dallas concerning the JFK assassination, but I did not realize until recently that all of them came from a single Army Intelligence Reserve unit.

As these deceptions are immediately post-assassination, they do not in isolation establish that the assassination itself was a provocation-deception plot. They do however reveal enough about the anti-Castro mindset of the 488th Army Intelligence Reserve unit in Dallas to confirm that it was remarkably similar to that of the J-5 the preceding May that produced a menu of “fabricated provocations” for the Joint Chiefs.

In 1977 I tried but failed to draw one such false report to the attention of the House Committee on Assassinations. This was an army cable reporting a tip from a Dallas policeman:

Assistant Chief Don Stringfellow, Intelligence Section, Dallas Police Department, notified 112th INTC [Intelligence] Group, this Headquarters, that information obtained from Oswald revealed he had defected to Cuba in 1959 and is a card-carrying member of Communist Party.”#

The cable sent on November 22 from the Fourth Army Command in Texas to the U.S. Strike Command at Fort MacDill in Florida, the base poised for a possible retaliatory attack against Cuba.#

I knew before that Stringfellow’s superior officer, Captain W.P. Gannaway, was a member of Army Intelligence Reserve.# Later Ed Coyle, himself a warrant officer of the 112th Intelligence Group, testified to the Assassinations Records Review Board that all the officers in the DPD’s Intelligence Section were in army intelligence.#
Actually they were almost certainly in the 488th Army Intelligence Reserve unit of Dallas: Jack Crichton , the head of the 488th, revealed in an oral history that there were “about a hundred men in that unit and about forty or fifty of them were from the Dallas Police Department.”#

The Stringfellow message was an example of a phase-one report in the Dallas investigation: a deception report incriminating, falsely, either Cuba or the Soviet Union. It was not isolated. In Deep Politics I showed how it was supported by a concatenation of false reports about Oswald’s alleged rifle, and specifically reports indicating, falsely, that Marina Oswald presumed Oswald’s rifle in Dallas to be the rifle he owned in Russia.# (Marina’s actual words, before mistranslation, were quite innocuous: “I cannot describe it [the gun] because a rifle to me like all rifles.”)#

On the basis of such false phase-one stories, Dallas Deputy District Attorney Bill Alexander reportedly prepared “to indict Oswald for killing the President ‘in furtherance of a Communist conspiracy.’ “#

Evidence of a Provocation-Deception Plot Involving the Kennedy Assassination

Meanwhile, in Washington, the post-assassination phase-one stories out of Dallas were augmented by a more serious item of pre-assassination false evidence. A letter purporting to be from Oswald, mailed from Irving, Texas on November 12 to the Soviet Embassy in Washington, was intercepted by the FBI. In this letter, the writer spoke of “my meetings [plural] with comrade Kostin in the Embassy of the Soviet Union, Mexico City.” The letter also alluded suggestively to the lack of time there “to complete our business.” Even more alarmingly, the author revealed his accurate knowledge that the Consul in the Cuban Embassy had been “replaced.”#

This Kostin letter was completely unlike any other written by Oswald; to begin with, it was not handwritten but typed. For the FBI to verify whether Oswald was the originator of the letter, they should have tested the letter against the Ruth Paine typewriter on which he had allegedly written it. But there is no public record that this was ever done. This omission, along with much other evidence, suggests that the letter was a false artifact, or, as I would now say, part of a provocation-deception plot.#

The Kostin letter dovetailed neatly with another piece of false pre-assassination evidence: a report out of Mexico City, indicating that Oswald had visited a KGB agent in the Soviet Embassy there named Valeriy Kostikov. The evidence for this visit was clearly false; it relied on the tape of an alleged phone call by Oswald which in fact had been made by someone else.# We have documentary evidence that one day after the President’s murder this tape was listened to by FBI agents in Dallas, who determined that the speaker was in fact not Lee Harvey Oswald. Yet almost immediately this event was denied by other reports, including cables claiming — falsely — that the tape had already been destroyed before the assassination.#

There are a number of anomalies in both the FBI and CIA handling of Oswald in the weeks just prior to the assassination, such as the CIA’s withholding of important information about Oswald from the FBI. As one of the relevant CIA officers (Jane Roman) conceded years later in an interview, there was probably an “operational reason” for the CIA to have withheld important information about Oswald from the FBI.# . . . "
I am not rejecting anything.

vague anomolies are not evidence.

This who post is grasping at straws.
I agree with you. As I’ve stated many times, Oswald likely never fired a gun that day. The TSBD building was full of people that day, yet not one heard Oswald running down the stairs from the sixth floor. Two women testified they were in the stairway immediately after the shooting, but no Oswald. Of course, the WC ignored their testimony or changed it.
You have stated that bald faced lie many times.

He is the only person in Dallas who fired guns that day.

No one testified as you claim that they were in the stairway IMMEDIATELY after the shooting they testified they were in the stairway ten minutes later.

The WC included their testimony youy shit rag

You have no fucking clue what the WC wrote or reported as you have openly admitted you never read it. You are a sap who believes what he is told but only if it fits your closed minded idiotic agenda.

the WC PROVES you wrong and a liar
I tell you what old friend, as the world starts to fall apart, and the NWO is no longer a "conspiracy," this shit gets, unfortunately, easier by the day. I sometimes wish some of the old hands, like Paulitican and Eots were still here. . .

Where once the whole place laughed, and ridiculed, now, I find more of them tend to agree with us. . . .

Strangely enough, this does not bring me comfort though, I wish the world was as it used to be. I really loath us being mostly right about everything. . . . :sigh2:

In other words you mention 911 was an inslide job and the person you are talking to knows you are a kook
You have stated that bald faced lie many times.

He is the only person in Dallas who fired guns that day.

No one testified as you claim that they were in the stairway IMMEDIATELY after the shooting they testified they were in the stairway ten minutes later.

The WC included their testimony youy shit rag

You have no fucking clue what the WC wrote or reported as you have openly admitted you never read it. You are a sap who believes what he is told but only if it fits your closed minded idiotic agenda.

the WC PROVES you wrong and a liar
Lying again.
Over and over you post the same tired lies which have bewen proven lies.

For years you have never posted evidence you only post ridiculous proclomations based on ignorance

You make statements based on ignorance which you admit.

You really are out of your league you loser
Over and over you post the same tired lies which have bewen proven lies.

For years you have never posted evidence you only post ridiculous proclomations based on ignorance

You make statements based on ignorance which you admit.

You really are out of your league you loser

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