Lee Rigby Times Sixty Seven In Nairobi


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[The Brits let the cat out of the bag on this one with this Daily Mail piece. Previous to this, the only thing the American media let out was the tale of the little lad spared by the terrorists with one of them telling him "We're not monsters" Obviously the NYT and the WaPo both concluded that what the American people don't know can't possibly hurt them.]

"Eyes gouged out, bodies hanging from hooks, and fingers removed with pliers': Horrific claims of torture emerge as soldiers reveal gory Kenyan mall massacre details
Kenyan soldiers claim to find scenes of torture by mall terrorists
They say children found dead in food fridges with knives still in bodies
Men were said to have been castrated and had fingers removed"

Kenya mall attack torture claims emerge from soldiers: 'Eyes gouged out, bodies on hooks, fingers removed' | Mail Online

Al-Shabaab Brutally Tortured Hostages During Kenyan Mall Siege, Men Castrated, Gouged Eyes Out, Fingers And Noses Removed With Pliers? | Weasel Zippers

[Poor bastards, just trin' to grab a little lunch. When you see something like this and recall some past historical events and compare the two, the Japanese Army's slaughter of some 250,000 defenseless, non combatant inhabitants of the city of Nanking in 1937, along with the sinking of the American gunboat Panay and the loss of thirty seven American sailors and the Japanese "What are you gonna do about it?" response to American protests you get the feeling there's no way peace can be reached from here. Some of the world's countries, from 1937 to 1945 were being run by the crazies and the only way possible for Western Civilization to save itself was to kill the crazies remorselessly and relentlessly until all the crazies were dead.
When the Russians sent a delegation to Iran a few years back to try to dissaude the Mullahs from their pursuit of an atomic bomb, the Russians returned shaking their heads in disbelief at the Mullahs response and the simplest description they could give of the Mullahs reasoning was by making circular motions with their forefingers by the side of their heads next to their foreheads while whistling softly and low. The Russians were obviously convinced the crazies were in charge in Iran. The crazies are also likely in charge in Saudi Arabia, surreptitiously. Barack Obama tried to install the crazies in charge in Egypt, but at first glance, the Egyptian people decided they'd rather not, but the jury is still out there, yet. We know the crazies are in charge in Libya thanks to Benghazi, and the same is likely in Tunisia, again thanks to Barack, while Barry's trying to install a different set of crazies in Syria, they all pledged their allegiance to the murderous al Qaeda organization just yesterday, the same set o folks that crafted Westgate Mall last week. By taking away America's guns, does Barry want to bring Westgate Mall here, to every mall in America. You betcha.

Can America and the West save itself this time, again? It doesn't look good. Comrade Barack is essentially a foreigner to America. He spent his childhood in Kenya and Indonesia, instead of absorbing baseball and Babe Ruth here in the states. When he did arrive here, he proceeded promptly to insert his head permanently into the choomwagon and remained drug intoxicated and brain dead until college, where he promptly surrounded himself with Islamic and Progressive radicals. The ring he wears as his so called wedding ring bears the inscription "There is no God but Allah"
The American people now lack the resolve and the intestinal fortitude to save themselves, as well. Fifty three per cent of Americans in 2008 accepted Comrade Barack's invitation to follow him to the surrender table to surrender to Islam, declaring victory in Iraq and bugging out, soon to be repeated in Afghanistan.]
[The Brits let the cat out of the bag on this one with this Daily Mail piece. Previous to this, the only thing the American media let out was the tale of the little lad spared by the terrorists with one of them telling him "We're not monsters" Obviously the NYT and the WaPo both concluded that what the American people don't know can't possibly hurt them.]

"Eyes gouged out, bodies hanging from hooks, and fingers removed with pliers': Horrific claims of torture emerge as soldiers reveal gory Kenyan mall massacre details
Kenyan soldiers claim to find scenes of torture by mall terrorists
They say children found dead in food fridges with knives still in bodies
Men were said to have been castrated and had fingers removed"

Kenya mall attack torture claims emerge from soldiers: 'Eyes gouged out, bodies on hooks, fingers removed' | Mail Online

Al-Shabaab Brutally Tortured Hostages During Kenyan Mall Siege, Men Castrated, Gouged Eyes Out, Fingers And Noses Removed With Pliers? | Weasel Zippers

[Poor bastards, just trin' to grab a little lunch. When you see something like this and recall some past historical events and compare the two, the Japanese Army's slaughter of some 250,000 defenseless, non combatant inhabitants of the city of Nanking in 1937, along with the sinking of the American gunboat Panay and the loss of thirty seven American sailors and the Japanese "What are you gonna do about it?" response to American protests you get the feeling there's no way peace can be reached from here. Some of the world's countries, from 1937 to 1945 were being run by the crazies and the only way possible for Western Civilization to save itself was to kill the crazies remorselessly and relentlessly until all the crazies were dead.
When the Russians sent a delegation to Iran a few years back to try to dissaude the Mullahs from their pursuit of an atomic bomb, the Russians returned shaking their heads in disbelief at the Mullahs response and the simplest description they could give of the Mullahs reasoning was by making circular motions with their forefingers by the side of their heads next to their foreheads while whistling softly and low. The Russians were obviously convinced the crazies were in charge in Iran. The crazies are also likely in charge in Saudi Arabia, surreptitiously. Barack Obama tried to install the crazies in charge in Egypt, but at first glance, the Egyptian people decided they'd rather not, but the jury is still out there, yet. We know the crazies are in charge in Libya thanks to Benghazi, and the same is likely in Tunisia, again thanks to Barack, while Barry's trying to install a different set of crazies in Syria, they all pledged their allegiance to the murderous al Qaeda organization just yesterday, the same set o folks that crafted Westgate Mall last week. By taking away America's guns, does Barry want to bring Westgate Mall here, to every mall in America. You betcha.

Can America and the West save itself this time, again? It doesn't look good. Comrade Barack is essentially a foreigner to America. He spent his childhood in Kenya and Indonesia, instead of absorbing baseball and Babe Ruth here in the states. When he did arrive here, he proceeded promptly to insert his head permanently into the choomwagon and remained drug intoxicated and brain dead until college, where he promptly surrounded himself with Islamic and Progressive radicals. The ring he wears as his so called wedding ring bears the inscription "There is no God but Allah"
The American people now lack the resolve and the intestinal fortitude to save themselves, as well. Fifty three per cent of Americans in 2008 accepted Comrade Barack's invitation to follow him to the surrender table to surrender to Islam, declaring victory in Iraq and bugging out, soon to be repeated in Afghanistan.]

Comrade Obama is on the side of global jihad....

he's on the same side of the Islamist supremacists.....

meaning he's on the same side of the murdering monsters in Kenya.......


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