Lee Smith: We Are Watching A National Security Disaster Unfold


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
This is unsettling.

Lee Smith is a columnist for Tablet Magazine. He writes about how we are involved in a national security disaster that was created by our own security advisors, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, the Deep State, and a select number of ruling elitists. A crisis that could possibly lead to an all-out nuclear war between the US and Russia.

"Tablet Magazine columnist Lee Smith spoke about the connection between the Trump-Russia collusion scandal and how the U.S. is handling the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Monday on FOX News: JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS: Again, we had the Ukraine people involved in the 2016 election and the 2020 election how did that play into. LEE SMITH: The big take away from Russiagate is what I have been saying for five years. I have been covering that story since we first started it to understand what was happening. As I said from the beginning, this is not simply a political scandal. No matter what you think about Donald Trump, we are watching a national security disaster unfold and that's what we have right now. Look at what has happened. We have the national security adviser to the president of the United States, [Jake Sullivan], who was on the Hillary Clinton campaign and was pushing Russiagate about Vladimir Putin. We have Russia analysts like the former Obama ambassador Michael McFaul talking about Putin's intentions. This man was talking about how Putin controlled Donald Trump for five years. Jesse, where we are right now is U.S. National Security establishment is flying blind because they made up stories about Vladimir Putin. They made up stories about Donald Trump. I have been saying for five years it would lead to this point. The idea that our officials in the Biden administration, many of them who ran Russiagate, including President Joe Biden who was involved, the idea that they are actually able to understand what Putin is doing is nonsense."

Lee Smith: We Are Watching A National Security Disaster Unfold

In another article titled "Ukraine's Deadly Gamble", smith explains how Ukraine has allowed itself to "become a pawn between the US and Russia, and how for nearly two decades, the U.S. national security establishment under both Democratic and Republican administrations have used Ukraine as an instrument to destabilize Russia, and specifically to target Putin."

Ukraine’s Deadly Gamble

I would not be so quick to dismiss this as "Russian propaganda", as Smith seems to have a pretty good handle on how we arrived to this moment in time. And this could be a critical point in the history of the human species.
This is unsettling.

Lee Smith is a columnist for Tablet Magazine. He writes about how we are involved in a national security disaster that was created by our own security advisors, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, the Deep State, and a select number of ruling elitists. A crisis that could possibly lead to an all-out nuclear war between the US and Russia.

"Tablet Magazine columnist Lee Smith spoke about the connection between the Trump-Russia collusion scandal and how the U.S. is handling the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Monday on FOX News: JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS: Again, we had the Ukraine people involved in the 2016 election and the 2020 election how did that play into. LEE SMITH: The big take away from Russiagate is what I have been saying for five years. I have been covering that story since we first started it to understand what was happening. As I said from the beginning, this is not simply a political scandal. No matter what you think about Donald Trump, we are watching a national security disaster unfold and that's what we have right now. Look at what has happened. We have the national security adviser to the president of the United States, [Jake Sullivan], who was on the Hillary Clinton campaign and was pushing Russiagate about Vladimir Putin. We have Russia analysts like the former Obama ambassador Michael McFaul talking about Putin's intentions. This man was talking about how Putin controlled Donald Trump for five years. Jesse, where we are right now is U.S. National Security establishment is flying blind because they made up stories about Vladimir Putin. They made up stories about Donald Trump. I have been saying for five years it would lead to this point. The idea that our officials in the Biden administration, many of them who ran Russiagate, including President Joe Biden who was involved, the idea that they are actually able to understand what Putin is doing is nonsense."

Lee Smith: We Are Watching A National Security Disaster Unfold

In another article titled "Ukraine's Deadly Gamble", smith explains how Ukraine has allowed itself to "become a pawn between the US and Russia, and how for nearly two decades, the U.S. national security establishment under both Democratic and Republican administrations have used Ukraine as an instrument to destabilize Russia, and specifically to target Putin."

Ukraine’s Deadly Gamble

I would not be so quick to dismiss this as "Russian propaganda", as Smith seems to have a pretty good handle on how we arrived to this moment in time. And this could be a critical point in the history of the human species.
Good grief :rolleyes:
Just turn on CNN, they are trying their damnest to gin-up more US involvement from the dems.

Given how weak the dems are it would not surprise me one bit if they play the war card or as close to it as it makes no difference to Putin and then the party will really get started.
Good grief :rolleyes:
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It sure seems like Biden was counting on the Putin invasion of Ukraine. It did two things: 1) secure Biden's emergency declaration so that constitutional law remains suspended (originally for the "pandemic", but with a big war going on, who will question it?) and 2) Temporarily removed the threat posed by the findings of the DOJ regarding election fraud and spying in/of the White House just prior to Biden's astounding victory in the 2020 elections. The Durham Report has been successfully buried among the headlines.

It is not surprising that the Biden administration is reneging on all prior assurances that Ukraine would have the full support of NATO and the USA in case Russia threatened them. These assurances were given for the de-nuclearization of the Ukraine military arsenal, which was supervised by NATO members. Such an arsenal, if it still existed, would surely have given Putin pause.

Biden's words are just words. Just as a reminder to everyone, this is his tenth year (10th year) in the Executive office.
It was Obama and Biden, who helped initiate a coup d' tat against the lawfully elected Ukrainian president in 2013/14, they succeeded in bouncing the pro-Russian president in favor an actor who had played a president on TV! They also were largely responsible for Ukraine targeting ethnic Russian separatist regions, specifically lobbing artillery on them, which they continued to do until just last week when Putin put an end to it altogether! Obama's point man in Ukraine was the obscenely corrupt Biden, who has succeeded in shaking them down for millions of dollars and God knows what else over the years he was directly involved there.

This all came to screeching halt when Trump got elected in 2016, and attempted to neutralize the super-highway of corruption between Ukraine, and the United States senate, you folks might remember some of that, as the traitors in the senate, and the national security council, banded together with every other corrupt actor in DC, and impeached Trump over his phone call with Zelensky. This was not happenstance kiddies, they targeted Trump because he and Giulianni had the goods on the Biden clan, knew they were guilty of impossibly obscene levels of corruption, and they fully intended to get all of them prosecuted.

This is why Putin was more relaxed with Trump even though Trump had been far tougher on Putin than any of his predecessors had been, irrefutably so. Putin likely knew Trump was largely clean, short of a fancy for the ladies, and that he had no interest in pursuing Ukraine as a potential Nato member, Putin also knew Trump wanted the Ukrainian corruption cleaned up, Putin was obviously not threatened by this. That changed however upon the successful and fraudulent election of Obama's Ukrainian point-man to the oval office, changed things dramatically, as Putin knew just how depraved and corrupt Biden truly was, and what this meant for his concerns about Ukraine and Nato....

The odds of nuclear war are at this very minute, the highest they have ever been, Obama & Biden are responsible for this, along with the entire, depraved, and obscenely decadent members of the democrat party, and at least half of the equally depraved and obscenely decadent rino party! I suspect the USA is going to be destroyed by a coalition of Russia, and China, the democrat party has been so reckless and depraved, so slanderous and mockingly dismissive of Russia and her reasonable national security concerns, and so quick to escalate the war in Ukraine, they have backed Russia into a corner from whence there is but only one way out of, I think China will join in with them as they break out of that corner....
Just turn on CNN, they are trying their damnest to gin-up more US involvement from the dems.

Given how weak the dems are it would not surprise me one bit if they play the war card or as close to it as it makes no difference to Putin and then the party will really get started.
I think you are correct. I think some of those idiot actually favor a no fly zone over there.
I think you are correct. I think some of those idiot actually favor a no fly zone over there.
I don't like the idea of getting involved in another war either.

But what is the alternative?

We helped secure the Ukrainian people's democracy over the past 30 years, indirectly or not. They seem to be a healthy, vibrant people with an excellent and peaceful culture. This can be observed by the number of students from around the world that were there to study. That doesn't happen under a bad regime. We also gave them reassurance that we (NATO) would be there to help them. The original reason USA got involved there many years ago was because they still had nuclear warheads. They obliged and got rid of them, as any peace loving people would.

If we turn our backs on them, what will the world look like? What hope will there be? Will Putin and his like continue to threaten world peace, so we always live in fear?

If we assist them in securing their airspace and commit to conflict, we run the risk of many lost lives. Is there a chance we can put an end to living in fear of nuclear war?

Putin gambled that NATO would not "risk it", and he could do as he pleases and take a rich country by force. Is he correct, then?
I don't like the idea of getting involved in another war either.

But what is the alternative?

We helped secure the Ukrainian people's democracy over the past 30 years, indirectly or not. They seem to be a healthy, vibrant people with an excellent and peaceful culture. This can be observed by the number of students from around the world that were there to study. That doesn't happen under a bad regime. We also gave them reassurance that we (NATO) would be there to help them. The original reason USA got involved there many years ago was because they still had nuclear warheads. They obliged and got rid of them, as any peace loving people would.

If we turn our backs on them, what will the world look like? What hope will there be? Will Putin and his like continue to threaten world peace, so we always live in fear?

If we assist them in securing their airspace and commit to conflict, we run the risk of many lost lives. Is there a chance we can put an end to living in fear of nuclear war?

Putin gambled that NATO would not "risk it", and he could do as he pleases and take a rich country by force. Is he correct, then?
We are not and have not turned our backs on them. It is by no means certain he will take Ukraine, as long as they have the means to fight. There is no getting around our commitment to NATO, but we do not owe jump starting Armageddon to Ukraine at this point in time.
We are not and have not turned our backs on them. It is by no means certain he will take Ukraine, as long as they have the means to fight. There is no getting around our commitment to NATO, but we do not owe jump starting Armageddon to Ukraine at this point in time.
We can hope for the best outcome, for sure. We can also consider this a very important opportunity: Don't let a crisis go to waste.
It sure seems like Biden was counting on the Putin invasion of Ukraine. It did two things: 1) secure Biden's emergency declaration so that constitutional law remains suspended (originally for the "pandemic", but with a big war going on, who will question it?) and 2) Temporarily removed the threat posed by the findings of the DOJ regarding election fraud and spying in/of the White House just prior to Biden's astounding victory in the 2020 elections. The Durham Report has been successfully buried among the headlines.

It is not surprising that the Biden administration is reneging on all prior assurances that Ukraine would have the full support of NATO and the USA in case Russia threatened them. These assurances were given for the de-nuclearization of the Ukraine military arsenal, which was supervised by NATO members. Such an arsenal, if it still existed, would surely have given Putin pause.

Biden's words are just words. Just as a reminder to everyone, this is his tenth year (10th year) in the Executive office.
^ brainwashed into oblivion
^ brainwashed into oblivion
Oh? That seems to be the left's modus operandi: accuse everyone else of the crime before they accuse me

Whoever smelt it, dealt it

Oh, and get this: Biden say's US will not help evacuate American citizens from the war zone. Just. Like. Afghanistan.

It appears POTUS 46 is a fake, fraud, and corrupt little weakling. Embarrassing.
Oh? That seems to be the left's modus operandi: accuse everyone else of the crime before they accuse me

Whoever smelt it, dealt it

Oh, and get this: Biden say's US will not help evacuate American citizens from the war zone. Just. Like. Afghanistan.

It appears POTUS 46 is a fake, fraud, and corrupt little weakling. Embarrassing.
^ yep, definitely brainwashed into oblivion
Just turn on CNN, they are trying their damnest to gin-up more US involvement from the dems.

Given how weak the dems are it would not surprise me one bit if they play the war card or as close to it as it makes no difference to Putin and then the party will really get started.
I don't watch MSM. Did they say what kind of involvement? I mean the US is way behind other countries in terms of involvement, such as sending weapons, sending planes, closing their airspace to Russian airlines and private planes etc...
I don't like the idea of getting involved in another war either.

But what is the alternative?

We helped secure the Ukrainian people's democracy over the past 30 years, indirectly or not. They seem to be a healthy, vibrant people with an excellent and peaceful culture. This can be observed by the number of students from around the world that were there to study. That doesn't happen under a bad regime. We also gave them reassurance that we (NATO) would be there to help them. The original reason USA got involved there many years ago was because they still had nuclear warheads. They obliged and got rid of them, as any peace loving people would.

If we turn our backs on them, what will the world look like? What hope will there be? Will Putin and his like continue to threaten world peace, so we always live in fear?

If we assist them in securing their airspace and commit to conflict, we run the risk of many lost lives. Is there a chance we can put an end to living in fear of nuclear war?

Putin gambled that NATO would not "risk it", and he could do as he pleases and take a rich country by force. Is he correct, then?
So, you’re saying our corrupt government has no other alternative but war with Russia. Are you fucking crazy?
Anyone that brings up Russiagate, the “Deep State,” or Hillary Clinton as a potential cause of the Russian invasion of Ukraine has lost all credibility.

Putin has always set his sights on reestablishing the Soviet Empire. Putin wants a client state in the Ukraine and not a truly independent Republic. If you want another reason for Putin to invade Ukraine, just look at Ukraine’s mineral wealth, especially its vast amount of Lithium deposits.

Don’t Be fooled by Putin Apologists who are now coming out in force like Lee Smith.
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I don't watch MSM. Did they say what kind of involvement? I mean the US is way behind other countries in terms of involvement, such as sending weapons, sending planes, closing their airspace to Russian airlines and private planes etc...
Hinting at a no-fly zone mainly.

One even mentioned sending them Patriot anti-missile batteries.
Hinting at a no-fly zone mainly.

One even mentioned sending them Patriot anti-missile batteries.
Yeah that no-fly zone you’re proposing will must certainly lead to a nuclear exchange. Great idea :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:

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