Left/Resistance Fears Trump


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Left/Resistance fears Trump because he dismantling the left's/globalist/Open Society Foundations future Utopia...

the resistance fears Trump - Google Search


I think having someone with a mental age of 12 in charge of a nuclear arsenal capable of turning the earth into a cinder, is scary for anyone; whatever their political convictions...except maybe the Christian fundamentalist whack jobs who pray for the end times.
Trump doesn't scare me, but the damage he is trying to do scares the hell out of me. Kind of like a monkey with a hand grenade.
I think having someone with a mental age of 12 in charge of a nuclear arsenal capable of turning the earth into a cinder, is scary for anyone; whatever their political convictions...except maybe the Christian fundamentalist whack jobs who pray for the end times.
. Lord! Even now, come soon.
I think having someone with a mental age of 12 in charge of a nuclear arsenal capable of turning the earth into a cinder, is scary for anyone; whatever their political convictions...except maybe the Christian fundamentalist whack jobs who pray for the end times.
You mean like the radical islamic terrorist from iran "waiting for the imam to come out of the well in end times" that your side support. Oh yeah and they throw your lgbt friends off roof's top and hang them from lamp posts, and that's what whack jobs you support, you ssob...
I think having someone with a mental age of 12 in charge of a nuclear arsenal capable of turning the earth into a cinder, is scary for anyone; whatever their political convictions...except maybe the Christian fundamentalist whack jobs who pray for the end times.
. Lord! Even now, come soon.

Look at them libtarts go and I have the perfect song's...

I think having someone with a mental age of 12 in charge of a nuclear arsenal capable of turning the earth into a cinder, is scary for anyone; whatever their political convictions...except maybe the Christian fundamentalist whack jobs who pray for the end times.
You mean like the radical islamic terrorist from iran "waiting for the imam to come out of the well in end times" that your side support. Oh yeah and they throw your lgbt friends off roof's top and hang them from lamp posts, and that's what whack jobs you support, you ssob...

Point out to me please, any post of mine that supports religious fundamentalism of any persuasion. These religious whack-jobs would have been relegated to the fringes of their societies, had it not been for the religious/right wing "el-Trumpos" of the US, destabilising the Middle East and creating a rich recruiting ground for them, well done America, you are reaping what you have sown.
I think having someone with a mental age of 12 in charge of a nuclear arsenal capable of turning the earth into a cinder, is scary for anyone; whatever their political convictions...except maybe the Christian fundamentalist whack jobs who pray for the end times.
You mean like the radical islamic terrorist from iran "waiting for the imam to come out of the well in end times" that your side support. Oh yeah and they throw your lgbt friends off roof's top and hang them from lamp posts, and that's what whack jobs you support, you ssob...

Point out to me please, any post of mine that supports religious fundamentalism of any persuasion. These religious whack-jobs would have been relegated to the fringes of their societies, had it not been for the religious/right wing "el-Trumpos" of the US, destabilising the Middle East and creating a rich recruiting ground for them, well done America, you are reaping what you have sown.
Your a dumb fuck, so islam was ideal for 8 yrs under obongo = B/S - isis, libia, syria, Iraq, etc, etc. Your side on the islamic whack jobs not necessarily you but the left, you are a leftie???
EU Fears Trump's Poland Visit Will Bolster Right Wing
“One cannot but feel a bit suspicious if it isn’t an attempt to break up European unity.”


Michael Horn

The European Union fears that President Trump's visit to Poland, a rare country in Europe with some sanity in that they reject the continent's influx of Middle-Eastern migrants, will bolster right-wing populists and damage "European unity."

From Breitbart London:


"When it comes to reducing the chances of Poland being hit by [Islamist] terror attacks, the only proven method is to not allow in Muslim migrants," said Ryszard Czarnecki of Poland's center-right Law and Justice party.

EU Fears Trump's Poland Visit Will Bolster Right Wing
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I think having someone with a mental age of 12 in charge of a nuclear arsenal capable of turning the earth into a cinder, is scary for anyone; whatever their political convictions...except maybe the Christian fundamentalist whack jobs who pray for the end times.
. Lord! Even now, come soon.

Look at them libtarts go and I have the perfect song's...

That's what's in store for the "I hate Jesus" crowd.
I think having someone with a mental age of 12 in charge of a nuclear arsenal capable of turning the earth into a cinder, is scary for anyone; whatever their political convictions...except maybe the Christian fundamentalist whack jobs who pray for the end times.
You mean like the radical islamic terrorist from iran "waiting for the imam to come out of the well in end times" that your side support. Oh yeah and they throw your lgbt friends off roof's top and hang them from lamp posts, and that's what whack jobs you support, you ssob...

Point out to me please, any post of mine that supports religious fundamentalism of any persuasion. These religious whack-jobs would have been relegated to the fringes of their societies, had it not been for the religious/right wing "el-Trumpos" of the US, destabilising the Middle East and creating a rich recruiting ground for them, well done America, you are reaping what you have sown.
Your a dumb fuck, so islam was ideal for 8 yrs under obongo = B/S - isis, libia, syria, Iraq, etc, etc. Your side on the islamic whack jobs not necessarily you but the left, you are a leftie???

So this incoherent and unintelligible rant is supposed to demonstrate that I'm the "dumb fuck" here? Yeah, right, whatever. The Middle East was getting along just fine until the right-wing, warmongering, neolibtards, started to create their "new world order" in the 1990's, the regimes there may not have been perfect but at least they were stable.

FYI, IS was created when Bush II toppled Saddam and failed to replace him with a stable government supported by Iraqis. The mess in Libya was created by Obama who toppled Gaddafi and failed to replace him with a stable government supported by Libyans, can you see the pattern developing? Oh, and it should be "you're (abbreviation of you are) a dumb fuck", happy to help.
I think having someone with a mental age of 12 in charge of a nuclear arsenal capable of turning the earth into a cinder, is scary for anyone; whatever their political convictions...except maybe the Christian fundamentalist whack jobs who pray for the end times.
Thank God we don't have anyone that young in charge. That would be scary.

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