Left vs Right

Do you agree or disagree with the assessment featured?

The Interpretation of (Left) Dreams

“Why do we dream? Freud’s answer is deceptively simple: the ultimate function of the dream is to enable the dreamer to stay asleep.” Slavoj Zizek (2006)

Traditional Left Ideology sets out a vision of how the world ‘ought to be.’ The Left’s view can be summed up as the belief that social justice is the primary requirement for improving the world, and that this better future entails the pursuit of equality in various forms. The Left ideologist believes that it is both ethical and moral to attempt to approach equality in terms of civil rights and material wealth.

But if the Left focuses on ‘what could be,’ the Right focuses on ‘what is.’ If the Left operates where people ‘could be,’ the Right operates where people ‘are’ or at least, where they believe themselves to be. The Right does not aim to change human social reality but rather to celebrate, and to even maximize it.

I don't subscribe to left/right pardigm - FYI. I'm libertarian. I think it could be interesting to have a discussion-
Leftism is merely empowering government to try and control what is perceived as bad behavior.

The opposite are those who want to allow people the option of making bad decisions and simply learning to better govern themselves instead of government doing it for them.

The need for both being a civil society. But as Ben Franklin aptly stated, once the moral fiber of society wanes then a despotic government will rise up to contain it, being no other option to maintain a civil society.

And that is what I see happening. Mass shootings emerged in the 1960's, as well as many other societal ills that have increasingly demanded a rise of big government. This is largely, in my opinion, the result of increased secularism. People are simply encouraged to govern their own moral behavior due to their faith, and recognize future penalties from a higher power for not being moral. Conversely, the secularist acts as they please with the notion that if no one ever finds out about their amoral behavior or is willing to stop them, why not just do as you please, especially knowing that if they get caught and punished that punishment is temporal.

Studies have shown that those that believe in a hell, for example, have a lower incidence of crime. And those of faith lead the way for those giving their money and time the charity and those in need. Conversely, Leftists just sit around trying to convince us to vote for people to force them to pay higher taxes, in the hopes that some of that money may find its way to those in need. Why they just don't roll up their sleeves and give their own time and money to those in need is but a mystery. Perhaps just laziness with very little motivation is the reason.
Original sinners like to just make up their own facts. Burning people at the stake was done in the past and not for free market capitalism purposes.
What you speak of was the theocracy of the Catholic church. Here was a society who could not read and were not taught Biblical teachings correctly. In fact, the state is the number one murderer and enslaver of any human organization, and when sinful man does these things in the name of God, it only gets worse. Thanks to the Guttenberg Press, and Martin Luther, people began to see for themselves what the Biblical teachings really were. After all, Jesus explicitly said that his kingdom was not of this world. No world government can properly represent him.

The Founding Fathers realized this and came from a society where the state spoke from the pulpit. This they were adamantly opposed to, and rightfully so. This is why we have religious freedom today instead of the state demanding we adhere to a state run church.
We also got a First Amendment from them. Right wingers are not for freedom unless it is about loving your guns.
But if the Left focuses on ‘what could be,’ the Right focuses on ‘what is.’ If the Left operates where people ‘could be,’ the Right operates where people ‘are’ or at least, where they believe themselves to be. The Right does not aim to change human social reality but rather to celebrate, and to even maximize it.
What is, is an extra-Constitutional warfare-State and alleged wars right wingers still think they can win with tax cut economics.
Do you see the Prog employees who are privileged spouting they will take a reduction of salaries, benefits and pensions for the cause? Check it out. They ain't doing it. Their patriotism ends rather quickly.
What patriotism. The left don't want to support right wing socialism on a national or international basis.
But we just got done seeing the Left protest Trump as Hitler, while in the same breath protesting that we should surrender all our guns to him.

Where is the disconnect do you reckon?
lol. Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful. And, we have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

Right wingers seem to have a problem obeying the law.
What you speak of was the theocracy of the Catholic church. Here was a society who could not read and were not taught Biblical teachings correctly. In fact, the state is the number one murderer and enslaver of any human organization, and when sinful man does these things in the name of God, it only gets worse. Thanks to the Guttenberg Press, and Martin Luther, people began to see for themselves what the Biblical teachings really were. After all, Jesus explicitly said that his kingdom was not of this world. No world government can properly represent him.

The Founding Fathers realized this and came from a society where the state spoke from the pulpit. This they were adamantly opposed to, and rightfully so. This is why we have religious freedom today instead of the state demanding we adhere to a state run church.
The Catholic Church wrote the Bible according to their originally oral teachings. How were they not teaching the Bible correctly? Especially compared to Martin Luther, who removed whatever verses and books didn't line up with his beliefs?
The Catholic church did NOT write the Bible. Ancient Hebrew writers did, except for the book of Luke, the only book written by a gentile.

Try again.

The Catholic church was responsible for gathering these books and creating a canonized Bible. I think one of the reasons they left out books, like Enoch, which the early church used and Jude even references, is because the book of Enoch was brutal in its commendation of worldly governments. Constantine probably did not much appreciate that.

But Constantine was not even a Christian as he decide to wage war in the name of Christ and continued to worship pagan gods and later helped found the Catholic church, although it is rumored he converted on his death bed. No, Constantine saw the fledgling Christian faith as a way to increase his political power, proabably because he saw it flourishing despite it's harsh persecution by other wordily governments.
The right is fundamentally about the inherent inequality between people. Some are smarter, stronger, or more moral than others. Some are meant to lead and others to follow. Some can't function without direction by a stronger outside agency. The right recognizes that and places the natural aristocracy in charge of the natural followers of the world.

Leftism is a rebellion against that and attempts to "correct" that inequality by giving the illiterate thug and the bastard-breeding baby momma as much of a say in the direction of society as the educated professional and the leader groomed for the role since birth. That's why it always fails: It's fucking retarded.
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But if the Left focuses on ‘what could be,’ the Right focuses on ‘what is.’ If the Left operates where people ‘could be,’ the Right operates where people ‘are’ or at least, where they believe themselves to be. The Right does not aim to change human social reality but rather to celebrate, and to even maximize it.
What is, is an extra-Constitutional warfare-State and alleged wars right wingers still think they can win with tax cut economics.
Do you see the Prog employees who are privileged spouting they will take a reduction of salaries, benefits and pensions for the cause? Check it out. They ain't doing it. Their patriotism ends rather quickly.
What patriotism. The left don't want to support right wing socialism on a national or international basis.
But we just got done seeing the Left protest Trump as Hitler, while in the same breath protesting that we should surrender all our guns to him.

Where is the disconnect do you reckon?
lol. Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful. And, we have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

Right wingers seem to have a problem obeying the law.
The Left has a conundrum. As they embrace secularism, which has led to anarchy on the streets and with half the country on some sort of illegal drugs that they want to legalize, people are recognizing more than ever the need to defend themselves with their own weapons, especially with the Left wanting to defund the police.

Good luck in getting rid of the Second Amendment.
The right is fundamentally about the inherent inequality between people. Some are smarter, stronger, or more moral than others. Some are meant to lead and others to follow. Some can't function without direction by a stronger outside agency. The right recognizes that and places the natural aristocracy in charge of the natural followers of the world.

Leftism is a rebellion against that and attempts to "correct" that inequality by giving the illiterate thug and the bastard-breeding baby momma as much of a say in the direction of society as the educated professional and the leader groomed for the role since birth. That's why it always fails: It's fucking retarded.
It is true that some are more natural leaders than others, but it is even more true that society by in large are sheep as the Bible states.

So when it comes to picking a shepherd, choose wisely.

Those of faith have chosen their shepherd, as where the rest of the sheep choose the government.

It used to be that tyrants claimed to be God, then when that no longer worked, they claimed to speak for God, and then when that no longer worked, they claimed there was not God, making themselves the highest authority once more

So what is left? Going back to claiming to be God?

That a else right gage Hitler which kick off the war and political and war move on behind !

What you speak of was the theocracy of the Catholic church. Here was a society who could not read and were not taught Biblical teachings correctly. In fact, the state is the number one murderer and enslaver of any human organization, and when sinful man does these things in the name of God, it only gets worse. Thanks to the Guttenberg Press, and Martin Luther, people began to see for themselves what the Biblical teachings really were. After all, Jesus explicitly said that his kingdom was not of this world. No world government can properly represent him.

The Founding Fathers realized this and came from a society where the state spoke from the pulpit. This they were adamantly opposed to, and rightfully so. This is why we have religious freedom today instead of the state demanding we adhere to a state run church.
The Catholic Church wrote the Bible according to their originally oral teachings. How were they not teaching the Bible correctly? Especially compared to Martin Luther, who removed whatever verses and books didn't line up with his beliefs?

The left is and should be for this:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
You're right there. That is a leftist screed. So what is the right?
Supposedly, a textual based interpretation of our federal Constitution. If it isn't in the Constitution, it is not a power granted to Congress or federal Government. We know right wingers only have Hoax about that.
I would encourage each of you to read 1 Samuel 8. It is a picture of the Hebrew government God had set up. No king, not really any authority other than judges to maintain the peace. But the people clamored for a human king, and rejected their Godly king. God then warned them of the dire consequences of placing a sinful man over them as a king, but they would not listen. From then on it was a spiral downward for the Jewish people straight into the ovens of the National Socialists at Auschwitz.

Part of the chilling warning was, if you don't heed my warning now, don't bother crying to me later about it.

Thomas Pain even recognized this scripture in his document Common Sense, which was used to argue against a King.

I would recommend this as well.
Supposedly, a textual based interpretation of our federal Constitution. If it isn't in the Constitution, it is not a power granted to Congress or federal Government. We know right wingers only have Hoax about that.
What if I told you that American conservatives are leftists because the revolutionary ideals they're trying to hold on to were a leftist cause? What if I told you the Republican Party only drifted to the right because right wingers started organizing around Donald Trump, and has failed because many of them saw his support for Israel and leftist bullshit and walked away well before this election?
Do you agree or disagree with the assessment featured?

The Interpretation of (Left) Dreams

“Why do we dream? Freud’s answer is deceptively simple: the ultimate function of the dream is to enable the dreamer to stay asleep.” Slavoj Zizek (2006)

Traditional Left Ideology sets out a vision of how the world ‘ought to be.’ The Left’s view can be summed up as the belief that social justice is the primary requirement for improving the world, and that this better future entails the pursuit of equality in various forms. The Left ideologist believes that it is both ethical and moral to attempt to approach equality in terms of civil rights and material wealth.

But if the Left focuses on ‘what could be,’ the Right focuses on ‘what is.’ If the Left operates where people ‘could be,’ the Right operates where people ‘are’ or at least, where they believe themselves to be. The Right does not aim to change human social reality but rather to celebrate, and to even maximize it.

I don't subscribe to left/right pardigm - FYI. I'm libertarian. I think it could be interesting to have a discussion-
I'm willing to rebut. Before I do I do want to ask if you are willing to engage the rebuttal? The reason I ask is that sifting to all the things I take umbrage to in the article would be time consuming and its not time I want to spend to end up talking to myself.
Do you agree or disagree with the assessment featured?

The Interpretation of (Left) Dreams

“Why do we dream? Freud’s answer is deceptively simple: the ultimate function of the dream is to enable the dreamer to stay asleep.” Slavoj Zizek (2006)

Traditional Left Ideology sets out a vision of how the world ‘ought to be.’ The Left’s view can be summed up as the belief that social justice is the primary requirement for improving the world, and that this better future entails the pursuit of equality in various forms. The Left ideologist believes that it is both ethical and moral to attempt to approach equality in terms of civil rights and material wealth.

But if the Left focuses on ‘what could be,’ the Right focuses on ‘what is.’ If the Left operates where people ‘could be,’ the Right operates where people ‘are’ or at least, where they believe themselves to be. The Right does not aim to change human social reality but rather to celebrate, and to even maximize it.

I don't subscribe to left/right pardigm - FYI. I'm libertarian. I think it could be interesting to have a discussion-

The Left and the Right are like battlemasters pushing pieces around the board.

I free person doesn't have to be told they are free.
A free person can help who they want, where they are, with what they have.
That often provides better results and a great deal more accountability.

Only fascism represents the freedom to pursue the interests of your own people with the tools necessary to defend against jewish takeover.
Here is the extreme opposite of the internationalist and humane “dream” of the left.

“Fascism = Freedom ... of your own people.”

Throw in anti-semitism, racism, xenophobia, and voila! — you have the fevered nightmare dream of extreme rightwingers. And yes, history has shown us that capitalism in crisis or even simple nationalism under certain conditions can degenerate — rather easily — in this way.

The “left” can be defined in as many ways as the right. For purposes of this discussion we need to distinguish at minimum between the many kinds of utopian socialists and what were once called “scientific socialists.”

The latter, especially Marxists, mis-estimated historical developments, but otherwise offered some still useful critiques and observations of capitalist reality and still evolving trends. In extreme conditions in backward underdeveloped societies pseudo-scientific “socialist” movements became totalitarian ones that managed to unify nations or even empires temporarily to meet historical needs in the same horrible ways as fascism or imperialism did in different circumstances in advanced economies.

Capitalist reality changes all the time! The conditions under which it operates in different places vary tremendously even at the same moment in history! Of course the ‘politics” and political institutions existing in different capitalist societies also vary tremendously.

Which brings us to the last quick point I will raise: The “left” in the U.S. today, as it is generally understood in this article, describes liberal dreamers. The Democratic Party is a modern (if decrepit) capitalist party, not very different than, and existing and ruling under the same U.S. conditions as, the Republican Party. Both are capitalist parties.

Which is more attached to “dreams”?

The Republicans dreaming of “MAGA” & their old fashioned “libertarian” wing dreaming of balanced budgets and “small government”? Remember, we live in an age of competitive global corporations, rising state capitalism and American financial empire!

Or are the neo-liberal imperialists in the Democratic Party, who want to hold onto that same Wall Street financial empire by war or negotiations as conditions require ... the bigger “dreamers”?

Or is there a third way? Could an internationalist social-democratic real-politic still be possible as the way out of our modern quagmires?

I put my hope in the latter.
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Supposedly, a textual based interpretation of our federal Constitution. If it isn't in the Constitution, it is not a power granted to Congress or federal Government. We know right wingers only have Hoax about that.
What if I told you that American conservatives are leftists because the revolutionary ideals they're trying to hold on to were a leftist cause? What if I told you the Republican Party only drifted to the right because right wingers started organizing around Donald Trump, and has failed because many of them saw his support for Israel and leftist bullshit and walked away well before this election?
I would have a difficult time believing you because this is not Parler. The right wing started voting Republican after the civil rights acts were passed by the democrats.
What you speak of was the theocracy of the Catholic church. Here was a society who could not read and were not taught Biblical teachings correctly. In fact, the state is the number one murderer and enslaver of any human organization, and when sinful man does these things in the name of God, it only gets worse. Thanks to the Guttenberg Press, and Martin Luther, people began to see for themselves what the Biblical teachings really were. After all, Jesus explicitly said that his kingdom was not of this world. No world government can properly represent him.

The Founding Fathers realized this and came from a society where the state spoke from the pulpit. This they were adamantly opposed to, and rightfully so. This is why we have religious freedom today instead of the state demanding we adhere to a state run church.

You are talking so far over that poor fella's head, his 'religion' gets in the way.

The last time we shut down the economy for COVID, it didn't work; the virus is still here. So the right doesn't want to waste time with that nonsense again. The left does.

That's who the left is - the very definition of insanity.
Do you agree or disagree with the assessment featured?

The Interpretation of (Left) Dreams

“Why do we dream? Freud’s answer is deceptively simple: the ultimate function of the dream is to enable the dreamer to stay asleep.” Slavoj Zizek (2006)

Traditional Left Ideology sets out a vision of how the world ‘ought to be.’ The Left’s view can be summed up as the belief that social justice is the primary requirement for improving the world, and that this better future entails the pursuit of equality in various forms. The Left ideologist believes that it is both ethical and moral to attempt to approach equality in terms of civil rights and material wealth.

But if the Left focuses on ‘what could be,’ the Right focuses on ‘what is.’ If the Left operates where people ‘could be,’ the Right operates where people ‘are’ or at least, where they believe themselves to be. The Right does not aim to change human social reality but rather to celebrate, and to even maximize it.

I don't subscribe to left/right pardigm - FYI. I'm libertarian. I think it could be interesting to have a discussion-
under the american political scale the republicans are left wing, just not as far left as the dems,, as a libertarian you are right wing,,,
The last time we shut down the economy for COVID, it didn't work; the virus is still here. So the right doesn't want to waste time with that nonsense again. The left does.

That's who the left is - the very definition of insanity.
Right wingers don't care. It is all about profit over people for the right wing; how "insane" is that?


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