Left wing “Fact checker” Snopes finally has to admit the Trump Charlottesville “fine people” comment was a hoax.

Very fine people on both sides

There were NO “fine people “ marching with the Nazis
Was that a neo-Nazi march or was that a Confederate heritage supporter march that just-so-happened to be joined by neo-Nazis?

If the former, you're right... if the latter, you're wrong.
Was that a neo-Nazi march or was that a Confederate heritage supporter march that just-so-happened to be joined by neo-Nazis?

If the former, you're right... if the latter, you're wrong.
It was a neo-Nazi march that used “Confederate statue” as an excuse
Thanks for proving what a mindless idiot you are.

found that RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSAI Pee Pee tape yet, Simp?
Libtards will believe anything CNN tells them.

They're extremely gullible that way.

Some of them STILL believe the pee tapes are real.

Some of them STILL believe the Hunter laptop is Russian disinformation

Libtards are done of the stupidest, most gullible people on the planet.
About time. After years of promoting the blatant lie they finally had to admit he didn’t praise white supremacists, and actually did just the opposite.

Why now?

This is bizarre! It’s like democrats calling for Voter ID and up to date and accurate voter registration and database; it’s like Dracula ordering garlic on a plate made of Catholic crosses
I have never believed that Trump said that the neo-Nazis and KKK types in Charlotte that day were "fine people"...

I have always believed that he was talking about good people on both sides of the debate who showed-up that day...

As in...

People who wanted to remove images of those who fought on the side that had slavery as a political plank...

People who wanted to preserve images of those who fought against grasping centralized government, and for States rights...

And there were, indeed, good people present that day on both sides of the debate...

Most people who honor the independent spirit of the Confederacy and States Rights are not neo-Nazis nor KKK members...

I've always thought that the MSM jumped on Trump prematurely and force-fed the Leftist viewpoint on this to the public...

But the Orange Baboon-God opens his mouth without thinking so often that it's hard to blame them for that unfairness...
After the last eight years, are you seriously trying to defend Trump, the guy that never takes responsibility for anything?!

Very fine people on both sides

There were NO “fine people “ marching with the Nazis
Yes there were.

There were many people there who simply had valid reasons to oppose destroying statues. Just as there were fine people marching and demonstrating with the communis who had reasons for supporting tearing down those statues.
Very fine people on both sides

There were NO “fine people “ marching with the Nazis

And he wasn't talking about them, he was talking about the people on both sides of the "get rid of the statues" debate.

If Factcheck has to admit to it, then you know your position is absolutely false.

Now you are lying, not perpetuating a bullshit opinion.
Another dumb controversy. Trump was just doing what he ALWAYS does, bullshitting in the moment.

First, does anyone really think he knew ANYONE on EITHER side? Of course not. He was just saying it to say it.

Second, he only said "on both sides" because he knew damn well that he had voters on the neo-Nazi side and he was clumsily trying to cover his bases.

It's not like he thinks anything through before he says it. He's a full time bullshitter, a used car salesman. This was just another example. Meh.

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