Left wing “Fact checker” Snopes finally has to admit the Trump Charlottesville “fine people” comment was a hoax.

nope. lies. typical nostral fellating Trump

It’s Snopes, idiot.
“Very fine people on both sides”

There were not

If you March with Nazis you are not “fine people”
Trump. condemned the Nazis, dumbass.

Even lefty Snopes is calling you a liar.
No it is not loser.

the world is full of nuance and complexity. This argument is aboiut one lie told by the left. Yes trump is a felon but that is irrelevant to this discussion . Dont like it? Go to another thread

You're tryng to derail the thread which is a TOS violation. You do not decide for others what is interesting to discuss or debate.
The argument is beteeen fascism and democracy. Period!

Crazy thing is the fact-check source clearly exposed themselves for what they really are, liars with agendas. Someone explain how a simple fact check is checked off nearly four years after the incident, when the facts were so simple?

Konradv is really a mess. He must be leftist. Say, really, which is accurate?

A. If a person is an idiot they're attracted to the left.
B. If a person is a leftist they become an idiot.
C. Combination - you have to be an idiot to be attracted to the left, and once there they progressively dumb you down.
There are two candidates. You that math impaired?

The discussion was about the groups at Charlottesville.

But just to educate you further, RFK Jr. is also in the race, idiot.

You mean those that say J6 was a “peaceful demonstration”?

Say Konman, you're so smart, who has been charged with an insurrection, or do you figure your kind have just been lenient and forgiving, so none were?
The argument is beteeen fascism and democracy. Period!

No it is not

There are virtually no fascists around. A few maybe here and there but they are a miniscule collection of ass clowns.

And democracy is not a worthwhile goal. We live in a republic
Another dumb controversy. Trump was just doing what he ALWAYS does, bullshitting in the moment.

First, does anyone really think he knew ANYONE on EITHER side? Of course not. He was just saying it to say it.

Second, he only said "on both sides" because he knew damn well that he had voters on the neo-Nazi side and he was clumsily trying to cover his bases.

It's not like he thinks anything through before he says it. He's a full time bullshitter, a used car salesman. This was just another example. Meh.

^^^Says the guy who 100% believed the line "you're not going to get covid if you have these vaccines".

What a tool.
Say Konman, you're so smart, who has been charged with an insurrection, or do you figure your kind have just been lenient and forgiving, so none were?

He won't respond. That's the thing with leftists, they're intellectually dishonest and cowardly. They only repeat false statements, seeking support. A parrot has more sense. Never ask them to support those statements, they don't want to, it's not part of their agenda or make-up. This is demonstrated by EVERY leftist on this board, and everywhere a leftist can post.
No it is not

There are virtually no fascists around. A few maybe here and there but they are a miniscule collection of ass clowns.

And democracy is not a worthwhile goal. We live in a republic
Another dumb controversy. Trump was just doing what he ALWAYS does, bullshitting in the moment.

First, does anyone really think he knew ANYONE on EITHER side? Of course not. He was just saying it to say it.

Second, he only said "on both sides" because he knew damn well that he had voters on the neo-Nazi side and he was clumsily trying to cover his bases.

It's not like he thinks anything through before he says it. He's a full time bullshitter, a used car salesman. This was just another example. Meh.

Not dumb at all. Your cult leader claimed that statement by Trump was the reason he entered the race. And he's repeated the lie several times in the last few months.
It's going to come up at the debate. Looking forward to Biden's gibberish answer.
It will be interesting to see if the moderators call out Biden for his lies in their last debate about his son's laptop and his not taking $$$$ from the Chinese. I won't be holding my breath

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