Left wing “Fact checker” Snopes finally has to admit the Trump Charlottesville “fine people” comment was a hoax.

Another dumb controversy. Trump was just doing what he ALWAYS does, bullshitting in the moment.

It's not like he thinks anything through before he says it. He's a full time bullshitter, a used car salesman. This was just another example.

Just like you. 🤡
Another dumb controversy. Trump was just doing what he ALWAYS does, bullshitting in the moment.

First, does anyone really think he knew ANYONE on EITHER side? Of course not. He was just saying it to say it.

Second, he only said "on both sides" because he knew damn well that he had voters on the neo-Nazi side and he was clumsily trying to cover his bases.

It's not like he thinks anything through before he says it. He's a full time bullshitter, a used car salesman. This was just another example. Meh.
Cool story.

Any comment on the fact you Lefttards spent the last 3+ years lying about what he said?
Would you like some more, is that what you want? How about you explain to me how I didn't hear what Trump said to the world.

And by the way, RWingers say Snopes is trash so why are believing them now?

Elementary school stuff.

Statements made against one's self interest hold more value.
“Very fine people on both sides”

There were not

If you March with Nazis you are not “fine people”
“Very fine people on both sides”

There were not

If you March with Nazis you are not “fine people”

He wasn't talking about the nazis, he was talking about both sides of the overall statue debate.

Even factcheck has to admit to that, so you know you are now actually lying.
I DO decide. You’re the one defending a felon and that cannot be allowed to stand.

No you do not

I am not defneding anyone I am pointing out a proven lie from you. There is a difference. This is not a binary world little boy
This IS a binary choice and you’re on the wrong side.

No it is not loser.

the world is full of nuance and complexity. This argument is aboiut one lie told by the left. Yes trump is a felon but that is irrelevant to this discussion . Dont like it? Go to another thread

You're tryng to derail the thread which is a TOS violation. You do not decide for others what is interesting to discuss or debate.
The left uses these kinds of things to trick the dumbest among us. In this case they used the misquote to tag Trump as racist, and the left soaked it up as the brainless turnips they are. Bet your ass it doesn't matter, leftists on this board for example are unable to acknowledge they lived that lie, because they desire to continue living it.

Leftists are intellectually dishonest and cowardly. All of them have that in common.
You think you got smart all of a sudden. What a joke of a human you are.
Yeah, you really showed him leftist. You're so smart, capable, and grounded. One can really tell.

Truth is you're a coward, and can't accept the fact they lied to you, because you were dependent on that lie, aint that right leftist?

FKN-A boy-howdy.

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