Left wing fact checkers gets embarrassed with hunter Biden lap top.

i don’t think the outrage is feigned when a president’s son has placed him in a position to be blackmailed by enemy countries.
Yeah, old Joe is gonna get blackmailed, not, nor is Hunter since the GOP has already tried.

NewsGuard, the establishment “news-rating” project that presents itself as a source of expert knowledge on which news sources can be trusted and which ones cannot, addressed its track record on the Hunter Biden laptop story in comments to Breitbart News, despite its co-founder labeling the story a Russian “hoax” at the time.

Only commies and fascist have used “fact checkers” people that have murdered millions.
My side says you have the right to believe what you want. Democrats freak out.
You made a small error here....Liberoidals are completely divorced from the emotion of embarrassment.

To wit: the sub-moron yellow butthead you're engaged with right now.
Yeah, old Joe is gonna get blackmailed, not, nor is Hunter since the GOP has already tried.
He’s not getting blacked mailed? Russia has crossed every red line when Biden was in office. Not with Trump. Hehehe
You made a small error here....Liberoidals are completely divorced from the emotion of embarrassment.

To wit: the sub-moron yellow butthead you're engaged with right now.
It’s like they can do whatever they want but if Republicans do something it’s the end of the world lol
You made a small error here....Liberoidals are completely divorced from the emotion of embarrassment.

To wit: the sub-moron yellow butthead you're engaged with right now.
Why should I be embarrassed of what other people do that is a condition I save exclusively for myself if anything it is laughable that you try guilt by non association.
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Hardly, but you are allowed to live in any fantasy you choose
He’s bombing ukraine lol Biden sanctions have done nothing we are excepting Russian oil all the way up until June.. By the end of war will be over in the sanctions will be released and Joe Biden son will still be getting paid from Ukraine .. The billions of dollars Joe Biden just sent Ukraine will be going into his pocket soon.
He’s bombing ukraine lol Biden sanctions have done nothing we are excepting Russian oil all the way up until June.. By the end of war will be over in the sanctions will be released and Joe Biden son will still be getting paid from Ukraine .. The billions of dollars Joe Biden just sent Ukraine will be going into his pocket soon.
I bet you are jelly of all corporate board members in the world.
Why are you trolling .. take a hike commie
If you don't like how the world works it must suck to be you accept your lowly position cause being a bitch boy about it will gain you nothing.
So far all you have is sensationalistic echo chamber dog whistles
Which has nothing to do with the fact that you are complaining about unrelated issues. You're just continuing what I observed during the 2020 campaign season, wherein Quid Pro's supporters couldn't and wouldn't defend or promote him without referencing TRUMP!. You're still doing it.
Yeah, old Joe is gonna get blackmailed, not, nor is Hunter since the GOP has already tried.
The investigation into the scumbag is continuing, and exactly how much money “the big guy” collected will become public knowledge.

Unreal how you progs are up in arms over a mean tweet, but downplaying the treason involved with a president collecting money from Communists.

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