Left wing hypocrites (yes redundant) believe that the appearance of fairness......

In other words, you admit it's racism.
Yep, and eventually, when it's no longer needed, whitey won't still be paying for what he did for generations, in a few generations...

Since when is injustice "needed?" I didn't do anything generations ago, so why should I be penalized? The idea of collective guilt is fascist to the bone. Hitler could make the same argument about shoving Jews into gas ovens.

You would applaud, of course.

And as I said, payback is a bitch. The world, my little infant, didn't come into being when you were born. It's not a clean slate. You carry the sins of your fathers and their fathers. Welcome to life sucks.

Wrong, I have no responsibility for the sins of my ancestors. Furthermore, my ancestors weren't even in this country when slavery existed. AA punishes people who did nothing and whose ancestors did nothing.

You keep claiming you're not a Nazi, but you prove you are every time you post. "Collective" punishment is a concept inimical to the Constitution and the Western concept of justice. Of course, the Nazis were great believers in it. They would execute an entire town if anyone there committed sabotage against them. That's the kind of "justice" you endorse.

Besides, it's not like you have any issues with Collective Punishment. You love it when the Zionists bulldoze the house where a terrorist once lived.

That's not an example of collective punishment. Its punishment specific to particular people. If people in a house allow terrorists to operate from their house, they have committed a crime.
Collective punishment, dumbfuck, means punishing those who committed no crime themselves. God you're a moron.
Yes, that's right. That's exactly what AA does. Palestinians who live in a house that terrorists operate out of are participants in terrorism. They have committed a crime.
Is the same thing as fairness.

Well, isn't that true. Then please explain the validity of affirmative action and diversity in the work place.

Go ahead, we are all waiting.

It's a way to counter the inherent bigotry that leads to minorities being frozen out the workplace . That's the AA part.

Diversity is different . U may want a diverse staff to better deal wh diverse customers .

Holy shit.

What part dont u get?

Let me ask you . Do places hire people without an interview ? Why ? They have their resume , what else do they need ?
Yep, and eventually, when it's no longer needed, whitey won't still be paying for what he did for generations, in a few generations...

Since when is injustice "needed?" I didn't do anything generations ago, so why should I be penalized? The idea of collective guilt is fascist to the bone. Hitler could make the same argument about shoving Jews into gas ovens.

You would applaud, of course.

And as I said, payback is a bitch. The world, my little infant, didn't come into being when you were born. It's not a clean slate. You carry the sins of your fathers and their fathers. Welcome to life sucks.

Wrong, I have no responsibility for the sins of my ancestors. Furthermore, my ancestors weren't even in this country when slavery existed. AA punishes people who did nothing and whose ancestors did nothing.

You keep claiming you're not a Nazi, but you prove you are every time you post. "Collective" punishment is a concept inimical to the Constitution and the Western concept of justice. Of course, the Nazis were great believers in it. They would execute an entire town if anyone there committed sabotage against them. That's the kind of "justice" you endorse.

Besides, it's not like you have any issues with Collective Punishment. You love it when the Zionists bulldoze the house where a terrorist once lived.

That's not an example of collective punishment. Its punishment specific to particular people. If people in a house allow terrorists to operate from their house, they have committed a crime.
Collective punishment, dumbfuck, means punishing those who committed no crime themselves. God you're a moron.
Yes, that's right. That's exactly what AA does. Palestinians who live in a house that terrorists operate out of are participants in terrorism. They have committed a crime.
Why would think the family would know anything? Do they hold a trial to find out? Nope, they just bulldoze the place and you approve so, you believe in collective punishment.
Is the same thing as fairness.

Well, isn't that true. Then please explain the validity of affirmative action and diversity in the work place.

Go ahead, we are all waiting.

It's a way to counter the inherent bigotry that leads to minorities being frozen out the workplace . That's the AA part.

Diversity is different . U may want a diverse staff to better deal wh diverse customers .

Holy shit.

What part dont u get?

Let me ask you . Do places hire people without an interview ? Why ? They have their resume , what else do they need ?
Since when is injustice "needed?" I didn't do anything generations ago, so why should I be penalized? The idea of collective guilt is fascist to the bone. Hitler could make the same argument about shoving Jews into gas ovens.

You would applaud, of course.

And as I said, payback is a bitch. The world, my little infant, didn't come into being when you were born. It's not a clean slate. You carry the sins of your fathers and their fathers. Welcome to life sucks.

Wrong, I have no responsibility for the sins of my ancestors. Furthermore, my ancestors weren't even in this country when slavery existed. AA punishes people who did nothing and whose ancestors did nothing.

You keep claiming you're not a Nazi, but you prove you are every time you post. "Collective" punishment is a concept inimical to the Constitution and the Western concept of justice. Of course, the Nazis were great believers in it. They would execute an entire town if anyone there committed sabotage against them. That's the kind of "justice" you endorse.

Besides, it's not like you have any issues with Collective Punishment. You love it when the Zionists bulldoze the house where a terrorist once lived.

That's not an example of collective punishment. Its punishment specific to particular people. If people in a house allow terrorists to operate from their house, they have committed a crime.
Collective punishment, dumbfuck, means punishing those who committed no crime themselves. God you're a moron.
Yes, that's right. That's exactly what AA does. Palestinians who live in a house that terrorists operate out of are participants in terrorism. They have committed a crime.
Why would think the family would know anything? Do they hold a trial to find out? Nope, they just bulldoze the place and you approve so, you believe in collective punishment.

The idea that they don't know what is going on in their own house is too absurd for words. Even if I agree that the evidence doesn't justify the action, it's still not "collective punishment." They are punishing specific persons implicated in the crime. They are not punishing people simply because they belong to some group the guilty also belong to.

And as I said, payback is a bitch. The world, my little infant, didn't come into being when you were born. It's not a clean slate. You carry the sins of your fathers and their fathers. Welcome to life sucks.

Wrong, I have no responsibility for the sins of my ancestors. Furthermore, my ancestors weren't even in this country when slavery existed. AA punishes people who did nothing and whose ancestors did nothing.

You keep claiming you're not a Nazi, but you prove you are every time you post. "Collective" punishment is a concept inimical to the Constitution and the Western concept of justice. Of course, the Nazis were great believers in it. They would execute an entire town if anyone there committed sabotage against them. That's the kind of "justice" you endorse.

Besides, it's not like you have any issues with Collective Punishment. You love it when the Zionists bulldoze the house where a terrorist once lived.

That's not an example of collective punishment. Its punishment specific to particular people. If people in a house allow terrorists to operate from their house, they have committed a crime.
Collective punishment, dumbfuck, means punishing those who committed no crime themselves. God you're a moron.
Yes, that's right. That's exactly what AA does. Palestinians who live in a house that terrorists operate out of are participants in terrorism. They have committed a crime.
Why would think the family would know anything? Do they hold a trial to find out? Nope, they just bulldoze the place and you approve so, you believe in collective punishment.

The idea that they don't know what is going on in their own house is too absurd for words. Even if I agree that the evidence doesn't justify the action, it's still no "collective punishment." They are punishing specific persons implicated in the crime. They are not punishing people simply because they belong to some group the guilty also belong to.
They are punishing the family, without due process. Collective Punishment, which you approve of.
Since when is injustice "needed?" I didn't do anything generations ago, so why should I be penalized? The idea of collective guilt is fascist to the bone. Hitler could make the same argument about shoving Jews into gas ovens.

You would applaud, of course.

And as I said, payback is a bitch. The world, my little infant, didn't come into being when you were born. It's not a clean slate. You carry the sins of your fathers and their fathers. Welcome to life sucks.

Wrong, I have no responsibility for the sins of my ancestors. Furthermore, my ancestors weren't even in this country when slavery existed. AA punishes people who did nothing and whose ancestors did nothing.

You keep claiming you're not a Nazi, but you prove you are every time you post. "Collective" punishment is a concept inimical to the Constitution and the Western concept of justice. Of course, the Nazis were great believers in it. They would execute an entire town if anyone there committed sabotage against them. That's the kind of "justice" you endorse.

Besides, it's not like you have any issues with Collective Punishment. You love it when the Zionists bulldoze the house where a terrorist once lived.

That's not an example of collective punishment. Its punishment specific to particular people. If people in a house allow terrorists to operate from their house, they have committed a crime.
Collective punishment, dumbfuck, means punishing those who committed no crime themselves. God you're a moron.
Yes, that's right. That's exactly what AA does. Palestinians who live in a house that terrorists operate out of are participants in terrorism. They have committed a crime.
Why would think the family would know anything? Do they hold a trial to find out? Nope, they just bulldoze the place and you approve so, you believe in collective punishment.

Palestinian terrorists are waging war on Israel. In war a lot of things are permissible that aren't permissible in a peacetime justice system. We don't have to have a trial before any soldier in the field can pull the trigger. If you are giving aid to the enemy, then you make yourself a target subject to elimination. If you want to make war on Israel, then you implicitly accept whatever the Israeli army dishes out.
Wrong, I have no responsibility for the sins of my ancestors. Furthermore, my ancestors weren't even in this country when slavery existed. AA punishes people who did nothing and whose ancestors did nothing.

You keep claiming you're not a Nazi, but you prove you are every time you post. "Collective" punishment is a concept inimical to the Constitution and the Western concept of justice. Of course, the Nazis were great believers in it. They would execute an entire town if anyone there committed sabotage against them. That's the kind of "justice" you endorse.

That's not an example of collective punishment. Its punishment specific to particular people. If people in a house allow terrorists to operate from their house, they have committed a crime.
Collective punishment, dumbfuck, means punishing those who committed no crime themselves. God you're a moron.
Yes, that's right. That's exactly what AA does. Palestinians who live in a house that terrorists operate out of are participants in terrorism. They have committed a crime.
Why would think the family would know anything? Do they hold a trial to find out? Nope, they just bulldoze the place and you approve so, you believe in collective punishment.

The idea that they don't know what is going on in their own house is too absurd for words. Even if I agree that the evidence doesn't justify the action, it's still no "collective punishment." They are punishing specific persons implicated in the crime. They are not punishing people simply because they belong to some group the guilty also belong to.
They are punishing the family, without due process. Collective Punishment, which you approve of.

There is no due process in war, dumbass.
Is the same thing as fairness.

Well, isn't that true. Then please explain the validity of affirmative action and diversity in the work place.

Go ahead, we are all waiting.

It's a way to counter the inherent bigotry that leads to minorities being frozen out the workplace . That's the AA part.

Diversity is different . U may want a diverse staff to better deal wh diverse customers .

Holy shit.

Comprehension problem or just another of your scintillating rebuttals?

And as I said, payback is a bitch. The world, my little infant, didn't come into being when you were born. It's not a clean slate. You carry the sins of your fathers and their fathers. Welcome to life sucks.

Wrong, I have no responsibility for the sins of my ancestors. Furthermore, my ancestors weren't even in this country when slavery existed. AA punishes people who did nothing and whose ancestors did nothing.

You keep claiming you're not a Nazi, but you prove you are every time you post. "Collective" punishment is a concept inimical to the Constitution and the Western concept of justice. Of course, the Nazis were great believers in it. They would execute an entire town if anyone there committed sabotage against them. That's the kind of "justice" you endorse.

Besides, it's not like you have any issues with Collective Punishment. You love it when the Zionists bulldoze the house where a terrorist once lived.

That's not an example of collective punishment. Its punishment specific to particular people. If people in a house allow terrorists to operate from their house, they have committed a crime.
Collective punishment, dumbfuck, means punishing those who committed no crime themselves. God you're a moron.
Yes, that's right. That's exactly what AA does. Palestinians who live in a house that terrorists operate out of are participants in terrorism. They have committed a crime.
Why would think the family would know anything? Do they hold a trial to find out? Nope, they just bulldoze the place and you approve so, you believe in collective punishment.

Palestinian terrorists are waging war on Israel. In war a lot of things are permissible that aren't permissible in a peacetime justice system. We don't have to have a trial before anyone soldier in the field can pull the trigger. If you are giving aid to the enemy, then you make yourself a target subject to elimination. If you want to make war on Israel, then you implicitly accept whatever the Israeli army dishes out.
Ah, so during a war it's perfectly fair to bulldoze the house of every soldier who fights against you as Collective Punishment? Got it. You want to make innocent members of society pay for the acts of others. Welcome justifying AA...
Collective punishment, dumbfuck, means punishing those who committed no crime themselves. God you're a moron.
Yes, that's right. That's exactly what AA does. Palestinians who live in a house that terrorists operate out of are participants in terrorism. They have committed a crime.
Why would think the family would know anything? Do they hold a trial to find out? Nope, they just bulldoze the place and you approve so, you believe in collective punishment.

The idea that they don't know what is going on in their own house is too absurd for words. Even if I agree that the evidence doesn't justify the action, it's still no "collective punishment." They are punishing specific persons implicated in the crime. They are not punishing people simply because they belong to some group the guilty also belong to.
They are punishing the family, without due process. Collective Punishment, which you approve of.

There is no due process in war, dumbass.
I am well aware of that, and Palestine is also not at war. We would have seen it in the papers, you know like so?
Is the same thing as fairness.
Nope. AA was designed to get those discriminated against a way into the game, and it worked. Society is much less racist now and that is because there are very few of these still around:

Don't be silly.

You know very well it was a way to maintain power.

The Democrat Party was always the standard bearer for slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.

Pick up Caro's biography of LBJ....the author of 'affirmative action'....

Prior to 1957, LBJ “had never supported civil rights legislation- any civil rights legislation. In the Senate and House alike, his record was an unbroken one of votes against every civil rights bill that had ever come to a vote: against voting rights bills; against bills that would have struck at job discrimination and at segregation in other areas of American life; even against bills that would have protected blacks from lynching.” Robert Caro, “Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, vol.3,” p. xv.

So, what happened? An epiphany? The cynic in me says it was something else….
90% of white voters in the deep south vote republican Which were those slave states again??
Wrong, I have no responsibility for the sins of my ancestors. Furthermore, my ancestors weren't even in this country when slavery existed. AA punishes people who did nothing and whose ancestors did nothing.

You keep claiming you're not a Nazi, but you prove you are every time you post. "Collective" punishment is a concept inimical to the Constitution and the Western concept of justice. Of course, the Nazis were great believers in it. They would execute an entire town if anyone there committed sabotage against them. That's the kind of "justice" you endorse.

That's not an example of collective punishment. Its punishment specific to particular people. If people in a house allow terrorists to operate from their house, they have committed a crime.
Collective punishment, dumbfuck, means punishing those who committed no crime themselves. God you're a moron.
Yes, that's right. That's exactly what AA does. Palestinians who live in a house that terrorists operate out of are participants in terrorism. They have committed a crime.
Why would think the family would know anything? Do they hold a trial to find out? Nope, they just bulldoze the place and you approve so, you believe in collective punishment.

Palestinian terrorists are waging war on Israel. In war a lot of things are permissible that aren't permissible in a peacetime justice system. We don't have to have a trial before anyone soldier in the field can pull the trigger. If you are giving aid to the enemy, then you make yourself a target subject to elimination. If you want to make war on Israel, then you implicitly accept whatever the Israeli army dishes out.
Ah, so during a war it's perfectly fair to bulldoze the house of every soldier who fights against you as Collective Punishment? Got it. You want to make innocent members of society pay for the acts of others. Welcome justifying AA...

In a war you fight the enemy forces. If you belong to the enemy force, you are subject to elimination. I don't see you attacking FDR and Churchill for firebombing German cities. Do you believe all the victims were entitled to due process?
Yes, that's right. That's exactly what AA does. Palestinians who live in a house that terrorists operate out of are participants in terrorism. They have committed a crime.
Why would think the family would know anything? Do they hold a trial to find out? Nope, they just bulldoze the place and you approve so, you believe in collective punishment.

The idea that they don't know what is going on in their own house is too absurd for words. Even if I agree that the evidence doesn't justify the action, it's still no "collective punishment." They are punishing specific persons implicated in the crime. They are not punishing people simply because they belong to some group the guilty also belong to.
They are punishing the family, without due process. Collective Punishment, which you approve of.

There is no due process in war, dumbass.
I am well aware of that, and Palestine is also not at war. We would have seen it in the papers, you know like so?

Of course it is. The Palestinians claim to be an independent nation. They launch rockets over the border at Israel. That's an act of war. Israel would be within its rights if it carpet bombed all of the Gaza strip.
Is the same thing as fairness.
Nope. AA was designed to get those discriminated against a way into the game, and it worked. Society is much less racist now and that is because there are very few of these still around:

Don't be silly.

You know very well it was a way to maintain power.

The Democrat Party was always the standard bearer for slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.

Pick up Caro's biography of LBJ....the author of 'affirmative action'....

Prior to 1957, LBJ “had never supported civil rights legislation- any civil rights legislation. In the Senate and House alike, his record was an unbroken one of votes against every civil rights bill that had ever come to a vote: against voting rights bills; against bills that would have struck at job discrimination and at segregation in other areas of American life; even against bills that would have protected blacks from lynching.” Robert Caro, “Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, vol.3,” p. xv.

So, what happened? An epiphany? The cynic in me says it was something else….
90% of white voters in the deep south vote republican Which were those slave states again??

They were all democrats when they were slave states. Fucking moron. Read my signature you fucking left wing patronizing racist loser.

Here we go again folks. An asshole that thinks there was no racism north of the mason dixon line.

You are fucking ignorant piles of shit.
Is the same thing as fairness.
Nope. AA was designed to get those discriminated against a way into the game, and it worked. Society is much less racist now and that is because there are very few of these still around:

Don't be silly.

You know very well it was a way to maintain power.

The Democrat Party was always the standard bearer for slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.

Pick up Caro's biography of LBJ....the author of 'affirmative action'....

Prior to 1957, LBJ “had never supported civil rights legislation- any civil rights legislation. In the Senate and House alike, his record was an unbroken one of votes against every civil rights bill that had ever come to a vote: against voting rights bills; against bills that would have struck at job discrimination and at segregation in other areas of American life; even against bills that would have protected blacks from lynching.” Robert Caro, “Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, vol.3,” p. xv.

So, what happened? An epiphany? The cynic in me says it was something else….
90% of white voters in the deep south vote republican Which were those slave states again??

They were all democrats when they were slave states. Fucking moron. Read my signature you fucking left wing patronizing racist loser.

Here we go again folks. An asshole that thinks there was no racism north of the mason dixon line.

You are fucking ignorant piles of shit.
What are they now you racist pos You lowlife puke scumbag >>> The best part of you is still dripping down your racist daddies leg
In all sincerity you are only going to get rude comments from owlie.
It seems they only know how to project rudeness and not the ability to carry on an adult conversation.

Is the same thing as fairness.

Well, isn't that true. Then please explain the validity of affirmative action and diversity in the work place.

Go ahead, we are all waiting.
I am left wing and I don't believe in affirmative action...but I can tell you the basic reasoning why people do favor affirmative action and diversity:

A belief in egalitarianism over meritocracy.

As an American, I consider a meritocratic society to, at the end of the day, be more beneficial than an egalitarian society. However, the core of the argument is based in the opposition of these two idea sets...not in a belief in hypocrisy. At the very least, educate yourself on what you are arguing against rather than decrying how "hypocritical" it is without even understanding the core belief which fuels the action of the idea set.
Holy shit. Everything out of a left winger is just hypocritical double talk. You are against affirmative action but but but......

Oh Fuck you
Being against something doesn't mean you don't understand where it came from...in fact, if you are against something perhaps the first thing you should do is understand the opposing side's reasoning behind their beliefs.

As an extension, explaining the opposing point of view is not the same as supporting the opposing point of view. If you really think these things I highly suggest you give middle school another go. You might learn something.
In all sincerity you are only going to get rude comments from owlie.
It seems they only know how to project rudeness and not the ability to carry on an adult conversation.

Is the same thing as fairness.

Well, isn't that true. Then please explain the validity of affirmative action and diversity in the work place.

Go ahead, we are all waiting.
I am left wing and I don't believe in affirmative action...but I can tell you the basic reasoning why people do favor affirmative action and diversity:

A belief in egalitarianism over meritocracy.

As an American, I consider a meritocratic society to, at the end of the day, be more beneficial than an egalitarian society. However, the core of the argument is based in the opposition of these two idea sets...not in a belief in hypocrisy. At the very least, educate yourself on what you are arguing against rather than decrying how "hypocritical" it is without even understanding the core belief which fuels the action of the idea set.
Holy shit. Everything out of a left winger is just hypocritical double talk. You are against affirmative action but but but......

Oh Fuck you
Being against something doesn't mean you don't understand where it came from...in fact, if you are against something perhaps the first thing you should do is understand the opposing side's reasoning behind their beliefs.

As an extension, explaining the opposing point of view is not the same as supporting the opposing point of view. If you really think these things I highly suggest you give middle school another go. You might learn something.
thank you boiler,,but I just couldn't pass what that uneducated slob said to me I know pigs love the mud but I'll avoid him now
Is the same thing as fairness.
Nope. AA was designed to get those discriminated against a way into the game, and it worked. Society is much less racist now and that is because there are very few of these still around:

Don't be silly.

You know very well it was a way to maintain power.

The Democrat Party was always the standard bearer for slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.

Pick up Caro's biography of LBJ....the author of 'affirmative action'....

Prior to 1957, LBJ “had never supported civil rights legislation- any civil rights legislation. In the Senate and House alike, his record was an unbroken one of votes against every civil rights bill that had ever come to a vote: against voting rights bills; against bills that would have struck at job discrimination and at segregation in other areas of American life; even against bills that would have protected blacks from lynching.” Robert Caro, “Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, vol.3,” p. xv.

So, what happened? An epiphany? The cynic in me says it was something else….
90% of white voters in the deep south vote republican Which were those slave states again??
Northern states also had slaves.
It solidifies the fact that the Constitution is a living breathing document. If it wasn't changed then blacks would still be less than a human being.
Sorry to break the news to all the calgary cruz and "the donald" and rubiorobot supporters.

Is the same thing as fairness.
Nope. AA was designed to get those discriminated against a way into the game, and it worked. Society is much less racist now and that is because there are very few of these still around:

Don't be silly.

You know very well it was a way to maintain power.

The Democrat Party was always the standard bearer for slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.

Pick up Caro's biography of LBJ....the author of 'affirmative action'....

Prior to 1957, LBJ “had never supported civil rights legislation- any civil rights legislation. In the Senate and House alike, his record was an unbroken one of votes against every civil rights bill that had ever come to a vote: against voting rights bills; against bills that would have struck at job discrimination and at segregation in other areas of American life; even against bills that would have protected blacks from lynching.” Robert Caro, “Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, vol.3,” p. xv.

So, what happened? An epiphany? The cynic in me says it was something else….
90% of white voters in the deep south vote republican Which were those slave states again??
Northern states also had slaves.

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