Left wing hypocrites (yes redundant) believe that the appearance of fairness......

No, democrats are not PRO-minority. That is the perception. Patronizing minorities IS RACISM. Using them for political gain IS RACISM. Making them believe they are nothing but VICTIMS IS RACISM.

Democrats have done a more to oppress minorities and they are experts at creating perception. Anyone that cannot see it are utterly and thoroughly brainwashed.

I'm not sure if you understand how representative democracy works but let me explain it to you in a nutshell:

We, the people, vote for somebody to represent our beliefs and ideas. This representative works with other representatives in our legislature to debate our laws, policies, etc.

Now, when your constituents vote you into office because you run on a platform of fighting for their issues...that isn't using them for political gain. That is literally the process of our government. If you don't go through with your platform, then your constituents are free to vote for a different candidate, one that will fight for their issues. That is literally the process of our government.

Now, I won't go around and make a blanket statement saying that no liberals victimize minorities...because that is plain false. Many liberals fight for minority issues (like Affirmative Action) and some go to extremes which leads to victimizing them. However, to blanket-cover all Democrats as being this extreme version that victimize minority issues and use those issues for political gain lends me to believe that you have little to no basis what is going on in our nation at this very time.

Of course, you are more then welcome to enlighten me. Instead of speaking out of your own asshole, please link me to the study, or unbiased poll numbers that clearly indicate that all Democrats are simply using them for political gain or that all Democrats heavily press the issue of victimizing minorities (perhaps show that Democrats speak heavily about minority issues when being elected and then show that minority issues are NEVER discussed when in session. Just as an aside, from somebody who has taken some basic philosophical coursework...proving that ALL of something fits into a box is radically difficult. (such as me, I'm not for Affirmative Action, I'm a fan of meritocracy, but I'm a Democrat...which is seemingly a logical counter to your illogical claims).

Good luck.
No, democrats are not PRO-minority. That is the perception. Patronizing minorities IS RACISM. Using them for political gain IS RACISM. Making them believe they are nothing but VICTIMS IS RACISM.

Democrats have done a more to oppress minorities and they are experts at creating perception. Anyone that cannot see it are utterly and thoroughly brainwashed.

I'm not sure if you understand how representative democracy works but let me explain it to you in a nutshell:

We, the people, vote for somebody to represent our beliefs and ideas. This representative works with other representatives in our legislature to debate our laws, policies, etc.

Now, when your constituents vote you into office because you run on a platform of fighting for their issues...that isn't using them for political gain. That is literally the process of our government. If you don't go through with your platform, then your constituents are free to vote for a different candidate, one that will fight for their issues. That is literally the process of our government.

Now, I won't go around and make a blanket statement saying that no liberals victimize minorities...because that is plain false. Many liberals fight for minority issues (like Affirmative Action) and some go to extremes which leads to victimizing them. However, to blanket-cover all Democrats as being this extreme version that victimize minority issues and use those issues for political gain lends me to believe that you have little to no basis what is going on in our nation at this very time.

Of course, you are more then welcome to enlighten me. Instead of speaking out of your own asshole, please link me to the study, or unbiased poll numbers that clearly indicate that all Democrats are simply using them for political gain or that all Democrats heavily press the issue of victimizing minorities (perhaps show that Democrats speak heavily about minority issues when being elected and then show that minority issues are NEVER discussed when in session. Just as an aside, from somebody who has taken some basic philosophical coursework...proving that ALL of something fits into a box is radically difficult. (such as me, I'm not for Affirmative Action, I'm a fan of meritocracy, but I'm a Democrat...which is seemingly a logical counter to your illogical claims).

Good luck.

Holy shit. The fact that you cannot see it amazes me. Then again, it really doesn't.

You feel the main stream media is suppose to be water carriers for the left wing socialist political agenda? You think the entertainment industry are elected officials?
Ok. You want to know what this is actually all about? The democrats have been using victimology as their prime political weapon for well over 50 years. It is divide and conquer and that it is all it is about. Everything else is bullshit.

That is where this comes from. Political gain, political expediency etc etc. A narrative that is pushed on us on a daily basis.

You are denying that the democrats have effectively used minorities as pawns for political gain? Get ready for the so called "war on women" crap along with class warfare all during the Billary campaign.

You think this is about anything other than political expediency?
I don't deny that the Democratic party is noted as being more pro-minority than the Republican party. You can argue whether or not it is victimology, but you cannot deny that (looking at the last census) the US is made up of ~25% minority / mixed races. Now, do you really think that, given that 1 / 4 people are minority / mixed race that it makes any sense for neither political party to discuss / support their issues?

With that said, Hillary Clinton, 100% does everything for her own personal political expediency. However, that doesn't not mean that all Democrats do nor that it is makes any sense to not address the issues of 25% of the population.

No, democrats are not PRO-minority. That is the perception. Patronizing minorities IS RACISM. Using them for political gain IS RACISM. Making them believe they are nothing but VICTIMS IS RACISM.

Democrats have done a more to oppress minorities and they are experts at creating perception. Anyone that cannot see it are utterly and thoroughly brainwashed.

Are they just too stupid to vote for the GOP then?
Is the same thing as fairness.

Well, isn't that true. Then please explain the validity of affirmative action and diversity in the work place.

Go ahead, we are all waiting.
I am left wing and I don't believe in affirmative action...but I can tell you the basic reasoning why people do favor affirmative action and diversity:

A belief in egalitarianism over meritocracy.

As an American, I, personally, consider a meritocratic society to, at the end of the day, be more beneficial than an egalitarian society. However, the core of the argument for AA is based in the opposition of these two idea sets, and a leaning towards egalitarianism over meritocracy...not in a belief in hypocrisy. At the very least, educate yourself on what you are arguing against rather than decrying how "hypocritical" it is without even understanding the core belief which fuels the action of the idea set.

Edited for clarity.

Bad news. You failed in that attempt.
Holy shit. Everything out of a left winger is just hypocritical double talk. You are against affirmative action but but but......

Oh Fuck you

Wow. That didn't take long.

How would you feel about an affirmative action program for White Boyz Who Can't Afford a Spellchecker?

Obviously you are a fucking loser. Not worth a bag of shit you stupid fucking pawn.

Excellent on-topic post! Do it again (maybe with punctuation next time)!
Is the same thing as fairness.

Well, isn't that true. Then please explain the validity of affirmative action and diversity in the work place.

Go ahead, we are all waiting.
I am left wing and I don't believe in affirmative action...but I can tell you the basic reasoning why people do favor affirmative action and diversity:

A belief in egalitarianism over meritocracy.

As an American, I, personally, consider a meritocratic society to, at the end of the day, be more beneficial than an egalitarian society. However, the core of the argument for AA is based in the opposition of these two idea sets, and a leaning towards egalitarianism over meritocracy...not in a belief in hypocrisy. At the very least, educate yourself on what you are arguing against rather than decrying how "hypocritical" it is without even understanding the core belief which fuels the action of the idea set.

Edited for clarity.

Bad news. You failed in that attempt.
Sad days :(
Holy shit. The fact that you cannot see it amazes me. Then again, it really doesn't.

You feel the main stream media is suppose to be water carriers for the left wing socialist political agenda? You think the entertainment industry are elected officials?
I'm more than willing to be enlightened. I'm literally asking for it. Fortunately the mainstream media isn't the only news source. Fortunately there are plenty of scientists and social organizations out there that publish heaps upon heaps of studies, polls, and hard data. I admit that there are so many information sources out there that it is impossible for me to digest on my own.

As a result, I'm simply asking you where you got your firmly held belief from. If it is factually based then it certainly came from an accredited source or scientifically reviewed article. I'm sure you didn't just google what you believe in and search for information that agreed with you. As such, I'm sure you can also point me in the direction of the information that convinced you that this is the state of affairs that we are in. I have an open mind and I'm literally asking you to point me to your information sources. The only thing you have to hide is if you, for some obscure reason nobody can comprehend, formed an opinion without information to support it.
Is the same thing as fairness.

Well, isn't that true. Then please explain the validity of affirmative action and diversity in the work place.

Go ahead, we are all waiting.
I am left wing and I don't believe in affirmative action...but I can tell you the basic reasoning why people do favor affirmative action and diversity:

A belief in egalitarianism over meritocracy.

As an American, I consider a meritocratic society to, at the end of the day, be more beneficial than an egalitarian society. However, the core of the argument is based in the opposition of these two idea sets...not in a belief in hypocrisy. At the very least, educate yourself on what you are arguing against rather than decrying how "hypocritical" it is without even understanding the core belief which fuels the action of the idea set.
Holy shit. Everything out of a left winger is just hypocritical double talk. You are against affirmative action but but but......

Oh Fuck you
A little complexity is too much for your brain? You can only handle black/white?
Is the same thing as fairness.
Nope. AA was designed to get those discriminated against a way into the game, and it worked. Society is much less racist now and that is because there are very few of these still around:

Affirmative Action is racism, you fucking halfwit.
If you simplify the meaning of "racism", then perhaps AA is reverse racism.
However, racism can have an institutional meaning -- a system in which a dominant race benefits off the oppression of others.
AA is not racism in that case.
Is the same thing as fairness.
Nope. AA was designed to get those discriminated against a way into the game, and it worked. Society is much less racist now and that is because there are very few of these still around:

Affirmative Action is racism, you fucking halfwit.
If you simplify the meaning of "racism", then perhaps AA is reverse racism.
However, racism can have an institutional meaning -- a system in which a dominant race benefits off the oppression of others.
AA is not racism in that case.

AA discriminates against one race for the benefit of another. How does that not meet any definition of racism?

Your "Institutional definition" is pure bullshit. It's an attempt to convert stuff that clearly isn't racism into racism. It makes you a racist simply for being white. Dishing out rewards based on merit is not racism, no matter how hard you try to convince us otherwise.

That is the ultimate in demagoguery.
Is the same thing as fairness.
Nope. AA was designed to get those discriminated against a way into the game, and it worked. Society is much less racist now and that is because there are very few of these still around:

Affirmative Action is racism, you fucking halfwit.
If you simplify the meaning of "racism", then perhaps AA is reverse racism.
However, racism can have an institutional meaning -- a system in which a dominant race benefits off the oppression of others.
AA is not racism in that case.

AA discriminates against one race for the benefit of another. How does that not meet any definition of racism?

Your "Institutional definition" is pure bullshit. It's an attempt to convert stuff that clearly isn't racism into racism. It makes you a racist simply for being white. Dishing out rewards based on merit is not racism, no matter how hard you try to convince us otherwise.

That is the ultimate in demagoguery.
Payback is a bitch, ain't it, Whitey...
Is the same thing as fairness.
Nope. AA was designed to get those discriminated against a way into the game, and it worked. Society is much less racist now and that is because there are very few of these still around:

Affirmative Action is racism, you fucking halfwit.
If you simplify the meaning of "racism", then perhaps AA is reverse racism.
However, racism can have an institutional meaning -- a system in which a dominant race benefits off the oppression of others.
AA is not racism in that case.

AA discriminates against one race for the benefit of another. How does that not meet any definition of racism?

Your "Institutional definition" is pure bullshit. It's an attempt to convert stuff that clearly isn't racism into racism. It makes you a racist simply for being white. Dishing out rewards based on merit is not racism, no matter how hard you try to convince us otherwise.

That is the ultimate in demagoguery.
Payback is a bitch, ain't it, Whitey...

In other words, you admit it's racism.
Nope. AA was designed to get those discriminated against a way into the game, and it worked. Society is much less racist now and that is because there are very few of these still around:

Affirmative Action is racism, you fucking halfwit.
If you simplify the meaning of "racism", then perhaps AA is reverse racism.
However, racism can have an institutional meaning -- a system in which a dominant race benefits off the oppression of others.
AA is not racism in that case.

AA discriminates against one race for the benefit of another. How does that not meet any definition of racism?

Your "Institutional definition" is pure bullshit. It's an attempt to convert stuff that clearly isn't racism into racism. It makes you a racist simply for being white. Dishing out rewards based on merit is not racism, no matter how hard you try to convince us otherwise.

That is the ultimate in demagoguery.
Payback is a bitch, ain't it, Whitey...

In other words, you admit it's racism.
Yep, and eventually, when it's no longer needed, whitey won't still be paying for what he did for generations, in a few generations...
Affirmative Action is racism, you fucking halfwit.
If you simplify the meaning of "racism", then perhaps AA is reverse racism.
However, racism can have an institutional meaning -- a system in which a dominant race benefits off the oppression of others.
AA is not racism in that case.

AA discriminates against one race for the benefit of another. How does that not meet any definition of racism?

Your "Institutional definition" is pure bullshit. It's an attempt to convert stuff that clearly isn't racism into racism. It makes you a racist simply for being white. Dishing out rewards based on merit is not racism, no matter how hard you try to convince us otherwise.

That is the ultimate in demagoguery.
Payback is a bitch, ain't it, Whitey...

In other words, you admit it's racism.
Yep, and eventually, when it's no longer needed, whitey won't still be paying for what he did for generations, in a few generations...

Since when is injustice "needed?" I didn't do anything generations ago, so why should I be penalized? The idea of collective guilt is fascist to the bone. Hitler could make the same argument about shoving Jews into gas ovens.

You would applaud, of course.
If you simplify the meaning of "racism", then perhaps AA is reverse racism.
However, racism can have an institutional meaning -- a system in which a dominant race benefits off the oppression of others.
AA is not racism in that case.

AA discriminates against one race for the benefit of another. How does that not meet any definition of racism?

Your "Institutional definition" is pure bullshit. It's an attempt to convert stuff that clearly isn't racism into racism. It makes you a racist simply for being white. Dishing out rewards based on merit is not racism, no matter how hard you try to convince us otherwise.

That is the ultimate in demagoguery.
Payback is a bitch, ain't it, Whitey...

In other words, you admit it's racism.
Yep, and eventually, when it's no longer needed, whitey won't still be paying for what he did for generations, in a few generations...

Since when is injustice "needed?" I didn't do anything generations ago, so why should I be penalized? The idea of collective guilt is fascist to the bone. Hitler could make the same argument about shoving Jews into gas ovens.

You would applaud, of course.

And as I said, payback is a bitch. The world, my little infant, didn't come into being when you were born. It's not a clean slate. You carry the sins of your fathers and their fathers. Welcome to life sucks.

Besides, it's not like you have any issues with Collective Punishment. You love it when the Zionists bulldoze the house where a terrorist once lived.
Is the same thing as fairness.
Nope. AA was designed to get those discriminated against a way into the game, and it worked. Society is much less racist now and that is because there are very few of these still around:

Affirmative Action is racism, you fucking halfwit.
If you simplify the meaning of "racism", then perhaps AA is reverse racism.
However, racism can have an institutional meaning -- a system in which a dominant race benefits off the oppression of others.
AA is not racism in that case.
Love how pathetic moronic liberals use the term "reverse racism." Reversed racism is NO racism at all. No, judging someone on the color of skin and not the content of character is racism you piece of shit. Why don't you get together with your fucking grammar cop and check my spelling. You are fucking ignorant hypocritical clown for your pathetic democrat racists.

You have no ideological perspective. None. I bet you are one of those losers that cry about JIM CROW SOUTH JIM CROW SOUTH like the piece of shit you are.

You know the north was very segregated as well. You dumb fucking pawn. Go ahead, and tell us how if the north was not segregated by race or religion or nationality why or how Major League Baseball was segregated. Do you know ALL of those teams played in cities NORTH of the MASON DIXON LINE?

What, you do not think NYC was segregated? You even hear of Little Italy, or Chinatown, or black Harlem, or Jewish sections, or Polish sections etc etc etc?

Here is a question. Why were the Red Sox the last team to integrate? Why were there no blacks allowed onto Martha's Vineyard for so long? Do you Boston was a northern city? Moron?

Why, if Hollywood was so accepting of blacks for so long, was Hattie McDaniel not allowed to sit with the white actors at the 1940 OSCARS?

Reverse racism? How about reversing racism? What, too confusing for your stupid ass? Yeah, it is. Now, go play with your fucking grammar cop you fucking loser.
Is the same thing as fairness.

Well, isn't that true. Then please explain the validity of affirmative action and diversity in the work place.

Go ahead, we are all waiting.

It's a way to counter the inherent bigotry that leads to minorities being frozen out the workplace . That's the AA part.

Diversity is different . U may want a diverse staff to better deal wh diverse customers .
Is the same thing as fairness.

Well, isn't that true. Then please explain the validity of affirmative action and diversity in the work place.

Go ahead, we are all waiting.

It's a way to counter the inherent bigotry that leads to minorities being frozen out the workplace . That's the AA part.

Diversity is different . U may want a diverse staff to better deal wh diverse customers .

Holy shit.
AA discriminates against one race for the benefit of another. How does that not meet any definition of racism?

Your "Institutional definition" is pure bullshit. It's an attempt to convert stuff that clearly isn't racism into racism. It makes you a racist simply for being white. Dishing out rewards based on merit is not racism, no matter how hard you try to convince us otherwise.

That is the ultimate in demagoguery.
Payback is a bitch, ain't it, Whitey...

In other words, you admit it's racism.
Yep, and eventually, when it's no longer needed, whitey won't still be paying for what he did for generations, in a few generations...

Since when is injustice "needed?" I didn't do anything generations ago, so why should I be penalized? The idea of collective guilt is fascist to the bone. Hitler could make the same argument about shoving Jews into gas ovens.

You would applaud, of course.

And as I said, payback is a bitch. The world, my little infant, didn't come into being when you were born. It's not a clean slate. You carry the sins of your fathers and their fathers. Welcome to life sucks.

Wrong, I have no responsibility for the sins of my ancestors. Furthermore, my ancestors weren't even in this country when slavery existed. AA punishes people who did nothing and whose ancestors did nothing.

You keep claiming you're not a Nazi, but you prove you are every time you post. "Collective" punishment is a concept inimical to the Constitution and the Western concept of justice. Of course, the Nazis were great believers in it. They would execute an entire town if anyone there committed sabotage against them. That's the kind of "justice" you endorse.

Besides, it's not like you have any issues with Collective Punishment. You love it when the Zionists bulldoze the house where a terrorist once lived.

That's not an example of collective punishment. Its punishment specific to particular people. If people in a house allow terrorists to operate from their house, they have committed a crime.
Payback is a bitch, ain't it, Whitey...

In other words, you admit it's racism.
Yep, and eventually, when it's no longer needed, whitey won't still be paying for what he did for generations, in a few generations...

Since when is injustice "needed?" I didn't do anything generations ago, so why should I be penalized? The idea of collective guilt is fascist to the bone. Hitler could make the same argument about shoving Jews into gas ovens.

You would applaud, of course.

And as I said, payback is a bitch. The world, my little infant, didn't come into being when you were born. It's not a clean slate. You carry the sins of your fathers and their fathers. Welcome to life sucks.

Wrong, I have no responsibility for the sins of my ancestors. Furthermore, my ancestors weren't even in this country when slavery existed. AA punishes people who did nothing and whose ancestors did nothing.

You keep claiming you're not a Nazi, but you prove you are every time you post. "Collective" punishment is a concept inimical to the Constitution and the Western concept of justice. Of course, the Nazis were great believers in it. They would execute an entire town if anyone there committed sabotage against them. That's the kind of "justice" you endorse.

Besides, it's not like you have any issues with Collective Punishment. You love it when the Zionists bulldoze the house where a terrorist once lived.

That's not an example of collective punishment. Its punishment specific to particular people. If people in a house allow terrorists to operate from their house, they have committed a crime.
Collective punishment, dumbfuck, means punishing those who committed no crime themselves. God you're a moron.

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