Left wing hypocrites (yes redundant) believe that the appearance of fairness......

Is the same thing as fairness.
Nope. AA was designed to get those discriminated against a way into the game, and it worked. Society is much less racist now and that is because there are very few of these still around:

Don't be silly.

You know very well it was a way to maintain power.

The Democrat Party was always the standard bearer for slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.

Pick up Caro's biography of LBJ....the author of 'affirmative action'....

Prior to 1957, LBJ “had never supported civil rights legislation- any civil rights legislation. In the Senate and House alike, his record was an unbroken one of votes against every civil rights bill that had ever come to a vote: against voting rights bills; against bills that would have struck at job discrimination and at segregation in other areas of American life; even against bills that would have protected blacks from lynching.” Robert Caro, “Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, vol.3,” p. xv.

So, what happened? An epiphany? The cynic in me says it was something else….
90% of white voters in the deep south vote republican Which were those slave states again??
Northern states also had slaves.
sure they had some but were heavily outnumbered by the southern states who relied on the blacks to do all the work while the plantation owners sat back drinking hot toddies etc etc
Enough of this silly "it was the democrats " shit . Anyone wh a brain knows the dems and repubs all but flipped in the 60s .

There's always been liberals and conservatives . Conservatives were running the slave owing confederate traitor red states .
Is the same thing as fairness.
Nope. AA was designed to get those discriminated against a way into the game, and it worked. Society is much less racist now and that is because there are very few of these still around:

Affirmative Action is racism, you fucking halfwit.
If you simplify the meaning of "racism", then perhaps AA is reverse racism.
However, racism can have an institutional meaning -- a system in which a dominant race benefits off the oppression of others.
AA is not racism in that case.

AA discriminates against one race for the benefit of another. How does that not meet any definition of racism?

Your "Institutional definition" is pure bullshit. It's an attempt to convert stuff that clearly isn't racism into racism. It makes you a racist simply for being white. Dishing out rewards based on merit is not racism, no matter how hard you try to convince us otherwise.

That is the ultimate in demagoguery.
Selecting someone (a minority) on the basis of their race IN ADDITION TO MERIT is less "racism" and more of a process to REVERSE the institutional racism (by majority race) that occurred in the past.

Under AA, those whites who have real MERIT still get their education & jobs!

Stop whining; you probably did not have merit.
I'm a white boy, and i had no problem getting into superior universities.
"Left wing hypocrites (yes redundant) believe that the appearance of fairness......"

Given their posting history, conservatives are in no position to accuse others of 'hypocrisy.'
Is the same thing as fairness.
Nope. AA was designed to get those discriminated against a way into the game, and it worked. Society is much less racist now and that is because there are very few of these still around:

Affirmative Action is racism, you fucking halfwit.
If you simplify the meaning of "racism", then perhaps AA is reverse racism.
However, racism can have an institutional meaning -- a system in which a dominant race benefits off the oppression of others.
AA is not racism in that case.
Love how pathetic moronic liberals use the term "reverse racism." Reversed racism is NO racism at all. No, judging someone on the color of skin and not the content of character is racism you piece of shit. Why don't you get together with your fucking grammar cop and check my spelling. You are fucking ignorant hypocritical clown for your pathetic democrat racists.

You have no ideological perspective. None. I bet you are one of those losers that cry about JIM CROW SOUTH JIM CROW SOUTH like the piece of shit you are.

You know the north was very segregated as well. You dumb fucking pawn. Go ahead, and tell us how if the north was not segregated by race or religion or nationality why or how Major League Baseball was segregated. Do you know ALL of those teams played in cities NORTH of the MASON DIXON LINE?

What, you do not think NYC was segregated? You even hear of Little Italy, or Chinatown, or black Harlem, or Jewish sections, or Polish sections etc etc etc?

Here is a question. Why were the Red Sox the last team to integrate? Why were there no blacks allowed onto Martha's Vineyard for so long? Do you Boston was a northern city? Moron?

Why, if Hollywood was so accepting of blacks for so long, was Hattie McDaniel not allowed to sit with the white actors at the 1940 OSCARS?

Reverse racism? How about reversing racism? What, too confusing for your stupid ass? Yeah, it is. Now, go play with your fucking grammar cop you fucking loser.
Wow, what a rant. Is the basic AA issue beyond the simple-minded black/white "racism" too complicated for you?

AA is pure & simple FAIRNESS to the minorities in the poorer neighborhoods (& non minorities too), with limited opportunities beyond gang/rap/sports activities, to improve their social standing.

We don't live in a society where every racial group has equal power, status, and opportunity. White people have never been enslaved, colonized, or forced to segregate. They did not face housing or job discrimination, police brutality, poverty, or incarceration at the level that black people did.
Conservatives think racism is all hoods and burning crosses . It's not . Sometimes is systemic and not even purposeful .

Example . White guy Manager interviews a white guy and a Indian guy . Hires the white guy cause he felt better about the interview .

Well culturally he had a repour with the white guy . Not with the Indian guy .

Say that happend with the next 20 hires . Suddenly you have an all white staff ! Not cause the guy hiring hates minorities , but cause of subjective reasons during hiring .
Is the same thing as fairness.
Nope. AA was designed to get those discriminated against a way into the game, and it worked. Society is much less racist now and that is because there are very few of these still around:

Affirmative Action is racism, you fucking halfwit.
If you simplify the meaning of "racism", then perhaps AA is reverse racism.
However, racism can have an institutional meaning -- a system in which a dominant race benefits off the oppression of others.
AA is not racism in that case.
Love how pathetic moronic liberals use the term "reverse racism." Reversed racism is NO racism at all. No, judging someone on the color of skin and not the content of character is racism you piece of shit. Why don't you get together with your fucking grammar cop and check my spelling. You are fucking ignorant hypocritical clown for your pathetic democrat racists.

You have no ideological perspective. None. I bet you are one of those losers that cry about JIM CROW SOUTH JIM CROW SOUTH like the piece of shit you are.

You know the north was very segregated as well. You dumb fucking pawn. Go ahead, and tell us how if the north was not segregated by race or religion or nationality why or how Major League Baseball was segregated. Do you know ALL of those teams played in cities NORTH of the MASON DIXON LINE?

What, you do not think NYC was segregated? You even hear of Little Italy, or Chinatown, or black Harlem, or Jewish sections, or Polish sections etc etc etc?

Here is a question. Why were the Red Sox the last team to integrate? Why were there no blacks allowed onto Martha's Vineyard for so long? Do you Boston was a northern city? Moron?

Why, if Hollywood was so accepting of blacks for so long, was Hattie McDaniel not allowed to sit with the white actors at the 1940 OSCARS?

Reverse racism? How about reversing racism? What, too confusing for your stupid ass? Yeah, it is. Now, go play with your fucking grammar cop you fucking loser.
Wow, what a rant. Is the basic AA issue beyond the simple-minded black/white "racism" too complicated for you?

AA is pure & simple FAIRNESS to the minorities in the poorer neighborhoods (& non minorities too), with limited opportunities beyond gang/rap/sports activities, to improve their social standing.

We don't live in a society where every racial group has equal power, status, and opportunity. White people have never been enslaved, colonized, or forced to segregate. They did not face housing or job discrimination, police brutality, poverty, or incarceration at the level that black people did.
The fucking moron brings up fucking slavery into the conversation like any fucking typical pile of white guilt cocksucking left wing piece of shit who still cannot help but label poor blacks as victims.

You fucking piece of shit. No white has ever been enslaved? Which black person do you know has ever been enslaved? Careful, the republicans passed the Emancipation Proclamation was on Jan. 1st, 1863.

Is there a black American that has ever actually experienced slavery? Oh, wait. They like to be called Africans. Huh, you know how many actual Africans are enslaved RIGHT NOW by African warlords. Not that you give a shit, cause we sure as shit know you could not care less.

Oh, and let us see what poor blacks have, exclusively for them.....

Black Organizations and Organizations Serving Black Communities
Black Organizations and Organization serving Black Communities

A Better Chance, Inc. (ABC)
The only domestic and most established academic talent search for minority youth.

A. Philip Randolph Institute & A. Philip Education Fund
An organization dedicated to increasing awareness and involvement of African American politicians at local, state, and national levels of government.

African American Museum Association (AAMA) An institution whose purpose is to encourage and promote the celebration of African American culture and heritage through public exhibitions.

African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)An African Methodist Episcopal church committed to helping the needy, feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, and supplying jobs for those in need.

African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (AMEZ)
A Methodist Episcopal Zion church established to spiritually and academically support institutions of higher education.

Africare, Inc
A private, not-for-profit organization devoted to bettering the access to food, water, health care, refuge assistance, and a greater quality of life in rural Africa.

Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society
An African American organization encouraging academic research into African American history and geology.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (AKA)
Founded in 1908, this group has set out to improve social, economic, cultural, and health conditions throughout the United States and the world.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc
First started in 1906 and the oldest predominantly black Greek Letter fraternity in America, this organization's purpose is to foster academic excellence while serving the community.www.alpha-phi-alpha.com

Alpha Pi Chi National Sorority, Inc.
Originally founded in 1963, this sorority's primary focus is a strong fundraising effort to benefit many charities.

American Association for Affirmative Action (AAAA)
Created for professionals committed to the implementation of affirmative action and equal opportunity across the nation.

American Association of Black in Energy (AABE)
An African American association's most paramount of tasks is the constant reinforcement of ensuring that minority voices are taken into account in regards to the development of national energy policies.

American Bridge Association (ABA)
Formed by African American tennis players in response to being excluded from most bridge events.

American Council on Education, Office of Minorities in Higher Education
Provides aid to minority administrators in both predominantly white and historically black institutions of higher education around the world.

American Health and Beauty Aids Institute (AHBAI)
A trade association for companies of minority ownership whose manufacturing includes ethnic health and beauty products.

American League of Financial Institutions (ALFI)
Embodied by 51 African American, Hispanic, Asian American, women-owned, and/or women-managed savings and loan institutions whose goals are to promote and produce thrift and home ownership among minority groups.

Amistad Research Center
Makes accessible to the public a collection of scholarly source material on ethnic history and race relations in the United States.

Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine, Inc. (AEAONMS)
A charitable and benevolent fraternal order that sponsors programs to curb delinquency and drug use among black youth while lending support to education through scholarships.

Associated Black Charities
A not-for-profit federation of health and human services agencies whose contributions enable and assist community based organizations serving New York neighborhoods in need of most aid.

Associated for Multi-Cultural Counseling and Development
Encourages improvement on ethnic and racial empathy and understanding through the use of comprehensive programs.

Association of Black Admission and Financial Aid Officers of the Ivy League and Sister Schools (ABAFAOILSS)
A professional educational subset of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and its sister schools for minority admissions and financial aid officers.

Association of Black American Ambassadors (ABAA)
Originally created to advance public understanding of diplomacy and to provide a forum for an exchange of views between its members and various arms of government responsible for shaping foreign policy.

Association of Black Foundation Executives (ABFE)
For men and women on staffs or boards of corporate and foundation grant-making organizations.

Association of Black Psychologists
An association geared towards uniting black psychologists, both professionals and students, to encourage the psychological well-being of African Americans.

Association of Black Sociologist (ABS)
For African American sociologists with doctorates who contribute to research and publish findings on black experiences.

Association of Black Women in Higher Education (ABWHE)
An organization and association of black women, established to foster and expand the historically substantive role of African American women in higher education.

Association of Minority Enterprises of New York (AMENY)
A group for minority businesses and functions to foster economic, commercial, and industrial growth.

Audience Development Committee, Inc.
A committee whose essential purpose is the accumulation of dependable audiences for black theater and dance companies.

Black Agency Executives (BAE)
Shines a light on the growing need for African American executives in the not-for-profit human service community of New York City.

Black Awareness in Television (BAIT)
An organization that communicates and presents black ideas to the community, encourages affirmative action in the media, and facilitates communications for black groups through the means of electronic media.

Black Caucus of the American Library Association (BCALA)
Calls attention to the need of facilitated access to library services in African American communities.

Black Filmmakers Foundation (BFF)
A not-for-profit organization founded to develop awareness of black independent film and video as an important means of artistic movement.

Black Psychiatrists of America (BPA)
A resource of psychiatric information, education, and training for African American psychiatrists on the special mental health needs of the black population.

Black Retail Action Group, Inc.
Formed to stimulate minorities' interest in the field of retailing at all levels.

Black Unites Front (National Black United Front NBUF)
An alternative African American movement organization that develops programs geared toward strengthening black families.

Black Women's Forum
Provides a platform of regular discussion on issues of concern to black women.

Black Women in Church and Society (BWCS)
Provides leadership, training, and develops support structures to help women in fulfilling responsibilities brought on by their increased participation in religious activities in the U.S. and in the Third World.

Black Women in Publishing (BWIP)
Supplies information, moral support, and a network used to exchange ideas and improve skills for black professional women in the publishing field.

Black Women's Network (Los Angeles)
Gives access to resources and networking opportunities for professional and entrepreneurial women, as well as those seeking to develop, start, or transfer careers.

Blacks in Government
First started to promote the interests of African American civil servants working in federal, state, and local levels of government.

Booker T. Washington Foundation
A not-for-profit foundation that operates in five different areas: resource development, international development and cooperation, science and technology, telecommunications, and public policy research.

Business Policy Review Council
A networking organization for corporate executives working in the African American community.

Carats, Inc.
An organization that strongly encourages the social and educational civic involvement of its members.

Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc.
Formed to promote economic development between Caribbean American enterprises and business endeavors as well as most other minority owned businesses.

Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc.
An international sorority comprised of both graduate and undergraduate students who are either commencing, enrolled, or graduating from and into the nursing profession.

Chums, Inc.
A group whose purpose is the developing of better cultural, civic, and social relations through charitable, educational, and religious activities.

Coalition of Black Trade Unionists
A union based organization set on the improvement of social-economic level of minorities while concurrently strengthening trade unionism in general by bringing more African Americans into the labor movement.

Conference of Minority Public Administrators
A conference of administrators dedicated to bettering the government and striving for excellence through public service.

Conference of Prince Hall Grand Masters
A conference group that furnishes broad guidance to many programs that routinely contribute annually to the national civil rights organizations of many classifications.

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Originally created during the civil rights movement of the 1960's, this group maintains the goal of confronting manifestations of racism and discrimination in America.

Congressional Black Caucus
Comprised of African American members of the U.S. House of representatives who serve as a catalyst for the economic, educational, and social concerns of blacks and other lesser represented Americans of varied backgrounds.

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.
First started to support and conduct nonpartisan research, technical assistance, training education, and informational activities as well as create programs whose purpose is to advance political participation by African Americans and other minority group members.

Consortium for Graduate Studies in Management
A consortium established to hasten the promotion and advancement of minorities into managerial positions in many varying fields of business.

Constituency for Africa (CFA)
Set up as a constituency for a broad based coalition of organizations, institutions, and individuals committed to the constant progression and diligent development of African Nations.

Continental Societies, Inc.
An institution which takes pride in creating programs and services for children and youth with the intent focus on the special needs of their participants.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
A sorority that encourages academic achievement through scholarship aid and endowments for distinguished professionals.

Drifters, Inc.
A determined and driven group of professional women in support of the civic, charitable, and educational endeavors developing within the community.

Eta Phi Beta
A national business and professional sorority that works to create congenial fellowship among businesswomen and assist them in building professional business careers.

Executive Leadership Council
A not for profit, independent, non-partisan organization made up of high ranking African American executives from Fortune 100 business corporations.

Federation of Southern Cooperatives Land Assistance Fund
A resource guide, advocacy group, and technical assistance advisory for member coops on black land loss and land retention in the southeast.

Frontiers International, Inc.
An international endeavor whose primary goals are the search to adequately enrich community welfare in general through the volunteer services of a variety of projects.

Gospel Music Workshop of America
A musical institution of Gospel which gives detailed workshops with the intent to inspire gospel and spiritual music in its members.

Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc.
This organization was founded with the intentions of emphasizing academic awareness and good ethical standards amongst college men of a variety of criteria.

Improved Benevolent Protective Order of Elks of the World
A not-for-profit fraternal institution assigned the task of conducting charitable activities by means of various civic, education, and religious programs. www.ibpoew.net

International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
A group for fire fighters, which was formed with the understanding of the need to shine a bright light on the needs of black fire fighters throughout the United States of America.

International Black Writers
A committee of authors and journalists committed to encouraging black writers nationwide to produce fiction and non-fiction work concerning black ideas, concepts, and ideologies.

Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.
An international organization of business and professional women whose mission is the worthwhile contribution to changing social and economic patterns.

Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc.
A national social service organization of both graduate and undergraduate students who insists on creating new traditions rather than relying on existing ones.

Jack and Jill of America, Inc.
A charitable group that provides educational, cultural, civic, and social programs for minority youth.

Jackie Robinson Foundation
A not-for-profit organization preserving the legacy of Baseball Hall of Fame great Jackie Robinson through the distribution of scholarships in higher education, while creating educational and leadership development programs for minority youths.

Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
A center focused on helping black Americans participate completely and effectively in the organizations that govern our society.

Justice, Unity, Generosity, and Service, Inc. (JUGS)
A national charitable organization comprised of business and professional women whose primary concern is the welfare of children.

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
A fraternity intent on fostering black achievement on college campuses across the country by providing a support group and resource for African American men of culture, patriotism, and honor.

Lambda Kappa Mu Sorority, Inc.
A strong minded sorority who engaged in bringing together business and professional women to promote the sorority's ideals, sisterhood, achievement, scholarship, and service.

Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
Formed after President John F. Kennedy appealed directly to the nation's leading private lawyers to support the struggle for equality among black citizens. www.lawyerscommittee.org

Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
A coalition group of major national organizations, which represents a variety of associations, such as African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian American labor groups, major religious groups, women, the elderly, the handicapped, and other minority businesses and professions.

Links, Inc.This organization promotes educational, civic, and cultural activities to enrich the lives of its members and of the world community.

Low Income Housing Information Service (National Low Income Housing Coalition)
A non-membership endeavor with subscribers of all races nationwide that provides information for housing organizations, advocates, activists, and people of low income on the requirements for affordable housing in America.

Minority Business Enterprise Legal Defense and Education Fund
Organized for the public interest to provide information and legal assistance to help with the development of minority business nationwide.

Modern Free and Accepted Masons of the World, Inc.
Working through the Modern Free brotherhood method to train and educate leaders adjoined with the organization, as well as foster a set of definite goals in life on behalf of Masons and Stars.

Moorland-Spingarn Research Center (MSRC)
Located on the campus of Hoard University, this research center is one of the world's largest and most comprehensive repositories of several well-documented collections on the history and culture of people of African descent in the Americas, Africa, and Europe.

Most Worshipful National Grand Lodge and Accepted Ancient York Masons Prince Hall Origin, National Compact, U.S.A., Inc.
Founded for its members to adhere to the concept of a Supreme Being, while contributing to nonmember grants, scholarships, and charities.

National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME)
Founded to address the problem of the under representation of African Americans, Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, and Native Americans in the field of engineering.

National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE)
Developing black leadership and influencing policy within the educational community through NASBE's roster of black teachers, administrators, policymakers, and support personnel.

National Alliance of Postal and Federal Employees (NAPFE)
Composed of federal and postal employees, the National Alliance seeks to improve the working conditions of its constituents as well as to bring about constructive social change.

Want me to list more organizations that poor blacks have. Awwwww, poor blacks in America. Not that you know or give a shit, do you know there are 35,000 black millionaires in this country?

Awww, poor them.

You fucking double talking patronizing racist loser!
Nope. AA was designed to get those discriminated against a way into the game, and it worked. Society is much less racist now and that is because there are very few of these still around:

Affirmative Action is racism, you fucking halfwit.
If you simplify the meaning of "racism", then perhaps AA is reverse racism.
However, racism can have an institutional meaning -- a system in which a dominant race benefits off the oppression of others.
AA is not racism in that case.

take a breath take a deep breath
Love how pathetic moronic liberals use the term "reverse racism." Reversed racism is NO racism at all. No, judging someone on the color of skin and not the content of character is racism you piece of shit. Why don't you get together with your fucking grammar cop and check my spelling. You are fucking ignorant hypocritical clown for your pathetic democrat racists.

You have no ideological perspective. None. I bet you are one of those losers that cry about JIM CROW SOUTH JIM CROW SOUTH like the piece of shit you are.

You know the north was very segregated as well. You dumb fucking pawn. Go ahead, and tell us how if the north was not segregated by race or religion or nationality why or how Major League Baseball was segregated. Do you know ALL of those teams played in cities NORTH of the MASON DIXON LINE?

What, you do not think NYC was segregated? You even hear of Little Italy, or Chinatown, or black Harlem, or Jewish sections, or Polish sections etc etc etc?

Here is a question. Why were the Red Sox the last team to integrate? Why were there no blacks allowed onto Martha's Vineyard for so long? Do you Boston was a northern city? Moron?

Why, if Hollywood was so accepting of blacks for so long, was Hattie McDaniel not allowed to sit with the white actors at the 1940 OSCARS?

Reverse racism? How about reversing racism? What, too confusing for your stupid ass? Yeah, it is. Now, go play with your fucking grammar cop you fucking loser.
Wow, what a rant. Is the basic AA issue beyond the simple-minded black/white "racism" too complicated for you?

AA is pure & simple FAIRNESS to the minorities in the poorer neighborhoods (& non minorities too), with limited opportunities beyond gang/rap/sports activities, to improve their social standing.

We don't live in a society where every racial group has equal power, status, and opportunity. White people have never been enslaved, colonized, or forced to segregate. They did not face housing or job discrimination, police brutality, poverty, or incarceration at the level that black people did.
The fucking moron brings up fucking slavery into the conversation like any fucking typical pile of white guilt cocksucking left wing piece of shit who still cannot help but label poor blacks as victims.

You fucking piece of shit. No white has ever been enslaved? Which black person do you know has ever been enslaved? Careful, the republicans passed the Emancipation Proclamation was on Jan. 1st, 1863.

Is there a black American that has ever actually experienced slavery? Oh, wait. They like to be called Africans. Huh, you know how many actual Africans are enslaved RIGHT NOW by African warlords. Not that you give a shit, cause we sure as shit know you could not care less.

Oh, and let us see what poor blacks have, exclusively for them.....

Black Organizations and Organizations Serving Black Communities
Black Organizations and Organization serving Black Communities
Monday, June 20, 2011
A Better Chance, Inc. (ABC)The only domestic and most established academic talent search for minority youth.

A. Philip Randolph Institute & A. Philip Education Fund
An organization dedicated to increasing awareness and involvement of African American politicians at local, state, and national levels of government.

African American Museum Association (AAMA) An institution whose purpose is to encourage and promote the celebration of African American culture and heritage through public exhibitions.

African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)An African Methodist Episcopal church committed to helping the needy, feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, and supplying jobs for those in need.

African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (AMEZ)
A Methodist Episcopal Zion church established to spiritually and academically support institutions of higher education.

Africare, Inc
A private, not-for-profit organization devoted to bettering the access to food, water, health care, refuge assistance, and a greater quality of life in rural Africa.

Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society
An African American organization encouraging academic research into African American history and geology.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (AKA)
Founded in 1908, this group has set out to improve social, economic, cultural, and health conditions throughout the United States and the world.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc
First started in 1906 and the oldest predominantly black Greek Letter fraternity in America, this organization's purpose is to foster academic excellence while serving the community.www.alpha-phi-alpha.com

Alpha Pi Chi National Sorority, Inc.
Originally founded in 1963, this sorority's primary focus is a strong fundraising effort to benefit many charities.

American Association for Affirmative Action (AAAA)
Created for professionals committed to the implementation of affirmative action and equal opportunity across the nation.

American Association of Black in Energy (AABE)
An African American association's most paramount of tasks is the constant reinforcement of ensuring that minority voices are taken into account in regards to the development of national energy policies.

American Bridge Association (ABA)
Formed by African American tennis players in response to being excluded from most bridge events.

American Council on Education, Office of Minorities in Higher Education
Provides aid to minority administrators in both predominantly white and historically black institutions of higher education around the world.

American Health and Beauty Aids Institute (AHBAI)
A trade association for companies of minority ownership whose manufacturing includes ethnic health and beauty products.

American League of Financial Institutions (ALFI)
Embodied by 51 African American, Hispanic, Asian American, women-owned, and/or women-managed savings and loan institutions whose goals are to promote and produce thrift and home ownership among minority groups.

Amistad Research Center
Makes accessible to the public a collection of scholarly source material on ethnic history and race relations in the United States.

Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine, Inc. (AEAONMS)
A charitable and benevolent fraternal order that sponsors programs to curb delinquency and drug use among black youth while lending support to education through scholarships.

Associated Black Charities
A not-for-profit federation of health and human services agencies whose contributions enable and assist community based organizations serving New York neighborhoods in need of most aid.

Associated for Multi-Cultural Counseling and Development
Encourages improvement on ethnic and racial empathy and understanding through the use of comprehensive programs.

Association of Black Admission and Financial Aid Officers of the Ivy League and Sister Schools (ABAFAOILSS)
A professional educational subset of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and its sister schools for minority admissions and financial aid officers.

Association of Black American Ambassadors (ABAA)
Originally created to advance public understanding of diplomacy and to provide a forum for an exchange of views between its members and various arms of government responsible for shaping foreign policy.

Association of Black Foundation Executives (ABFE)
For men and women on staffs or boards of corporate and foundation grant-making organizations.

Association of Black Psychologists
An association geared towards uniting black psychologists, both professionals and students, to encourage the psychological well-being of African Americans.

Association of Black Sociologist (ABS)
For African American sociologists with doctorates who contribute to research and publish findings on black experiences.

Association of Black Women in Higher Education (ABWHE)
An organization and association of black women, established to foster and expand the historically substantive role of African American women in higher education.

Association of Minority Enterprises of New York (AMENY)
A group for minority businesses and functions to foster economic, commercial, and industrial growth.

Audience Development Committee, Inc.
A committee whose essential purpose is the accumulation of dependable audiences for black theater and dance companies.

Black Agency Executives (BAE)
Shines a light on the growing need for African American executives in the not-for-profit human service community of New York City.

Black Awareness in Television (BAIT)
An organization that communicates and presents black ideas to the community, encourages affirmative action in the media, and facilitates communications for black groups through the means of electronic media.

Black Caucus of the American Library Association (BCALA)
Calls attention to the need of facilitated access to library services in African American communities.

Black Filmmakers Foundation (BFF)
A not-for-profit organization founded to develop awareness of black independent film and video as an important means of artistic movement.

Black Psychiatrists of America (BPA)
A resource of psychiatric information, education, and training for African American psychiatrists on the special mental health needs of the black population.

Black Retail Action Group, Inc.
Formed to stimulate minorities' interest in the field of retailing at all levels.

Black Unites Front (National Black United Front NBUF)
An alternative African American movement organization that develops programs geared toward strengthening black families.

Black Women's Forum
Provides a platform of regular discussion on issues of concern to black women.

Black Women in Church and Society (BWCS)
Provides leadership, training, and develops support structures to help women in fulfilling responsibilities brought on by their increased participation in religious activities in the U.S. and in the Third World.

Black Women in Publishing (BWIP)
Supplies information, moral support, and a network used to exchange ideas and improve skills for black professional women in the publishing field.

Black Women's Network (Los Angeles)
Gives access to resources and networking opportunities for professional and entrepreneurial women, as well as those seeking to develop, start, or transfer careers.

Blacks in Government
First started to promote the interests of African American civil servants working in federal, state, and local levels of government.

Booker T. Washington Foundation
A not-for-profit foundation that operates in five different areas: resource development, international development and cooperation, science and technology, telecommunications, and public policy research.

Business Policy Review Council
A networking organization for corporate executives working in the African American community.

Carats, Inc.
An organization that strongly encourages the social and educational civic involvement of its members.

Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc.
Formed to promote economic development between Caribbean American enterprises and business endeavors as well as most other minority owned businesses.

Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc.
An international sorority comprised of both graduate and undergraduate students who are either commencing, enrolled, or graduating from and into the nursing profession.

Chums, Inc.
A group whose purpose is the developing of better cultural, civic, and social relations through charitable, educational, and religious activities.

Coalition of Black Trade Unionists
A union based organization set on the improvement of social-economic level of minorities while concurrently strengthening trade unionism in general by bringing more African Americans into the labor movement.

Conference of Minority Public Administrators
A conference of administrators dedicated to bettering the government and striving for excellence through public service.

Conference of Prince Hall Grand Masters
A conference group that furnishes broad guidance to many programs that routinely contribute annually to the national civil rights organizations of many classifications.

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Originally created during the civil rights movement of the 1960's, this group maintains the goal of confronting manifestations of racism and discrimination in America.

Congressional Black Caucus
Comprised of African American members of the U.S. House of representatives who serve as a catalyst for the economic, educational, and social concerns of blacks and other lesser represented Americans of varied backgrounds.

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.
First started to support and conduct nonpartisan research, technical assistance, training education, and informational activities as well as create programs whose purpose is to advance political participation by African Americans and other minority group members.

Consortium for Graduate Studies in Management
A consortium established to hasten the promotion and advancement of minorities into managerial positions in many varying fields of business.

Constituency for Africa (CFA)
Set up as a constituency for a broad based coalition of organizations, institutions, and individuals committed to the constant progression and diligent development of African Nations.

Continental Societies, Inc.
An institution which takes pride in creating programs and services for children and youth with the intent focus on the special needs of their participants.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
A sorority that encourages academic achievement through scholarship aid and endowments for distinguished professionals.

Drifters, Inc.
A determined and driven group of professional women in support of the civic, charitable, and educational endeavors developing within the community.

Eta Phi Beta
A national business and professional sorority that works to create congenial fellowship among businesswomen and assist them in building professional business careers.

Executive Leadership Council
A not for profit, independent, non-partisan organization made up of high ranking African American executives from Fortune 100 business corporations.

Federation of Southern Cooperatives Land Assistance Fund
A resource guide, advocacy group, and technical assistance advisory for member coops on black land loss and land retention in the southeast.

Frontiers International, Inc.
An international endeavor whose primary goals are the search to adequately enrich community welfare in general through the volunteer services of a variety of projects.

Gospel Music Workshop of America
A musical institution of Gospel which gives detailed workshops with the intent to inspire gospel and spiritual music in its members.

Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc.
This organization was founded with the intentions of emphasizing academic awareness and good ethical standards amongst college men of a variety of criteria.

Improved Benevolent Protective Order of Elks of the World
A not-for-profit fraternal institution assigned the task of conducting charitable activities by means of various civic, education, and religious programs. www.ibpoew.net

International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
A group for fire fighters, which was formed with the understanding of the need to shine a bright light on the needs of black fire fighters throughout the United States of America.

International Black Writers
A committee of authors and journalists committed to encouraging black writers nationwide to produce fiction and non-fiction work concerning black ideas, concepts, and ideologies.

Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.
An international organization of business and professional women whose mission is the worthwhile contribution to changing social and economic patterns.

Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc.
A national social service organization of both graduate and undergraduate students who insists on creating new traditions rather than relying on existing ones.

Jack and Jill of America, Inc.
A charitable group that provides educational, cultural, civic, and social programs for minority youth.

Jackie Robinson Foundation
A not-for-profit organization preserving the legacy of Baseball Hall of Fame great Jackie Robinson through the distribution of scholarships in higher education, while creating educational and leadership development programs for minority youths.

Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
A center focused on helping black Americans participate completely and effectively in the organizations that govern our society.

Justice, Unity, Generosity, and Service, Inc. (JUGS)
A national charitable organization comprised of business and professional women whose primary concern is the welfare of children.

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
A fraternity intent on fostering black achievement on college campuses across the country by providing a support group and resource for African American men of culture, patriotism, and honor.

Lambda Kappa Mu Sorority, Inc.
A strong minded sorority who engaged in bringing together business and professional women to promote the sorority's ideals, sisterhood, achievement, scholarship, and service.

Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
Formed after President John F. Kennedy appealed directly to the nation's leading private lawyers to support the struggle for equality among black citizens. www.lawyerscommittee.org

Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
A coalition group of major national organizations, which represents a variety of associations, such as African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian American labor groups, major religious groups, women, the elderly, the handicapped, and other minority businesses and professions.

Links, Inc.This organization promotes educational, civic, and cultural activities to enrich the lives of its members and of the world community.

Low Income Housing Information Service (National Low Income Housing Coalition)
A non-membership endeavor with subscribers of all races nationwide that provides information for housing organizations, advocates, activists, and people of low income on the requirements for affordable housing in America.

Minority Business Enterprise Legal Defense and Education Fund
Organized for the public interest to provide information and legal assistance to help with the development of minority business nationwide.

Modern Free and Accepted Masons of the World, Inc.
Working through the Modern Free brotherhood method to train and educate leaders adjoined with the organization, as well as foster a set of definite goals in life on behalf of Masons and Stars.

Moorland-Spingarn Research Center (MSRC)
Located on the campus of Hoard University, this research center is one of the world's largest and most comprehensive repositories of several well-documented collections on the history and culture of people of African descent in the Americas, Africa, and Europe.

Most Worshipful National Grand Lodge and Accepted Ancient York Masons Prince Hall Origin, National Compact, U.S.A., Inc.
Founded for its members to adhere to the concept of a Supreme Being, while contributing to nonmember grants, scholarships, and charities.

National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME)
Founded to address the problem of the under representation of African Americans, Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, and Native Americans in the field of engineering.

National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE)
Developing black leadership and influencing policy within the educational community through NASBE's roster of black teachers, administrators, policymakers, and support personnel.

National Alliance of Postal and Federal Employees (NAPFE)
Composed of federal and postal employees, the National Alliance seeks to improve the working conditions of its constituents as well as to bring about constructive social change.

Want me to list more organizations that poor blacks have. Awwwww, poor blacks in America. Not that you know or give a shit, do you know there are 35,000 black millionaires in this country?

Awww, poor them.

You fucking double talking patronizing racist loser!
Nope. AA was designed to get those discriminated against a way into the game, and it worked. Society is much less racist now and that is because there are very few of these still around:

Affirmative Action is racism, you fucking halfwit.
If you simplify the meaning of "racism", then perhaps AA is reverse racism.
However, racism can have an institutional meaning -- a system in which a dominant race benefits off the oppression of others.
AA is not racism in that case.
look you simple pos I've seen your fn racism up close In el paso they would servr my friend because he was black and we were both in the service I've seen white only water fountains bathrooms for whites only so take your bs and shove it
Love how pathetic moronic liberals use the term "reverse racism." Reversed racism is NO racism at all. No, judging someone on the color of skin and not the content of character is racism you piece of shit. Why don't you get together with your fucking grammar cop and check my spelling. You are fucking ignorant hypocritical clown for your pathetic democrat racists.

You have no ideological perspective. None. I bet you are one of those losers that cry about JIM CROW SOUTH JIM CROW SOUTH like the piece of shit you are.

You know the north was very segregated as well. You dumb fucking pawn. Go ahead, and tell us how if the north was not segregated by race or religion or nationality why or how Major League Baseball was segregated. Do you know ALL of those teams played in cities NORTH of the MASON DIXON LINE?

What, you do not think NYC was segregated? You even hear of Little Italy, or Chinatown, or black Harlem, or Jewish sections, or Polish sections etc etc etc?

Here is a question. Why were the Red Sox the last team to integrate? Why were there no blacks allowed onto Martha's Vineyard for so long? Do you Boston was a northern city? Moron?

Why, if Hollywood was so accepting of blacks for so long, was Hattie McDaniel not allowed to sit with the white actors at the 1940 OSCARS?

Reverse racism? How about reversing racism? What, too confusing for your stupid ass? Yeah, it is. Now, go play with your fucking grammar cop you fucking loser.
Wow, what a rant. Is the basic AA issue beyond the simple-minded black/white "racism" too complicated for you?

AA is pure & simple FAIRNESS to the minorities in the poorer neighborhoods (& non minorities too), with limited opportunities beyond gang/rap/sports activities, to improve their social standing.

We don't live in a society where every racial group has equal power, status, and opportunity. White people have never been enslaved, colonized, or forced to segregate. They did not face housing or job discrimination, police brutality, poverty, or incarceration at the level that black people did.
The fucking moron brings up fucking slavery into the conversation like any fucking typical pile of white guilt cocksucking left wing piece of shit who still cannot help but label poor blacks as victims.

You fucking piece of shit. No white has ever been enslaved? Which black person do you know has ever been enslaved? Careful, the republicans passed the Emancipation Proclamation was on Jan. 1st, 1863.

Is there a black American that has ever actually experienced slavery? Oh, wait. They like to be called Africans. Huh, you know how many actual Africans are enslaved RIGHT NOW by African warlords. Not that you give a shit, cause we sure as shit know you could not care less.

Oh, and let us see what poor blacks have, exclusively for them.....

Black Organizations and Organizations Serving Black Communities
Black Organizations and Organization serving Black Communities

A Better Chance, Inc. (ABC)
The only domestic and most established academic talent search for minority youth.

A. Philip Randolph Institute & A. Philip Education Fund
An organization dedicated to increasing awareness and involvement of African American politicians at local, state, and national levels of government.

African American Museum Association (AAMA) An institution whose purpose is to encourage and promote the celebration of African American culture and heritage through public exhibitions.

African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)An African Methodist Episcopal church committed to helping the needy, feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, and supplying jobs for those in need.

African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (AMEZ)
A Methodist Episcopal Zion church established to spiritually and academically support institutions of higher education.

Africare, Inc
A private, not-for-profit organization devoted to bettering the access to food, water, health care, refuge assistance, and a greater quality of life in rural Africa.

Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society
An African American organization encouraging academic research into African American history and geology.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (AKA)
Founded in 1908, this group has set out to improve social, economic, cultural, and health conditions throughout the United States and the world.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc
First started in 1906 and the oldest predominantly black Greek Letter fraternity in America, this organization's purpose is to foster academic excellence while serving the community.www.alpha-phi-alpha.com

Alpha Pi Chi National Sorority, Inc.
Originally founded in 1963, this sorority's primary focus is a strong fundraising effort to benefit many charities.

American Association for Affirmative Action (AAAA)
Created for professionals committed to the implementation of affirmative action and equal opportunity across the nation.

American Association of Black in Energy (AABE)
An African American association's most paramount of tasks is the constant reinforcement of ensuring that minority voices are taken into account in regards to the development of national energy policies.

American Bridge Association (ABA)
Formed by African American tennis players in response to being excluded from most bridge events.

American Council on Education, Office of Minorities in Higher Education
Provides aid to minority administrators in both predominantly white and historically black institutions of higher education around the world.

American Health and Beauty Aids Institute (AHBAI)
A trade association for companies of minority ownership whose manufacturing includes ethnic health and beauty products.

American League of Financial Institutions (ALFI)
Embodied by 51 African American, Hispanic, Asian American, women-owned, and/or women-managed savings and loan institutions whose goals are to promote and produce thrift and home ownership among minority groups.

Amistad Research Center
Makes accessible to the public a collection of scholarly source material on ethnic history and race relations in the United States.

Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine, Inc. (AEAONMS)
A charitable and benevolent fraternal order that sponsors programs to curb delinquency and drug use among black youth while lending support to education through scholarships.

Associated Black Charities
A not-for-profit federation of health and human services agencies whose contributions enable and assist community based organizations serving New York neighborhoods in need of most aid.

Associated for Multi-Cultural Counseling and Development
Encourages improvement on ethnic and racial empathy and understanding through the use of comprehensive programs.

Association of Black Admission and Financial Aid Officers of the Ivy League and Sister Schools (ABAFAOILSS)
A professional educational subset of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and its sister schools for minority admissions and financial aid officers.

Association of Black American Ambassadors (ABAA)
Originally created to advance public understanding of diplomacy and to provide a forum for an exchange of views between its members and various arms of government responsible for shaping foreign policy.

Association of Black Foundation Executives (ABFE)
For men and women on staffs or boards of corporate and foundation grant-making organizations.

Association of Black Psychologists
An association geared towards uniting black psychologists, both professionals and students, to encourage the psychological well-being of African Americans.

Association of Black Sociologist (ABS)
For African American sociologists with doctorates who contribute to research and publish findings on black experiences.

Association of Black Women in Higher Education (ABWHE)
An organization and association of black women, established to foster and expand the historically substantive role of African American women in higher education.

Association of Minority Enterprises of New York (AMENY)
A group for minority businesses and functions to foster economic, commercial, and industrial growth.

Audience Development Committee, Inc.
A committee whose essential purpose is the accumulation of dependable audiences for black theater and dance companies.

Black Agency Executives (BAE)
Shines a light on the growing need for African American executives in the not-for-profit human service community of New York City.

Black Awareness in Television (BAIT)
An organization that communicates and presents black ideas to the community, encourages affirmative action in the media, and facilitates communications for black groups through the means of electronic media.

Black Caucus of the American Library Association (BCALA)
Calls attention to the need of facilitated access to library services in African American communities.

Black Filmmakers Foundation (BFF)
A not-for-profit organization founded to develop awareness of black independent film and video as an important means of artistic movement.

Black Psychiatrists of America (BPA)
A resource of psychiatric information, education, and training for African American psychiatrists on the special mental health needs of the black population.

Black Retail Action Group, Inc.
Formed to stimulate minorities' interest in the field of retailing at all levels.

Black Unites Front (National Black United Front NBUF)
An alternative African American movement organization that develops programs geared toward strengthening black families.

Black Women's Forum
Provides a platform of regular discussion on issues of concern to black women.

Black Women in Church and Society (BWCS)
Provides leadership, training, and develops support structures to help women in fulfilling responsibilities brought on by their increased participation in religious activities in the U.S. and in the Third World.

Black Women in Publishing (BWIP)
Supplies information, moral support, and a network used to exchange ideas and improve skills for black professional women in the publishing field.

Black Women's Network (Los Angeles)
Gives access to resources and networking opportunities for professional and entrepreneurial women, as well as those seeking to develop, start, or transfer careers.

Blacks in Government
First started to promote the interests of African American civil servants working in federal, state, and local levels of government.

Booker T. Washington Foundation
A not-for-profit foundation that operates in five different areas: resource development, international development and cooperation, science and technology, telecommunications, and public policy research.

Business Policy Review Council
A networking organization for corporate executives working in the African American community.

Carats, Inc.
An organization that strongly encourages the social and educational civic involvement of its members.

Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc.
Formed to promote economic development between Caribbean American enterprises and business endeavors as well as most other minority owned businesses.

Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc.
An international sorority comprised of both graduate and undergraduate students who are either commencing, enrolled, or graduating from and into the nursing profession.

Chums, Inc.
A group whose purpose is the developing of better cultural, civic, and social relations through charitable, educational, and religious activities.

Coalition of Black Trade Unionists
A union based organization set on the improvement of social-economic level of minorities while concurrently strengthening trade unionism in general by bringing more African Americans into the labor movement.

Conference of Minority Public Administrators
A conference of administrators dedicated to bettering the government and striving for excellence through public service.

Conference of Prince Hall Grand Masters
A conference group that furnishes broad guidance to many programs that routinely contribute annually to the national civil rights organizations of many classifications.

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Originally created during the civil rights movement of the 1960's, this group maintains the goal of confronting manifestations of racism and discrimination in America.

Congressional Black Caucus
Comprised of African American members of the U.S. House of representatives who serve as a catalyst for the economic, educational, and social concerns of blacks and other lesser represented Americans of varied backgrounds.

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.
First started to support and conduct nonpartisan research, technical assistance, training education, and informational activities as well as create programs whose purpose is to advance political participation by African Americans and other minority group members.

Consortium for Graduate Studies in Management
A consortium established to hasten the promotion and advancement of minorities into managerial positions in many varying fields of business.

Constituency for Africa (CFA)
Set up as a constituency for a broad based coalition of organizations, institutions, and individuals committed to the constant progression and diligent development of African Nations.

Continental Societies, Inc.
An institution which takes pride in creating programs and services for children and youth with the intent focus on the special needs of their participants.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
A sorority that encourages academic achievement through scholarship aid and endowments for distinguished professionals.

Drifters, Inc.
A determined and driven group of professional women in support of the civic, charitable, and educational endeavors developing within the community.

Eta Phi Beta
A national business and professional sorority that works to create congenial fellowship among businesswomen and assist them in building professional business careers.

Executive Leadership Council
A not for profit, independent, non-partisan organization made up of high ranking African American executives from Fortune 100 business corporations.

Federation of Southern Cooperatives Land Assistance Fund
A resource guide, advocacy group, and technical assistance advisory for member coops on black land loss and land retention in the southeast.

Frontiers International, Inc.
An international endeavor whose primary goals are the search to adequately enrich community welfare in general through the volunteer services of a variety of projects.

Gospel Music Workshop of America
A musical institution of Gospel which gives detailed workshops with the intent to inspire gospel and spiritual music in its members.

Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc.
This organization was founded with the intentions of emphasizing academic awareness and good ethical standards amongst college men of a variety of criteria.

Improved Benevolent Protective Order of Elks of the World
A not-for-profit fraternal institution assigned the task of conducting charitable activities by means of various civic, education, and religious programs. www.ibpoew.net

International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
A group for fire fighters, which was formed with the understanding of the need to shine a bright light on the needs of black fire fighters throughout the United States of America.

International Black Writers
A committee of authors and journalists committed to encouraging black writers nationwide to produce fiction and non-fiction work concerning black ideas, concepts, and ideologies.

Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.
An international organization of business and professional women whose mission is the worthwhile contribution to changing social and economic patterns.

Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc.
A national social service organization of both graduate and undergraduate students who insists on creating new traditions rather than relying on existing ones.

Jack and Jill of America, Inc.
A charitable group that provides educational, cultural, civic, and social programs for minority youth.

Jackie Robinson Foundation
A not-for-profit organization preserving the legacy of Baseball Hall of Fame great Jackie Robinson through the distribution of scholarships in higher education, while creating educational and leadership development programs for minority youths.

Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
A center focused on helping black Americans participate completely and effectively in the organizations that govern our society.

Justice, Unity, Generosity, and Service, Inc. (JUGS)
A national charitable organization comprised of business and professional women whose primary concern is the welfare of children.

Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
A fraternity intent on fostering black achievement on college campuses across the country by providing a support group and resource for African American men of culture, patriotism, and honor.

Lambda Kappa Mu Sorority, Inc.
A strong minded sorority who engaged in bringing together business and professional women to promote the sorority's ideals, sisterhood, achievement, scholarship, and service.

Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
Formed after President John F. Kennedy appealed directly to the nation's leading private lawyers to support the struggle for equality among black citizens. www.lawyerscommittee.org

Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
A coalition group of major national organizations, which represents a variety of associations, such as African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian American labor groups, major religious groups, women, the elderly, the handicapped, and other minority businesses and professions.

Links, Inc.This organization promotes educational, civic, and cultural activities to enrich the lives of its members and of the world community.

Low Income Housing Information Service (National Low Income Housing Coalition)
A non-membership endeavor with subscribers of all races nationwide that provides information for housing organizations, advocates, activists, and people of low income on the requirements for affordable housing in America.

Minority Business Enterprise Legal Defense and Education Fund
Organized for the public interest to provide information and legal assistance to help with the development of minority business nationwide.

Modern Free and Accepted Masons of the World, Inc.
Working through the Modern Free brotherhood method to train and educate leaders adjoined with the organization, as well as foster a set of definite goals in life on behalf of Masons and Stars.

Moorland-Spingarn Research Center (MSRC)
Located on the campus of Hoard University, this research center is one of the world's largest and most comprehensive repositories of several well-documented collections on the history and culture of people of African descent in the Americas, Africa, and Europe.

Most Worshipful National Grand Lodge and Accepted Ancient York Masons Prince Hall Origin, National Compact, U.S.A., Inc.
Founded for its members to adhere to the concept of a Supreme Being, while contributing to nonmember grants, scholarships, and charities.

National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME)
Founded to address the problem of the under representation of African Americans, Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, and Native Americans in the field of engineering.

National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE)
Developing black leadership and influencing policy within the educational community through NASBE's roster of black teachers, administrators, policymakers, and support personnel.

National Alliance of Postal and Federal Employees (NAPFE)
Composed of federal and postal employees, the National Alliance seeks to improve the working conditions of its constituents as well as to bring about constructive social change.

Want me to list more organizations that poor blacks have. Awwwww, poor blacks in America. Not that you know or give a shit, do you know there are 35,000 black millionaires in this country?

Awww, poor them.

You fucking double talking patronizing racist loser!
you dumb pos you fn republican waste I've seen your racism in action up close Black friends in the ARMY couldn't get served in El Paso while at ft bliss white only drinking fountains white only bathrooms and the shit is still going on with scum like you and your kind
Is the same thing as fairness.
Nope. AA was designed to get those discriminated against a way into the game, and it worked. Society is much less racist now and that is because there are very few of these still around:

Don't be silly.

You know very well it was a way to maintain power.

The Democrat Party was always the standard bearer for slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.

Pick up Caro's biography of LBJ....the author of 'affirmative action'....

Prior to 1957, LBJ “had never supported civil rights legislation- any civil rights legislation. In the Senate and House alike, his record was an unbroken one of votes against every civil rights bill that had ever come to a vote: against voting rights bills; against bills that would have struck at job discrimination and at segregation in other areas of American life; even against bills that would have protected blacks from lynching.” Robert Caro, “Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, vol.3,” p. xv.

So, what happened? An epiphany? The cynic in me says it was something else….
90% of white voters in the deep south vote republican Which were those slave states again??

How many of those white voters owned slaves??

Jim Crow was Democrat big government in action.
The KKK was the arm of the Democrat Party.
The Democrats have always been the party of slavery, segregation and second class citizenship for blacks.
Democrat FDR's first pick for the Supreme Court was a KKK'er.
LBJ blocked the passage of every anti-lynching bill.
Bill Clinton was nostalgic over the idea of Barack Obama carrying his bags.

Now...what were you saying, you moron?
Is the same thing as fairness.
Nope. AA was designed to get those discriminated against a way into the game, and it worked. Society is much less racist now and that is because there are very few of these still around:

Don't be silly.

You know very well it was a way to maintain power.

The Democrat Party was always the standard bearer for slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.

Pick up Caro's biography of LBJ....the author of 'affirmative action'....

Prior to 1957, LBJ “had never supported civil rights legislation- any civil rights legislation. In the Senate and House alike, his record was an unbroken one of votes against every civil rights bill that had ever come to a vote: against voting rights bills; against bills that would have struck at job discrimination and at segregation in other areas of American life; even against bills that would have protected blacks from lynching.” Robert Caro, “Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, vol.3,” p. xv.

So, what happened? An epiphany? The cynic in me says it was something else….
90% of white voters in the deep south vote republican Which were those slave states again??

They were all democrats when they were slave states. Fucking moron. Read my signature you fucking left wing patronizing racist loser.

Here we go again folks. An asshole that thinks there was no racism north of the mason dixon line.

You are fucking ignorant piles of shit.
What are they now you racist pos You lowlife puke scumbag >>> The best part of you is still dripping down your racist daddies leg

The Dixiecrats were Democrats.....there were no Dixiecans.

Dixiecrats....any of the Southern Democrats who seceded from the party in 1948 in opposition to its policy of extending civil rights. Then they went right back to being Democrats.
In all sincerity you are only going to get rude comments from owlie.
It seems they only know how to project rudeness and not the ability to carry on an adult conversation.

Is the same thing as fairness.

Well, isn't that true. Then please explain the validity of affirmative action and diversity in the work place.

Go ahead, we are all waiting.
I am left wing and I don't believe in affirmative action...but I can tell you the basic reasoning why people do favor affirmative action and diversity:

A belief in egalitarianism over meritocracy.

As an American, I consider a meritocratic society to, at the end of the day, be more beneficial than an egalitarian society. However, the core of the argument is based in the opposition of these two idea sets...not in a belief in hypocrisy. At the very least, educate yourself on what you are arguing against rather than decrying how "hypocritical" it is without even understanding the core belief which fuels the action of the idea set.
Holy shit. Everything out of a left winger is just hypocritical double talk. You are against affirmative action but but but......

Oh Fuck you
Being against something doesn't mean you don't understand where it came from...in fact, if you are against something perhaps the first thing you should do is understand the opposing side's reasoning behind their beliefs.

As an extension, explaining the opposing point of view is not the same as supporting the opposing point of view. If you really think these things I highly suggest you give middle school another go. You might learn something.

Maybe if he could be smarter, Owl could be nicer.

Ya' think?
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In all sincerity you are only going to get rude comments from owlie.
It seems they only know how to project rudeness and not the ability to carry on an adult conversation.

Is the same thing as fairness.

Well, isn't that true. Then please explain the validity of affirmative action and diversity in the work place.

Go ahead, we are all waiting.
I am left wing and I don't believe in affirmative action...but I can tell you the basic reasoning why people do favor affirmative action and diversity:

A belief in egalitarianism over meritocracy.

As an American, I consider a meritocratic society to, at the end of the day, be more beneficial than an egalitarian society. However, the core of the argument is based in the opposition of these two idea sets...not in a belief in hypocrisy. At the very least, educate yourself on what you are arguing against rather than decrying how "hypocritical" it is without even understanding the core belief which fuels the action of the idea set.
Holy shit. Everything out of a left winger is just hypocritical double talk. You are against affirmative action but but but......

Oh Fuck you
Being against something doesn't mean you don't understand where it came from...in fact, if you are against something perhaps the first thing you should do is understand the opposing side's reasoning behind their beliefs.

As an extension, explaining the opposing point of view is not the same as supporting the opposing point of view. If you really think these things I highly suggest you give middle school another go. You might learn something.
thank you boiler,,but I just couldn't pass what that uneducated slob said to me I know pigs love the mud but I'll avoid him now

Doesn't the word "uneducated" stick in your throat?
It solidifies the fact that the Constitution is a living breathing document. If it wasn't changed then blacks would still be less than a human being.
Sorry to break the news to all the calgary cruz and "the donald" and rubiorobot supporters.

Is the same thing as fairness.
Nope. AA was designed to get those discriminated against a way into the game, and it worked. Society is much less racist now and that is because there are very few of these still around:

Don't be silly.

You know very well it was a way to maintain power.

The Democrat Party was always the standard bearer for slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.

Pick up Caro's biography of LBJ....the author of 'affirmative action'....

Prior to 1957, LBJ “had never supported civil rights legislation- any civil rights legislation. In the Senate and House alike, his record was an unbroken one of votes against every civil rights bill that had ever come to a vote: against voting rights bills; against bills that would have struck at job discrimination and at segregation in other areas of American life; even against bills that would have protected blacks from lynching.” Robert Caro, “Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, vol.3,” p. xv.

So, what happened? An epiphany? The cynic in me says it was something else….
90% of white voters in the deep south vote republican Which were those slave states again??
Northern states also had slaves.

The Constitution was changed legally...via the amendment process, by Republicans over the wailing of the Democrats.
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Enough of this silly "it was the democrats " shit . Anyone wh a brain knows the dems and repubs all but flipped in the 60s .

There's always been liberals and conservatives . Conservatives were running the slave owing confederate traitor red states .

A total lie, believed only by morons.

Simple enough to prove:
What are the chances that you'd wake up tomorrow and agree with every Republican plan and program..you know, "flip" in your outlook.
Never happened with Democrats and Republicans either.

Same was true of Democrats....they never altered their racism.

Need proof?
The most popular Democrat today, Bill 'the rapist' Clinton has an unbroken record of racism from his earliest political efforts.

Challenge me on that.
I dare you.
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Is the same thing as fairness.
Nope. AA was designed to get those discriminated against a way into the game, and it worked. Society is much less racist now and that is because there are very few of these still around:

Affirmative Action is racism, you fucking halfwit.
If you simplify the meaning of "racism", then perhaps AA is reverse racism.
However, racism can have an institutional meaning -- a system in which a dominant race benefits off the oppression of others.
AA is not racism in that case.
Love how pathetic moronic liberals use the term "reverse racism." Reversed racism is NO racism at all. No, judging someone on the color of skin and not the content of character is racism you piece of shit. Why don't you get together with your fucking grammar cop and check my spelling. You are fucking ignorant hypocritical clown for your pathetic democrat racists.

You have no ideological perspective. None. I bet you are one of those losers that cry about JIM CROW SOUTH JIM CROW SOUTH like the piece of shit you are.

You know the north was very segregated as well. You dumb fucking pawn. Go ahead, and tell us how if the north was not segregated by race or religion or nationality why or how Major League Baseball was segregated. Do you know ALL of those teams played in cities NORTH of the MASON DIXON LINE?

What, you do not think NYC was segregated? You even hear of Little Italy, or Chinatown, or black Harlem, or Jewish sections, or Polish sections etc etc etc?

Here is a question. Why were the Red Sox the last team to integrate? Why were there no blacks allowed onto Martha's Vineyard for so long? Do you Boston was a northern city? Moron?

Why, if Hollywood was so accepting of blacks for so long, was Hattie McDaniel not allowed to sit with the white actors at the 1940 OSCARS?

Reverse racism? How about reversing racism? What, too confusing for your stupid ass? Yeah, it is. Now, go play with your fucking grammar cop you fucking loser.
Wow, what a rant. Is the basic AA issue beyond the simple-minded black/white "racism" too complicated for you?

AA is pure & simple FAIRNESS to the minorities in the poorer neighborhoods (& non minorities too), with limited opportunities beyond gang/rap/sports activities, to improve their social standing.

We don't live in a society where every racial group has equal power, status, and opportunity. White people have never been enslaved, colonized, or forced to segregate. They did not face housing or job discrimination, police brutality, poverty, or incarceration at the level that black people did.
Is the same thing as fairness.
Nope. AA was designed to get those discriminated against a way into the game, and it worked. Society is much less racist now and that is because there are very few of these still around:

Affirmative Action is racism, you fucking halfwit.
If you simplify the meaning of "racism", then perhaps AA is reverse racism.
However, racism can have an institutional meaning -- a system in which a dominant race benefits off the oppression of others.
AA is not racism in that case.
Love how pathetic moronic liberals use the term "reverse racism." Reversed racism is NO racism at all. No, judging someone on the color of skin and not the content of character is racism you piece of shit. Why don't you get together with your fucking grammar cop and check my spelling. You are fucking ignorant hypocritical clown for your pathetic democrat racists.

You have no ideological perspective. None. I bet you are one of those losers that cry about JIM CROW SOUTH JIM CROW SOUTH like the piece of shit you are.

You know the north was very segregated as well. You dumb fucking pawn. Go ahead, and tell us how if the north was not segregated by race or religion or nationality why or how Major League Baseball was segregated. Do you know ALL of those teams played in cities NORTH of the MASON DIXON LINE?

What, you do not think NYC was segregated? You even hear of Little Italy, or Chinatown, or black Harlem, or Jewish sections, or Polish sections etc etc etc?

Here is a question. Why were the Red Sox the last team to integrate? Why were there no blacks allowed onto Martha's Vineyard for so long? Do you Boston was a northern city? Moron?

Why, if Hollywood was so accepting of blacks for so long, was Hattie McDaniel not allowed to sit with the white actors at the 1940 OSCARS?

Reverse racism? How about reversing racism? What, too confusing for your stupid ass? Yeah, it is. Now, go play with your fucking grammar cop you fucking loser.
Wow, what a rant. Is the basic AA issue beyond the simple-minded black/white "racism" too complicated for you?

AA is pure & simple FAIRNESS to the minorities in the poorer neighborhoods (& non minorities too), with limited opportunities beyond gang/rap/sports activities, to improve their social standing.

We don't live in a society where every racial group has equal power, status, and opportunity. White people have never been enslaved, colonized, or forced to segregate. They did not face housing or job discrimination, police brutality, poverty, or incarceration at the level that black people did.

Yeah....I remember that soliloquy from the Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

I forget the ending....do you ever recover???
Is the same thing as fairness.

Well, isn't that true. Then please explain the validity of affirmative action and diversity in the work place.

Go ahead, we are all waiting.

It's a way to counter the inherent bigotry that leads to minorities being frozen out the workplace . That's the AA part.

Diversity is different . U may want a diverse staff to better deal wh diverse customers .

Holy shit.

What part dont u get?

Let me ask you . Do places hire people without an interview ? Why ? They have their resume , what else do they need ?

Came back from the opera "Lucia di Lammermoor" about half hour ago....

I mention this because I was thinking about this thread during same, when I noticed that
Enrico was played by a white guy.
Edgardo by a Korean,
Arturo by a black guy.

I heard them sing, and I'm betting they were chosen based on merit, not melanin.
Ok. You want to know what this is actually all about? The democrats have been using victimology as their prime political weapon for well over 50 years. It is divide and conquer and that it is all it is about. Everything else is bullshit.

That is where this comes from. Political gain, political expediency etc etc. A narrative that is pushed on us on a daily basis.

You are denying that the democrats have effectively used minorities as pawns for political gain? Get ready for the so called "war on women" crap along with class warfare all during the Billary campaign.

You think this is about anything other than political expediency?
I don't deny that the Democratic party is noted as being more pro-minority than the Republican party. You can argue whether or not it is victimology, but you cannot deny that (looking at the last census) the US is made up of ~25% minority / mixed races. Now, do you really think that, given that 1 / 4 people are minority / mixed race that it makes any sense for neither political party to discuss / support their issues?

With that said, Hillary Clinton, 100% does everything for her own personal political expediency. However, that doesn't not mean that all Democrats do nor that it is makes any sense to not address the issues of 25% of the population.

No, democrats are not PRO-minority. That is the perception. Patronizing minorities IS RACISM. Using them for political gain IS RACISM. Making them believe they are nothing but VICTIMS IS RACISM.

Democrats have done a more to oppress minorities and they are experts at creating perception. Anyone that cannot see it are utterly and thoroughly brainwashed.

Maybe repugs shouldn't spend so much time demonizing, scapegoating, and victimizing minorities if they expect to be taken seriously by them.
Ok. You want to know what this is actually all about? The democrats have been using victimology as their prime political weapon for well over 50 years. It is divide and conquer and that it is all it is about. Everything else is bullshit.

That is where this comes from. Political gain, political expediency etc etc. A narrative that is pushed on us on a daily basis.

You are denying that the democrats have effectively used minorities as pawns for political gain? Get ready for the so called "war on women" crap along with class warfare all during the Billary campaign.

You think this is about anything other than political expediency?
I don't deny that the Democratic party is noted as being more pro-minority than the Republican party. You can argue whether or not it is victimology, but you cannot deny that (looking at the last census) the US is made up of ~25% minority / mixed races. Now, do you really think that, given that 1 / 4 people are minority / mixed race that it makes any sense for neither political party to discuss / support their issues?

With that said, Hillary Clinton, 100% does everything for her own personal political expediency. However, that doesn't not mean that all Democrats do nor that it is makes any sense to not address the issues of 25% of the population.

No, democrats are not PRO-minority. That is the perception. Patronizing minorities IS RACISM. Using them for political gain IS RACISM. Making them believe they are nothing but VICTIMS IS RACISM.

Democrats have done a more to oppress minorities and they are experts at creating perception. Anyone that cannot see it are utterly and thoroughly brainwashed.

Maybe repugs shouldn't spend so much time demonizing, scapegoating, and victimizing minorities if they expect to be taken seriously by them.

When have Republicans done that?

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