Left-Wing Ideology: A Cult, a Religion, or Science?

They gained in the Senate and they lost fewer seats in the House than Barry did in 10.

How did they do in governorships and state legislatures?

They picked up seats in the Senate, they lost less than your Boi Barry did in 10....let's not forget your shoe in Hillary lost.

You are far closer to Hillary's ideology than I am.

The Repubs also lost 7 governorships, including the 3 states that pushed Trump over the top in 2016.

They also lost six state legislative chambers.

Sorry son, you're a Prog liar, nothing more. You delight in pretending to be something you're not.
You claim to be a "Conservative" yet defend all Progs.
You pretend to be a guy with "balls" yet as I've shown repeatedly you are a coward. You progs lost everything that counted, the Senate and the WH are the real power (at least in the false paradigm). You must have a very lonely life, you find your self worth here, your ego is wrapped up in all of this.
You are a sad man. You see, my game is taking your game and metaphorically "slapping" you about the head and shoulders. I do it regularly.
I'm betting you are an emasculated little man who has no manhood at home.

Let's see....the next act of the play?????
Rump will start a War, he will do everything the Bankers tell him to do. He will be re-elected and take the Nation down the road to ruin. When it's done the UN will step in and "save the day".

are you still pissed that I would not accept your proposition to come to your hotel room? I am sure a perv like you found some other dude to fuck.

I'm never pissed son, I own you and have you pegged. We both know that. Rump will be re-elected son, you doubt me?
Your family and friends choosing to alienate you has nothing to do with Trump.
I have lots of family and friends but the hardcore Trumpbots have become so obnoxious that even regular old republicans hate to see these miserable bastards coming. There are two men in my town that come to mind. They sit in the bars in full Trump regalia talking shit real loud and pretty much spoiling everyone's good time. People are here on vacation for Christ's sake and God forbid someone says something to them.

Wow two whole men? Being obnoxious? Woah...what is the world coming to?!

Drumpf's America SMDH...
A MAGA hat is not a license to be a jerk. In all my days the only other time I saw people acting like this were the Klan rallies my Grandfather used to drag me to or the tent revivals my Grandmother used to drag me to.

There's jerks of all creeds, colors and nationality. If you think the left is jerk-free then you might be a victim of a cult-like mindset.
No my best friends voted for Trump and there are complainers of all kinds that I avoid. My point is that these MAGA guys are a new phenomena that even make the old tea party loons seem agreeable. It is a cult of personality built around a man not an ideology.

it is a shame that you do not understand the Trump draw. A whole lot of people have been fed up with the establishment government for many years, and when a man comes along who challenges that establishment government, these disgruntled people want to get on the bandwagon. Not a cult, and not a religious event, it is a grassroots political movement. Trump has done more for average Americans in two years, then others have done in eight years.

He is doing his best to get the federal government the hell out of our lives, and I will vote for him again.
Wow two whole men? Being obnoxious? Woah...what is the world coming to?!

Drumpf's America SMDH...
A MAGA hat is not a license to be a jerk. In all my days the only other time I saw people acting like this were the Klan rallies my Grandfather used to drag me to or the tent revivals my Grandmother used to drag me to.

There's jerks of all creeds, colors and nationality. If you think the left is jerk-free then you might be a victim of a cult-like mindset.
No my best friends voted for Trump and there are complainers of all kinds that I avoid. My point is that these MAGA guys are a new phenomena that even make the old tea party loons seem agreeable. It is a cult of personality built around a man not an ideology.

From my perspective it seems the idiots who keep saying stuff like: "Trump is an evil cult leader" are much, much more widespread and fanatical than the types you're talking about...
We in America used to abhor the kind of politics that led to a man like Trump being president. It seems as the last survivors of WW2 die off we no longer have the kind of cautionary voices to tell us where this all leads.

The only place it leads is individual freedom. That is what seems to scare the hell out of liberal/socialists. They will have to be responsible for their own bad choices.
The best definition of a cult I ever read is this: A cult will try to make itself your sole emotional support structure alienating you from friends and family. The Trump cult is doing this in spades.
Your family and friends choosing to alienate you has nothing to do with Trump.
I have lots of family and friends but the hardcore Trumpbots have become so obnoxious that even regular old republicans hate to see these miserable bastards coming. There are two men in my town that come to mind. They sit in the bars in full Trump regalia talking shit real loud and pretty much spoiling everyone's good time. People are here on vacation for Christ's sake and God forbid someone says something to them.
If you think that way well you drew first blood. Still are!
The best definition of a cult I ever read is this: A cult will try to make itself your sole emotional support structure alienating you from friends and family. The Trump cult is doing this in spades.

Do little kids pray to Trump like they prayed to Obama?

Are you one of those who thinks a lying pussy-grabbing serial adulterer is the most godly president ever?

We don't need a Godly president, we need a president who believes in the Constitution, and individual freedom. It would be nice if we had a congress with the same beliefs.
Rump will be re-elected son, you doubt me?

I would go with about 60/40 that he will baring any economic changes in the next year, which is why your hero in the White House is begging the Fed to drop the rates and do another round of QE
Political partisanship is an ideology.

Religion is also an ideology.

The two share several symptoms.

Thankfully extremist radical centrism is not an ideology.

As for modern leftism, it's a cult of evil.

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