Left Wing Journalists Want Govt. to Shut Down Fox News

Fox isn't a news channel. It is hard to say what it is as every story has some obvious slant. This would be fine if it was only Beck or some so called opinion commentator, but the entire station is one large bias machine. Often if something important in the nation is occurring live, I turn to fox to see their presentation. Oddly they are often doing some BS story.

It would be interesting if libel charges were brought more often, but they have corporate backing and moola as they worship at that church, so it is hard not to waste time even trying. The old days of honor and integrity in news and other journalist work is long gone. The Iraq invasion proved that too well as even today many believe Saddam was involved in 911.

Turn Off Fox - Get Fox News Turned Off Everywhere

"Despite the spin by the mainstream media that this was a war the White House instigated, the facts show that Fox has consistently viewed itself as the voice of the opposition to the current administration. Back in March, Fox News Vice-President of Programming Bill Shine described his network as “the voice of opposition [to Obama] on some issues.” Conspiracy-theorist Glenn Beck, who called the president “a racist,” claims Fox News President Roger Ailes wooed him over to the conservative network from CNN headline News in part by stressing the network’s opposition to Obama, saying, “I see this as the Alamo.” "

Is Fox News a legitimate news organization? Media Monitor

Now you know what it's like for us when we watch MSNBC, NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC or read the Washington Post, New York Times or the LA Times.

You have an 90,000 to 1 advantage in media bias. Complaining about it makes you a sore winner.

And just by the way, when you are watching the so-called "legitimate" news programs, do a little critical thinking. When they have 4 people on the segment and 3 of them basically agree with each other and one is a sacrificial "conservative" that's not fair, not balance and not journalism. And, every single one of the aforementioned "news" organizations does it. Every day and have for more than 25 years.
The left doesn't believe in free speech! I'm shocked!

Actually I'm not surprised, the left has always wanted to shut down conservative talk radio and now they're going after Fox News. You would think that with the sheer volume of conservative talk listeners and Fox viewers that mainstream news organizations would conclude that this country is and has always been center right and that they're leftist viewpoints only serve to alienate themselves from the masses. But for them to conclude that, it would take some amount of intelligence and that is obviously something the left lacks.
I think you're jumping to a conclusion that isn't really true. Just because you hear a lot of Conservative talk radio and watch the conservative Fox News, to conclude that this country is and has always been center right and that they're leftist viewpoints only serve to alienate themselves from the masses is a false paradigm.

There is a lot of pornography on the internet, therefore most internet users must be fans of pornography. See how that logic fails to reach the truth?

The proof of political allegiance is at the ballot box, not the Nielsen ratings.

You misunderstood my point. My point being is that an overwhelming part of the population either listens to conservative radio or watches FNC and that the leftwing media aka mainstream media obviously lacks the intelligence to tap into that viewing and/or listening audience. They would rather shut them down than to fairly report the news objectively. They place ideology above honesty. FTR I don't listen to talk radio nor do I watch FNC, with the exceptions of the clips I see on the WWW.

This country is right of center. A Gallup poll in 2009 confirms this with 40% of Americans interviewed describe their political views as conservative, 35% as moderate, and 21% as liberal.

Democrats Tell Progressives: America Is A Center-Right Nation | Firedoglake
The very existence of Fox News, meanwhile, sends Journolisters into paroxysms of rage. When Howell Raines charged that the network had a conservative bias, the members of Journolist discussed whether the federal government should shut the channel down.

“I am genuinely scared” of Fox, wrote Guardian columnist Daniel Davies, because it “shows you that a genuinely shameless and unethical media organisation *cannot* be controlled by any form of peer pressure or self-regulation, and nor can it be successfully cold-shouldered or ostracised. In order to have even a semblance of control, you need a tough legal framework.” Davies, a Brit, frequently argued the United States needed stricter libel laws.

“I agree,” said Michael Scherer of Time Magazine. Roger “Ailes understands that his job is to build a tribal identity, not a news organization. You can’t hurt Fox by saying it gets it wrong, if Ailes just uses the criticism to deepen the tribal identity.”

Jonathan Zasloff, a law professor at UCLA, suggested that the federal government simply yank Fox off the air. “Do you really want the political parties/white house picking which media operations are news operations and which are a less respectable hybrid of news and political advocacy?”

But Zasloff stuck to his position. “I think that they are doing that anyway; they leak to whom they want to for political purposes,” he wrote. “If this means that some White House reporters don’t get a press pass for the press secretary’s daily briefing and that this means that they actually have to, you know, do some reporting and analysis instead of repeating press releases, then I’ll take that risk.”

Read more: Liberal journalists suggest government shut down Fox News | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Supporters of free speech? Hardly.

Supporters of a conspiracy against the truth....
I hope this woman sues the hell out of Fox news and ends up OWNING Fox news.

The right wing nightmare of a black woman owing an entire news network and no more right wing fox news.
The left doesn't believe in free speech! I'm shocked!

Actually I'm not surprised, the left has always wanted to shut down conservative talk radio and now they're going after Fox News. You would think that with the sheer volume of conservative talk listeners and Fox viewers that mainstream news organizations would conclude that this country is and has always been center right and that they're leftist viewpoints only serve to alienate themselves from the masses. But for them to conclude that, it would take some amount of intelligence and that is obviously something the left lacks.
I think you're jumping to a conclusion that isn't really true. Just because you hear a lot of Conservative talk radio and watch the conservative Fox News, to conclude that this country is and has always been center right and that they're leftist viewpoints only serve to alienate themselves from the masses is a false paradigm.

There is a lot of pornography on the internet, therefore most internet users must be fans of pornography. See how that logic fails to reach the truth?

The proof of political allegiance is at the ballot box, not the Nielsen ratings.

You misunderstood my point. My point being is that an overwhelming part of the population either listens to conservative radio or watches FNC and that the leftwing media aka mainstream media obviously lacks the intelligence to tap into that viewing and/or listening audience. They would rather shut them down than to fairly report the news objectively. They place ideology above honesty. FTR I don't listen to talk radio nor do I watch FNC, with the exceptions of the clips I see on the WWW.

This country is right of center. A Gallup poll in 2009 confirms this with 40% of Americans interviewed describe their political views as conservative, 35% as moderate, and 21% as liberal.

Democrats Tell Progressives: America Is A Center-Right Nation | Firedoglake
Do you have numbers, or is this just your opinion? Overwhelming? Really?

I would listen to left wing opinions on the radio, if they were broadcast. I listen to the addict Limbaugh because the Public Radio station here broadcasts classical during the afternoon until 3:00 when PRI's The World comes on.

I find Limbaugh hilarious in his hypocrisy and idiocy. But, he's like driving past a car wreck looking for gore. Like sucking on a bad tooth or sniffing the milk carton even though the expiration date was a week ago.
I think you're jumping to a conclusion that isn't really true. Just because you hear a lot of Conservative talk radio and watch the conservative Fox News, to conclude that this country is and has always been center right and that they're leftist viewpoints only serve to alienate themselves from the masses is a false paradigm.

There is a lot of pornography on the internet, therefore most internet users must be fans of pornography. See how that logic fails to reach the truth?

The proof of political allegiance is at the ballot box, not the Nielsen ratings.

You misunderstood my point. My point being is that an overwhelming part of the population either listens to conservative radio or watches FNC and that the leftwing media aka mainstream media obviously lacks the intelligence to tap into that viewing and/or listening audience. They would rather shut them down than to fairly report the news objectively. They place ideology above honesty. FTR I don't listen to talk radio nor do I watch FNC, with the exceptions of the clips I see on the WWW.

This country is right of center. A Gallup poll in 2009 confirms this with 40% of Americans interviewed describe their political views as conservative, 35% as moderate, and 21% as liberal.

Democrats Tell Progressives: America Is A Center-Right Nation | Firedoglake
Do you have numbers, or is this just your opinion? Overwhelming? Really?

I would listen to left wing opinions on the radio, if they were broadcast. I listen to the addict Limbaugh because the Public Radio station here broadcasts classical during the afternoon until 3:00 when PRI's The World comes on.

I find Limbaugh hilarious in his hypocrisy and idiocy. But, he's like driving past a car wreck looking for gore. Like sucking on a bad tooth or sniffing the milk carton even though the expiration date was a week ago.

I should have specified "cable news" when referring to FNC's viewership, but yes, you obviously haven't seen FNC's ratings lately. And how is Air America fairing and are they still on the air? I can name several conservative radio host but not one liberal radio host, but I'm sure there may be one or two out there. It seems you listen to more talk radio than I do, I'm sure Rush is pleased that you're tuning into his program.
You misunderstood my point. My point being is that an overwhelming part of the population either listens to conservative radio or watches FNC and that the leftwing media aka mainstream media obviously lacks the intelligence to tap into that viewing and/or listening audience. They would rather shut them down than to fairly report the news objectively. They place ideology above honesty. FTR I don't listen to talk radio nor do I watch FNC, with the exceptions of the clips I see on the WWW.

This country is right of center. A Gallup poll in 2009 confirms this with 40% of Americans interviewed describe their political views as conservative, 35% as moderate, and 21% as liberal.

Democrats Tell Progressives: America Is A Center-Right Nation | Firedoglake
Do you have numbers, or is this just your opinion? Overwhelming? Really?

I would listen to left wing opinions on the radio, if they were broadcast. I listen to the addict Limbaugh because the Public Radio station here broadcasts classical during the afternoon until 3:00 when PRI's The World comes on.

I find Limbaugh hilarious in his hypocrisy and idiocy. But, he's like driving past a car wreck looking for gore. Like sucking on a bad tooth or sniffing the milk carton even though the expiration date was a week ago.

I should have specified "cable news" when referring to FNC's viewership, but yes, you obviously haven't seen FNC's ratings lately. And how is Air America fairing and are they still on the air? I can name several conservative radio host but not one liberal radio host, but I'm sure there may be one or two out there. It seems you listen to more talk radio than I do, I'm sure Rush is pleased that you're tuning into his program.

But, media popularity does not translate to real politics. If media popularity was the benchmark, I truly fear for this society! If it were true that media popularity drove the midset of the nation, we would have to agree that Beyonce is a far superior musical talent than Beethoven. iTunes sales makes it so!
Willow its people like you who are now the right wing brain trust.

they are fucked
The very existence of Fox News, meanwhile, sends Journolisters into paroxysms of rage. When Howell Raines charged that the network had a conservative bias, the members of Journolist discussed whether the federal government should shut the channel down.

“I am genuinely scared” of Fox, wrote Guardian columnist Daniel Davies, because it “shows you that a genuinely shameless and unethical media organisation *cannot* be controlled by any form of peer pressure or self-regulation, and nor can it be successfully cold-shouldered or ostracised. In order to have even a semblance of control, you need a tough legal framework.” Davies, a Brit, frequently argued the United States needed stricter libel laws.

“I agree,” said Michael Scherer of Time Magazine. Roger “Ailes understands that his job is to build a tribal identity, not a news organization. You can’t hurt Fox by saying it gets it wrong, if Ailes just uses the criticism to deepen the tribal identity.”

Jonathan Zasloff, a law professor at UCLA, suggested that the federal government simply yank Fox off the air. “Do you really want the political parties/white house picking which media operations are news operations and which are a less respectable hybrid of news and political advocacy?”

But Zasloff stuck to his position. “I think that they are doing that anyway; they leak to whom they want to for political purposes,” he wrote. “If this means that some White House reporters don’t get a press pass for the press secretary’s daily briefing and that this means that they actually have to, you know, do some reporting and analysis instead of repeating press releases, then I’ll take that risk.”

Read more: Liberal journalists suggest government shut down Fox News | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Supporters of free speech? Hardly.

WOW chanel, if you are on a mission to prove you are a pea brain...you are a success.

WHAT 'journalist' wants to shut down Fox News? I didn't know you needed a law degree to be a journalist. And the guy that IS a journalist was AGAINST it...

Which always brings me back to the same question; WHY are you allowed anywhere near our children? Better hope the school you work for doesn't have any board members on USMB...

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Do you have numbers, or is this just your opinion? Overwhelming? Really?

I would listen to left wing opinions on the radio, if they were broadcast. I listen to the addict Limbaugh because the Public Radio station here broadcasts classical during the afternoon until 3:00 when PRI's The World comes on.

I find Limbaugh hilarious in his hypocrisy and idiocy. But, he's like driving past a car wreck looking for gore. Like sucking on a bad tooth or sniffing the milk carton even though the expiration date was a week ago.

I should have specified "cable news" when referring to FNC's viewership, but yes, you obviously haven't seen FNC's ratings lately. And how is Air America fairing and are they still on the air? I can name several conservative radio host but not one liberal radio host, but I'm sure there may be one or two out there. It seems you listen to more talk radio than I do, I'm sure Rush is pleased that you're tuning into his program.

But, media popularity does not translate to real politics. If media popularity was the benchmark, I truly fear for this society! If it were true that media popularity drove the midset of the nation, we would have to agree that Beyonce is a far superior musical talent than Beethoven. iTunes sales makes it so!

You're almost right, except for most independents. A substantial portion of whom are more in tune with whatever the "prevailing thought" is at the time, than any political ideology or adherence to any set of political views.
The very existence of Fox News, meanwhile, sends Journolisters into paroxysms of rage. When Howell Raines charged that the network had a conservative bias, the members of Journolist discussed whether the federal government should shut the channel down.

“I am genuinely scared” of Fox, wrote Guardian columnist Daniel Davies, because it “shows you that a genuinely shameless and unethical media organisation *cannot* be controlled by any form of peer pressure or self-regulation, and nor can it be successfully cold-shouldered or ostracised. In order to have even a semblance of control, you need a tough legal framework.” Davies, a Brit, frequently argued the United States needed stricter libel laws.

“I agree,” said Michael Scherer of Time Magazine. Roger “Ailes understands that his job is to build a tribal identity, not a news organization. You can’t hurt Fox by saying it gets it wrong, if Ailes just uses the criticism to deepen the tribal identity.”

Jonathan Zasloff, a law professor at UCLA, suggested that the federal government simply yank Fox off the air. “Do you really want the political parties/white house picking which media operations are news operations and which are a less respectable hybrid of news and political advocacy?”

But Zasloff stuck to his position. “I think that they are doing that anyway; they leak to whom they want to for political purposes,” he wrote. “If this means that some White House reporters don’t get a press pass for the press secretary’s daily briefing and that this means that they actually have to, you know, do some reporting and analysis instead of repeating press releases, then I’ll take that risk.”

Read more: Liberal journalists suggest government shut down Fox News | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Supporters of free speech? Hardly.

Except that Fox yells FIRE just about every day, and MSM scrambles to follow them out the door. Only when the FIRE is proven to be just a mirage does it stop the endless news cycle Fox creates over obscure crap, but by then the damage is done.
I've been reading a lot on this, and ALL HELL is about to break loose with much information coming out.

Remember folks, they tried to TELL us it was all in our imaginations that the LAMESTREAM media was BIASED.

the Lame stream media has become an ENEMY to us American citizens, and all should be considered traitors.

Get your news from OTHER sources.

Sure. From bloggers like Breitbart?
Of course the left "hates free Speech" unless it AGREES with their ideology.

Look how many years they have been attacking Rush, now it's Beck, Palin, etc etc.

But this Jurnolist that is getting ready to hit is going to show the American people ONCE and for all what has been going. I hope they wake up.

What Jurnolist[sic]? You? Better learn how to spell first.

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