Left-wing talk radio is crashing and burning in the Pacific-Northwest!!!

Except that Dems won the Senate and the presidency.

And 50,000 Latinos are turning 18 every month.
Surprisingly, leftist talk radio could be on its way out in out of all cities, Portand, Oregon and Seattle, Washington. It looks like left-wing poltics could be on a very rapid decline. Not good news for lefties, especially considering these two cities.

Inside Radio, The Most Trusted News in Radio

The pendulum will soon swing back toward freedom again, but not until people get their fill of Leftist fail.
Left-wing talk radio is crashing and burning in the Pacific-Northwest!!!

That's okay, since most lefties can think for themselves.

BTW, with Breitbart in hell, I bet the devil smiles like Bill Clinton...
Surprisingly, leftist talk radio could be on its way out in out of all cities, Portand, Oregon and Seattle, Washington. It looks like left-wing poltics could be on a very rapid decline. Not good news for lefties, especially considering these two cities.

Inside Radio, The Most Trusted News in Radio

Maybe leftists just don't like being told what to think, while rightists need their daily marching orders. We see it on the board as the same things get said over and over again in the same way. Someone new comes to the board and they spout off some drivel, like it's a revelation we've never heard before, when in actuality we've heard it hundreds of times.
Surprisingly, leftist talk radio could be on its way out in out of all cities, Portand, Oregon and Seattle, Washington. It looks like left-wing poltics could be on a very rapid decline. Not good news for lefties, especially considering these two cities.

Inside Radio, The Most Trusted News in Radio

Just thinking aloud here....could it be that interest in political-leaning media in general has declined since the election?
Surprisingly, leftist talk radio could be on its way out in out of all cities, Portand, Oregon and Seattle, Washington. It looks like left-wing poltics could be on a very rapid decline. Not good news for lefties, especially considering these two cities.

Inside Radio, The Most Trusted News in Radio

Doesn't surpise me.

The same commercial model that works so well with the right winger types simply does NOT work with the leftie types.

NPR radio probably has a LOT to do with that.

AS do not for profit COMMUNITY radio stations which tend to lean to the left.

Lefties just do not seem to listen to commercial radio talk shows regardless of whether they are leaning left or right.
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Surprisingly, leftist talk radio could be on its way out in out of all cities, Portand, Oregon and Seattle, Washington. It looks like left-wing poltics could be on a very rapid decline. Not good news for lefties, especially considering these two cities.

Inside Radio, The Most Trusted News in Radio

It's really cute that you think this is market driven.

Yeah, I'm not really sure talk radio translates to votes. The partisan blabbers probably create as many votes for the other side as they do for their own.

Remember, the partisan blabbers have a very specific agenda - they want to keep their side pissed off and as separate from the other side as possible. Division translates to anger, anger translates to listeners. The very last thing these people want is the two sides cooperating with maturity, civility and reason. Ratings killer right there. Their followers, of course, are too angry to see this. Talk radio is essentially the political equivalent of All Pro Wrestling.

Division pimps.

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Surprisingly, leftist talk radio could be on its way out in out of all cities, Portand, Oregon and Seattle, Washington. It looks like left-wing poltics could be on a very rapid decline. Not good news for lefties, especially considering these two cities.

Inside Radio, The Most Trusted News in Radio

Maybe leftists just don't like being told what to think, while rightists need their daily marching orders. We see it on the board as the same things get said over and over again in the same way. Someone new comes to the board and they spout off some drivel, like it's a revelation we've never heard before, when in actuality we've heard it hundreds of times.

oh bruuuthhherr. Do you know how many liberal threads "Romney is a creap" have been started.
As far as drinking the cool aid. Do you realize how fracturalized the gop is right now. That is hardly a marching order compared to the united dems. I am amazed at how many dems go to church every sunday will vote for a candidate that believes in abortion/infanticide' talk about a marching order.
We;re a free speech nation and you can say what ya want, but the marching orders comment is way off target.

Yeah, I'm not really sure talk radio translates to votes. The partisan blabbers probably create as many votes for the other side as they do for their own.

Remember, the partisan blabbers have a very specific agenda - they want to keep their side pissed off and as separate from the other side as possible. Division translates to anger, anger translates to listeners. The very last thing these people want is the two sides cooperating with maturity, civility and reason. Ratings killer right there. Their followers, of course, are too angry to see this. Talk radio is essentially the political equivalent of All Pro Wrestling.

Division pimps.


nah, more like the globetrotters. And liberal talk shows are the Washington Generals.
I don't how people can stand to listen to the constant shrill whining on left wing radio..

about all it ever is
Surprisingly, leftist talk radio could be on its way out in out of all cities, Portand, Oregon and Seattle, Washington. It looks like left-wing poltics could be on a very rapid decline. Not good news for lefties, especially considering these two cities.

Inside Radio, The Most Trusted News in Radio

Maybe leftists just don't like being told what to think, while rightists need their daily marching orders. We see it on the board as the same things get said over and over again in the same way. Someone new comes to the board and they spout off some drivel, like it's a revelation we've never heard before, when in actuality we've heard it hundreds of times.

oh bruuuthhherr. Do you know how many liberal threads "Romney is a creap" have been started.
As far as drinking the cool aid. Do you realize how fracturalized the gop is right now. That is hardly a marching order compared to the united dems. I am amazed at how many dems go to church every sunday will vote for a candidate that believes in abortion/infanticide' talk about a marching order.
We;re a free speech nation and you can say what ya want, but the marching orders comment is way off target.

You're inside the echo chamber. From out here that's EXACTLY how it sounds. Turn off the radio and think for yourself. Saying Obama believes in infanticide is just another piece of evidence.
I don't how people can stand to listen to the constant shrill whining on left wing radio..

about all it ever is

And yet you'll listen to the shrill whining of RW radio?!?! I guess when you're inside the echo chamber it sounds like sweet music. :cool:
I don't how people can stand to listen to the constant shrill whining on left wing radio..

about all it ever is

And yet you'll listen to the shrill whining of RW radio?!?! I guess when you're inside the echo chamber it sounds like sweet music. :cool:

wrong, don't LISTEN to ANY of it, don't watch FOX NEWS or any of the doom and gloom news stations..
but if must assume people do, have at it

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