Left-wing talk radio is crashing and burning in the Pacific-Northwest!!!

I don't how people can stand to listen to the constant shrill whining on left wing radio..

about all it ever is

And yet you'll listen to the shrill whining of RW radio?!?! I guess when you're inside the echo chamber it sounds like sweet music. :cool:

wrong, don't LISTEN to ANY of it, don't watch FOX NEWS or any of the doom and gloom news stations..
but if must assume people do, have at it

You assumed people listened to the "shrill whining" of LW radio when by all indications, the OP and ratings numbers, they aren't. It's weird how RW radio has all those ratings numbers and people come on the board they repeat the same lines, but when questioned many say, "I don't listen". Then who is? :eusa_eh:
And yet you'll listen to the shrill whining of RW radio?!?! I guess when you're inside the echo chamber it sounds like sweet music. :cool:

wrong, don't LISTEN to ANY of it, don't watch FOX NEWS or any of the doom and gloom news stations..
but if must assume people do, have at it

You assumed people listened to the "shrill whining" of LW radio when by all indications, the OP and ratings numbers, they aren't. It's weird how RW radio has all those ratings numbers and people come on the board they repeat the same lines, but when questioned many say, "I don't listen". Then who is? :eusa_eh:

good grief, I said I don't know how people could listen...
didn't say they DID listen to it..now go away
wrong, don't LISTEN to ANY of it, don't watch FOX NEWS or any of the doom and gloom news stations..
but if must assume people do, have at it

You assumed people listened to the "shrill whining" of LW radio when by all indications, the OP and ratings numbers, they aren't. It's weird how RW radio has all those ratings numbers and people come on the board they repeat the same lines, but when questioned many say, "I don't listen". Then who is? :eusa_eh:

good grief, I said I don't know how people could listen...
didn't say they DID listen to it..now go away

Go away? Not on your life. You're sadly in need of an education.
With Lefty Talk Radio failing in even a most fertile market like the Pacific Northwest and the rag on AM talk radio conservative shows from Lefties, it makes an notion of bringing back The Fairness Doctrine that much more ludicrous.
You assumed people listened to the "shrill whining" of LW radio when by all indications, the OP and ratings numbers, they aren't. It's weird how RW radio has all those ratings numbers and people come on the board they repeat the same lines, but when questioned many say, "I don't listen". Then who is? :eusa_eh:

good grief, I said I don't know how people could listen...
didn't say they DID listen to it..now go away

Go away? Not on your life. You're sadly in need of an education.

and you are sadly in need of not being such a pompous ass. so worry about yourself
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good grief, I said I don't know how people could listen...
didn't say they DID listen to it..now go away

Go away? Not on your life. You're sadly in need of an education.

and you are sadly in need of not being such a pompous ass. so worry about yourself

If you don't want to listen to what others say, it's you that needs to leave. What's more pompous than telling someone to go away for expressing their opinion?
Go away? Not on your life. You're sadly in need of an education.

and you are sadly in need of not being such a pompous ass. so worry about yourself

If you don't want to listen to what others say, it's you that needs to leave. What's more pompous than telling someone to go away for expressing their opinion?

awww, did I hurt your fweelings..Just didn't feel like playing your game..
now have a wonderful day..and tune in to some left wing radio..
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Surprisingly, leftist talk radio could be on its way out in out of all cities, Portand, Oregon and Seattle, Washington. It looks like left-wing poltics could be on a very rapid decline. Not good news for lefties, especially considering these two cities.

Inside Radio, The Most Trusted News in Radio

How long did it take you to find SOMETHING that you could feel good about....oh yeah...since November 6th, right?:clap2:
I don't how people can stand to listen to the constant shrill whining on left wing radio..

about all it ever is

Have you ever listened too.....

Glen beck
Michael savage

The list goes on, these guys go from happy to crying to yelling. I think you talking about the rw mainstream media.
Talk radio, is basically preaching to the choir.
Right now, those on the right find much to be angry about. Therefore, talk radio on the right should be booming. If it isn't, something is seriously wrong.
Ohhhhh, and I thought there was a "liberal mainstream media" running everything. :confused:

It's amazing how we can't keep a radio station on the air....

The reason Left-wing radio almost always fails is because of a simple fact; they are bound by the truth whereas many conservative talk show hosts feel no obligation to be truthful.

I just started listening to music in my RX7 again after a week or two of listening to the blowhards on the right in talk radio. There may be hope for the Dems in 2016. Obama fatigue will be on the ballot just as white guilt was in 2008. So the GOP should have an advantage that it didn't have this last time. However, it's clear by listening to Neal Boortz (I had to Google him to see how to spell his name), Mark Levine, and this guy Dennis Praker (sp?) that the GOP is still in self-denial about why they lost.

Simply put; people don't like them. In general....

Hispanics don't like them
Women who think for themselves don't like them
Single Men don't like them
Blacks don't like them
The working poor don't like them
Labor doesn't like them

When you go out of your way to alienate 6 large voting blocks, in poker terms you're "drawing dead" as I've recently learned from the start of our Sunday evening games. Apparently these three gentlemen are of the opinion that if they dial up the belligerence they will come around.


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