Left wingers change “STEALING” and “LOOTING” into “Symbolic taking”

So say if we gifted them with a helicopter ride... that would be symbolic giving?
"So you cannot regularly not include them in the social contract, regularly violate the promises this country makes to Americans and then at this moment in time say you should abide by the laws and rules of our country because that’s right thing to do. There's no reason to expect that people who regularly have been left out will comply with this right now."

It's Ok, you can burn, loot and whatever else you want, after all there's no reason you should follow the law. She's simply nuts.

If she was a one-off, I wouldn't care, but there's a shit-ton of them running around trying to justify this crap, not bothering to realize that many of the people engaging in this activity do not fit into her, or their, little box of crazy that writes this off as just desserts for racism or whatever other reason, even if what she says does justify their actions, which it doesn't.

She needs to analyze her own logic. If these people are not complying with the social contract while they burn, loot and pillage, law enforcement has every right to do some symbolic life-taking and, again, many of the people doing this are not part of the group she's citing. I see an awful lot of white skateboard punks throwing bricks and smashing windows. Not included in the social contract my ass. Some of these people are rich, white spoiled assholes that need a gigantic dose of reality delivered in the form of a baton, a bullet and/or a prison term.
So I guess what is needed here is self segregation. White people must not ever again be suspected of racism. just stay on your side of the divide that the democrats have created. George Floyd’s death was a terrible tragedy and should never have happened. Neither should all this pillaging looting, killing and wanton lawlessness. I think it’s time to hire an all black police force to police black people and an all white force to police white people. Would we be talking about this and burning down the USA if Floyd had died at the hands of a black officer?
Everyone who loots should be punished with appropriate force.
Looting is not a political issue.
I totally agree

if they drop the stuff and put their hands behind their back for handcuffs no counter force is needed

but if not...
So I guess what is needed here is self segregation. White people must not ever again be suspected of racism. just stay on your side of the divide that the democrats have created. George Floyd’s death was a terrible tragedy and should never have happened. Neither should all this pillaging looting, killing and wanton lawlessness. I think it’s time to hire an all black police force to police black people and an all white force to police white people. Would we be talking about this and burning down the USA if Floyd had died at the hands of a black officer?
Incredible. We will have to have apartheid because the elites, the politicians, the entertainers, the sports people, the media and those who have a vested interest in the hate game has caused this. Think about it. How many people 10 or 20 thousand at most? When one leaves another replaces. No wonder they want the oldest educated to die. And a percentage of them know what they are doing compared to the ignorance of many of the youth.

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