'Left With A RESIDUE OF HATE'......?!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
According to American Urban Radio‘s White House correspondent April Ryan during an interview on CNN, PBS reporter Yamiche Alcindor, who called the President a 'White Supremacist' / 'Racist' during a Press Conference is not 'LEFT WITH A RESIDUE OF HATE' for being called out for her disrespectful behavior.

During the Press Conference, when given the opportunity to ask the President a question Alcindor started off by saying....

“On the campaign trail, you called yourself a nationalist. Some people say that as emboldingly white nationalist. Now people are also saying…”

At this point the President cut her off by saying, “I don’t know why you’d say that — such a racist question.”

President Trump was right - it was a very racist 'question', more like an attempt to call the President a 'Racist' / 'White Supremacist supporter'.

Alcindor acknowledged immediately in the beginning of her 'attack' that the President called himself a 'Nationalist' then went to n to bring up the nasty attacks / accusations made by Leftists like her and Acosta. If Alcindor - and 'some people' - are too stupid to know the difference between 'Nationalist' and 'White Nationalist' she probably should be flipping burgers or digging ditches somewhere instead of having a job as a reporter.

Part of the reason 'some people' have falsely accused the President of being a 'Racist' / 'White Supremacist Supporter' goes back to when President Trump CORRECTLY pointing out how the violent Soros/Russia-funded Antifa Group shared the blame for the violence that occurred in Charlottesville. The Left viciously attacked Trump for suggesting that there was more than one group responsible for the violence there. Even after the Antifa group's leader openly declared they had showed up with the intent to attack the White Supremacist group that were legally peacefully marching in Charlottesville, the Liberals continued to attack the President, declaring he was defending the White Supremacists.

The FACT was the White Supremacists had obtained a legal permit to march and were doing so peacefully … until Antifa showed up and - as they admitted - instigated the violence.

The FACT is that the Constitutional freedoms to assemble and of free speech applies to all Americans, even those whose opinions we do not agree with. The President took an oath to protect everyone's rights. Antifa - and many other Liberals - have sworn a vow to engage in violence to deny Americans who disagree with them of their Constitutional rights to peacefully assemble and to speak freely.

The FACT is ignorant, intolerant / violent intolerant liberals will often all 'you' a racist if you defend everyone's right to those Constitutional rights. It does not matter that Trump has denounced the White Supremacists numerous times now, only to be met with the Trump-hating response that he hasn't apologized 'ENOUGH' or exactly the way liberals have demanded him to...

Those 'SOME' who say Trump's defense of EVERY Americans' Constitutional Rights 'emboldens' white Supremacists, as Alcindor stated, are Trump-Hating morons on the Left who can not / will not accept the results of the 2016 election.

And about the only thing DUMBER than falsely calling the President a 'Racist' / 'White Supremacist Supporter' at a press conference is declaring afterwards that the reporter who was rebuked / called out for doing so is now 'LEFT WITH A RESIDUE OF HATE' from the President as a result of his rebuke / calling her out and pointing out her 'question' was racist in itself!

After Trump’s Scolding, Black PBS Reporter Now Has ‘Residue Of Hate’
The term “white nationalist” is an oxymoron. A nationalist puts their nationality first. If you put race above everything else, that’s just being a racist. Which of course is what the left are guilty of. They put race ahead of everything.
racism...etc etc
white this white that
white supremacists
racism racist etc
they are so full of shit
the MSM/BLM/blacks cry wolf everyday all day
If they think Trump is so racist, why, why, WHY is the black-crybaby community having the LOWEST unemployment rate in history under Trump? While they had their highest unemployment rate, race riots and black violent crime under Obamaggot? Liberals HATE the fact that blacks are doing demonstrably better under a white male president.

Yes, after 8 years of their nationwide, epidemic bloodthirst and violent crime against white males, you bet I'm a Racist with a capital R. The black crybabies have statistically proven they are the most worthless, stupidest, most destructive race of morons in this country's history. I won't even allow one of those carpet-headed, dead-eyed things in my house because I don't want anything stolen.
If they think Trump is so racist, why, why, WHY is the black-crybaby community having the LOWEST unemployment rate in history under Trump? While they had their highest unemployment rate, race riots and black violent crime under Obamaggot? Liberals HATE the fact that blacks are doing demonstrably better under a white male president.

Black unemployment rate was no where near it highest under Obama, quit parroting lies

I don't have "residue of hate." My hate is pure.

Matter of fact, i went to vote on Sunday. There was a small little antifa group outside. I was carrying, and I pulled into the packing lot.

They started coming towards where I was parked. I think I started to become aroused.One of these pussies saw me and knew me.

When he saw me, he immediately told them to stay the fuck away from me. I looked at all of them. Bunch of pathetic skinny college know it all rich white leftists. The one that knew was a friend of mine's son. I shook my head at him with disgust.

Then one motherfucker started walking towards me. I became aroused again. I pulled my gun and told him if he makes one more step, it will be his last.

My friends son shouted at him that I was not bluffing, and I wasn't. Not one bit. Trust that.
I don't have "residue of hate." My hate is pure.

Matter of fact, i went to vote on Sunday. There was a small little antifa group outside. I was carrying, and I pulled into the packing lot.

They started coming towards where I was parked. I think I started to become aroused.One of these pussies saw me and knew me.

When he saw me, he immediately told them to stay the fuck away from me. I looked at all of them. Bunch of pathetic skinny college know it all rich white leftists. The one that knew was a friend of mine's son. I shook my head at him with disgust.

Then one motherfucker started walking towards me. I became aroused again. I pulled my gun and told him if he makes one more step, it will be his last.

My friends son shouted at him that I was not bluffing, and I wasn't. Not one bit. Trust that.

You fail ‘Fiction Writing for the Impotent’ class, bullshitter.

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