Leftards Beware When Assaulting Trump Fans

Norman, the article did NOT SAY the hat swiper, threatened to kill the hat wearer. The gun brandisher never said the guy made death threats???

ALSO Words alone, are not a crime, there has to be reason to believe the threat made by the other person.... like he pulls out a gun or knife, or he's ten times bigger perhaps and has made an attempt to beat you to a pulp.... but the gun guy only said, he tried to swipe his hat off.... then he pulled his gun, in a crowded mall setting, at him, and he ran.

Maybe there is more to the story that we have not been given, but as it stands without more info, I stand by my original stance.... it was irresponsible, for him to pull his gun out on the guy, in the mall.... for this hat swiping event.

Words ARE a crime, that is what assault it.

Essentially what you claim is that anyone who supports Trump or America deserves to be assaulted.

Words may not be as crime, but using words to warn somebody you are about to commit a crime against them is. Those words indicate you are about to be assaulted, which gives you the right to use deadly force against the announced assault.

Exactly. A credible verbal threat is assault, a crime.
You be looking down the barrel of a 9mm with hollow points.

Trump Supporter Draws Gun In Self-Defense After Politically Motivated Attack
As a concealed permit holder, I don't particularly agree with the permit holder's actions. The purpose of the permit to carry is to allow the carrier to have a deterrent to an actual threat of one's life. Knocking a hat off one's head doesn't rise to that level. Now, it the assailant was carrying a hammer, tire-iron, knife, or other tool that could easily be used as a deadly weapon, then by all means, pull out that firearm and if that doesn't deter the individual, fill him/her full of holes.
I will shoot most any attacker, weapon in hand or not.
You be looking down the barrel of a 9mm with hollow points.

Trump Supporter Draws Gun In Self-Defense After Politically Motivated Attack
As a concealed permit holder, I don't particularly agree with the permit holder's actions. The purpose of the permit to carry is to allow the carrier to have a deterrent to an actual threat of one's life. Knocking a hat off one's head doesn't rise to that level. Now, it the assailant was carrying a hammer, tire-iron, knife, or other tool that could easily be used as a deadly weapon, then by all means, pull out that firearm and if that doesn't deter the individual, fill him/her full of holes.

What if it is an old man against a 250-lb 25-year-old?

What if you are an 85-year-old man who has cancer and weighs 120 pounds and a 250-lb leftist bully comes up and threatens to kick your arse?

What if you are a 5-foot tall woman? I would have no chance against a 250-lb man physically. I would have to pull out my gun and put him down.
Recently, I heard a story about a guy who threw a child over the rails at the mall. The child lived thankfully. Someone should have shot that guy.

Legally, they could have in a gun friendly state. I forget now what state that was in. It happened about a year ago or so.
A 9mm? Lol

Either that or they’ll find another way to be violent...mail bombs to you, drive over you in their car...blob supporters crave violence.

Hey commie, the guy was minding his own business when he was accosted. Try that with me and you'll get the same treatment, but I prefer a 40 S&W.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, so you're looking for trouble, cool, shoot repeatedly.
Recently, I heard a story about a guy who threw a child over the rails at the mall. The child lived thankfully. Someone should have shot that guy.

Legally, they could have in a gun friendly state. I forget now what state that was in. It happened about a year ago or so.
I almost gave up Jeebus, but now I can kill in church, so I've returned to His flock.
You be looking down the barrel of a 9mm with hollow points.

Trump Supporter Draws Gun In Self-Defense After Politically Motivated Attack
As a concealed permit holder, I don't particularly agree with the permit holder's actions. The purpose of the permit to carry is to allow the carrier to have a deterrent to an actual threat of one's life. Knocking a hat off one's head doesn't rise to that level. Now, it the assailant was carrying a hammer, tire-iron, knife, or other tool that could easily be used as a deadly weapon, then by all means, pull out that firearm and if that doesn't deter the individual, fill him/her full of holes.

I don't know about your state, but my state and PA does not restrict somebody from using deadly force only if the attacker also has a weapon. I posted the PA laws above.
You be looking down the barrel of a 9mm with hollow points.

Trump Supporter Draws Gun In Self-Defense After Politically Motivated Attack
As a concealed permit holder, I don't particularly agree with the permit holder's actions. The purpose of the permit to carry is to allow the carrier to have a deterrent to an actual threat of one's life. Knocking a hat off one's head doesn't rise to that level. Now, it the assailant was carrying a hammer, tire-iron, knife, or other tool that could easily be used as a deadly weapon, then by all means, pull out that firearm and if that doesn't deter the individual, fill him/her full of holes.
The police said he was physically threatened and acted properly.
You be looking down the barrel of a 9mm with hollow points.

Trump Supporter Draws Gun In Self-Defense After Politically Motivated Attack
As a concealed permit holder, I don't particularly agree with the permit holder's actions. The purpose of the permit to carry is to allow the carrier to have a deterrent to an actual threat of one's life. Knocking a hat off one's head doesn't rise to that level. Now, it the assailant was carrying a hammer, tire-iron, knife, or other tool that could easily be used as a deadly weapon, then by all means, pull out that firearm and if that doesn't deter the individual, fill him/her full of holes.

What if it is an old man against a 250-lb 25-year-old?

What if you are an 85-year-old man who has cancer and weighs 120 pounds and a 250-lb leftist bully comes up and threatens to kick your arse?

What if you are a 5-foot tall woman? I would have no chance against a 250-lb man physically. I would have to pull out my gun and put him down.
I do agree that it depends on the situation and the attacker, however, having your hat knocked off your head doesn't rise to the level of the use of deadly force.
A 9mm? Lol

Either that or they’ll find another way to be violent...mail bombs to you, drive over you in their car...blob supporters crave violence.

Hey commie, the guy was minding his own business when he was accosted. Try that with me and you'll get the same treatment, but I prefer a 40 S&W.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, so you're looking for trouble, cool, shoot repeatedly.

Nope, not looking for trouble, just prepared for it. I guess you have auto insurance because you're looking to get in an accident, right?

You be looking down the barrel of a 9mm with hollow points.

Trump Supporter Draws Gun In Self-Defense After Politically Motivated Attack
As a concealed permit holder, I don't particularly agree with the permit holder's actions. The purpose of the permit to carry is to allow the carrier to have a deterrent to an actual threat of one's life. Knocking a hat off one's head doesn't rise to that level. Now, it the assailant was carrying a hammer, tire-iron, knife, or other tool that could easily be used as a deadly weapon, then by all means, pull out that firearm and if that doesn't deter the individual, fill him/her full of holes.

What if it is an old man against a 250-lb 25-year-old?

What if you are an 85-year-old man who has cancer and weighs 120 pounds and a 250-lb leftist bully comes up and threatens to kick your arse?

What if you are a 5-foot tall woman? I would have no chance against a 250-lb man physically. I would have to pull out my gun and put him down.
I do agree that it depends on the situation and the attacker, however, having your hat knocked off your head doesn't rise to the level of the use of deadly force.

Taking a swing at somebody's face or head is an aggressive action. Nobody can tell what's next on the agenda of the attacker. So you take whatever defensive action to stop further attack.
You be looking down the barrel of a 9mm with hollow points.

Trump Supporter Draws Gun In Self-Defense After Politically Motivated Attack
As a concealed permit holder, I don't particularly agree with the permit holder's actions. The purpose of the permit to carry is to allow the carrier to have a deterrent to an actual threat of one's life. Knocking a hat off one's head doesn't rise to that level. Now, it the assailant was carrying a hammer, tire-iron, knife, or other tool that could easily be used as a deadly weapon, then by all means, pull out that firearm and if that doesn't deter the individual, fill him/her full of holes.

What if it is an old man against a 250-lb 25-year-old?

What if you are an 85-year-old man who has cancer and weighs 120 pounds and a 250-lb leftist bully comes up and threatens to kick your arse?

What if you are a 5-foot tall woman? I would have no chance against a 250-lb man physically. I would have to pull out my gun and put him down.
I do agree that it depends on the situation and the attacker, however, having your hat knocked off your head doesn't rise to the level of the use of deadly force.

If a person, larger than you, comes up to you aggressively and swipes off your hat and starts making threats, more than likely, that person is INSANE, and they are very much probably a danger. Don't forget, this isn't one of your buddies just joking around - this is a person that you have never seen before and know nothing about.
I see you’ve given up reading. Explains your idiocy

I read just fine, but it's you leftists that make no sense when you write. That's not my problem.

What is ... um, what are your problems?

Leftists are really the only "problems" that we have. They have reverted to attacking innocent people for wearing a hat or for presenting an ideology they don't like. Control yourselves before you get yourselves hurt.

These leftists who attack people on the right are not very bright. Who would risk going to jail, seriously hurting somebody, or perhaps accidentally killing somebody over a hat? That's just plain stupidity.

It reminds me of an old Chinese proverb my martial arts teacher taught me: Only use violence for self-defense, or when mind too weak to solve problem.

IMO, it is because they have all gone insane. TDS is not just a meme.

TDS is a meme, an echo used by those out of touch with reality.
With a record like this, anybody would be within their rights for defending themselves with a gun against these tards . . .

Left-Wing Political Violence During the Trump Era

Ugly, bloody scenes in San Jose as protesters attack Trump 06/03/2016 The Washington Post
Police: Clinton Supporter Lights Flag on Fire, Attacks Trump Supporter 07/31/2016 CBS2 Pittsburgh
Trump Supporter in NJ Attacked with Crowbar on Street, Police Say 08/09/2016 New Jersey 101.5
A 62-year-old man wearing a Donald Trump T-shirt was viciously attacked by a crowbar-wielding man last week, police told NorthJersey.com.

The attacker was driving along West Passaic Avenue when he spotted the victim walking and stopped to ask him about the shirt, the victim said. The attacker then followed the man to the parking lot of a restaurant, where the Trump supporter was beat several times with the crowbar, police said.
Tennessee Man Attacked at Garage Sale for Being Trump Supporter 08/18/2016 The Daily Caller
Some protesters got aggressive at the end of t

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