Leftards Beware When Assaulting Trump Fans

Take heed, leftists. People are getting tired of your violence and attacks over a hat. You people have all gone nuts. Trump has really brought out your TRUE nature, and it is nothing good.

You need not worry about me. I only attended one Trump rally. But I kept the video to remind me not to go to another:

Did you assault anyone while you were there? Elderly women perhaps?
I guess I find it hard to believe the concealed carry dude, carrying illegally in the mall, acted responsibly, by pulling his gun on a jerk that tried to knock his hat off his head.

I do not, in any way, see a jerk off guy who was wrongfully irritated by a stupid hat... and taking a swipe at it, to remove it, was some kind of lethal threat, to the concealed carry guy? Why was he ''in the right'' to pull his gun out, in the middle of a trafficked with people mall, for simply a guy, a crazy one, trying to swipe his hat? Is it okay to murder a jerk, that tries to swipe your hat off your head?


Sheesh, you guys are nothin' but yellow belly pussies who think this was okay and proper imho...

it was as stupid or even worse, than the jerk hating on the hat.... neither of the guys are something to write home about, again, imo.

First of all, the guy who pulled the gun didn't shoot the man so he showed he was under control. He simply pulled out his gun, I presume to let Anti Trumper know he was not going to be pushed around. What we don't know is what kinds of threats were made, the attackers demeanor, and the size and age of both individuals. I may not choose to pull a gun out on someone, but thats my call. I wont begrudge someone else, if they feel threatened enough to do so. If the guy wearing the Trump hat was walking along minding his own business, right off I am going to think there is something mentally wrong with a grown man who shows any form of violence over a hat. He should not be trusted. The man also ran away as we know, more evidence he was in the wrong here.

We only know they were arguing, or the jerk was shouting to take his hat off.... according to the law, that is not assault.... it goes with the nursery rhyme,

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me.

The article then said, the jerk made a swipe at snatching the guy's hat, did not succeed, the armed guy pulled his illegally carried GUN in the mall, out, and the hat jerk ran.

If, and a big if, the hat jerk committed assault and battery, it would be what is called a "simple assault", or 3rd degree assault and battery, which is a misdemeanor.

If there was no physical contact in the attempted hat knock off, in most states it would not be an assault n battery at all.....

If the person attacking brandished a gun or knife etc, then it would aggravated assault n battery, a felony.

So, if it laid out as the article states, and we are not missing anything, people on the right wing on this thread, have called for the hat swiping jerk, to be murdered by the carrying gun guy..... which is just completly bonkers....

The situation imo, didn't even call for the gun to be drawn, let alone be used, to murder someone.

The police felt differently and have more information than you do. Nobody was "murdered." That would be self defense. If you don't want to get shot, don't attack innocent people.
No harm no foul, I suppose? On the cop's part..... who wants to do all the paperwork?

You can't legally kill someone, unless the other person is trying to kill you, silly one.

Hat swiping attempts, does not qualify as a valid attempt, with the ability and will, to kill you.

Don't put your hands on other people. Do unto others . . .

Stop making excuses for assaults. Nobody knows how this assault could have escalated. Nobody knows if this victim was a feeble old man or something. Stop making excuses for these violent criminals who go around assaulting people over hats and other such things. You people are the ONLY ones who are tearing this country apart.
I guess I find it hard to believe the concealed carry dude, carrying illegally in the mall, acted responsibly, by pulling his gun on a jerk that tried to knock his hat off his head.

I do not, in any way, see a jerk off guy who was wrongfully irritated by a stupid hat... and taking a swipe at it, to remove it, was some kind of lethal threat, to the concealed carry guy? Why was he ''in the right'' to pull his gun out, in the middle of a trafficked with people mall, for simply a guy, a crazy one, trying to swipe his hat? Is it okay to murder a jerk, that tries to swipe your hat off your head?


Sheesh, you guys are nothin' but yellow belly pussies who think this was okay and proper imho...

it was as stupid or even worse, than the jerk hating on the hat.... neither of the guys are something to write home about, again, imo.

First of all, the guy who pulled the gun didn't shoot the man so he showed he was under control. He simply pulled out his gun, I presume to let Anti Trumper know he was not going to be pushed around. What we don't know is what kinds of threats were made, the attackers demeanor, and the size and age of both individuals. I may not choose to pull a gun out on someone, but thats my call. I wont begrudge someone else, if they feel threatened enough to do so. If the guy wearing the Trump hat was walking along minding his own business, right off I am going to think there is something mentally wrong with a grown man who shows any form of violence over a hat. He should not be trusted. The man also ran away as we know, more evidence he was in the wrong here.

We only know they were arguing, or the jerk was shouting to take his hat off.... according to the law, that is not assault.... it goes with the nursery rhyme,

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me.

The article then said, the jerk made a swipe at snatching the guy's hat, did not succeed, the armed guy pulled his illegally carried GUN in the mall, out, and the hat jerk ran.

If, and a big if, the hat jerk committed assault and battery, it would be what is called a "simple assault", or 3rd degree assault and battery, which is a misdemeanor.

If there was no physical contact in the attempted hat knock off, in most states it would not be an assault n battery at all.....

If the person attacking brandished a gun or knife etc, then it would aggravated assault n battery, a felony.

So, if it laid out as the article states, and we are not missing anything, people on the right wing on this thread, have called for the hat swiping jerk, to be murdered by the carrying gun guy..... which is just completly bonkers....

The situation imo, didn't even call for the gun to be drawn, let alone be used, to murder someone.

Care, I can't believe you are stupid enough to continue with this line of argument. Obviously if someone yells "I am going to kill you unless you take off that hat" and charge towards your hat, you have every right to shoot him on the spot. Scoffing off as if words do not matter is stupid.

You yourself said there is more wrong with the guy who legally defended himself than the one who committed the assault. That does not leave much room to complain about others.

We don't know what the exact situation was, but for certain, if you don't want holes in your body don't reach for anyone's hat. Certainly, giving a charitable interpretation to the article, the Trump supporter would have been right to kill the anti-American. Hope the police catch him and bring him to justice.

Why would this surprise anyone? She is a leftist.
If, and a big if, the hat jerk committed assault and battery, it would be what is called a "simple assault", or 3rd degree assault and battery, which is a misdemeanor.

If there was no physical contact in the attempted hat knock off, in most states it would not be an assault n battery at all.....

If the person attacking brandished a gun or knife etc, then it would aggravated assault n battery, a felony.

So, if it laid out as the article states, and we are not missing anything, people on the right wing on this thread, have called for the hat swiping jerk, to be murdered by the carrying gun guy..... which is just completly bonkers....

The situation imo, didn't even call for the gun to be drawn, let alone be used, to murder someone.

Soooooo….you seem to be saying that if someone comes up to me clearly intending to commit a "simple felony" by attacking me physically, that's okay? He should get to knock my hat off, pull my clothes off, jerk me around? Is that okay with all the leftists here?

Believe me, if that starts happening, I start carrying and shoot such an attacker dead as soon as he starts up.

You need to change your avatar: you are definitely no "warrior princess."
So what are you complaining about? These people went to the Trump rallies to start trouble. Trump merely suggested that his audience gave them what they came there for. I mean.....you don't go to Burger King, and when somebody hands you a hamburger, get pissed off about it.

I see you’ve given up reading. Explains your idiocy

I read just fine, but it's you leftists that make no sense when you write. That's not my problem.

What is ... um, what are your problems?

Leftists are really the only "problems" that we have. They have reverted to attacking innocent people for wearing a hat or for presenting an ideology they don't like. Control yourselves before you get yourselves hurt.

These leftists who attack people on the right are not very bright. Who would risk going to jail, seriously hurting somebody, or perhaps accidentally killing somebody over a hat? That's just plain stupidity.

It reminds me of an old Chinese proverb my martial arts teacher taught me: Only use violence for self-defense, or when mind too weak to solve problem.

IMO, it is because they have all gone insane. TDS is not just a meme.
If, and a big if, the hat jerk committed assault and battery, it would be what is called a "simple assault", or 3rd degree assault and battery, which is a misdemeanor.

If there was no physical contact in the attempted hat knock off, in most states it would not be an assault n battery at all.....

If the person attacking brandished a gun or knife etc, then it would aggravated assault n battery, a felony.

So, if it laid out as the article states, and we are not missing anything, people on the right wing on this thread, have called for the hat swiping jerk, to be murdered by the carrying gun guy..... which is just completly bonkers....

The situation imo, didn't even call for the gun to be drawn, let alone be used, to murder someone.

Soooooo….you seem to be saying that if someone comes up to me clearly intending to commit a "simple felony" by attacking me physically, that's okay? He should get to knock my hat off, pull my clothes off, jerk me around? Is that okay with all the leftists here?

Believe me, if that starts happening, I start carrying and shoot such an attacker dead as soon as he starts up.

You need to change your avatar: you are definitely no "warrior princess."

Technically rape is not life-threatening, is care b
If, and a big if, the hat jerk committed assault and battery, it would be what is called a "simple assault", or 3rd degree assault and battery, which is a misdemeanor.

If there was no physical contact in the attempted hat knock off, in most states it would not be an assault n battery at all.....

If the person attacking brandished a gun or knife etc, then it would aggravated assault n battery, a felony.

So, if it laid out as the article states, and we are not missing anything, people on the right wing on this thread, have called for the hat swiping jerk, to be murdered by the carrying gun guy..... which is just completly bonkers....

The situation imo, didn't even call for the gun to be drawn, let alone be used, to murder someone.

Soooooo….you seem to be saying that if someone comes up to me clearly intending to commit a "simple felony" by attacking me physically, that's okay? He should get to knock my hat off, pull my clothes off, jerk me around? Is that okay with all the leftists here?

Believe me, if that starts happening, I start carrying and shoot such an attacker dead as soon as he starts up.

You need to change your avatar: you are definitely no "warrior princess."

So how does this "theory" work for women? Technically rape is at least possibly not life-threatening so they just got to take it whenever requested? Does not sound very warrior princess like.

When you start reaching for someone's hat, there is no guarantee whether it's the hat or your head. Combined with words about beating people up...
It's not really a level playing field. Life is cheap to the self-loathing marxist Dims. Very cheap. That always needs to be factored into the equation. But in any case, if you assault strangers I'd like to think your life expectancy diminishes quickly.
I guess I find it hard to believe the concealed carry dude, carrying illegally in the mall, acted responsibly, by pulling his gun on a jerk that tried to knock his hat off his head.

I do not, in any way, see a jerk off guy who was wrongfully irritated by a stupid hat... and taking a swipe at it, to remove it, was some kind of lethal threat, to the concealed carry guy? Why was he ''in the right'' to pull his gun out, in the middle of a trafficked with people mall, for simply a guy, a crazy one, trying to swipe his hat? Is it okay to murder a jerk, that tries to swipe your hat off your head?


Sheesh, you guys are nothin' but yellow belly pussies who think this was okay and proper imho...

it was as stupid or even worse, than the jerk hating on the hat.... neither of the guys are something to write home about, again, imo.

First of all, the guy who pulled the gun didn't shoot the man so he showed he was under control. He simply pulled out his gun, I presume to let Anti Trumper know he was not going to be pushed around. What we don't know is what kinds of threats were made, the attackers demeanor, and the size and age of both individuals. I may not choose to pull a gun out on someone, but thats my call. I wont begrudge someone else, if they feel threatened enough to do so. If the guy wearing the Trump hat was walking along minding his own business, right off I am going to think there is something mentally wrong with a grown man who shows any form of violence over a hat. He should not be trusted. The man also ran away as we know, more evidence he was in the wrong here.

We only know they were arguing, or the jerk was shouting to take his hat off.... according to the law, that is not assault.... it goes with the nursery rhyme,

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me.

The article then said, the jerk made a swipe at snatching the guy's hat, did not succeed, the armed guy pulled his illegally carried GUN in the mall, out, and the hat jerk ran.

If, and a big if, the hat jerk committed assault and battery, it would be what is called a "simple assault", or 3rd degree assault and battery, which is a misdemeanor.

If there was no physical contact in the attempted hat knock off, in most states it would not be an assault n battery at all.....

If the person attacking brandished a gun or knife etc, then it would aggravated assault n battery, a felony.

So, if it laid out as the article states, and we are not missing anything, people on the right wing on this thread, have called for the hat swiping jerk, to be murdered by the carrying gun guy..... which is just completly bonkers....

The situation imo, didn't even call for the gun to be drawn, let alone be used, to murder someone.

Care, I can't believe you are stupid enough to continue with this line of argument. Obviously if someone yells "I am going to kill you unless you take off that hat" and charge towards your hat, you have every right to shoot him on the spot. Scoffing off as if words do not matter is stupid.

You yourself said there is more wrong with the guy who legally defended himself than the one who committed the assault. That does not leave much room to complain about others.

We don't know what the exact situation was, but for certain, if you don't want holes in your body don't reach for anyone's hat. Certainly, giving a charitable interpretation to the article, the Trump supporter would have been right to kill the anti-American. Hope the police catch him and bring him to justice.
Norman, the article did NOT SAY the hat swiper, threatened to kill the hat wearer. The gun brandisher never said the guy made death threats???

ALSO Words alone, are not a crime, there has to be reason to believe the threat made by the other person.... like he pulls out a gun or knife, or he's ten times bigger perhaps and has made an attempt to beat you to a pulp.... but the gun guy only said, he tried to swipe his hat off.... then he pulled his gun, in a crowded mall setting, at him, and he ran.

Maybe there is more to the story that we have not been given, but as it stands without more info, I stand by my original stance.... it was irresponsible, for him to pull his gun out on the guy, in the mall.... for this hat swiping event.
If, and a big if, the hat jerk committed assault and battery, it would be what is called a "simple assault", or 3rd degree assault and battery, which is a misdemeanor.

If there was no physical contact in the attempted hat knock off, in most states it would not be an assault n battery at all.....

If the person attacking brandished a gun or knife etc, then it would aggravated assault n battery, a felony.

So, if it laid out as the article states, and we are not missing anything, people on the right wing on this thread, have called for the hat swiping jerk, to be murdered by the carrying gun guy..... which is just completly bonkers....

The situation imo, didn't even call for the gun to be drawn, let alone be used, to murder someone.

Soooooo….you seem to be saying that if someone comes up to me clearly intending to commit a "simple felony" by attacking me physically, that's okay? He should get to knock my hat off, pull my clothes off, jerk me around? Is that okay with all the leftists here?

Believe me, if that starts happening, I start carrying and shoot such an attacker dead as soon as he starts up.

You need to change your avatar: you are definitely no "warrior princess."

Technically rape is not life-threatening, is care b
If, and a big if, the hat jerk committed assault and battery, it would be what is called a "simple assault", or 3rd degree assault and battery, which is a misdemeanor.

If there was no physical contact in the attempted hat knock off, in most states it would not be an assault n battery at all.....

If the person attacking brandished a gun or knife etc, then it would aggravated assault n battery, a felony.

So, if it laid out as the article states, and we are not missing anything, people on the right wing on this thread, have called for the hat swiping jerk, to be murdered by the carrying gun guy..... which is just completly bonkers....

The situation imo, didn't even call for the gun to be drawn, let alone be used, to murder someone.

Soooooo….you seem to be saying that if someone comes up to me clearly intending to commit a "simple felony" by attacking me physically, that's okay? He should get to knock my hat off, pull my clothes off, jerk me around? Is that okay with all the leftists here?

Believe me, if that starts happening, I start carrying and shoot such an attacker dead as soon as he starts up.

You need to change your avatar: you are definitely no "warrior princess."

So how does this "theory" work for women? Technically rape is at least possibly not life-threatening so they just got to take it whenever requested? Does not sound very warrior princess like.

When you start reaching for someone's hat, there is no guarantee whether it's the hat or your head. Combined with words about beating people up...

Women should definitely defend themselves from rape by any means possible. Again, if you don't want to be shot, then you keep your hands off of other people.
I guess I find it hard to believe the concealed carry dude, carrying illegally in the mall, acted responsibly, by pulling his gun on a jerk that tried to knock his hat off his head.

I do not, in any way, see a jerk off guy who was wrongfully irritated by a stupid hat... and taking a swipe at it, to remove it, was some kind of lethal threat, to the concealed carry guy? Why was he ''in the right'' to pull his gun out, in the middle of a trafficked with people mall, for simply a guy, a crazy one, trying to swipe his hat? Is it okay to murder a jerk, that tries to swipe your hat off your head?


Sheesh, you guys are nothin' but yellow belly pussies who think this was okay and proper imho...

it was as stupid or even worse, than the jerk hating on the hat.... neither of the guys are something to write home about, again, imo.

First of all, the guy who pulled the gun didn't shoot the man so he showed he was under control. He simply pulled out his gun, I presume to let Anti Trumper know he was not going to be pushed around. What we don't know is what kinds of threats were made, the attackers demeanor, and the size and age of both individuals. I may not choose to pull a gun out on someone, but thats my call. I wont begrudge someone else, if they feel threatened enough to do so. If the guy wearing the Trump hat was walking along minding his own business, right off I am going to think there is something mentally wrong with a grown man who shows any form of violence over a hat. He should not be trusted. The man also ran away as we know, more evidence he was in the wrong here.

We only know they were arguing, or the jerk was shouting to take his hat off.... according to the law, that is not assault.... it goes with the nursery rhyme,

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me.

The article then said, the jerk made a swipe at snatching the guy's hat, did not succeed, the armed guy pulled his illegally carried GUN in the mall, out, and the hat jerk ran.

If, and a big if, the hat jerk committed assault and battery, it would be what is called a "simple assault", or 3rd degree assault and battery, which is a misdemeanor.

If there was no physical contact in the attempted hat knock off, in most states it would not be an assault n battery at all.....

If the person attacking brandished a gun or knife etc, then it would aggravated assault n battery, a felony.

So, if it laid out as the article states, and we are not missing anything, people on the right wing on this thread, have called for the hat swiping jerk, to be murdered by the carrying gun guy..... which is just completly bonkers....

The situation imo, didn't even call for the gun to be drawn, let alone be used, to murder someone.

Care, I can't believe you are stupid enough to continue with this line of argument. Obviously if someone yells "I am going to kill you unless you take off that hat" and charge towards your hat, you have every right to shoot him on the spot. Scoffing off as if words do not matter is stupid.

You yourself said there is more wrong with the guy who legally defended himself than the one who committed the assault. That does not leave much room to complain about others.

We don't know what the exact situation was, but for certain, if you don't want holes in your body don't reach for anyone's hat. Certainly, giving a charitable interpretation to the article, the Trump supporter would have been right to kill the anti-American. Hope the police catch him and bring him to justice.
Norman, the article did NOT SAY the hat swiper, threatened to kill the hat wearer. The gun brandisher never said the guy made death threats???

ALSO Words alone, are not a crime, there has to be reason to believe the threat made by the other person.... like he pulls out a gun or knife, or he's ten times bigger perhaps and has made an attempt to beat you to a pulp.... but the gun guy only said, he tried to swipe his hat off.... then he pulled his gun, in a crowded mall setting, at him, and he ran.

Maybe there is more to the story that we have not been given, but as it stands without more info, I stand by my original stance.... it was irresponsible, for him to pull his gun out on the guy, in the mall.... for this hat swiping event.

No he didn't say that was all that happened. Go read the story again. He was threatened. Besides that, again, if you don't want to get shot, then keep your hands off of other people.
So how does this "theory" work for women? Technically rape is at least possibly not life-threatening so they just got to take it whenever requested? Does not sound very warrior princess like.

When you start reaching for someone's hat, there is no guarantee whether it's the hat or your head. Combined with words about beating people up...

Yeah, this theory of hers oh-so-very does NOT work for women: NO we don't want to get raped and pulled about and beat up and our clothes -- hats or anything else! -- pulled off by these leftist creeps. OF COURSE we'd shoot back or do whatever harm we trained to do if attacked --- well, maybe "warrior princess" would just lie there and take it, but a lot of us aren't willing to let men attack us with impunity anymore.

The more this goes on, the more I think we really need free open carry in every state. If they know people are armed, leftist creepazoids wouldn't be attacking us so much.
I guess I find it hard to believe the concealed carry dude, carrying illegally in the mall, acted responsibly, by pulling his gun on a jerk that tried to knock his hat off his head.

I do not, in any way, see a jerk off guy who was wrongfully irritated by a stupid hat... and taking a swipe at it, to remove it, was some kind of lethal threat, to the concealed carry guy? Why was he ''in the right'' to pull his gun out, in the middle of a trafficked with people mall, for simply a guy, a crazy one, trying to swipe his hat? Is it okay to murder a jerk, that tries to swipe your hat off your head?


Sheesh, you guys are nothin' but yellow belly pussies who think this was okay and proper imho...

it was as stupid or even worse, than the jerk hating on the hat.... neither of the guys are something to write home about, again, imo.

First of all, the guy who pulled the gun didn't shoot the man so he showed he was under control. He simply pulled out his gun, I presume to let Anti Trumper know he was not going to be pushed around. What we don't know is what kinds of threats were made, the attackers demeanor, and the size and age of both individuals. I may not choose to pull a gun out on someone, but thats my call. I wont begrudge someone else, if they feel threatened enough to do so. If the guy wearing the Trump hat was walking along minding his own business, right off I am going to think there is something mentally wrong with a grown man who shows any form of violence over a hat. He should not be trusted. The man also ran away as we know, more evidence he was in the wrong here.

We only know they were arguing, or the jerk was shouting to take his hat off.... according to the law, that is not assault.... it goes with the nursery rhyme,

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me.

The article then said, the jerk made a swipe at snatching the guy's hat, did not succeed, the armed guy pulled his illegally carried GUN in the mall, out, and the hat jerk ran.

If, and a big if, the hat jerk committed assault and battery, it would be what is called a "simple assault", or 3rd degree assault and battery, which is a misdemeanor.

If there was no physical contact in the attempted hat knock off, in most states it would not be an assault n battery at all.....

If the person attacking brandished a gun or knife etc, then it would aggravated assault n battery, a felony.

So, if it laid out as the article states, and we are not missing anything, people on the right wing on this thread, have called for the hat swiping jerk, to be murdered by the carrying gun guy..... which is just completly bonkers....

The situation imo, didn't even call for the gun to be drawn, let alone be used, to murder someone.

Care, I can't believe you are stupid enough to continue with this line of argument. Obviously if someone yells "I am going to kill you unless you take off that hat" and charge towards your hat, you have every right to shoot him on the spot. Scoffing off as if words do not matter is stupid.

You yourself said there is more wrong with the guy who legally defended himself than the one who committed the assault. That does not leave much room to complain about others.

We don't know what the exact situation was, but for certain, if you don't want holes in your body don't reach for anyone's hat. Certainly, giving a charitable interpretation to the article, the Trump supporter would have been right to kill the anti-American. Hope the police catch him and bring him to justice.
Norman, the article did NOT SAY the hat swiper, threatened to kill the hat wearer. The gun brandisher never said the guy made death threats???

ALSO Words alone, are not a crime, there has to be reason to believe the threat made by the other person.... like he pulls out a gun or knife, or he's ten times bigger perhaps and has made an attempt to beat you to a pulp.... but the gun guy only said, he tried to swipe his hat off.... then he pulled his gun, in a crowded mall setting, at him, and he ran.

Maybe there is more to the story that we have not been given, but as it stands without more info, I stand by my original stance.... it was irresponsible, for him to pull his gun out on the guy, in the mall.... for this hat swiping event.

You are so wrong. Taking a swing at somebody's head is an aggressive action. The victim has no idea if that's the end of the conflict, thus giving him the legal right to use deadly force as self-defense.

So I took the liberty to find PA's CCW laws, and here is what it says:

When can someone use self-defense?

The Pennsylvania self-defense statute provides that use of force is “justifiable when the actor believes that such force is immediately necessary for the purpose of protecting himself against the use of unlawful force by such other person on the present occasion.” 18 Pa.C.S. § 505.

Importantly for Penn LAGOs, the statute further authorizes the use of deadly force when “the actor believes that such force is necessary to protect himself against:

  • death,
  • serious bodily injury,
  • kidnapping or
  • sexual intercourse compelled by force or threat.”
JUSTIFIED: Does Pennsylvania Law Allow for Use of Force in Self-Defense? - Pennsylvania Law Abiding Gun Owner Blog

Now take note it does not say restricted during serious bodily injury, it says to protect themselves from serious bodily injury. That's why the police could not do anything to the licensed carrier.
I guess I find it hard to believe the concealed carry dude, carrying illegally in the mall, acted responsibly, by pulling his gun on a jerk that tried to knock his hat off his head.

I do not, in any way, see a jerk off guy who was wrongfully irritated by a stupid hat... and taking a swipe at it, to remove it, was some kind of lethal threat, to the concealed carry guy? Why was he ''in the right'' to pull his gun out, in the middle of a trafficked with people mall, for simply a guy, a crazy one, trying to swipe his hat? Is it okay to murder a jerk, that tries to swipe your hat off your head?


Sheesh, you guys are nothin' but yellow belly pussies who think this was okay and proper imho...

it was as stupid or even worse, than the jerk hating on the hat.... neither of the guys are something to write home about, again, imo.

First of all, the guy who pulled the gun didn't shoot the man so he showed he was under control. He simply pulled out his gun, I presume to let Anti Trumper know he was not going to be pushed around. What we don't know is what kinds of threats were made, the attackers demeanor, and the size and age of both individuals. I may not choose to pull a gun out on someone, but thats my call. I wont begrudge someone else, if they feel threatened enough to do so. If the guy wearing the Trump hat was walking along minding his own business, right off I am going to think there is something mentally wrong with a grown man who shows any form of violence over a hat. He should not be trusted. The man also ran away as we know, more evidence he was in the wrong here.

We only know they were arguing, or the jerk was shouting to take his hat off.... according to the law, that is not assault.... it goes with the nursery rhyme,

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me.

The article then said, the jerk made a swipe at snatching the guy's hat, did not succeed, the armed guy pulled his illegally carried GUN in the mall, out, and the hat jerk ran.

If, and a big if, the hat jerk committed assault and battery, it would be what is called a "simple assault", or 3rd degree assault and battery, which is a misdemeanor.

If there was no physical contact in the attempted hat knock off, in most states it would not be an assault n battery at all.....

If the person attacking brandished a gun or knife etc, then it would aggravated assault n battery, a felony.

So, if it laid out as the article states, and we are not missing anything, people on the right wing on this thread, have called for the hat swiping jerk, to be murdered by the carrying gun guy..... which is just completly bonkers....

The situation imo, didn't even call for the gun to be drawn, let alone be used, to murder someone.

Care, I can't believe you are stupid enough to continue with this line of argument. Obviously if someone yells "I am going to kill you unless you take off that hat" and charge towards your hat, you have every right to shoot him on the spot. Scoffing off as if words do not matter is stupid.

You yourself said there is more wrong with the guy who legally defended himself than the one who committed the assault. That does not leave much room to complain about others.

We don't know what the exact situation was, but for certain, if you don't want holes in your body don't reach for anyone's hat. Certainly, giving a charitable interpretation to the article, the Trump supporter would have been right to kill the anti-American. Hope the police catch him and bring him to justice.
Norman, the article did NOT SAY the hat swiper, threatened to kill the hat wearer. The gun brandisher never said the guy made death threats???

ALSO Words alone, are not a crime, there has to be reason to believe the threat made by the other person.... like he pulls out a gun or knife, or he's ten times bigger perhaps and has made an attempt to beat you to a pulp.... but the gun guy only said, he tried to swipe his hat off.... then he pulled his gun, in a crowded mall setting, at him, and he ran.

Maybe there is more to the story that we have not been given, but as it stands without more info, I stand by my original stance.... it was irresponsible, for him to pull his gun out on the guy, in the mall.... for this hat swiping event.

"Words alone are not a crime."

Never heard of hate speech?

Screaming that you will kill someone while charging at him is an attempted murder. It's not an issue of speech.

You continue to refer to the event as hat swiping when it says right on the start of article that the perpetrator threatened to assault the Trump supporter. It was an assault event...
Norman, the article did NOT SAY the hat swiper, threatened to kill the hat wearer. The gun brandisher never said the guy made death threats???

ALSO Words alone, are not a crime, there has to be reason to believe the threat made by the other person.... like he pulls out a gun or knife, or he's ten times bigger perhaps and has made an attempt to beat you to a pulp.... but the gun guy only said, he tried to swipe his hat off.... then he pulled his gun, in a crowded mall setting, at him, and he ran.

Maybe there is more to the story that we have not been given, but as it stands without more info, I stand by my original stance.... it was irresponsible, for him to pull his gun out on the guy, in the mall.... for this hat swiping event.

Words ARE a crime, that is what assault it.

Essentially what you claim is that anyone who supports Trump or America deserves to be assaulted.
Norman, the article did NOT SAY the hat swiper, threatened to kill the hat wearer. The gun brandisher never said the guy made death threats???

ALSO Words alone, are not a crime, there has to be reason to believe the threat made by the other person.... like he pulls out a gun or knife, or he's ten times bigger perhaps and has made an attempt to beat you to a pulp.... but the gun guy only said, he tried to swipe his hat off.... then he pulled his gun, in a crowded mall setting, at him, and he ran.

Maybe there is more to the story that we have not been given, but as it stands without more info, I stand by my original stance.... it was irresponsible, for him to pull his gun out on the guy, in the mall.... for this hat swiping event.

Words ARE a crime, that is what assault it.

Essentially what you claim is that anyone who supports Trump or America deserves to be assaulted.

Words may not be as crime, but using words to warn somebody you are about to commit a crime against them is. Those words indicate you are about to be assaulted, which gives you the right to use deadly force against the announced assault.
Norman, the article did NOT SAY the hat swiper, threatened to kill the hat wearer. The gun brandisher never said the guy made death threats???

ALSO Words alone, are not a crime, there has to be reason to believe the threat made by the other person.... like he pulls out a gun or knife, or he's ten times bigger perhaps and has made an attempt to beat you to a pulp.... but the gun guy only said, he tried to swipe his hat off.... then he pulled his gun, in a crowded mall setting, at him, and he ran.

Maybe there is more to the story that we have not been given, but as it stands without more info, I stand by my original stance.... it was irresponsible, for him to pull his gun out on the guy, in the mall.... for this hat swiping event.

Words ARE a crime, that is what assault it.

Essentially what you claim is that anyone who supports Trump or America deserves to be assaulted.

Or at least should not have to face any consequences for it!
You be looking down the barrel of a 9mm with hollow points.

Trump Supporter Draws Gun In Self-Defense After Politically Motivated Attack
As a concealed permit holder, I don't particularly agree with the permit holder's actions. The purpose of the permit to carry is to allow the carrier to have a deterrent to an actual threat of one's life. Knocking a hat off one's head doesn't rise to that level. Now, it the assailant was carrying a hammer, tire-iron, knife, or other tool that could easily be used as a deadly weapon, then by all means, pull out that firearm and if that doesn't deter the individual, fill him/her full of holes.

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