Leftards Beware When Assaulting Trump Fans

I guess I find it hard to believe the concealed carry dude, carrying illegally in the mall, acted responsibly, by pulling his gun on a jerk that tried to knock his hat off his head.

I do not, in any way, see a jerk off guy who was wrongfully irritated by a stupid hat... and taking a swipe at it, to remove it, was some kind of lethal threat, to the concealed carry guy? Why was he ''in the right'' to pull his gun out, in the middle of a trafficked with people mall, for simply a guy, a crazy one, trying to swipe his hat? Is it okay to murder a jerk, that tries to swipe your hat off your head?


Sheesh, you guys are nothin' but yellow belly pussies who think this was okay and proper imho...

it was as stupid or even worse, than the jerk hating on the hat.... neither of the guys are something to write home about, again, imo.

Well given that deranged anti-Trumpers have tortured kid with a MAGA hat, I would not play with it lightly.

Why are you siding with the person who obviously wronged? You have ZERO business reaching for someone else's hat or head in general in any way. Whoever took the hat is lucky he was not shot dead on the spot.
I agree with you Norman, he had no business in harrassing the guy about his hat or trying to take a swipe at knocking it off... he was definitely in the wrong...

A person who is a concealed gun carrier,should be much more responsible, and level headed, than to pull a gun, on a guy, in the middle of the mall, because the guy tried to swipe his hat....

THAT was a crazy ass reaction as well!!!!

Punch the guy/gal in the nose, make it bleed as dad used to teach small little me, when or if being bullied!

But to pull your gun, for hat swiping? That's simply irrational, someone too high strung himself, to be carrying a concealed weapon...

So, in no way do I side with the jerk off hat swiper,

but I also do not agree that this incident was worthy of killing a man over it. And drawing the gun, showed me, the guy with the concealed gun, would take the chance of killing, over it... which is bat shit crazy!

He should have shot the guy dead. Put a hand on someone, you deserve to be shot dead for it.
WOW!!! :cuckoo:
You are too dumb to know the meaning?
MAGA our WWII Nazi party name.
Oh, you do?

You don't make any sense. Try speaking English. Make America Great Again means just what it means.

The mall is a gun free zone! The rumpy butt should have been arrested for that.
As for tezass you may prefer a .40 but I love me some 22 inch biceps.

So what good are 22 inch biceps against a bullet?

I studied martial arts right up to blackbelt. If it's one thing I learned in all that time, it's that nobody is a match against a gun. You can workout all you like, get the best training, but a gun trumps everything. That's why bad ass criminals use them.
These biceps have been very good for me in my encounters with stupid gun freaks. Yes I have been shot but lived and had fun. Taking a gun away from a person pointing it at you is a thrill!

Hilarious! :heehee: Internet tough guy.

The mall is a gun free zone! The rumpy butt should have been arrested for that.
As for tezass you may prefer a .40 but I love me some 22 inch biceps.

So what good are 22 inch biceps against a bullet?

I studied martial arts right up to blackbelt. If it's one thing I learned in all that time, it's that nobody is a match against a gun. You can workout all you like, get the best training, but a gun trumps everything. That's why bad ass criminals use them.
These biceps have been very good for me in my encounters with stupid gun freaks. Yes I have been shot but lived and had fun. Taking a gun away from a person pointing it at you is a thrill!

I seriously doubt you ever did that unless it was horsing around with a friend. On average, when a CCW holder ever did shoot somebody, it was between 6 and 8 feet. People with guns don't walk up to their victim and stick a gun in their belly like the 1950's movies.
You be looking down the barrel of a 9mm with hollow points.

Trump Supporter Draws Gun In Self-Defense After Politically Motivated Attack
Wonderful to see. We need to start taking these cowards out. PERMANENTLY.
Uhhh... no we dont. This is exactly the ammunition the left LOVES to use against the right.

Someone is going to to post "see, these gun nut just want to shoot everybody", and statements like this give them all the proof they need.

How about instead of killing the dems, maybe try to help them understand that difference of opinion is good, and just because we all disagree, you are not the enemy, and it's ok that we dont see eye to eye.

We've tried this approach. Doesn't work. Still, they are attacking Trump supporters for wearing a hat that triggers them. Even in some liberal run cities, some assaults perpetrated by the left have been ignored.
You be looking down the barrel of a 9mm with hollow points.

Trump Supporter Draws Gun In Self-Defense After Politically Motivated Attack
Wonderful to see. We need to start taking these cowards out. PERMANENTLY.
Uhhh... no we dont. This is exactly the ammunition the left LOVES to use against the right.

Someone is going to to post "see, these gun nut just want to shoot everybody", and statements like this give them all the proof they need.

How about instead of killing the dems, maybe try to help them understand that difference of opinion is good, and just because we all disagree, you are not the enemy, and it's ok that we dont see eye to eye.

I agree with you though, that those types of statements are not conducive to getting along. :D
Having been verbally assaulted by Trump fans four times, because they did not like my "Not my President" bumper sticker, I stay clear of anyone wearing a red hat. All of them were total strangers, and two of them invited me outside to settle it. Presumably, they felt empowered to do so, since my car has a handicapped plate.

So you don't punch strangers in the face for wearing MAGA hats?

A lot of you Stalinists do....
Having been verbally assaulted by Trump fans four times, because they did not like my "Not my President" bumper sticker, I stay clear of anyone wearing a red hat. All of them were total strangers, and two of them invited me outside to settle it. Presumably, they felt empowered to do so, since my car has a handicapped plate.

Not that I believe your story, but don't you think anybody putting a political sticker on their car is just asking for trouble???

I have one on my car...
Having been verbally assaulted by Trump fans four times, because they did not like my "Not my President" bumper sticker, I stay clear of anyone wearing a red hat. All of them were total strangers, and two of them invited me outside to settle it. Presumably, they felt empowered to do so, since my car has a handicapped plate.

So you don't punch strangers in the face for wearing MAGA hats?

A lot of you Stalinists do....

All of these leftist personal anecdotes are quite entertaining though!
I did listen. That's what you said.

You don't like being called an idiot? Stop saying idiotic things.

Ball's in your court, Skippy.

No Twinkles, it isn't. Pretending it was, doesn't make it a was. Read it again.
It's always funny when leftists claim I DIDNT SAY WHAT I SAID.

I agree. It IS funny when some wag somehow pervert their imagination to produce an entire group "claims" something.
Kinda pathetic too. But I already made this point.
Uh huh. You sure do get angry when people don't unquestioningly accept everything you say.

Uh huh. Looks like you're the angry man here.
Hell even in the avatars. I come in with music, you with guns? Oh yes DO tell us all about "angry".
It's funny how scared you weenies are by a painting of a fictional character with weapons pointed in a safe direction.

It's a good thing the left made being a pussy a positive thing so you can feel better about yourself.
I guess I find it hard to believe the concealed carry dude, carrying illegally in the mall, acted responsibly, by pulling his gun on a jerk that tried to knock his hat off his head.

I do not, in any way, see a jerk off guy who was wrongfully irritated by a stupid hat... and taking a swipe at it, to remove it, was some kind of lethal threat, to the concealed carry guy? Why was he ''in the right'' to pull his gun out, in the middle of a trafficked with people mall, for simply a guy, a crazy one, trying to swipe his hat? Is it okay to murder a jerk, that tries to swipe your hat off your head?


Sheesh, you guys are nothin' but yellow belly pussies who think this was okay and proper imho...

it was as stupid or even worse, than the jerk hating on the hat.... neither of the guys are something to write home about, again, imo.

It's not illegal, Comrade.

Tell me, is it the duty of Americans to allow themselves to be assaulted by democrat Brown Shirts?
The mall is a gun free zone! The rumpy butt should have been arrested for that.
As for tezass you may prefer a .40 but I love me some 22 inch biceps.

So what good are 22 inch biceps against a bullet?

I studied martial arts right up to blackbelt. If it's one thing I learned in all that time, it's that nobody is a match against a gun. You can workout all you like, get the best training, but a gun trumps everything. That's why bad ass criminals use them.
These biceps have been very good for me in my encounters with stupid gun freaks. Yes I have been shot but lived and had fun. Taking a gun away from a person pointing it at you is a thrill!

So you're a gun grabber. Heard about your kind. ;)
You be looking down the barrel of a 9mm with hollow points.

Trump Supporter Draws Gun In Self-Defense After Politically Motivated Attack
Wonderful to see. We need to start taking these cowards out. PERMANENTLY.
Uhhh... no we dont. This is exactly the ammunition the left LOVES to use against the right.

Someone is going to to post "see, these gun nut just want to shoot everybody", and statements like this give them all the proof they need.

How about instead of killing the dems, maybe try to help them understand that difference of opinion is good, and just because we all disagree, you are not the enemy, and it's ok that we dont see eye to eye.

Most people on the right do see it that way. Most people on the left don't. That is why they become so violent.

In most cases, the left usually sides with evil, and the right usually sides with the good. So there really is no middle ground there.
No Twinkles, it isn't. Pretending it was, doesn't make it a was. Read it again.
It's always funny when leftists claim I DIDNT SAY WHAT I SAID.

I agree. It IS funny when some wag somehow pervert their imagination to produce an entire group "claims" something.
Kinda pathetic too. But I already made this point.
Uh huh. You sure do get angry when people don't unquestioningly accept everything you say.

Uh huh. Looks like you're the angry man here.
Hell even in the avatars. I come in with music, you with guns? Oh yes DO tell us all about "angry".
It's funny how scared you weenies are by a painting of a fictional character with weapons pointed in a safe direction.

It's a good thing the left made being a pussy a positive thing so you can feel better about yourself.

Looks to me like you're pointing them at the post above yours. Which in this case is a woman.

Again, compare avatars. They say much.

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