Leftards Beware When Assaulting Trump Fans

Today I learned people on the right side of the political spectrum and people on the left side of the political spectrum do not share any opinions with people on their side.

This was told to me by an idiot.

You might want to spend less time talking to yourself and more time listening then.
I did listen. That's what you said.

You don't like being called an idiot? Stop saying idiotic things.

Ball's in your court, Skippy.

No Twinkles, it isn't. Pretending it was, doesn't make it a was. Read it again.
It's always funny when leftists claim I DIDNT SAY WHAT I SAID.

I agree. It IS funny when some wag somehow pervert their imagination to produce an entire group "claims" something.
Kinda pathetic too. But I already made this point.
Uh huh. You sure do get angry when people don't unquestioningly accept everything you say.
You might want to spend less time talking to yourself and more time listening then.
I did listen. That's what you said.

You don't like being called an idiot? Stop saying idiotic things.

Ball's in your court, Skippy.

No Twinkles, it isn't. Pretending it was, doesn't make it a was. Read it again.
It's always funny when leftists claim I DIDNT SAY WHAT I SAID.

I agree. It IS funny when some wag somehow pervert their imagination to produce an entire group "claims" something.
Kinda pathetic too. But I already made this point.
Uh huh. You sure do get angry when people don't unquestioningly accept everything you say.

I've been just letting him stomp around and think he's won something lately. Humoring works well, just like with children.
The mall is a gun free zone! The rumpy butt should have been arrested for that.
As for tezass you may prefer a .40 but I love me some 22 inch biceps.

So what good are 22 inch biceps against a bullet?

I studied martial arts right up to blackbelt. If it's one thing I learned in all that time, it's that nobody is a match against a gun. You can workout all you like, get the best training, but a gun trumps everything. That's why bad ass criminals use them.
Possibly very effective. If he violently comes at you with his 22 inch biceps, use more than one bullet. Not time to be cheap with your personal defense ammo.
A 9mm? Lol

Either that or they’ll find another way to be violent...mail bombs to you, drive over you in their car...blob supporters crave violence.
He didn't start it, but he was ready to end it. You snowflakes need to stop getting triggered over a Trump hat.

No doubt. They are out of control.
I know I saw plenty of people with Obama shirts when he was president. I was an adult and did nothing.
You might want to spend less time talking to yourself and more time listening then.
I did listen. That's what you said.

You don't like being called an idiot? Stop saying idiotic things.

Ball's in your court, Skippy.

No Twinkles, it isn't. Pretending it was, doesn't make it a was. Read it again.
It's always funny when leftists claim I DIDNT SAY WHAT I SAID.

I agree. It IS funny when some wag somehow pervert their imagination to produce an entire group "claims" something.
Kinda pathetic too. But I already made this point.
Uh huh. You sure do get angry when people don't unquestioningly accept everything you say.

Uh huh. Looks like you're the angry man here.
Hell even in the avatars. I come in with music, you with guns? Oh yes DO tell us all about "angry".
The mall is a gun free zone! The rumpy butt should have been arrested for that.
As for tezass you may prefer a .40 but I love me some 22 inch biceps.

So what good are 22 inch biceps against a bullet?

I studied martial arts right up to blackbelt. If it's one thing I learned in all that time, it's that nobody is a match against a gun. You can workout all you like, get the best training, but a gun trumps everything. That's why bad ass criminals use them.
Possibly very effective. If he violently comes at you with his 22 inch biceps, use more than one bullet. Not time to be cheap with your personal defense ammo.

Not me. Ammo is something I always have plenty of.
I love it when you pretend to be tough.

I love it when you pretend to be tough attacking innocent civilians carrying out their private lives - it makes you look like the jokes that you are.

Leftists... always side with criminals over honest Americans.
I'm.not attacking anyone, but anyone wearing a maga hat is a criminal.

anyone wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat is a criminal? trying to criminalize difference in political opinion seems to be a tool of you leftists. We've seen this before in world history, pawns just like yourself being used to propagate a message of mental illness. You should congratulate yourself very much.
A 9mm? Lol

Either that or they’ll find another way to be violent...mail bombs to you, drive over you in their car...blob supporters crave violence.
He didn't start it, but he was ready to end it. You snowflakes need to stop getting triggered over a Trump hat.

No doubt. They are out of control.
I know I saw plenty of people with Obama shirts when he was president. I was an adult and did nothing.

It's because you (like most of us on the right) are Americans. As such, you respect when you see somebody else exercising their constitutional rights whether you agree with them or not. But the left hates the Constitution because it gives rights to everybody--not just them.

I don't know what the matchup here was. But if it's like anything we've seen in the past, it's likely the Trump hater had some major advantages over his victim. The Antifa types don't like equal competition when starting trouble. That's why they don't go near a Trump event when the Bikers for Trump are showing up.
The mall is a gun free zone! The rumpy butt should have been arrested for that.
As for tezass you may prefer a .40 but I love me some 22 inch biceps.

So what good are 22 inch biceps against a bullet?

I studied martial arts right up to blackbelt. If it's one thing I learned in all that time, it's that nobody is a match against a gun. You can workout all you like, get the best training, but a gun trumps everything. That's why bad ass criminals use them.
These biceps have been very good for me in my encounters with stupid gun freaks. Yes I have been shot but lived and had fun. Taking a gun away from a person pointing it at you is a thrill!
You be looking down the barrel of a 9mm with hollow points.

Trump Supporter Draws Gun In Self-Defense After Politically Motivated Attack
Wonderful to see. We need to start taking these cowards out. PERMANENTLY.
Uhhh... no we dont. This is exactly the ammunition the left LOVES to use against the right.

Someone is going to to post "see, these gun nut just want to shoot everybody", and statements like this give them all the proof they need.

How about instead of killing the dems, maybe try to help them understand that difference of opinion is good, and just because we all disagree, you are not the enemy, and it's ok that we dont see eye to eye.

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