Leftards Beware When Assaulting Trump Fans

You be looking down the barrel of a 9mm with hollow points.

Trump Supporter Draws Gun In Self-Defense After Politically Motivated Attack
As a concealed permit holder, I don't particularly agree with the permit holder's actions. The purpose of the permit to carry is to allow the carrier to have a deterrent to an actual threat of one's life. Knocking a hat off one's head doesn't rise to that level. Now, it the assailant was carrying a hammer, tire-iron, knife, or other tool that could easily be used as a deadly weapon, then by all means, pull out that firearm and if that doesn't deter the individual, fill him/her full of holes.

thats not always true though. One example, and it may not apply to this case perhaps might be, say you had a perpetrator who was young, strong and had those 22" biceps we keep hearing about, threatens to beat the crap out of a 70 year old man who is half his size, or it could be a woman for that matter, or even a man who had just gone through back surgery or other unknown factor.
In such a case, the victim could easily be injured beyond repair. A weapon is not even necessary.You get these nut cases who believe wearing a MAGA hat is the equivalent of a guilty verdict, thanks to three years of brainwashing by Democrats and you dont know WHAT they are willing to do.
Also, when someone threatens your life, you have no way to know if they are armed with a weapon. They could be hiding a weapon.
Or if they are strong enough, their hands and feet could be deadly weapons.

Or they could stick a pen in your eye, or could pick up a sharp stick an stab you in the throat

Or could pick up a rock and wack you in the head.

Or they could wrestle your gun out of your hand, and use it against you.

No such thing as an "unarmed man".
Having been verbally assaulted by Trump fans four times, because they did not like my "Not my President" bumper sticker, I stay clear of anyone wearing a red hat. All of them were total strangers, and two of them invited me outside to settle it. Presumably, they felt empowered to do so, since my car has a handicapped plate.

I find your claim very hard to believe. Progressives lie all of the time. THAT we DO have evidence of. And you're a progressive.

They absolutely lie all the time. As long as their TRUTH is morally correct, accuracy need not apply.
Ok, I just reread the police statement and it did say the gun guy claimed the hat swiper threatened to assault him, and then took a swipe at the hat..... I missed that one line....

What I don't know is if the assault threat was to take his hat, or assault threat was to beat him to a pulp.

Would it make that much of a difference? A stranger takes a swing at you for no good reason, and you're going to take his word for it that he only wants your hat? Sorry, but this attacker is a goof. I wouldn't trust him if he told me it was light outside in the middle of the day.
Having been verbally assaulted by Trump fans four times, because they did not like my "Not my President" bumper sticker, I stay clear of anyone wearing a red hat. All of them were total strangers, and two of them invited me outside to settle it. Presumably, they felt empowered to do so, since my car has a handicapped plate.

I find your claim very hard to believe. Progressives lie all of the time. THAT we DO have evidence of. And you're a progressive.

I'm not buying it without a link! :laugh:
I love it when you pretend to be tough.

his pretense to be "TOUGH" is just to mask his psychopathic desire to kill liberals for their crime of not being psychopathic murderers like him.

:cuckoo: Better watch out with your accusing people of being murderers or criminals, weirdo.
Sounds like projection to me. Leftists can't understand normal, rational people, and accuse them of being violent and unhinged.
I guess I find it hard to believe the concealed carry dude, carrying illegally in the mall, acted responsibly, by pulling his gun on a jerk that tried to knock his hat off his head.

I do not, in any way, see a jerk off guy who was wrongfully irritated by a stupid hat... and taking a swipe at it, to remove it, was some kind of lethal threat, to the concealed carry guy? Why was he ''in the right'' to pull his gun out, in the middle of a trafficked with people mall, for simply a guy, a crazy one, trying to swipe his hat? Is it okay to murder a jerk, that tries to swipe your hat off your head?


Sheesh, you guys are nothin' but yellow belly pussies who think this was okay and proper imho...

it was as stupid or even worse, than the jerk hating on the hat.... neither of the guys are something to write home about, again, imo.

First of all, the guy who pulled the gun didn't shoot the man so he showed he was under control. He simply pulled out his gun, I presume to let Anti Trumper know he was not going to be pushed around. What we don't know is what kinds of threats were made, the attackers demeanor, and the size and age of both individuals. I may not choose to pull a gun out on someone, but thats my call. I wont begrudge someone else, if they feel threatened enough to do so. If the guy wearing the Trump hat was walking along minding his own business, right off I am going to think there is something mentally wrong with a grown man who shows any form of violence over a hat. He should not be trusted. The man also ran away as we know, more evidence he was in the wrong here.

We only know they were arguing, or the jerk was shouting to take his hat off.... according to the law, that is not assault.... it goes with the nursery rhyme,

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me.

The article then said, the jerk made a swipe at snatching the guy's hat, did not succeed, the armed guy pulled his illegally carried GUN in the mall, out, and the hat jerk ran.

If, and a big if, the hat jerk committed assault and battery, it would be what is called a "simple assault", or 3rd degree assault and battery, which is a misdemeanor.

If there was no physical contact in the attempted hat knock off, in most states it would not be an assault n battery at all.....

If the person attacking brandished a gun or knife etc, then it would aggravated assault n battery, a felony.

So, if it laid out as the article states, and we are not missing anything, people on the right wing on this thread, have called for the hat swiping jerk, to be murdered by the carrying gun guy..... which is just completly bonkers....

The situation imo, didn't even call for the gun to be drawn, let alone be used, to murder someone.
You weren't there. Your opinion is just as meaningless as everyone else's.

Meanwhile, you said the gun owner should have hit the hat-swiper...committing assault.
I love it when you pretend to be tough.

his pretense to be "TOUGH" is just to mask his psychopathic desire to kill liberals for their crime of not being psychopathic murderers like him.

:cuckoo: Better watch out with your accusing people of being murderers or criminals, weirdo.
Sounds like projection to me. Leftists can't understand normal, rational people, and accuse them of being violent and unhinged.

That guy is just out there in la-la leftist land somewhere. There are a whole lot of them apparently.
I guess I find it hard to believe the concealed carry dude, carrying illegally in the mall, acted responsibly, by pulling his gun on a jerk that tried to knock his hat off his head.

I do not, in any way, see a jerk off guy who was wrongfully irritated by a stupid hat... and taking a swipe at it, to remove it, was some kind of lethal threat, to the concealed carry guy? Why was he ''in the right'' to pull his gun out, in the middle of a trafficked with people mall, for simply a guy, a crazy one, trying to swipe his hat? Is it okay to murder a jerk, that tries to swipe your hat off your head?


Sheesh, you guys are nothin' but yellow belly pussies who think this was okay and proper imho...

it was as stupid or even worse, than the jerk hating on the hat.... neither of the guys are something to write home about, again, imo.

First of all, the guy who pulled the gun didn't shoot the man so he showed he was under control. He simply pulled out his gun, I presume to let Anti Trumper know he was not going to be pushed around. What we don't know is what kinds of threats were made, the attackers demeanor, and the size and age of both individuals. I may not choose to pull a gun out on someone, but thats my call. I wont begrudge someone else, if they feel threatened enough to do so. If the guy wearing the Trump hat was walking along minding his own business, right off I am going to think there is something mentally wrong with a grown man who shows any form of violence over a hat. He should not be trusted. The man also ran away as we know, more evidence he was in the wrong here.

We only know they were arguing, or the jerk was shouting to take his hat off.... according to the law, that is not assault.... it goes with the nursery rhyme,

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me.

The article then said, the jerk made a swipe at snatching the guy's hat, did not succeed, the armed guy pulled his illegally carried GUN in the mall, out, and the hat jerk ran.

If, and a big if, the hat jerk committed assault and battery, it would be what is called a "simple assault", or 3rd degree assault and battery, which is a misdemeanor.

If there was no physical contact in the attempted hat knock off, in most states it would not be an assault n battery at all.....

If the person attacking brandished a gun or knife etc, then it would aggravated assault n battery, a felony.

So, if it laid out as the article states, and we are not missing anything, people on the right wing on this thread, have called for the hat swiping jerk, to be murdered by the carrying gun guy..... which is just completly bonkers....

The situation imo, didn't even call for the gun to be drawn, let alone be used, to murder someone.
You weren't there. Your opinion is just as meaningless as everyone else's.

Meanwhile, you said the gun owner should have hit the hat-swiper...committing assault.

Maybe she should focus on the ridiculous hat swipers and other TDS suffering loons just stop assaulting people? If they can't, then they deserve whatever they get. It's like political intimidation or something.

I remember when Hilary was telling us all to just accept the results of the election? Hmm. I guess that went out the window with a crash.
They are trying to make us AFRAID to support our candidate of choice. It's not going to work. I am not ashamed and I am not afraid to support the candidate of my choice. Screw you, leftist nuts.
Having been verbally assaulted by Trump fans four times, because they did not like my "Not my President" bumper sticker, I stay clear of anyone wearing a red hat. All of them were total strangers, and two of them invited me outside to settle it. Presumably, they felt empowered to do so, since my car has a handicapped plate.

I find your claim very hard to believe. Progressives lie all of the time. THAT we DO have evidence of. And you're a progressive.

They absolutely lie all the time. As long as their TRUTH is morally correct, accuracy need not apply.

It is always supremely amusing to watchTtrump supporters try to take the higher moral ground about lying...
I read just fine, but it's you leftists that make no sense when you write. That's not my problem.

What is ... um, what are your problems?

Leftists are really the only "problems" that we have. They have reverted to attacking innocent people for wearing a hat or for presenting an ideology they don't like. Control yourselves before you get yourselves hurt.

These leftists who attack people on the right are not very bright. Who would risk going to jail, seriously hurting somebody, or perhaps accidentally killing somebody over a hat? That's just plain stupidity.

It reminds me of an old Chinese proverb my martial arts teacher taught me: Only use violence for self-defense, or when mind too weak to solve problem.

IMO, it is because they have all gone insane. TDS is not just a meme.

TDS is a meme, an echo used by those out of touch with reality.
Do you think getting so angry about a hat you knock it off someone's head is a rational action?

Hint: It's not.
They are trying to make us AFRAID to support our candidate of choice. It's not going to work. I am not ashamed and I am not afraid to support the candidate of my choice. Screw you, leftist nuts.

Believe me, Chris, nobody on this board expects you to ever be ashamed you voted for Trump. If nothing he has said has succeed in doing that, we know that nothing we could say would ever make you be ashamed.
I love it when you pretend to be tough.

What pretend ? If somebody attacks you, you shoot. Period.

Zimmerman Syndrome ^^^

Zimmerman's problem is he shot way too late. That's why he sustained the injuries he had.

Zimmerman's problem was he was armed with a gun. Cowards with a gun gain confidence, it's why some cops can't pass probation, and jerks like Zimmerman seek out an opportunity to kill someone.
Cowards are people who attack people for the clothes they're wearing.

You know what normal, rational people do when they see someone wearing something they don't like?

Ignore it.

You know what leftists do when they see someone wearing something they don't like?


Leftists are pussies.
I guess I find it hard to believe the concealed carry dude, carrying illegally in the mall, acted responsibly, by pulling his gun on a jerk that tried to knock his hat off his head.

I do not, in any way, see a jerk off guy who was wrongfully irritated by a stupid hat... and taking a swipe at it, to remove it, was some kind of lethal threat, to the concealed carry guy? Why was he ''in the right'' to pull his gun out, in the middle of a trafficked with people mall, for simply a guy, a crazy one, trying to swipe his hat? Is it okay to murder a jerk, that tries to swipe your hat off your head?


Sheesh, you guys are nothin' but yellow belly pussies who think this was okay and proper imho...

it was as stupid or even worse, than the jerk hating on the hat.... neither of the guys are something to write home about, again, imo.

First of all, the guy who pulled the gun didn't shoot the man so he showed he was under control. He simply pulled out his gun, I presume to let Anti Trumper know he was not going to be pushed around. What we don't know is what kinds of threats were made, the attackers demeanor, and the size and age of both individuals. I may not choose to pull a gun out on someone, but thats my call. I wont begrudge someone else, if they feel threatened enough to do so. If the guy wearing the Trump hat was walking along minding his own business, right off I am going to think there is something mentally wrong with a grown man who shows any form of violence over a hat. He should not be trusted. The man also ran away as we know, more evidence he was in the wrong here.

We only know they were arguing, or the jerk was shouting to take his hat off.... according to the law, that is not assault.... it goes with the nursery rhyme,

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me.

The article then said, the jerk made a swipe at snatching the guy's hat, did not succeed, the armed guy pulled his illegally carried GUN in the mall, out, and the hat jerk ran.

If, and a big if, the hat jerk committed assault and battery, it would be what is called a "simple assault", or 3rd degree assault and battery, which is a misdemeanor.

If there was no physical contact in the attempted hat knock off, in most states it would not be an assault n battery at all.....

If the person attacking brandished a gun or knife etc, then it would aggravated assault n battery, a felony.

So, if it laid out as the article states, and we are not missing anything, people on the right wing on this thread, have called for the hat swiping jerk, to be murdered by the carrying gun guy..... which is just completly bonkers....

The situation imo, didn't even call for the gun to be drawn, let alone be used, to murder someone.
You weren't there. Your opinion is just as meaningless as everyone else's.

Meanwhile, you said the gun owner should have hit the hat-swiper...committing assault.

Maybe she should focus on the ridiculous hat swipers and other TDS suffering loons just stop assaulting people? If they can't, then they deserve whatever they get. It's like political intimidation or something.

I remember when Hilary was telling us all to just accept the results of the election? Hmm. I guess that went out the window with a crash.
If it weren't for double standards, leftists would have no standards at all.
Having been verbally assaulted by Trump fans four times, because they did not like my "Not my President" bumper sticker, I stay clear of anyone wearing a red hat. All of them were total strangers, and two of them invited me outside to settle it. Presumably, they felt empowered to do so, since my car has a handicapped plate.

I find your claim very hard to believe. Progressives lie all of the time. THAT we DO have evidence of. And you're a progressive.

They absolutely lie all the time. As long as their TRUTH is morally correct, accuracy need not apply.

It is always supremely amusing to watchTtrump supporters try to take the higher moral ground about lying...

The moral high ground is to not attack other people because of a hat, moron.
They are trying to make us AFRAID to support our candidate of choice. It's not going to work. I am not ashamed and I am not afraid to support the candidate of my choice. Screw you, leftist nuts.

Believe me, Chris, nobody on this board expects you to ever be ashamed you voted for Trump. If nothing he has said has succeed in doing that, we know that nothing we could say would ever make you be ashamed.

Just as you are not ashamed for yourself and your silly anecdotes.
Having been verbally assaulted by Trump fans four times, because they did not like my "Not my President" bumper sticker, I stay clear of anyone wearing a red hat. All of them were total strangers, and two of them invited me outside to settle it. Presumably, they felt empowered to do so, since my car has a handicapped plate.

I find your claim very hard to believe. Progressives lie all of the time. THAT we DO have evidence of. And you're a progressive.

They absolutely lie all the time. As long as their TRUTH is morally correct, accuracy need not apply.

It is always supremely amusing to watchTtrump supporters try to take the higher moral ground about lying...

Yeah? well I would like to know if Biden actually told his wife to fire a shotgun off the back porch, and AOC has told us herself telling accurate truth is not important. take her word for it not mine. Her economic plan was off by something like 20 Trillion. and then this..

She's lying or stupid, because no amount of spending in the US will have any bearing on these things. First off all, China, India and Africa and others are increasing their carbon outputs, so anything we do would be like pissing in the rain. Yet these progressives say its still worth driving the U.S. economy into the ground because its the moral thing to do, even though we are the one major country who has already been lowering carbon output.
They are trying to make us AFRAID to support our candidate of choice. It's not going to work. I am not ashamed and I am not afraid to support the candidate of my choice. Screw you, leftist nuts.

But it does work to a point. That's why all these polls are untrustworthy. People will say they don't approve of Trump to the pollster, but after they hang up the phone, really do support him. That's why they will be (once again) in shock when Trump wipes the board with them.

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