Leftards Beware When Assaulting Trump Fans

Dear candycorn cc: Pogo
Then it appears to be mutual

If your point is you are saying I'm imposing my beliefs as much as I am arguing Pogo or others are

1. first of all I don't believe in imposing my beliefs through govt and forcing that on others.
2. secondly, I don't believe in removing or excluding the statues or beliefs of others about them.

People who want to negate the beliefs of others by exclusion
then complain about being excluded or discriminated against themselves.

Nobody wants that done to them!

That's why I defend my beliefs in defending everyone's beliefs and rights to those equally.

When it comes to Statues, removing them would endorse one side's beliefs and prevent the others.
Endorsing such beliefs ABOVE or SUPERIOR to beliefs in preserving history
also THREATENS those beliefs and people's equal rights to them.

However, agreeing to preserve statues in a park or moving them to a museum area, for example,
would allow for BOTH and prohibit NEITHER.

I'm saying we don't have to "impose" one belief or another.

If we seek a common solution where everyone can have their own beliefs kept intact,
then it doesn't matter how much we believe or don't believe in this or that.

We don't threaten each other, and don't worry the other belief is a threat to ours.

That's what I support and advocate.

But I don't believe in "forcing this through govt" but creating an environment
where people naturally choose to respect and include beliefs of others
because we equally want our beliefs to be included without fear of imposition.

ohhhh Kay.

My thing is this. If you’re going to have statues to X and X falls out of favor one day, removing the statue doesn’t erase X from the history of the nation. It means that the current society doesn’t want to highlight X.

I still don’t see how torch carrying Nazis had any role to play in the removal of a statue. Me thinks most are using that as cover to explain what the true motives were...hate and intimidation

Dear candycorn
That's fine if all sides agree to remove or move the statue someplace else where it can still be preserved.

But I don't agree with
a. removing it just because one side outbullies and forces the other when they didn't both agree
b. destroying the statue as with Freed Slave history and Civil Right landmarks destroyed where I live
where these are not something that can be replaced or recreated

From consulting with historic preservationists, including African American cultural and political history,
even moving a historic house two inches off its original foundation destroys its historic significance and value.
Moving historic houses to a part for convenience destroys the integrity and value
rather than leaving them where they were originally built.

Unknowingly candycorn this is already "imposing" the "white cultural thinking" that you
can just "relocate" Native Americans or Freed Slave sites and culture "to another location"
and the "history can still be taught and preserved."

That's NOT the same as preserving the culture on the original site.

Because of cultural differences in beliefs on WHEN it is better to relocate rather
than destroy something altogether, THAT is why I would insist on a CONSENSUS
between the people who want to preserve a cultural site or landmark and those
who want to move or remove it. Because if it's destroying something, I'd rather
work out a solution that protects the people on both sides of the conflict.

Moving something from a public sphere to a museum is “destroying” it?

No...it’s merely no longer celebrating whatever the statue was meant to commemorate.

As for “all sides” agreeing...that is simplistic. There can be a dozen sides to any issue. A statue of MLK for example may have those in favor or opposed to the man, those who may have admired the cause but not the man, disparaged the cause but liked the oratory, didn’t like his message but admired his civil disobedience... Demanding a consensus is problematic. Also, it would work against any further commemoration if “all sides” have to agree. We saw th is in the 9/11 memorial at Ground Zero...there were passionate disagreements about what to include and what to leave out.

Also, it would work against any further commemoration if “all sides” have to agree.

You just voided your whole argument there and told the TRUTH about Charlottesville.. There ARE good people on both sides of this issue... And we SHOULDN'T have to ALL agree...

Because I love maximum freedom I'm willing to tolerate and defend stuff that people do that I personally hate..

Without THAT -- we don't have a "free country"....

Ahh...”good people” in your book chant Nazi slogans and carry torches. I see
You've been told the truth about those words.

But you insist on telling lies.
Irrelevant. You cited a period of time half as long as it really is and I corrected it. Moreover we're talking specifically about transAtlantic slavery, which is a whole different animal from the slavery practiced for millennia on every continent in antiquity where people became spoils of war between neighboring tribes. Specifically this was the practice if importing people from an entirely different continent (and language and culture and flora and fauna), coupled with the marketing tool of this ethnocentric propaganda that they were "savages" ergo not really human, so it was OK, which we call "racism". Added to which, also unlike for lack of a better term 'traditional' slavery, they and their progeny were held to be slaves for life, specifically on account of that race. So you're trying to equate apples with kumquats here.

The final point there was that there exists, and would not be expected to exist, no "statue" or monument to tell us about Lucas Vázquez de Ayllón bringing the first captive Africans here in 1526. That's found, AGAIN, in the history books, because HISTORY BOOKS ARE WHERE HISTORY FUCKING LIVES. If we had to depend on some intrepid soul setting up a marker on the Pee Dee River to find out about this it would be obscure to the point of nonexistence.

But just for the sake of argument let's imagine there is such a marker explaining the story of San Miguel de Guadape. Now imagine somebody tears it down. Does it suddenly become never-known? Does it induce some weird mass amnesia?

Wow, 1526, that was quite a while before the first American colony was founded. Any more strawmen you want to throw out?


Yes it was, which is also irrelevant. The citation was "slavery on this continent". That's a geographical term, not a political one. Slavery on this continent in no way began with the Declaration of Independence.

No, it began with the fucking indians on this continent, as I stated before, which was long before 1526.

Please to link me to any evidence "fucking indians [sic]" shipped slaves here from another continent. Thanks ever so much in advance.

The citation was "slavery on this continent". That's a geographical term, not a political one.
Wow, moving the goal posts again, eh?

Again ---- why would you try to sell the canard that slavery began "240 years" ago? Wtf do you think was going on for the previous 240 years?
A delicious irony, since that was literally the first thing I did when I arrived at this site in 2012, right between the Jacksonville shooting and the Newtown shooting. Thanks for keeping up and shit.
You have 109,000+ posts.

That you believe everyone is obligated to read every one of them is pompous horseshit.
We saw in the last Election how Anti-Trump people felt entitled to throw eggs, rip signs, steal MAGA hats from Trump voters. Where and how did we ever get to the point where liberals feel entitled to invade personal space? We also saw Nathan Phillips bang a drum in a 16 year olds face lied/cried that the 16 year old was preventing his access to the Lincoln Memorial. The Left justifies this by saying the boy’s face is “punchable”.
Leftists believe breaking the law is covered under the First Amendment. If you don't let them punch you, you're oppressing them.
Slavery, on this continent, actually goes back a little over twice that long (494 years TBE). But I didn't learn that from a statue. I doubt there is such a statue and if there is you'd have to be in a specific spot in rural South Carolina to see it. History books, on the other hand, go anywhere.

Well smart ass if you want to go beyond our country as we know it, natives raided other tribes and took slaves almost from mans earliest occupation of this continent. Build yourself a statue to that.


As I just told CandyThorn -- that movement to rephrase history has no purpose and no end.. And it soon digests itself trying to make EVERYONE "comfortable" with actual history and that's not even possible....

Good example right there...

You feel better now or do you want to go a few rounds with George Foreman to make you feel better :10:

George and I would grab his patented grill and whoop up on some stuff... Really tire of dealing with drones who wont discuss as adults.. Especially when all they see is Nazis everywhere...

Remember what this thread was about??? Don't come assaulting armed people??? See -- I made that be "on topic".... :coffee:

I learned a couple things in the decades I have been around and in the occupation I used to have.

Never bring a knife to a gunfight

When you fire on some and they fire back, don't go claiming they aren't being fair. That's just bitching.
When you assault someone and they defend themselves, don't be a little bitch.
You actually want to ignore abounding resources available whenever you want them --- and then blame THE UNREAD BOOKS? Or do you want to blame ME --- for what, not reading it aloud to you?

No.,. I'm blaming and flaming you about concocting a silly assertion that "Most people know the history" and then proposing a ludicrous solution "to read books"... That doesn't set the awareness of history in the minds of 90% of America....

You got nothing.. Better to argue RETAINING or HIDING the public tributes to the past than make up silly assertions and depend America to read books when more than half of our public school kids are FUNCTIONALLY ILLITERATE and totally uninterested about history...

Even this tempest about "monuments and symbols" does more for History Appreciation week than PURGING those symbols...

WHERE did I post "most people know their history"? Got a quote? I seem to remember some wag contending that statues represent history and contradicting that silly assertion because obviously THEY DON'T. If you have to invent strawmen to knock down then you're playing with yourself.

History is recorded in history books, not statues, not monuments and not message boards or Googly Images. That's an irrefutable fact. And NOBODY is tearing down those history books, hence they ARE available for anyone interested. Your red herring canard about "what people come out of school knowing" is also IRRELEVANT to that.

History IS NOT recorded in statues, PERIOD. Address the topic actually presented and quit inventing new ones, K?

I believe you were talking about me. I never said statues were a history lesson, I said they were history, as in a reflection of our past. You can't tell me a painting of Abraham Lincoln is not history even though he was a historic figure.

A real American will not pick and choose what part of history should be learned, represented, or hidden. Tearing down those figures is anarchy of the left. Yeah......I know....I know....the left believes they own the entire country, and no dissent allowed. But the truth is we are a country of different people with different views.

This time it's statues, next time it will be books. They even wanted to remove George Washington. First they came after the Jews, but I was not Jewish, so I said nothing.............
"Wherever they burn books, in the end will also burn human beings."

-- Heinrich Heine

Leftists believe ideas can be destroyed. When they discover they can't, they fill mass graves.
You actually want to ignore abounding resources available whenever you want them --- and then blame THE UNREAD BOOKS? Or do you want to blame ME --- for what, not reading it aloud to you?

No.,. I'm blaming and flaming you about concocting a silly assertion that "Most people know the history" and then proposing a ludicrous solution "to read books"... That doesn't set the awareness of history in the minds of 90% of America....

You got nothing.. Better to argue RETAINING or HIDING the public tributes to the past than make up silly assertions and depend America to read books when more than half of our public school kids are FUNCTIONALLY ILLITERATE and totally uninterested about history...

Even this tempest about "monuments and symbols" does more for History Appreciation week than PURGING those symbols...

WHERE did I post "most people know their history"? Got a quote? I seem to remember some wag contending that statues represent history and contradicting that silly assertion because obviously THEY DON'T. If you have to invent strawmen to knock down then you're playing with yourself.

History is recorded in history books, not statues, not monuments and not message boards or Googly Images. That's an irrefutable fact. And NOBODY is tearing down those history books, hence they ARE available for anyone interested. Your red herring canard about "what people come out of school knowing" is also IRRELEVANT to that.

History IS NOT recorded in statues, PERIOD. Address the topic actually presented and quit inventing new ones, K?

I believe you were talking about me. I never said statues were a history lesson, I said they were history, as in a reflection of our past. You can't tell me a painting of Abraham Lincoln is not history even though he was a historic figure.

A real American will not pick and choose what part of history should be learned, represented, or hidden. Tearing down those figures is anarchy of the left. Yeah......I know....I know....the left believes they own the entire country, and no dissent allowed. But the truth is we are a country of different people with different views.

This time it's statues, next time it will be books. They even wanted to remove George Washington. First they came after the Jews, but I was not Jewish, so I said nothing.............

I honestly don't remember which of y'all said it, it's been rerun like a jukebox record several times. And I don't remember it being phrased as "statues are a history LESSON", that would actually be more accurate. The refrain I do remember is "removing statues is removing history", which it clearly and demonstrably is not.

Moreover neither "books" nor "George Washington" has any relevance to the Lost Cause propaganda, which is entirely what the monument moving is about. Except for of course those books that were directly rewritten and/or censored by that propaganda committee, which we already explored. Those books have presumably been supplanted, I don't know, but they were after all schoolbooks so not really relevant to true historical research anyway. That is to say, anyone who wants to know what really went down in the Civil War has plentiful resources to find out whether they reflect that propaganda or not.

As for "George Washington", who provably died long before the Civil War, there's just no way to leap there. As they say in Maine, you can't get there from here. So that's just a strawman made out of genuine canard.
You actually want to ignore abounding resources available whenever you want them --- and then blame THE UNREAD BOOKS? Or do you want to blame ME --- for what, not reading it aloud to you?

No.,. I'm blaming and flaming you about concocting a silly assertion that "Most people know the history" and then proposing a ludicrous solution "to read books"... That doesn't set the awareness of history in the minds of 90% of America....

You got nothing.. Better to argue RETAINING or HIDING the public tributes to the past than make up silly assertions and depend America to read books when more than half of our public school kids are FUNCTIONALLY ILLITERATE and totally uninterested about history...

Even this tempest about "monuments and symbols" does more for History Appreciation week than PURGING those symbols...

WHERE did I post "most people know their history"? Got a quote? I seem to remember some wag contending that statues represent history and contradicting that silly assertion because obviously THEY DON'T. If you have to invent strawmen to knock down then you're playing with yourself.

History is recorded in history books, not statues, not monuments and not message boards or Googly Images. That's an irrefutable fact. And NOBODY is tearing down those history books, hence they ARE available for anyone interested. Your red herring canard about "what people come out of school knowing" is also IRRELEVANT to that.

History IS NOT recorded in statues, PERIOD. Address the topic actually presented and quit inventing new ones, K?

I believe you were talking about me. I never said statues were a history lesson, I said they were history, as in a reflection of our past. You can't tell me a painting of Abraham Lincoln is not history even though he was a historic figure.

A real American will not pick and choose what part of history should be learned, represented, or hidden. Tearing down those figures is anarchy of the left. Yeah......I know....I know....the left believes they own the entire country, and no dissent allowed. But the truth is we are a country of different people with different views.

This time it's statues, next time it will be books. They even wanted to remove George Washington. First they came after the Jews, but I was not Jewish, so I said nothing.............
"Wherever they burn books, in the end will also burn human beings."

-- Heinrich Heine

Leftists believe ideas can be destroyed. When they discover they can't, they fill mass graves.

And that's what they will ultimately do if we allow them.
You be looking down the barrel of a 9mm with hollow points.

Trump Supporter Draws Gun In Self-Defense After Politically Motivated Attack

There is a place called T-shirt hell. They sell shirts with offensive memes on them. If it's vulgar and offensive they sell it. on a dare a dude I work with got a shirt that had a picture of the pyramids with the message "Slavery, it gets shit done". The dare was that I done this Tshirt and walk through greens point mall. Ask any hoistonion if that's a good idea for a 6'2" honky to do. I did it. Honestly, I got anyone of laughs and a few folks told me to go die, but most thought I was crazy and left me alone. I got less hate in that shirt then an 80 year old man gets for having on a MAGA hat. Shits insane.
Well smart ass if you want to go beyond our country as we know it, natives raided other tribes and took slaves almost from mans earliest occupation of this continent. Build yourself a statue to that.

Irrelevant. You cited a period of time half as long as it really is and I corrected it. Moreover we're talking specifically about transAtlantic slavery, which is a whole different animal from the slavery practiced for millennia on every continent in antiquity where people became spoils of war between neighboring tribes. Specifically this was the practice if importing people from an entirely different continent (and language and culture and flora and fauna), coupled with the marketing tool of this ethnocentric propaganda that they were "savages" ergo not really human, so it was OK, which we call "racism". Added to which, also unlike for lack of a better term 'traditional' slavery, they and their progeny were held to be slaves for life, specifically on account of that race. So you're trying to equate apples with kumquats here.

The final point there was that there exists, and would not be expected to exist, no "statue" or monument to tell us about Lucas Vázquez de Ayllón bringing the first captive Africans here in 1526. That's found, AGAIN, in the history books, because HISTORY BOOKS ARE WHERE HISTORY FUCKING LIVES. If we had to depend on some intrepid soul setting up a marker on the Pee Dee River to find out about this it would be obscure to the point of nonexistence.

But just for the sake of argument let's imagine there is such a marker explaining the story of San Miguel de Guadape. Now imagine somebody tears it down. Does it suddenly become never-known? Does it induce some weird mass amnesia?

Wow, 1526, that was quite a while before the first American colony was founded. Any more strawmen you want to throw out?


Yes it was, which is also irrelevant. The citation was "slavery on this continent". That's a geographical term, not a political one. Slavery on this continent in no way began with the Declaration of Independence.

No, it began with the fucking indians on this continent, as I stated before, which was long before 1526.

Please to link me to any evidence "fucking indians [sic]" shipped slaves here from another continent. Thanks ever so much in advance.
Today I learned slavery is only bad if the slaves cross an ocean.
You actually want to ignore abounding resources available whenever you want them --- and then blame THE UNREAD BOOKS? Or do you want to blame ME --- for what, not reading it aloud to you?

No.,. I'm blaming and flaming you about concocting a silly assertion that "Most people know the history" and then proposing a ludicrous solution "to read books"... That doesn't set the awareness of history in the minds of 90% of America....

You got nothing.. Better to argue RETAINING or HIDING the public tributes to the past than make up silly assertions and depend America to read books when more than half of our public school kids are FUNCTIONALLY ILLITERATE and totally uninterested about history...

Even this tempest about "monuments and symbols" does more for History Appreciation week than PURGING those symbols...

WHERE did I post "most people know their history"? Got a quote? I seem to remember some wag contending that statues represent history and contradicting that silly assertion because obviously THEY DON'T. If you have to invent strawmen to knock down then you're playing with yourself.

History is recorded in history books, not statues, not monuments and not message boards or Googly Images. That's an irrefutable fact. And NOBODY is tearing down those history books, hence they ARE available for anyone interested. Your red herring canard about "what people come out of school knowing" is also IRRELEVANT to that.

History IS NOT recorded in statues, PERIOD. Address the topic actually presented and quit inventing new ones, K?

I believe you were talking about me. I never said statues were a history lesson, I said they were history, as in a reflection of our past. You can't tell me a painting of Abraham Lincoln is not history even though he was a historic figure.

A real American will not pick and choose what part of history should be learned, represented, or hidden. Tearing down those figures is anarchy of the left. Yeah......I know....I know....the left believes they own the entire country, and no dissent allowed. But the truth is we are a country of different people with different views.

This time it's statues, next time it will be books. They even wanted to remove George Washington. First they came after the Jews, but I was not Jewish, so I said nothing.............
"Wherever they burn books, in the end will also burn human beings."

-- Heinrich Heine

Leftists believe ideas can be destroyed. When they discover they can't, they fill mass graves.

And that's what they will ultimately do if we allow them.
Every time. History proves it. Some people refuse to accept it, as if their petulant foot-stamping alters reality.
Wow, 1526, that was quite a while before the first American colony was founded. Any more strawmen you want to throw out?


Yes it was, which is also irrelevant. The citation was "slavery on this continent". That's a geographical term, not a political one. Slavery on this continent in no way began with the Declaration of Independence.

No, it began with the fucking indians on this continent, as I stated before, which was long before 1526.

Please to link me to any evidence "fucking indians [sic]" shipped slaves here from another continent. Thanks ever so much in advance.

The citation was "slavery on this continent". That's a geographical term, not a political one.
Wow, moving the goal posts again, eh?

Again ---- why would you try to sell the canard that slavery began "240 years" ago? Wtf do you think was going on for the previous 240 years?

All kinds of shit, but the US wasn't responsible, the country didn't exist yet.

You be looking down the barrel of a 9mm with hollow points.

Trump Supporter Draws Gun In Self-Defense After Politically Motivated Attack

There is a place called T-shirt hell. They sell shirts with offensive memes on them. If it's vulgar and offensive they sell it. on a dare a dude I work with got a shirt that had a picture of the pyramids with the message "Slavery, it gets shit done". The dare was that I done this Tshirt and walk through greens point mall. Ask any hoistonion if that's a good idea for a 6'2" honky to do. I did it. Honestly, I got anyone of laughs and a few folks told me to go die, but most thought I was crazy and left me alone. I got less hate in that shirt then an 80 year old man gets for having on a MAGA hat. Shits insane.

You are crazy, only way I go near greens point is zipping through in 45.

You be looking down the barrel of a 9mm with hollow points.

Trump Supporter Draws Gun In Self-Defense After Politically Motivated Attack

There is a place called T-shirt hell. They sell shirts with offensive memes on them. If it's vulgar and offensive they sell it. on a dare a dude I work with got a shirt that had a picture of the pyramids with the message "Slavery, it gets shit done". The dare was that I done this Tshirt and walk through greens point mall. Ask any hoistonion if that's a good idea for a 6'2" honky to do. I did it. Honestly, I got anyone of laughs and a few folks told me to go die, but most thought I was crazy and left me alone. I got less hate in that shirt then an 80 year old man gets for having on a MAGA hat. Shits insane.

You are crazy, only way I go near greens point is zipping through in 45.


Yup. They call it "guns point" for a reason.
A delicious irony, since that was literally the first thing I did when I arrived at this site in 2012, right between the Jacksonville shooting and the Newtown shooting. Thanks for keeping up and shit.
You have 109,000+ posts.

That you believe everyone is obligated to read every one of them is pompous horseshit.

Cute strawman. Can I pet him?

Actually I posted nothing about any "obligation". I simply noted that they're there and even told him where to find them. That he can't find the wherewithal to do so is entirely on his ass.
Irrelevant. You cited a period of time half as long as it really is and I corrected it. Moreover we're talking specifically about transAtlantic slavery, which is a whole different animal from the slavery practiced for millennia on every continent in antiquity where people became spoils of war between neighboring tribes. Specifically this was the practice if importing people from an entirely different continent (and language and culture and flora and fauna), coupled with the marketing tool of this ethnocentric propaganda that they were "savages" ergo not really human, so it was OK, which we call "racism". Added to which, also unlike for lack of a better term 'traditional' slavery, they and their progeny were held to be slaves for life, specifically on account of that race. So you're trying to equate apples with kumquats here.

The final point there was that there exists, and would not be expected to exist, no "statue" or monument to tell us about Lucas Vázquez de Ayllón bringing the first captive Africans here in 1526. That's found, AGAIN, in the history books, because HISTORY BOOKS ARE WHERE HISTORY FUCKING LIVES. If we had to depend on some intrepid soul setting up a marker on the Pee Dee River to find out about this it would be obscure to the point of nonexistence.

But just for the sake of argument let's imagine there is such a marker explaining the story of San Miguel de Guadape. Now imagine somebody tears it down. Does it suddenly become never-known? Does it induce some weird mass amnesia?

Wow, 1526, that was quite a while before the first American colony was founded. Any more strawmen you want to throw out?


Yes it was, which is also irrelevant. The citation was "slavery on this continent". That's a geographical term, not a political one. Slavery on this continent in no way began with the Declaration of Independence.

No, it began with the fucking indians on this continent, as I stated before, which was long before 1526.

Please to link me to any evidence "fucking indians [sic]" shipped slaves here from another continent. Thanks ever so much in advance.
Today I learned slavery is only bad if the slaves cross an ocean.

That's because you weren't paying attention.
Yes it was, which is also irrelevant. The citation was "slavery on this continent". That's a geographical term, not a political one. Slavery on this continent in no way began with the Declaration of Independence.

No, it began with the fucking indians on this continent, as I stated before, which was long before 1526.

Please to link me to any evidence "fucking indians [sic]" shipped slaves here from another continent. Thanks ever so much in advance.

The citation was "slavery on this continent". That's a geographical term, not a political one.
Wow, moving the goal posts again, eh?

Again ---- why would you try to sell the canard that slavery began "240 years" ago? Wtf do you think was going on for the previous 240 years?

All kinds of shit, but the US wasn't responsible, the country didn't exist yet.

Correct. And nobody claimed it did. How wonderful that we cleared that up.

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