Lefties HATE this ‘new’ Republican...shit, even some Republicans hate this ‘new’ Republican

The ‘Tea Party’ and old school Republicans have sat on their hands and been pushed around by big mouths for far too long. This new age Republican can’t be pushed around and taken advantage of...they have balls, they won’t stand there scared to make the first move, they’ll punch you square mouth first....The Left pisses their pants daily trying to negotiate and deal with this ‘curve ball’ they’ve been thrown. This group lost faith in government and almost gave up...thanks to Trump they’ve been brought them back to life.
Yeah! Violent morons of the world unite!

They're united. They are bused in to protest every Trump rally and show up to riot and burn at every UC Berkley event that tries to sponsor a conservative.
Lol @ "bused in".

Conspiracy theories are fun!!
Like many Mexicrats bill718 really misses that old, passive, do nothing, say nothing God fearing Republican...they were so much easier to bully and take advantage of weren’t they Bill?

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