Leftist anti-Semites openly hunting Jews in blue cities across America

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
While Joe Biden and the DemoKKKrat party do nothing at all to stop it.

The DemoKKKrat party will go down in history alongside Hitler's Third Reich.

Hundreds of ‘Radicalized’ NYC High Schoolers Riot Over Pro-Israel Teacher, Who Had to Be Locked in Office for Safety

Grenade Found Near New Jersey Synagogue, Bomb Squad Called​

I hope they have a current hunting license and yes, you`re being ridiculed. Btw, which party is now a magnet for racists and gun nuts?
While Joe Biden and the DemoKKKrat party do nothing at all to stop it.
Well, I'm pretty sure that the whole point of the NGOs (on both theoretical ''sides'') who are orchestrating all of this stuff by importing the image of what is going on over there to the streets of America over here is precisely so that people will ask '''Hey, why ain't the government doin nothin?"

So, as always...yay...more government. Less freedom.

That's always been the gig, I think. And useful idiots continue to help it along.

And I think we'll likely be hit with something far, far more repugnant to the fabric of our Republic than the Patriot Act ever was.

So, yeah. Problem. Reaction. Solution.

And, as always, the people will love them for it.

In the end, those who sell themselves as the ''do gooders'' in places like this and elsewhere in the wild of the www will be the useful utility to help pound a few more nails in America's coffin.

They know not what they do.

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Again: Which party has become a magnet for racists and gun nuts?

The DemoKKKrat party. Always racist. Now also a haven for mass shooters.

At any rate, this thread is about your fellow DemoKKKrats hunting Jews all over the country in places run by people like you.

Your posting history suggests you enthusiastically support this.
Deflection from what? Some asshole (post #8) insinuates that I`m a KKK supporter.
He was not insinuating something contra you specifically. Frankly, given the context of this board and the hyperbole on both sides, it is unreasonable for you or anyone here to take it seriously.

See post 3, which appears to be the genesis for your deflection, in which a poster quite astutely, and humorously (in my opinion) ask you specifically if you are one of the Hamas “Palestinian” protesters in the photo. You shoot back a clear deflection of that point seeking to focus on your allegation that the GOP is full of gun-toting maniacs (an absurd deflection to be sure, but I am only commenting here on form and not substance).

After review, the call stands.
While Joe Biden and the DemoKKKrat party do nothing at all to stop it.

The DemoKKKrat party will go down in history alongside Hitler's Third Reich.

Hundreds of ‘Radicalized’ NYC High Schoolers Riot Over Pro-Israel Teacher, Who Had to Be Locked in Office for Safety

Grenade Found Near New Jersey Synagogue, Bomb Squad Called​

But, overall, the violence is still led mostly by radical Arabs.
While Joe Biden and the DemoKKKrat party do nothing at all to stop it.

The DemoKKKrat party will go down in history alongside Hitler's Third Reich.

Hundreds of ‘Radicalized’ NYC High Schoolers Riot Over Pro-Israel Teacher, Who Had to Be Locked in Office for Safety

Grenade Found Near New Jersey Synagogue, Bomb Squad Called​

How's that diversity working out? America was a great country, the left are destroying it with the filthy mass-elite pulling the strings. No, they pay someone to pull the strings.

It's not possible to anticipate what they have in store us next, after all, they brought us covid and DC, with their injustice departments are openly corrupt politically, for power. But don't look now, it would seem the Democracks got their war.
Deflection from what? Some asshole (post #8) insinuates that I`m a KKK supporter.
The KKK was a dimocrap scum organization.

Correction: 'Was' should read, "Always has been"

The KKK was organized by Nathan Bedford Forrest in order to fight the Carpet-Bagger Republicans taking over the South after we kicked their dimocrap scum asses for them.

In fact, they didn't lynch their first Black Man until the 1880's. But they did murder several White Republicans in between.

If the dimocrap FILTH party wanted to prove they're not racist scum, they'd remove 'Squad' members that support Hamas.

But, they won't. They won't because -- The dimocrap scum party itself supports Hamas. They only pay lip service to Israel. They HATE Israel, in truth.

All members of the dimocrap party are scum. As are its supporters, backers and, most of all, voters.

Feeling naked??
How's that diversity working out? America was a great country, the left are destroying it with the filthy mass-elite pulling the strings. No, they pay someone to pull the strings.

It's not possible to anticipate what they have in store us next, after all, they brought us covid and DC, with their injustice departments are openly corrupt politically, for power. But don't look now, it would seem the Democracks got their war.

They've gotten two new wars, so far.

Russia waited for Biden to occupy the White House so they could freely invade Ukraine, and Hamas did the same thing with Israel.
They've gotten two new wars, so far.

Russia waited for Biden to occupy the White House so they could freely invade Ukraine, and Hamas did the same thing with Israel.
Sponge Brains Shits Pants left BILLIONS of dollars of equipment behind in Asscrackistan.

Islamist governments took it and replaced their aging and, quite frankly, mostly useless Russian small arms. And then gave their old shit to dimocrap, er, er Hamas terrorists.

Even then, if you look, you'll see M-16's and M4's in the hands of dimocraps, er, er, Hamas.

Wonder where they got those??

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