Leftist bully attacks two 14 year olds for wearing MAGA hat

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SAN ANTONIO - Police are investigating after a teen says he was verbally attacked and assaulted at a Whataburger for wearing a Make America Great Again hat.
Viral video: Teen says he was attacked for wearing 'Make American Great Again' hat

This is the low life scum of society those leftist Trump haters will stoop to their mental illness level and attack them for wearing a gawd dam hat.

How dare you Trump hating scum ever, ever flip onto Trump supporters that they are the violent ones when over and over article after article is is you low life scum Trump haters who are violent and attack people.

You are a pathetic excuse for a human in fact animals have more respect and dignity then you losers do.
Lol, remember when trump was telling his supporters that he would pay the legal fees for people who beat up protestors?
Good, I hope they whoopped his ass all the way back to Trump country!!
That's exactly the attitude that got us Trump and will keep Trump in the white house. Keep it up.

Try and keep him in the WH.
He will be reelected, he is doing great thing for American's. With all the stupid things liberals are doing daily, we will gain seats in the midterms. Also probably will get another supreme court seat. Trump is the man.
SAN ANTONIO - Police are investigating after a teen says he was verbally attacked and assaulted at a Whataburger for wearing a Make America Great Again hat.
Viral video: Teen says he was attacked for wearing 'Make American Great Again' hat

This is the low life scum of society those leftist Trump haters will stoop to their mental illness level and attack them for wearing a gawd dam hat.

How dare you Trump hating scum ever, ever flip onto Trump supporters that they are the violent ones when over and over article after article is is you low life scum Trump haters who are violent and attack people.

You are a pathetic excuse for a human in fact animals have more respect and dignity then you losers do.

Do you think we care, really, Trump has done so much damage with his filthy mouth, that is what we care about.

You whimps can sure dish it out but not take it. Don't expect us to be silent as you trash it out.

You'll care when retaliation sets in and when you get bitch slapped? Not a syllable...not one
Using threats and intimidation to enforce your political views is also referred to as terrorism.

Texas teenager attacked on video for wearing Make America Great Again hat

A 16-year-old boy has been verbally abused and assaulted at a restaurant for wearing one of Donald Trump’s trademark “Make America Great Again” hats.

The ordeal, which took place in San Antonio, was caught on camera and has been widely shared.

The clip shows an unidentified suspect chucking a drink in Hunter Richard’s face while saying “you ain’t supporting s***” before leaving the restaurant with his red hat.

Mr Hunter, who is from the Texas city, was having a meal with his friends at a Whataburger restaurant in Thousands Oaks when the incident took place.

"I support my President and if you don’t let’s have a conversation about it instead of ripping my hat off," Mr Hunter told News 4 San Antonio.

"I just think a conversation about politics is more productive for the entire whole rather than taking my hat and yelling subjective words to me".
dOnald tRump is a terrorist?

I had no idea!
There are a lot of people in the USA who have been brainwashed to believe they do want to eliminate Policing, ICE, loot, burn cars.....it's what the radical left does best.
After all, don't we all agree they ARE the party of hatred? (while all the while pointing at the other, non violent side as the perps?)

If ever the Left is allowed to re-gain power, this won't just be a common occurrence....it'll be rewarded behavior.
Trump needs to pack not just the SCOTUS with reasonable people, but all the lower courts as well. It's critical at this junction in our history.

not all demos are nuts
I would agree with that. The issue is like muslims though, you have a small but very vocal part that is, the majority needs to nip it in the bud, asap. Firing up the base about a healthcare bill or tax cuts is one thing, but to say people are evil and want to put you back in chains is not good and leads to people thinking violence is necessary.
SAN ANTONIO - Police are investigating after a teen says he was verbally attacked and assaulted at a Whataburger for wearing a Make America Great Again hat.
Viral video: Teen says he was attacked for wearing 'Make American Great Again' hat

This is the low life scum of society those leftist Trump haters will stoop to their mental illness level and attack them for wearing a gawd dam hat.

How dare you Trump hating scum ever, ever flip onto Trump supporters that they are the violent ones when over and over article after article is is you low life scum Trump haters who are violent and attack people.

You are a pathetic excuse for a human in fact animals have more respect and dignity then you losers do.
Stupid kid. What the hell did he expect to happen? Little shit.

He expected to be able to exercise his Constitutional rights ya fucking moron
Using threats and intimidation to enforce your political views is also referred to as terrorism.

Texas teenager attacked on video for wearing Make America Great Again hat

A 16-year-old boy has been verbally abused and assaulted at a restaurant for wearing one of Donald Trump’s trademark “Make America Great Again” hats.

The ordeal, which took place in San Antonio, was caught on camera and has been widely shared.

The clip shows an unidentified suspect chucking a drink in Hunter Richard’s face while saying “you ain’t supporting s***” before leaving the restaurant with his red hat.

Mr Hunter, who is from the Texas city, was having a meal with his friends at a Whataburger restaurant in Thousands Oaks when the incident took place.

"I support my President and if you don’t let’s have a conversation about it instead of ripping my hat off," Mr Hunter told News 4 San Antonio.

"I just think a conversation about politics is more productive for the entire whole rather than taking my hat and yelling subjective words to me".

several INFLUENTIAL PUBLIC FIGURES have sanctioned harassment of persons who, simply, DISAGREE with their specific political agendas. Two such rabble rousers are Maxine
Waters and Linda Sarsour. Persons who engage in such harassment SHOULD be questioned as to their

I agree, but I don't think you included all the scum advocating violence.


it's 100% stupid. most of it however is "hit back" and not "go find someone and just hit them for them saying something we don't like.

No it's not. The altRight showed up with helmets and brass knuckles. Read the police report.
SAN ANTONIO - Police are investigating after a teen says he was verbally attacked and assaulted at a Whataburger for wearing a Make America Great Again hat.
Viral video: Teen says he was attacked for wearing 'Make American Great Again' hat

This is the low life scum of society those leftist Trump haters will stoop to their mental illness level and attack them for wearing a gawd dam hat.

How dare you Trump hating scum ever, ever flip onto Trump supporters that they are the violent ones when over and over article after article is is you low life scum Trump haters who are violent and attack people.

You are a pathetic excuse for a human in fact animals have more respect and dignity then you losers do.

Do you think we care, really, Trump has done so much damage with his filthy mouth, that is what we care about.

You whimps can sure dish it out but not take it. Don't expect us to be silent as you trash it out.

That was Auntie Maxie calling for violence. I don’t recall Trump ever saying anything like what she said

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SAN ANTONIO - Police are investigating after a teen says he was verbally attacked and assaulted at a Whataburger for wearing a Make America Great Again hat.
Viral video: Teen says he was attacked for wearing 'Make American Great Again' hat

This is the low life scum of society those leftist Trump haters will stoop to their mental illness level and attack them for wearing a gawd dam hat.

How dare you Trump hating scum ever, ever flip onto Trump supporters that they are the violent ones when over and over article after article is is you low life scum Trump haters who are violent and attack people.

You are a pathetic excuse for a human in fact animals have more respect and dignity then you losers do.

Do you think we care, really, Trump has done so much damage with his filthy mouth, that is what we care about.

You whimps can sure dish it out but not take it. Don't expect us to be silent as you trash it out.

You'll care when retaliation sets in and when you get bitch slapped? Not a syllable...not one

Oh what are you going to do? the teen does even know what is up and what is down yet he wears a hat Make America Great Again. He isn't old enough to even know shit. He is a teen. His parents should not of let him out of the house with that hat, they are probably looking for a lawsuit.
SAN ANTONIO - Police are investigating after a teen says he was verbally attacked and assaulted at a Whataburger for wearing a Make America Great Again hat.
Viral video: Teen says he was attacked for wearing 'Make American Great Again' hat

This is the low life scum of society those leftist Trump haters will stoop to their mental illness level and attack them for wearing a gawd dam hat.

How dare you Trump hating scum ever, ever flip onto Trump supporters that they are the violent ones when over and over article after article is is you low life scum Trump haters who are violent and attack people.

You are a pathetic excuse for a human in fact animals have more respect and dignity then you losers do.
Lol, remember when trump was telling his supporters that he would pay the legal fees for people who beat up protestors?

remember when your asshole bitch Obama told you if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor and mostly all you idiots lost your doctors.
Using threats and intimidation to enforce your political views is also referred to as terrorism.

Texas teenager attacked on video for wearing Make America Great Again hat

A 16-year-old boy has been verbally abused and assaulted at a restaurant for wearing one of Donald Trump’s trademark “Make America Great Again” hats.

The ordeal, which took place in San Antonio, was caught on camera and has been widely shared.

The clip shows an unidentified suspect chucking a drink in Hunter Richard’s face while saying “you ain’t supporting s***” before leaving the restaurant with his red hat.

Mr Hunter, who is from the Texas city, was having a meal with his friends at a Whataburger restaurant in Thousands Oaks when the incident took place.

"I support my President and if you don’t let’s have a conversation about it instead of ripping my hat off," Mr Hunter told News 4 San Antonio.

"I just think a conversation about politics is more productive for the entire whole rather than taking my hat and yelling subjective words to me".

several INFLUENTIAL PUBLIC FIGURES have sanctioned harassment of persons who, simply, DISAGREE with their specific political agendas. Two such rabble rousers are Maxine
Waters and Linda Sarsour. Persons who engage in such harassment SHOULD be questioned as to their

I agree, but I don't think you included all the scum advocating violence.


it's 100% stupid. most of it however is "hit back" and not "go find someone and just hit them for them saying something we don't like.

No it's not. The altRight showed up with helmets and brass knuckles. Read the police report.

Showed up where? and when?
SAN ANTONIO - Police are investigating after a teen says he was verbally attacked and assaulted at a Whataburger for wearing a Make America Great Again hat.
Viral video: Teen says he was attacked for wearing 'Make American Great Again' hat

This is the low life scum of society those leftist Trump haters will stoop to their mental illness level and attack them for wearing a gawd dam hat.

How dare you Trump hating scum ever, ever flip onto Trump supporters that they are the violent ones when over and over article after article is is you low life scum Trump haters who are violent and attack people.

You are a pathetic excuse for a human in fact animals have more respect and dignity then you losers do.

Do you think we care, really, Trump has done so much damage with his filthy mouth, that is what we care about.

You whimps can sure dish it out but not take it. Don't expect us to be silent as you trash it out.

You'll care when retaliation sets in and when you get bitch slapped? Not a syllable...not one

Oh what are you going to do? the teen does even know what is up and what is down yet he wears a hat Make America Great Again. He isn't old enough to even know shit. He is a teen. His parents should not of let him out of the house with that hat, they are probably looking for a lawsuit.
Oh my, you support letting little kids decide what sex they are, support giving them treatments irreversible to become what they think they are. But a teenager can't pick out a hat to wear? You're proof that liberalism is a mental disease.
SAN ANTONIO - Police are investigating after a teen says he was verbally attacked and assaulted at a Whataburger for wearing a Make America Great Again hat.
Viral video: Teen says he was attacked for wearing 'Make American Great Again' hat

This is the low life scum of society those leftist Trump haters will stoop to their mental illness level and attack them for wearing a gawd dam hat.

How dare you Trump hating scum ever, ever flip onto Trump supporters that they are the violent ones when over and over article after article is is you low life scum Trump haters who are violent and attack people.

You are a pathetic excuse for a human in fact animals have more respect and dignity then you losers do.
Lol, remember when trump was telling his supporters that he would pay the legal fees for people who beat up protestors?

remember when your asshole bitch Obama told you if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor and mostly all you idiots lost your doctors.

Is that the best you can do???? LOL , you are a joke.
SAN ANTONIO - Police are investigating after a teen says he was verbally attacked and assaulted at a Whataburger for wearing a Make America Great Again hat.
Viral video: Teen says he was attacked for wearing 'Make American Great Again' hat

This is the low life scum of society those leftist Trump haters will stoop to their mental illness level and attack them for wearing a gawd dam hat.

How dare you Trump hating scum ever, ever flip onto Trump supporters that they are the violent ones when over and over article after article is is you low life scum Trump haters who are violent and attack people.

You are a pathetic excuse for a human in fact animals have more respect and dignity then you losers do.

Maybe I can find him a safe space
Good, I hope they whoopped his ass all the way back to Trump country!!

It's all Trump country..... :eusa_dance:
You better believe all this wonderful country of ours is Trump's playground!! Especially on the east side of Chicago, I'd love to have master come by some dark misty night, just to reclaim some of his land...without back up!!
He has back up. Enough to turn the entire east side of Chicago into rubble.

Which would be an improvement.
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