Leftist educators are corrupting the young

Teaching kids to hate their country's traditions and institutions.
July 13, 2017

Discover The Networks


Another NID project – designed to introduce young people to purportedly heroic women who have battled the forces of “racism, homophobia, [and] sexism” – required the pupils to read the Kate Schatz book Rad American Women A-Z. The women who are profiled and lionized in Schatz's book are almost all leftists, and in some cases Marxists or political revolutionaries. Among them:


At present, NID consists of approximately 140 member teachers in 60 schools throughout the city of Philadelphia. It is through the efforts of such individuals and such organizations, that an entire generation of young people is being indoctrinated in the corrosive, anti-American, anti-capitalist mindset of the hard Left.

Poisoning the Minds of America's Schoolchildren

Philadelphia, what a staunch conservative place that is!

You do realize this program was implemented or endorsed by an elected school board, right?
Imagine if the government school system did NOT indoctrinate students with leftist ideology, how many fewer leftists there would be.

Even silly Mattieboy might not be a brain dead leftist.

I have asked before and conservatives never fail to disappoint me. What type of indoctrination do you think is taking place in K-12 classrooms all across this country?

Don't give me examples from the big liberal dominated cities, but generally across the US!

This is where conservatives are guilty of making mountains out of mole hills on the same scale that liberals do about Trumps "collusion" with the Russians.

These snowflakes aren't devoid of critical thinking skills from nothing nowhere!

It's definitely going on in places. :poke:

Maybe not your state, maybe not my state, it could even vary county to county.
Imagine if the government school system did NOT indoctrinate students with leftist ideology, how many fewer leftists there would be.

Even silly Mattieboy might not be a brain dead leftist.

I have asked before and conservatives never fail to disappoint me. What type of indoctrination do you think is taking place in K-12 classrooms all across this country?

Don't give me examples from the big liberal dominated cities, but generally across the US!

This is where conservatives are guilty of making mountains out of mole hills on the same scale that liberals do about Trumps "collusion" with the Russians.

These snowflakes aren't devoid of critical thinking skills from nothing nowhere!

It's definitely going on in places. :poke:

Maybe not your state, maybe not my state, it could even vary county to county.

Did you ever lead a horse to water? Could you make him drink?

Most of these liberals were taught exactly the same way that you and I were taught. They simply refuse to retain any of the information, so they look and act like extras from "The Walking Dead".

Do you know why my job as a teacher is frustrating? When I hold students accountable for their learning and fail them when they do not retain the information, I catch hell from all sides.
Imagine if the government school system did NOT indoctrinate students with leftist ideology, how many fewer leftists there would be.

Even silly Mattieboy might not be a brain dead leftist.

I have asked before and conservatives never fail to disappoint me. What type of indoctrination do you think is taking place in K-12 classrooms all across this country?

Don't give me examples from the big liberal dominated cities, but generally across the US!

This is where conservatives are guilty of making mountains out of mole hills on the same scale that liberals do about Trumps "collusion" with the Russians.
Being taught that leftism is good, is clearly indoctrination.
Imagine if the government school system did NOT indoctrinate students with leftist ideology, how many fewer leftists there would be.

Even silly Mattieboy might not be a brain dead leftist.

I have asked before and conservatives never fail to disappoint me. What type of indoctrination do you think is taking place in K-12 classrooms all across this country?

Don't give me examples from the big liberal dominated cities, but generally across the US!

This is where conservatives are guilty of making mountains out of mole hills on the same scale that liberals do about Trumps "collusion" with the Russians.
Being taught that leftism is good, is clearly indoctrination.

Where is leftism being taught? You inadvertently just proved my point. Your answer is vague and exaggerated.

Come back when you can answer the question.
Imagine if the government school system did NOT indoctrinate students with leftist ideology, how many fewer leftists there would be.

Even silly Mattieboy might not be a brain dead leftist.

I have asked before and conservatives never fail to disappoint me. What type of indoctrination do you think is taking place in K-12 classrooms all across this country?

Don't give me examples from the big liberal dominated cities, but generally across the US!

This is where conservatives are guilty of making mountains out of mole hills on the same scale that liberals do about Trumps "collusion" with the Russians.
Being taught that leftism is good, is clearly indoctrination.

Where is leftism being taught? You inadvertently just proved my point. Your answer is vague and exaggerated.

Come back when you can answer the question.
It is being taught in the P-schools. Where the F have you been?

They give the kiddies good movies to watch, like Fat Albert's and Fat Mikey's dumb movies. They are propagandized about global warming. They are told big government is wonderful, when any fool can see it is deadly, costly, and ineffective.
Imagine if the government school system did NOT indoctrinate students with leftist ideology, how many fewer leftists there would be.

Even silly Mattieboy might not be a brain dead leftist.

I have asked before and conservatives never fail to disappoint me. What type of indoctrination do you think is taking place in K-12 classrooms all across this country?

Don't give me examples from the big liberal dominated cities, but generally across the US!

This is where conservatives are guilty of making mountains out of mole hills on the same scale that liberals do about Trumps "collusion" with the Russians.
Being taught that leftism is good, is clearly indoctrination.

Where is leftism being taught? You inadvertently just proved my point. Your answer is vague and exaggerated.

Come back when you can answer the question.
It is being taught in the P-schools. Where the F have you been?

They give the kiddies good movies to watch, like Fat Albert's and Fat Mikey's dumb movies. They are propagandized about global warming. They are told big government is wonderful, when any fool can see it is deadly, costly, and ineffective.
Imagine if the government school system did NOT indoctrinate students with leftist ideology, how many fewer leftists there would be.

Even silly Mattieboy might not be a brain dead leftist.

I have asked before and conservatives never fail to disappoint me. What type of indoctrination do you think is taking place in K-12 classrooms all across this country?

Don't give me examples from the big liberal dominated cities, but generally across the US!

This is where conservatives are guilty of making mountains out of mole hills on the same scale that liberals do about Trumps "collusion" with the Russians.
Being taught that leftism is good, is clearly indoctrination.

Where is leftism being taught? You inadvertently just proved my point. Your answer is vague and exaggerated.

Come back when you can answer the question.
It is being taught in the P-schools. Where the F have you been?

They give the kiddies good movies to watch, like Fat Albert's and Fat Mikey's dumb movies. They are propagandized about global warming. They are told big government is wonderful, when any fool can see it is deadly, costly, and ineffective.

Excuse me, but where are you getting this information from? I want specifics and you don't have them. That is my point!

There is extensive liberalism in some schools, mainly the liberal-dominated large cities. But as a whole, this is not true across the vast majority of America.

It is making mountains out of mole hills.

A perfect example is overwhelming belief that kids are not allowed to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Bullshit! Every school system where I have taught outside the one inner city school system where I taught started every day with the Pledge.

If there is liberalism in the Heartland, you should be able to find millions of examples, but I am saying that you won't because it only exists in your imagination. Teaching "Sally has two Mommies" is something that does not happen in most schools.
Imagine if the government school system did NOT indoctrinate students with leftist ideology, how many fewer leftists there would be.

Even silly Mattieboy might not be a brain dead leftist.

I have asked before and conservatives never fail to disappoint me. What type of indoctrination do you think is taking place in K-12 classrooms all across this country?

Don't give me examples from the big liberal dominated cities, but generally across the US!

This is where conservatives are guilty of making mountains out of mole hills on the same scale that liberals do about Trumps "collusion" with the Russians.
Being taught that leftism is good, is clearly indoctrination.

Where is leftism being taught? You inadvertently just proved my point. Your answer is vague and exaggerated.

Come back when you can answer the question.
It is being taught in the P-schools. Where the F have you been?

They give the kiddies good movies to watch, like Fat Albert's and Fat Mikey's dumb movies. They are propagandized about global warming. They are told big government is wonderful, when any fool can see it is deadly, costly, and ineffective.
Imagine if the government school system did NOT indoctrinate students with leftist ideology, how many fewer leftists there would be.

Even silly Mattieboy might not be a brain dead leftist.

I have asked before and conservatives never fail to disappoint me. What type of indoctrination do you think is taking place in K-12 classrooms all across this country?

Don't give me examples from the big liberal dominated cities, but generally across the US!

This is where conservatives are guilty of making mountains out of mole hills on the same scale that liberals do about Trumps "collusion" with the Russians.
Being taught that leftism is good, is clearly indoctrination.

Where is leftism being taught? You inadvertently just proved my point. Your answer is vague and exaggerated.

Come back when you can answer the question.
It is being taught in the P-schools. Where the F have you been?

They give the kiddies good movies to watch, like Fat Albert's and Fat Mikey's dumb movies. They are propagandized about global warming. They are told big government is wonderful, when any fool can see it is deadly, costly, and ineffective.

Excuse me, but where are you getting this information from? I want specifics and you don't have them. That is my point!

There is extensive liberalism in some schools, mainly the liberal-dominated large cities. But as a whole, this is not true across the vast majority of America.

It is making mountains out of mole hills.

A perfect example is overwhelming belief that kids are not allowed to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Bullshit! Every school system where I have taught outside the one inner city school system where I taught started every day with the Pledge.

If there is liberalism in the Heartland, you should be able to find millions of examples, but I am saying that you won't because it only exists in your imagination. Teaching "Sally has two Mommies" is something that does not happen in most schools.
So you just admitted 'extensive liberalism' exists in some schools.

Glad we agree.
It is a long established fact and very old Marxist doctrine to control society through the educational process. Radical liberalism is all through the educational system, the DOE, school boards, colleges and universities. They no longer teach your kid how to think but WHAT to think. I guess I was somewhat spared by going to a private school. Basically, once they get in, the move to the top, then organize and either block any non-leftists from getting hired or get them fired. Leftists don't survive well under competition or in open debate and light. The subtle fact that Trump revealed long ago but keeps rather quiet now is that his real mission is that he is out to come after the bastards and turn the tables around---- and he is just the guy who can do it. Semper Fi.

What does the Department of Energy have to do with it?

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION?????!!!!!! I guess the words educational, school boards, colleges and universities make you think of energy. I know they do me. :cool:
I have a lot of posts in Education that show how the left is indoctrinating your children, you need to send your children to charter or privet schools...

Leftist educators are corrupting the young.
May 9, 2017

Matthew Vadum



Leftists believe you have to get ’em while they’re young and impressionable.

Marxist theorist Paolo Freire advocated in Pedagogy of the Oppressed, that schools be used to inculcate radical values in students so they become agents of social change. Freire held that the so-called dominant pedagogy “silences” poor and minority children and that there is no such thing as a neutral educational system.

Joining Freire in his desire to use the educational system to level institutions is unrepentant communist terrorist and education theorist Bill Ayers, who has long advocated poisoning the minds of the young so they can agitate to fundamentally transform American society.

“If we want change to come, we would do well not to look at the sites of power we have no access to; the White House, the Congress, the Pentagon,” he said in 2012. “We have absolute access to the community, the school, the neighborhood, the street, the classroom, the workplace, the shop, the farm.”


Why do we need all this “changemaking” and why do our children have to be the vehicles for it?

Short answer: we don’t and they shouldn’t be.

WITHOUT A DOUBT, the public schools are fucking over your children's heads right up to and through college. Trying to make them all good little commies.
I have asked before and conservatives never fail to disappoint me. What type of indoctrination do you think is taking place in K-12 classrooms all across this country?

Don't give me examples from the big liberal dominated cities, but generally across the US!

This is where conservatives are guilty of making mountains out of mole hills on the same scale that liberals do about Trumps "collusion" with the Russians.
Being taught that leftism is good, is clearly indoctrination.

Where is leftism being taught? You inadvertently just proved my point. Your answer is vague and exaggerated.

Come back when you can answer the question.
It is being taught in the P-schools. Where the F have you been?

They give the kiddies good movies to watch, like Fat Albert's and Fat Mikey's dumb movies. They are propagandized about global warming. They are told big government is wonderful, when any fool can see it is deadly, costly, and ineffective.
I have asked before and conservatives never fail to disappoint me. What type of indoctrination do you think is taking place in K-12 classrooms all across this country?

Don't give me examples from the big liberal dominated cities, but generally across the US!

This is where conservatives are guilty of making mountains out of mole hills on the same scale that liberals do about Trumps "collusion" with the Russians.
Being taught that leftism is good, is clearly indoctrination.

Where is leftism being taught? You inadvertently just proved my point. Your answer is vague and exaggerated.

Come back when you can answer the question.
It is being taught in the P-schools. Where the F have you been?

They give the kiddies good movies to watch, like Fat Albert's and Fat Mikey's dumb movies. They are propagandized about global warming. They are told big government is wonderful, when any fool can see it is deadly, costly, and ineffective.

Excuse me, but where are you getting this information from? I want specifics and you don't have them. That is my point!

There is extensive liberalism in some schools, mainly the liberal-dominated large cities. But as a whole, this is not true across the vast majority of America.

It is making mountains out of mole hills.

A perfect example is overwhelming belief that kids are not allowed to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Bullshit! Every school system where I have taught outside the one inner city school system where I taught started every day with the Pledge.

If there is liberalism in the Heartland, you should be able to find millions of examples, but I am saying that you won't because it only exists in your imagination. Teaching "Sally has two Mommies" is something that does not happen in most schools.
So you just admitted 'extensive liberalism' exists in some schools.

Glad we agree.

Yes, it exists. Did I say it didn't? I maintain that you exaggerate the scope and depth of its impact. The People's Republic states of Californication, Taxachussetts, and Connectinutjobs, and school systems like Filthy-delphia, Chick-a-go-go, Ski-daddle, Hot-lanta, Skinny-apple-less, and several other big lib cities are the problem areas.

Ever notice you don't hear of big liberal indoctrination coming out of Miami much? It's a big lib city, but the conservatives in Tallahassee crimped down on their attempts at following the lead of the other lib cities. The same applies for the big cities in Texas and Louisiana.

The rest of the country is devoid of any of this liberal indoctrination that you claim is commonplace.
It is a long established fact and very old Marxist doctrine to control society through the educational process. Radical liberalism is all through the educational system, the DOE, school boards, colleges and universities. They no longer teach your kid how to think but WHAT to think. I guess I was somewhat spared by going to a private school. Basically, once they get in, the move to the top, then organize and either block any non-leftists from getting hired or get them fired. Leftists don't survive well under competition or in open debate and light. The subtle fact that Trump revealed long ago but keeps rather quiet now is that his real mission is that he is out to come after the bastards and turn the tables around---- and he is just the guy who can do it. Semper Fi.

What does the Department of Energy have to do with it?

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION?????!!!!!! I guess the words educational, school boards, colleges and universities make you think of energy. I know they do me. :cool:

DOE is Department of Energy. ED is education Department, not just erectile dysfunction.

I do not tolerate people too well who critique education without possessing some themselves. That is my character flaw.
Where is leftism being taught? You inadvertently just proved my point. Your answer is vague and exaggerated.

Come back when you can answer the question.
I think you are being a bit overly defensive. The word socialism no longer has the negative connotations it once did. In my day it was an insult, now the majority of youths see it favorably while capitalism is seen as wrong and greedy. That happened through steady indoctrination, maybe not in your class but it can't be an accident.
Where is leftism being taught? You inadvertently just proved my point. Your answer is vague and exaggerated.

Come back when you can answer the question.
I think you are being a bit overly defensive. The word socialism no longer has the negative connotations it once did. In my day it was an insult, now the majority of youths see it favorably while capitalism is seen as wrong and greedy. That happened through steady indoctrination, maybe not in your class but it can't be an accident.

I am tired of conservatives spewing bullshit about indoctrination in public schools when all they do is parrot the latest outrage out of the liberal dominated big city school systems. I have heard the same old tired bullshit for years and when you call them on it, they run like cowards because they get caught with their pants down.

They sit in front of their computers making endless posts blaming teachers and administrators for problems that only exist in their imaginations.

They cannot even find one example to bolster their argument because it does not exist.
Where is leftism being taught? You inadvertently just proved my point. Your answer is vague and exaggerated.

Come back when you can answer the question.
I think you are being a bit overly defensive. The word socialism no longer has the negative connotations it once did. In my day it was an insult, now the majority of youths see it favorably while capitalism is seen as wrong and greedy. That happened through steady indoctrination, maybe not in your class but it can't be an accident.

I am tired of conservatives spewing bullshit about indoctrination in public schools when all they do is parrot the latest outrage out of the liberal dominated big city school systems. I have heard the same old tired bullshit for years and when you call them on it, they run like cowards because they get caught with their pants down.

They sit in front of their computers making endless posts blaming teachers and administrators for problems that only exist in their imaginations.

They cannot even find one example to bolster their argument because it does not exist.
LOL, Jesus Christ dude! I'm referring to REALITY. The kids these days are way more leftist than they were only a generation ago. Bernie owned them. This is not a big city and I have done work in the local schools, they very definitely are promoting community awareness, self esteem, "tolerance", diversity, etc. It's all over the fucking walls. Or do my conservative eyes lie to me?
Where is leftism being taught? You inadvertently just proved my point. Your answer is vague and exaggerated.

Come back when you can answer the question.
I think you are being a bit overly defensive. The word socialism no longer has the negative connotations it once did. In my day it was an insult, now the majority of youths see it favorably while capitalism is seen as wrong and greedy. That happened through steady indoctrination, maybe not in your class but it can't be an accident.

I am tired of conservatives spewing bullshit about indoctrination in public schools when all they do is parrot the latest outrage out of the liberal dominated big city school systems. I have heard the same old tired bullshit for years and when you call them on it, they run like cowards because they get caught with their pants down.

They sit in front of their computers making endless posts blaming teachers and administrators for problems that only exist in their imaginations.

They cannot even find one example to bolster their argument because it does not exist.
LOL, Jesus Christ dude! I'm referring to REALITY. The kids these days are way more leftist than they were only a generation ago. Bernie owned them. This is not a big city and I have done work in the local schools, they very definitely are promoting community awareness, self esteem, "tolerance", diversity, etc. It's all over the fucking walls. Or do my conservative eyes lie to me?

First, why do you consider those to be liberal and/or bad things? It is the extent of how that is used in schools is where I think your conservative eyes are lying to you.

If a poster about diversity on a wall happens to dissuade Johnny Redneck from beating up a gay guy for the fun of it, where is the harm?

I taught at what most people would consider the best example of a redneck high school this past year. Some of the most popular kids in the school were gay! Nobody cared! Isn't that the way we want it to be? The gay kids didn't hold sit-ins or impose their sexuality on anyone. Everyone just knew they were gay and that was it.
Where is leftism being taught? You inadvertently just proved my point. Your answer is vague and exaggerated.

Come back when you can answer the question.
I think you are being a bit overly defensive. The word socialism no longer has the negative connotations it once did. In my day it was an insult, now the majority of youths see it favorably while capitalism is seen as wrong and greedy. That happened through steady indoctrination, maybe not in your class but it can't be an accident.

I am tired of conservatives spewing bullshit about indoctrination in public schools when all they do is parrot the latest outrage out of the liberal dominated big city school systems. I have heard the same old tired bullshit for years and when you call them on it, they run like cowards because they get caught with their pants down.

They sit in front of their computers making endless posts blaming teachers and administrators for problems that only exist in their imaginations.

They cannot even find one example to bolster their argument because it does not exist.
LOL, Jesus Christ dude! I'm referring to REALITY. The kids these days are way more leftist than they were only a generation ago. Bernie owned them. This is not a big city and I have done work in the local schools, they very definitely are promoting community awareness, self esteem, "tolerance", diversity, etc. It's all over the fucking walls. Or do my conservative eyes lie to me?

First, why do you consider those to be liberal and/or bad things? It is the extent of how that is used in schools is where I think your conservative eyes are lying to you.

If a poster about diversity on a wall happens to dissuade Johnny Redneck from beating up a gay guy for the fun of it, where is the harm?

I taught at what most people would consider the best example of a redneck high school this past year. Some of the most popular kids in the school were gay! Nobody cared! Isn't that the way we want it to be? The gay kids didn't hold sit-ins or impose their sexuality on anyone. Everyone just knew they were gay and that was it.
Of course they are "liberal" things. You're an educator? Liberals are hardly liberal these days, they are leftists and leftists are collectivists.

It's up to the parent to teach values, community, morality, etc. not government bureaucrats. You think a poster is going to stop a redneck (odd that you didn't say black beating a white) from violence? You can't be serious.

Your post reeks of bigotry, maybe you are the one not understanding "rednecks". I've gone to school in NYC and rural segregated Mississippi and the racism was much more rampant up north.

I'm glad no homosexual got strung up from a lamp post at your school but I don't recall any in my day either.
Being taught that leftism is good, is clearly indoctrination.

Where is leftism being taught? You inadvertently just proved my point. Your answer is vague and exaggerated.

Come back when you can answer the question.
It is being taught in the P-schools. Where the F have you been?

They give the kiddies good movies to watch, like Fat Albert's and Fat Mikey's dumb movies. They are propagandized about global warming. They are told big government is wonderful, when any fool can see it is deadly, costly, and ineffective.
Being taught that leftism is good, is clearly indoctrination.

Where is leftism being taught? You inadvertently just proved my point. Your answer is vague and exaggerated.

Come back when you can answer the question.
It is being taught in the P-schools. Where the F have you been?

They give the kiddies good movies to watch, like Fat Albert's and Fat Mikey's dumb movies. They are propagandized about global warming. They are told big government is wonderful, when any fool can see it is deadly, costly, and ineffective.

Excuse me, but where are you getting this information from? I want specifics and you don't have them. That is my point!

There is extensive liberalism in some schools, mainly the liberal-dominated large cities. But as a whole, this is not true across the vast majority of America.

It is making mountains out of mole hills.

A perfect example is overwhelming belief that kids are not allowed to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Bullshit! Every school system where I have taught outside the one inner city school system where I taught started every day with the Pledge.

If there is liberalism in the Heartland, you should be able to find millions of examples, but I am saying that you won't because it only exists in your imagination. Teaching "Sally has two Mommies" is something that does not happen in most schools.
So you just admitted 'extensive liberalism' exists in some schools.

Glad we agree.

Yes, it exists. Did I say it didn't? I maintain that you exaggerate the scope and depth of its impact. The People's Republic states of Californication, Taxachussetts, and Connectinutjobs, and school systems like Filthy-delphia, Chick-a-go-go, Ski-daddle, Hot-lanta, Skinny-apple-less, and several other big lib cities are the problem areas.

Ever notice you don't hear of big liberal indoctrination coming out of Miami much? It's a big lib city, but the conservatives in Tallahassee crimped down on their attempts at following the lead of the other lib cities. The same applies for the big cities in Texas and Louisiana.

The rest of the country is devoid of any of this liberal indoctrination that you claim is commonplace.
Yet you demanded examples of something you know exists. You demanded specifics in post 27. Why?
Where is leftism being taught? You inadvertently just proved my point. Your answer is vague and exaggerated.

Come back when you can answer the question.
I think you are being a bit overly defensive. The word socialism no longer has the negative connotations it once did. In my day it was an insult, now the majority of youths see it favorably while capitalism is seen as wrong and greedy. That happened through steady indoctrination, maybe not in your class but it can't be an accident.

I am tired of conservatives spewing bullshit about indoctrination in public schools when all they do is parrot the latest outrage out of the liberal dominated big city school systems. I have heard the same old tired bullshit for years and when you call them on it, they run like cowards because they get caught with their pants down.

They sit in front of their computers making endless posts blaming teachers and administrators for problems that only exist in their imaginations.

They cannot even find one example to bolster their argument because it does not exist.
LOL, Jesus Christ dude! I'm referring to REALITY. The kids these days are way more leftist than they were only a generation ago. Bernie owned them. This is not a big city and I have done work in the local schools, they very definitely are promoting community awareness, self esteem, "tolerance", diversity, etc. It's all over the fucking walls. Or do my conservative eyes lie to me?

First, why do you consider those to be liberal and/or bad things? It is the extent of how that is used in schools is where I think your conservative eyes are lying to you.

If a poster about diversity on a wall happens to dissuade Johnny Redneck from beating up a gay guy for the fun of it, where is the harm?

I taught at what most people would consider the best example of a redneck high school this past year. Some of the most popular kids in the school were gay! Nobody cared! Isn't that the way we want it to be? The gay kids didn't hold sit-ins or impose their sexuality on anyone. Everyone just knew they were gay and that was it.
Of course they are "liberal" things. You're an educator? Liberals are hardly liberal these days, they are leftists and leftists are collectivists.

It's up to the parent to teach values, community, morality, etc. not government bureaucrats. You think a poster is going to stop a redneck (odd that you didn't say black beating a white) from violence? You can't be serious.

Your post reeks of bigotry, maybe you are the one not understanding "rednecks". I've gone to school in NYC and rural segregated Mississippi and the racism was much more rampant up north.

I'm glad no homosexual got strung up from a lamp post at your school but I don't recall any in my day either.

You have more fingers on one hand than the number of black students in that particular school. The point is those posters you cited are not taught! No, I don't expect it to stop anyone, so why are you so against it? I am also taking your word for it that you have seen this posters because after 20 years I have not.

Parents are not teaching those values. Did you not read about my experience in the inner city school? They don't have parents!
Where is leftism being taught? You inadvertently just proved my point. Your answer is vague and exaggerated.

Come back when you can answer the question.
It is being taught in the P-schools. Where the F have you been?

They give the kiddies good movies to watch, like Fat Albert's and Fat Mikey's dumb movies. They are propagandized about global warming. They are told big government is wonderful, when any fool can see it is deadly, costly, and ineffective.
Where is leftism being taught? You inadvertently just proved my point. Your answer is vague and exaggerated.

Come back when you can answer the question.
It is being taught in the P-schools. Where the F have you been?

They give the kiddies good movies to watch, like Fat Albert's and Fat Mikey's dumb movies. They are propagandized about global warming. They are told big government is wonderful, when any fool can see it is deadly, costly, and ineffective.

Excuse me, but where are you getting this information from? I want specifics and you don't have them. That is my point!

There is extensive liberalism in some schools, mainly the liberal-dominated large cities. But as a whole, this is not true across the vast majority of America.

It is making mountains out of mole hills.

A perfect example is overwhelming belief that kids are not allowed to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Bullshit! Every school system where I have taught outside the one inner city school system where I taught started every day with the Pledge.

If there is liberalism in the Heartland, you should be able to find millions of examples, but I am saying that you won't because it only exists in your imagination. Teaching "Sally has two Mommies" is something that does not happen in most schools.
So you just admitted 'extensive liberalism' exists in some schools.

Glad we agree.

Yes, it exists. Did I say it didn't? I maintain that you exaggerate the scope and depth of its impact. The People's Republic states of Californication, Taxachussetts, and Connectinutjobs, and school systems like Filthy-delphia, Chick-a-go-go, Ski-daddle, Hot-lanta, Skinny-apple-less, and several other big lib cities are the problem areas.

Ever notice you don't hear of big liberal indoctrination coming out of Miami much? It's a big lib city, but the conservatives in Tallahassee crimped down on their attempts at following the lead of the other lib cities. The same applies for the big cities in Texas and Louisiana.

The rest of the country is devoid of any of this liberal indoctrination that you claim is commonplace.
Yet you demanded examples of something you know exists. You demanded specifics in post 27. Why?

You and your ilk claim that liberalism is running amuck in our schools. If that were true, you should easily be able to provide some examples from somewhere in the flyover states that are not subject to liberal influences of an inner city. Why is that so hard to do?

Louisville is a perfect example of a school district rotting from the inside out. However, the districts in the surrounding counties are polar opposites.

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