Leftist Insurrectionists Respond to Supreme Court Roe Memo by Burning Police Cars and Attacking Officers - No Debate Allowed

Screw you AND your tin foil bullshit.

As long as you stay away from my children we'll both be happy.

Stay AWAY from my kids. When you're protesting, in the classroom, and any other time.
OMG, someone reproduced..................with you?
If they're a chip off the old block, I'll stay away from nut jobs like you and your spawn, especially if you're carrying scissors.
Dembot brownshirts, got to dembot brownshirt

terrorist, all of them…insurrectionist and a clear and present danger to the republic
Sure, you lying retard.
WTF do you think trying to overturn an election is?

Their intent was to work within the system. A few of them crossed teh line into violence and destruction. Those that did that, should be held accountable.

Yet, if you agreed with that, then it would undermine the lefty narrative as the Right as the Bogey Man.

We aren't the morons who tried to overthrow a government, your ilk did..................fucking traitors.

Actually, the Antifa and BLM riots often crossed the line into open and formal insurrection. And people were killed in the process.

Hey, remember the various Autonomous Zones? That was open and formal renouncement of American sovereignty. Textbook Insurrection. If you leftards really cared about that, your dem mayors would have crushed those with national guard troops, like they deserved. Instead, you coddled and supported them. Hypocritical dumbasses.

Sure............................and 9/11 was just a couple of airplanes that took a wrong turn.

Wrong fuckstick traitor, we didn't try to overturn an election and still are.

I'll take, as long as it keeps me a universe away from retards like you.

So we can go back to the pre covid election rules then? Cause Biden says no. Mmm, strange....
This is what they do when abortion is legal.
It's not about abortion at all....they know that they will continue to get abortions. It's about November and the realization that the power may shift.
This is just another excuse to make an effort to intimidate. IF they wake up the bear....they won't know what hit them. That bear is not yet awake however...but we will see.

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Their intent was to work within the system. A few of them crossed teh line into violence and destruction. Those that did that, should be held accountable.
No, it wasn't, the ONLY thing the Trump regime did to work within the system was taking their complaint to court, they were heard and dismissed.
Trump's cult didn't like the result so there were recounts.
Yet, if you agreed with that, then it would undermine the lefty narrative as the Right as the Bogey Man.

Actually, the Antifa and BLM riots often crossed the line into open and formal insurrection. And people were killed in the process.
YES, they did.
Hey, remember the various Autonomous Zones? That was open and formal renouncement of American sovereignty. Textbook Insurrection.

If you leftards really cared about that, your dem mayors would have crushed those with national guard troops, like they deserved. Instead, you coddled and supported them. Hypocritical dumbasses.
Nowhere close, to what Trumptards are coddling traitors
So we can go back to the pre covid election rules then? Cause Biden says no. Mmm, strange....
Hmmm.............Strange, it's only Trumptards changing the election process.
1. 1/6 was a riot. Stop being a drama fag.

2. "insurrectionist" is certainly a buzz word these days, but REpublicans such as myself, have been decrying leftard violence and brown shirt tactics for...years, decades.
Still sad it was a FAILED insurrection?

Leftist Insurrectionists Respond to Supreme Court Roe Memo by Burning Police Cars and Attacking Officers - No Debate Allowed​

An abortion-rights advocate group had hosted an earlier, peaceful rally and march without incident. Most of the protest was peaceful, police stressed to CBSLA. It was just a small splinter group which clashed with officers following that rally.

Republicans never mentioned insurrection before January 6th, when they attempted one at the capitol building, now it's as common as claiming republicans are "conservative" and "patriots"

Republicans are anything but.
January 6 was a peaceful protest according to you loons.
1/6 lasted Hours Chop Chaz lasted Months , how long will this one go on ???
No, it wasn't, the ONLY thing the Trump regime did to work within the system was taking their complaint to court, they were heard and dismissed.
Trump's cult didn't like the result so there were recounts.

Recounts are working within the system. You are just being a drama fag, so that you can keep tensions high.

YES, they did.


Nowhere close, to what Trumptards are coddling traitors

You are LYING. They celebrated them. One mayor referred to it as a new "Summer of Love". They let them operate outside the law for weeks, until the bad pr from the rapes and murders forced them to act.

Hmmm.............Strange, it's only Trumptards changing the election process.

Nope. You people made massive changes under the cover of Covid, and now you refuse to return to normal operations.

Recounts are working within the system. You are just being a drama fag, so that you can keep tensions high.

You are LYING. They celebrated them. One mayor referred to it as a new "Summer of Love". They let them operate outside the law for weeks, until the bad pr from the rapes and murders forced them to act.

Nope. You people made massive changes under the cover of Covid, and now you refuse to return to normal operations.


The Sheer amount of FRAUD that has been exposed from border to border is beginning to pile up into the results flipping numbers. Not that it will happen but the changes being made at a now rapid pace must have the dems on the shitter 24/7 at this point. Not gonna be able to do it again.

OMG, someone reproduced..................with you?
If they're a chip off the old block, I'll stay away from nut jobs like you and your spawn, especially if you're carrying scissors.
I'll be carrying more than scissors, mister.

So will my children.

And so will millions of other parents in all 50 States.

No one's going to put up with violence from the left anymore. If the cops can't handle it, the rest of us will
e Pretty hard to have an insurrection when no plans for same and security let’s you in and once in then outside sponsored agitators are let in and start trouble with security. Pretty soon can’t tell who is who and upshot is American lady is stalked and murdered by an unqualified, racially motivated armed coward.
A thoroughly unworkable plan.

The amount of Use of Force forms and statements required would bog down everyone in paperwork.

Keep things simple and use reciprocal force.
Red Tape Is for Pinkos

All Rules of Engagement are treasonous. Get rid of them so that control of our enemies both at home and abroad will be workable.
January 6 was a peaceful protest according to you loons.
It was.
If you can discern the difference.
The protesters were still in the street, not on the capitol grounds and yes, there were still people protesting...........on the street.
Look! More peaceful protests!



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Maybe you need to look "insurrection" up in the dictionary.
Recounts are working within the system. You are just being a drama fag, so that you can keep tensions high.
After losing by 7 million votes and losing the electoral college vote in a "landslide",
Trump and his drama fag cult, STILL demanded recounts and petitioned the courts over 60 times.
You are LYING. They celebrated them. One mayor referred to it as a new "Summer of Love". They let them operate outside the law for weeks, until the bad pr from the rapes and murders forced them to act.
It was one fucking MAYOR
Nope. You people made massive changes under the cover of Covid, and now you refuse to return to normal operations.

Who/what isn't operating normally?

Leftist Insurrectionists Respond to Supreme Court Roe Memo by Burning Police Cars and Attacking Officers - No Debate Allowed​

Human rights are not up for debate.

Hence them being called human rights.

Burn the system down.

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