Leftist politicians are still trying to push the MMGW Hoax. It's a political scam to redistribute wealth.

where is your study about the scientists?

And thank you for admitting I was right when I stated that the cost of the Renewable Heavy Industry is trillions of dollars. More than $100 Trillion by the time they spend all the money that is proposed.

Your ideology results in the Democratic Party controlling who gets rich and who does not.
Feel free to quote me. Do NOT feel free to lie about what I have said.
Feel free to quote me. Do NOT feel free to lie about what I have said.
Trillions of dollars, how many. A $100 trillion and more, is what the renewable heavy industry will cost, correct.

It is not a lie when I state you agree, is it.

Unless you know it wont cost that much, than you can correct me with amount it will cost.
Trillions of dollars, how many. A $100 trillion and more, is what the renewable heavy industry will cost, correct.

It is not a lie when I state you agree, is it.

Unless you know it wont cost that much, than you can correct me with amount it will cost.
I stated, and hold firmly, that it will cost a great deal more to deal with the results of unchecked global warming than it will to prevent global warming. This point of view seems like a well-known truism to me. I'm certain your parents all tried to drill it in to you. But AGW deniers apparently reject it out of hand. My use of the term "trillions", given that it is accurate to no less than a trillion dollars and possibly to many more, was obviously given generally.

I don't know why you're so desperate to push your renewable heavy industry fantasy. Feel free to argue that making turbine blades or lithium batteries cause this harm or that one. But your constant refrain that its the biggest industry in the world, as if that in and of itself would do harm, just makes you look... well... pitiable.
I stated, and hold firmly, that it will cost a great deal more to deal with the results of unchecked global warming than it will to prevent global warming. This point of view seems like a well-known truism to me. I'm certain your parents all tried to drill it in to you. But AGW deniers apparently reject it out of hand. My use of the term "trillions", given that it is accurate to no less than a trillion dollars and possibly to many more, was obviously given generally.

I don't know why you're so desperate to push your renewable heavy industry fantasy. Feel free to argue that making turbine blades or lithium batteries cause this harm or that one. But your constant refrain that its the biggest industry in the world, as if that in and of itself would do harm, just makes you look... well... pitiable.
The biggest heavy industry in the world is the harm.

Name one other industry that states the must spend over a $100 trillion dollars.

Name one other industry in the world that will produce more, over a billion solar panels, millions of wind turbines. What heavy industry will nanufacture morw?

Name one other industry that requires tens of thousands of square miles of land

Nothing in the world is larger than The Renewable Heavy Industry.

Man can control the temperature by building the largest things in the world, bullshit.
Let me know when you have something rational to say.
I am not trying to change your mind. Your posts are simply great to contrast the truth against.

People see that when challenged you can not present any argument that proves what you beleive resembles reality.

Crick, where do you think those billions of solar panels are being manufactured, it is heavy polluting toxic industry.

Solar panels are a product of fossil fuels.

Crick, if you think you can prove otherwise, present what you beleive.
So, thousands and thousands of scientists from every country on the planet have unanimously chosen to join a conspiracy to push a fabrication over on the people of the world that will cost trillions of dollars and waste millions of man-years of labor so that they can get research grants. This will require perfect coordination so that their data do not contradict each other. And not one single scientist has ever confessed to this conspiracy or failed to produce appropriate study results or even accidentally produced ANY real evidence that such a conspiracy actually exists.

My GOD are you stupid.
Nah, they all collude with the scam because it geta them funded, Dummy.

For evidence it’s a fraud see my first 4 posts in this thread, Simp.
Nah, they all collude with the scam because it geta them funded, Dummy.

For evidence it’s a fraud see my first 4 posts in this thread, Simp.
So, you think that thousands of scientists from all over the world would all willingly participate in a giant scam on the planet for several decades now, that would required constant, closely-coordinated collaboration, in order to get research funding (because people with hard science PhDs have such difficulty getting decent employment) without a single one of them ever getting caught or confessing to the scam. Not one. But the oil industry, whose very existence is threatened by this, has never once thought to attempt to create a little false debate, as the tobacco industry demonstrated for us.

As I said before, my god are you stupid.
So, you think that thousands of scientists from all over the world would all willingly participate in a giant scam on the planet for several decades now, that would required constant, closely-coordinated collaboration, in order to get research funding (because people with hard science PhDs have such difficulty getting decent employment) without a single one of them ever getting caught or confessing to the scam. Not one. But the oil industry, whose very existence is threatened by this, has never once thought to attempt to create a little false debate, as the tobacco industry demonstrated for us.

As I said before, my god are you stupid.
They have been caught, Simp.
The East coast gone yet, Simp?

The problem is that Congress will a find a way to turn pretty much any new law or policy into a wealth redistribution scheme. Because we let them.
The problem is that Congress will a find a way to turn pretty much any new law or policy into a wealth redistribution scheme. Because we let them.
You haven't explained why they would want to.
Give it a year or two fossil fuckup
Hey otto105 for a reminder of just what a complete and total moron you are, go back and read the dozens of examples of your MMGW Cult making predictions like this that never materialized I posted in my first 4 posts of this thread.

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Hey otto105 for a reminder of just what a complete and total moron you are, go back and read the dozens of examples of your MMGW Cult making predictions like this that never materialized I posted in my first 4 posts of this thread.

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
The problem is that there is no "MMGW cult" and the sources that Otto105 has used here as references did not make such predictions. What it boils down to is that he is a great deal more intelligent than you have repeatedly shown yourself to be. And, to be even more honest, most people are.

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