Leftist Reasoning- Arrest the Rancher- Look the Other way at the Border

Rightist reasoning: let the rich steal what they can, treat poor people like radioactive waste.

What was he stealing you scum sucking lying piece of fucking shit?


Grass? His cattle were eating grass and you call that stealing?

Water? Were his cattle drinking water?

Fuck you. You're a lying, scum sucking piece of shit.

If the government wanted cattle kept off their land, they should have fenced the land.
Should be NEVADA'S land anyway, not the federal governments.

Let Nevada buy it
Nazi storm troopers would have slaughtered all the inbred hillbillies and be proud that the race is better off for it. The feds are not as bad as you seem to think.
See... it's plain as the nose on your face where your head is it... "ALL THE INBRED HILLBILLIES." That's what you think of your fellow Americans that have the guts to stand up to a tyrannical government.

You make me sick to my stomach, you pathetic excuse for a human being.

YOU are what is wrong with America, and when the shit does hit the fan, you're just the kind that I hope dies off quick.

Fuck you, and I hope you die.

Now there's a well thought out and finely nuanced political statement. My politics are not based on fear and loathing, you should try it sometime, just being afraid of real things and laughing at the phantom fears of others is pretty nice.
Nothing to FEAR aye? So ONE FAMILY has 200 HEAVILY ARMED FEDERAL AGENTS descend on them, SURROUND THEIR HOME, all armed to the teeth with pistols, assault rifles, tazers and attack dogs, aim HIGH POWERED SCOPED RIFLES at them, TAZE them and throw old women to the ground, STEAL their cattle, but nooooo, THERE'S NOTHING TO FEAR.

You brain dead sons a bitch.

Like I said, you are what's wrong with America, and I hope you die.
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This early in the morning and already acting like a jackass, do you wake up every day with that horrible attitude? Why the hell do you even care? Millions got put out of their homes and people like you just yawned and said serves-em-right but one cowpoke gets in a little dustup with the feds and it's civil war time.
You FAIL to see the point. This is the straw that broke the camels back. People are FED UP WITH BIG GOVERNMENT ACTING LIKE NAZI STORM TROOPERS!

Seems to me you haven't WOKE UP YET.

Nazi storm troopers would have slaughtered all the inbred hillbillies and be proud that the race is better off for it. The feds are not as bad as you seem to think.

Not in the period between 1923 and 1938.

You know nothing of real history. It's why you're a dimocrap. You're stupid
Ah the morning rant from the local rabid right wing nut. Mmmmmm. smell the hate.

Did they arrest the rancher?

I think I'll blame a Clinton. What difference does it make?
What was he stealing you scum sucking lying piece of fucking shit?


Grass? His cattle were eating grass and you call that stealing?

Water? Were his cattle drinking water?

Fuck you. You're a lying, scum sucking piece of shit.

If the government wanted cattle kept off their land, they should have fenced the land.
Should be NEVADA'S land anyway, not the federal governments.

Let Nevada buy it
Hey bubble head... it's the STATE OF NEVADA... why should NEVADA have to BUY Nevada land? You think that's how all the states started? That they had to PAY for their land? You need to go back to school, fucking moron.

You people get dumber by the day.

We have enough laws already, but I'd go for one more that made liberalism illegal. They're all fucking retarded.
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Ah the morning rant from the local rabid right wing nut. Mmmmmm. smell the hate.

Did they arrest the rancher?

I think I'll blame a Clinton. What difference does it make?

Go beg your master to let you out to take a shit, since it's obvious you're full of it.

That's mainly what all you leftards are full of... SHIT.
Ah the morning rant from the local rabid right wing nut. Mmmmmm. smell the hate.

Did they arrest the rancher?

I think I'll blame a Clinton. What difference does it make?

No, but they tased him. They knocked his pregnant daughter-in-law to the ground. They put people on the ground, they threatened them, they beat people up...

Gee, that sorta sounds familiar...

Sturmabteilung - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

aka: the SA, aka; Stormtroopers

On 4 November 1921 the Nazi Party held a large public meeting in the Munich Hofbräuhaus. After Hitler had spoken for some time the meeting erupted into a melee in which a small company of SA thrashed the opposition. The Nazis called this event Saalschlacht (meeting hall battle) and it assumed legendary proportions in SA lore with the passage of time. Thereafter, the group was officially known as the Sturmabteilung

dimocraps are such stupid fucks, it's like beating up on the mentally handicapped.....

Come to think about it, you kinda HAVE to be if you're a dimocrap

Ok- late for work but have to say-

Yes, it's not about the rancher per say, it's about the final straw. Obamacare, NSA, IRS, Benghazi et al and American patriots have seen enough.

For the weak lines of the left, they would be foolish to underestimate the resolve of veterans and patriots.

If they gamble on this, the government will most certainly lose

You FAIL to see the point. This is the straw that broke the camels back. People are FED UP WITH BIG GOVERNMENT ACTING LIKE NAZI STORM TROOPERS!

Seems to me you haven't WOKE UP YET.

Nazi storm troopers would have slaughtered all the inbred hillbillies and be proud that the race is better off for it. The feds are not as bad as you seem to think.

Not in the period between 1923 and 1938.

You know nothing of real history. It's why you're a dimocrap. You're stupid

In 1933 soon after he was appointed chancellor he moved to abolish states rights, outlaw other political parties and began purging(killing) the Nazi whom he saw as enemies. Nothing in either party (mainstream) reflects the Nazi agenda. Crying Nazi at every turn cheapens that dark chapter in History.
Nazi storm troopers would have slaughtered all the inbred hillbillies and be proud that the race is better off for it. The feds are not as bad as you seem to think.

Not in the period between 1923 and 1938.

You know nothing of real history. It's why you're a dimocrap. You're stupid

In 1933 soon after he was appointed chancellor he moved to abolish states rights, outlaw other political parties and began purging(killing) the Nazi whom he saw as enemies. Nothing in either party (mainstream) reflects the Nazi agenda. Crying Nazi at every turn cheapens that dark chapter in History.

Then tell your masters to stop acting like Nazis.

And it wouldn't hurt if you would condemn their Nazi-like actions once in a while.

But you won't. You're a lemming. A mindless moron who does as he's told. Who believes only what he's told, who listens to only what he already believes, who is so completely and utterly selfish, so self-righteous, so self-centered...

A committed ideologue who is absolutely convinced that what he believes is the one, true way, the only way...... Kinda sounds to me like --

The Nazi way?

You're just too stupid to see it.
Ah the morning rant from the local rabid right wing nut. Mmmmmm. smell the hate.

Did they arrest the rancher?

I think I'll blame a Clinton. What difference does it make?

No, but they tased him. They knocked his pregnant daughter-in-law to the ground. They put people on the ground, they threatened them, they beat people up...

Gee, that sorta sounds familiar...

Sturmabteilung - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

aka: the SA, aka; Stormtroopers

On 4 November 1921 the Nazi Party held a large public meeting in the Munich Hofbräuhaus. After Hitler had spoken for some time the meeting erupted into a melee in which a small company of SA thrashed the opposition. The Nazis called this event Saalschlacht (meeting hall battle) and it assumed legendary proportions in SA lore with the passage of time. Thereafter, the group was officially known as the Sturmabteilung

dimocraps are such stupid fucks, it's like beating up on the mentally handicapped.....

Come to think about it, you kinda HAVE to be if you're a dimocrap

They arrested his son.

There is no analogy to the 1921 Nazi party meeting.
Ah the morning rant from the local rabid right wing nut. Mmmmmm. smell the hate.

Did they arrest the rancher?

I think I'll blame a Clinton. What difference does it make?

No, but they tased him. They knocked his pregnant daughter-in-law to the ground. They put people on the ground, they threatened them, they beat people up...

Gee, that sorta sounds familiar...

Sturmabteilung - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

aka: the SA, aka; Stormtroopers

On 4 November 1921 the Nazi Party held a large public meeting in the Munich Hofbräuhaus. After Hitler had spoken for some time the meeting erupted into a melee in which a small company of SA thrashed the opposition. The Nazis called this event Saalschlacht (meeting hall battle) and it assumed legendary proportions in SA lore with the passage of time. Thereafter, the group was officially known as the Sturmabteilung

dimocraps are such stupid fucks, it's like beating up on the mentally handicapped.....

Come to think about it, you kinda HAVE to be if you're a dimocrap

They arrested his son.

There is no analogy to the 1921 Nazi party meeting.

Using strong-arm tactics to support your ideology?


You're scum
Saw the title of the thread, have not read any of the responses, thought to myself: There will be all kinds of disparaging comments about rednecks and hillbillies.

Seems like this post will be #33.

If there was no post confirming what I just said, above, color me wrong, and I will go away.

OK, now I will read the responses.

OK, I have read the responses, and I was partially wrong.

The endearing 'compliment' "cowpoke" came in post #12

But then one of the keywords, "hillbilly" came in post #16.

So, I was not altogether wrong.
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Not in the period between 1923 and 1938.

You know nothing of real history. It's why you're a dimocrap. You're stupid

In 1933 soon after he was appointed chancellor he moved to abolish states rights, outlaw other political parties and began purging(killing) the Nazi whom he saw as enemies. Nothing in either party (mainstream) reflects the Nazi agenda. Crying Nazi at every turn cheapens that dark chapter in History.

Then tell your masters to stop acting like Nazis.

And it wouldn't hurt if you would condemn their Nazi-like actions once in a while.

But you won't. You're a lemming. A mindless moron who does as he's told. Who believes only what he's told, who listens to only what he already believes, who is so completely and utterly selfish, so self-righteous, so self-centered...

A committed ideologue who is absolutely convinced that what he believes is the one, true way, the only way...... Kinda sounds to me like --

The Nazi way?

You're just too stupid to see it.

The Nazi never set up "Free Speech Zones" did they? Nope, they'd killed them. However I still deplore them.

People like you are the best thing that ever happened to the Democrats.
No, but they tased him. They knocked his pregnant daughter-in-law to the ground. They put people on the ground, they threatened them, they beat people up...

Gee, that sorta sounds familiar...

Sturmabteilung - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

aka: the SA, aka; Stormtroopers

dimocraps are such stupid fucks, it's like beating up on the mentally handicapped.....

Come to think about it, you kinda HAVE to be if you're a dimocrap

They arrested his son.

There is no analogy to the 1921 Nazi party meeting.

Using strong-arm tactics to support your ideology?


You're scum

The Nazis at that point in history did not have a seat in the Government.
The hypocrisy of the left is in full bloom on this issue. We see the left loons advocating the rule of law standing as justification to arrest him. Yet, beaners are passing them by on the left and right but they look the other way and call it 'tolerance'

What a crock of whale dung. It has to be across the board for me. If we go all out against illegal aliens/criminals then arresting the rancher falls within scope


Hypocricy is being against welfare for the poor, but for this rancher using land that is not his for free. No free lunches.
Rightist reasoning: let the rich steal what they can, treat poor people like radioactive waste.

Actually conservative "reasoning" is: get the fuck out of the way of the people and let them fail or succeed based on their own merits.

Leftist reasoning: fuck successful people - take what they have and reward losers who refuse to contribute to society.


And I would add to Leftist reasoning this....TO BUY VOTES!

Progressives know they can use tax payer dollars to buy lots of votes, thus keeping them in power and enriching themselves, while implementing policies that damage nearly all Americans. Its a win win for them.
First of all, getting the law out of the way of rich people isn't going to let them succeed or fail on their own merits. Getting the law out of rich people's way is what has created the phenomenon known as "too big to fail". We got the law out of rich people's way and they funded terrorism against our country.

As for "Dems buy votes to enrich themselves at the expense of the public", that's just fucking stupid. The rich enrich themselves at the expense of the public and GOPbaggers not only won't say anything about that, but you in fact defend the rich while hating "beaners". How does that make any sense to you people? You are aware that "the rich" don't give a shit about political parties, right? Democrats and Republicans in government work together for their rich campaign contributors at the expense of Democratic and Republican voters. Even Helen Keller could see that if she were still alive today.
Nazi storm troopers would have slaughtered all the inbred hillbillies and be proud that the race is better off for it. The feds are not as bad as you seem to think.

Not in the period between 1923 and 1938.

You know nothing f real history. It's why you're a dimocrap. You're stupid

In 1933 soon after he was appointed chancellor he moved to abolish states rights, outlaw other political parties and began purging(killing) the Nazi whom he saw as enemies. Nothing in either party (mainstream) reflects the Nazi agenda. Crying Nazi at every turn cheapens that dark chapter in History.

Kinda like the way liberals constantly use the race card?
Not in the period between 1923 and 1938.

You know nothing f real history. It's why you're a dimocrap. You're stupid

In 1933 soon after he was appointed chancellor he moved to abolish states rights, outlaw other political parties and began purging(killing) the Nazi whom he saw as enemies. Nothing in either party (mainstream) reflects the Nazi agenda. Crying Nazi at every turn cheapens that dark chapter in History.

Kinda like the way liberals constantly use the race card?

Kinda. Certainly a better analogy than Edgetho's.
The hypocrisy of the left is in full bloom on this issue. We see the left loons advocating the rule of law standing as justification to arrest him. Yet, beaners are passing them by on the left and right but they look the other way and call it 'tolerance'

What a crock of whale dung. It has to be across the board for me. If we go all out against illegal aliens/criminals then arresting the rancher falls within scope


You don't seem to understand how the law works. You aren't allowed to steal from the federal government just because somewhere in the world there is someone who doesn't want to enforce an unrelated law to your satisfaction.

If you don't believe me, try that defense in court.

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