Leftist Reasoning- Arrest the Rancher- Look the Other way at the Border

It's very simple...Hairy Reid is doing a land grab to make money for himself, his family and his friends. He has stolen public land in Nevada for decades lining his own pockets. His ass should be getting pounded in Federal prison but somehow he is on the loose.

Hairy Reid supports an open border because he sees illegals as future scumbag liberal voters and scum that will plus up the welfare state.

To sum it up Hairy Reid is scum of the Earth. I expect the next GOP POTUS to send the FBI after his ass or else we need to throw that RINO out of office.
Rightist reasoning: let the rich steal what they can, treat poor people like radioactive waste.

Actually, that is where Obama wants Americans to be. In the mushroom darkness being fed feces.

The lefties look like a bunch of baby birds, mouths open, reaching for barfed ration. It's the democrats party radical left, that is bringing the US to her knees. Now, that Obama has made the US to assume the position, he is ready to be serviced. And the left comply

The hypocrisy of the left is in full bloom on this issue.

Like this has doodlesquat to do with left or right?


We see the left loons advocating the rule of law standing as justification to arrest him. Yet, beaners are passing them by on the left and right but they look the other way and call it 'tolerance'


Kid you don't speak FOR the left, neither do you speak honest ABOUT the Left.

You make it abundantly clear to all but the brain dead cons like yourself that you don't have a fucking clue who or what the LEFT is.

You think the LEFT are the DEMS don't you?


As to that DEADBEAT rancher?

Pay your bills, you parasite.
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The hypocrisy of the left is in full bloom on this issue.

Like this has doodlesquat to do with left or right?


We see the left loons advocating the rule of law standing as justification to arrest him. Yet, beaners are passing them by on the left and right but they look the other way and call it 'tolerance'


Kid you don't speak FOR the left, neither do you speak honest ABOUT the Left.

You make it abundantly clear to all but the brain dead cons like yourself that you don't have a fucking clue who or what the LEFT is.

You think the LEFT are the DEMS don't you?


As to that DEADBEAT rancher?

Pay your bills, you parasite.

So, in other words, you have no point.


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The hypocrisy of the left is in full bloom on this issue. We see the left loons advocating the rule of law standing as justification to arrest him. Yet, beaners are passing them by on the left and right but they look the other way and call it 'tolerance'

What a crock of whale dung. It has to be across the board for me. If we go all out against illegal aliens/criminals then arresting the rancher falls within scope

Don't talk about hypocrisy!

If that rancher wanted to graze his cows at Ground Zero, you'd think nothing of it.
The hypocrisy of the left is in full bloom on this issue. We see the left loons advocating the rule of law standing as justification to arrest him. Yet, beaners are passing them by on the left and right but they look the other way and call it 'tolerance'

What a crock of whale dung. It has to be across the board for me. If we go all out against illegal aliens/criminals then arresting the rancher falls within scope


false correlation.....

the rancher is a felon who stole over a million dollars worth of a government provided service.

if he wasn't a gubmint hating wing nut supported by gun nut militia loons, you'd say he's a socialist.

or should we correlate your wackiness with poor people arrested for stealing $20 worth of food or clothing?
The hypocrisy of the left is in full bloom on this issue. We see the left loons advocating the rule of law standing as justification to arrest him. Yet, beaners are passing them by on the left and right but they look the other way and call it 'tolerance'

What a crock of whale dung. It has to be across the board for me. If we go all out against illegal aliens/criminals then arresting the rancher falls within scope


false correlation.....

the rancher is a felon who stole over a million dollars worth of a government provided service.

if he wasn't a gubmint hating wing nut supported by gun nut militia loons, you'd say he's a socialist.

or should we correlate your wackiness with poor people arrested for stealing $20 worth of food or clothing?

Really? I wan't aware he committed any felonies.

The hypocrisy of the left is in full bloom on this issue. We see the left loons advocating the rule of law standing as justification to arrest him. Yet, beaners are passing them by on the left and right but they look the other way and call it 'tolerance'

What a crock of whale dung. It has to be across the board for me. If we go all out against illegal aliens/criminals then arresting the rancher falls within scope


false correlation.....

the rancher is a felon who stole over a million dollars worth of a government provided service.

if he wasn't a gubmint hating wing nut supported by gun nut militia loons, you'd say he's a socialist.

or should we correlate your wackiness with poor people arrested for stealing $20 worth of food or clothing?

He stole NOTHING. He merely has not paid grazing fees. The government should fine him and place a lien on his property. But, that is not what a big uncontrolled government does. It always resorts to violence to get it's way....and absurdly it is over what? Something like a million dollars....hell the fed government spends that every few seconds.

I suspect this is all about Dirty Harry Reid and his desire to make even more money. Follow the money it almost always leads to the answer.
The hypocrisy of the left is in full bloom on this issue. We see the left loons advocating the rule of law standing as justification to arrest him. Yet, beaners are passing them by on the left and right but they look the other way and call it 'tolerance'

What a crock of whale dung. It has to be across the board for me. If we go all out against illegal aliens/criminals then arresting the rancher falls within scope

You have a point.

The Left is all over this (Bundy's) guys' ass, in support of Hairy Greed, but they're perfectly fine with letting 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens achieve their unlawful objectives to remain upon US soil.
The reasoning of the left is simple. Does the action hurt Americans? That's the only question. Stopping grazing hurts an American. Letting illegals in hurts Americans. They commit crimes, they steal identities. The reasoning is consistent.
The hypocrisy of the left is in full bloom on this issue. We see the left loons advocating the rule of law standing as justification to arrest him. Yet, beaners are passing them by on the left and right but they look the other way and call it 'tolerance'

What a crock of whale dung. It has to be across the board for me. If we go all out against illegal aliens/criminals then arresting the rancher falls within scope

you completely forgot the selective and illicit alteration of the law called Obamacare. They shrug and look the other way when it comes to enforcing this law, but demand that the citizens adhere to a law that harms no one, 100%. And they are willing to fucking kill you for not following the law!
The hypocrisy of the left is in full bloom on this issue. We see the left loons advocating the rule of law standing as justification to arrest him. Yet, beaners are passing them by on the left and right but they look the other way and call it 'tolerance'

What a crock of whale dung. It has to be across the board for me. If we go all out against illegal aliens/criminals then arresting the rancher falls within scope


false correlation.....

the rancher is a felon who stole over a million dollars worth of a government provided service.

if he wasn't a gubmint hating wing nut supported by gun nut militia loons, you'd say he's a socialist.

or should we correlate your wackiness with poor people arrested for stealing $20 worth of food or clothing?

He stole NOTHING. He merely has not paid grazing fees. The government should fine him and place a lien on his property. But, that is not what a big uncontrolled government does. It always resorts to violence to get it's way....and absurdly it is over what? Something like a million dollars....hell the fed government spends that every few seconds.

I suspect this is all about Dirty Harry Reid and his desire to make even more money. Follow the money it almost always leads to the answer.
When debating the 2nd Amendment, progressives, liberals, and Democrats all say that it is paranoia that we wish to keep our guns in defense of a government that will show up with guns to force its laws upon us.

Yet, here is the government, showing up with military grade weapons, to force their policies upon a single individual.

Remember this when they talk about taking away your guns.
Probably the most blatant exhibition of obama violating laws is his recent act in agreeing to stop the entry of Hamid Aboutalebi, the Iranian terrorist, into the United States. He signed a law into place and immediately announced that there was no such law and he certainly didn't have to obey it.

Obama signs law denying Iran ambassador's visa, but says law is 'advisory' - Washington Times

President Obama on Friday signed a law allowing him to deny entry to the U.S. for Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations — but even as he did so, Mr. Obama said he considers it “advisory” and not binding.

The president, who took office saying he would curtail use of signing statements to reinterpret laws, issued just such a statement on this latest law, which Congress hastily passed to target Hamid Aboutalebi, who the U.S. says was involved in the 1979 hostage crisis.

This is leftist reasoning. Did Aboutalebi hurt Americans? The answer is in the affirmative. He gets in.
Rightist reasoning: let the rich steal what they can, treat poor people like radioactive waste.

What was he stealing you scum sucking lying piece of fucking shit?


Grass? His cattle were eating grass and you call that stealing?

Water? Were his cattle drinking water?

Fuck you. You're a lying, scum sucking piece of shit.

If the government wanted cattle kept off their land, they should have fenced the land.

that is the way it works for "Open Range", if you do NOT want cattle on YOUR property, you must fence them OUT !! :up:

oooooh !! just wanted to throw this in just to ruin your Easter weekend......

How can he pay grazing fees, when the Feds stopped it in the 90's ?
They made the land unaccessible (which violated the States open range rule) so that they could use the land the way they wanted to. With the stupid excuse of a tortoise that was never endangered to begin with.

The Western States have been fighting the Feds over owing their land for a very long time.
When each Western State was formed the feds were suppose to give their ownership of the land to the States.
Each of the States have been fighting the Feds over this for over one hundred years.

Landownership in America

There was a most interesting observation on land ownership in America. A noted economist wrote, “The public lands of the United States exceed the combined areas of Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Denmark, Hungry, and Albania.” He concluded, “Where socialized ownership of land is concerned, only the USSR and China can claim company with the U.S.” Now does anyone want to guess as to who that economist might have been? It is not Milton Friedman. I guess nobody knows. It turns out that what makes this such an interesting observation is that it was a liberal economist, John Kenneth Galbraith, whose work many of you may know or have read. The other interesting thing about that quote is that he said, “The only two countries on the planet that can claim company with the U.S. when it comes to socialized land are USSR and China. That quote was written in 1981. Guess what! The USSR is gone. Chinese collective farms are gone. It is likely the United States of American, the shining city on the hill, now has the most socialist land system of any country on the planet.

There are two observations here. One is that practically nobody knows that or understands the significance of that. And secondly, the socialization of our land is growing. It is not even slowing. It is still continuing to grow and the question is what is the purpose? Where are we going? What is the end? What is the goal? Congress neither seems to know how much land is owned by the government nor even care.

Both Parties have been doing this for over 20 years, this is what this fight is all about.
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The hypocrisy of the left is in full bloom on this issue. We see the left loons advocating the rule of law standing as justification to arrest him. Yet, beaners are passing them by on the left and right but they look the other way and call it 'tolerance'

What a crock of whale dung. It has to be across the board for me. If we go all out against illegal aliens/criminals then arresting the rancher falls within scope


Which of course is a lie........80 illegal Mexicans were arrested this week alone in one city...

McALLEN, Texas (AP) — At least 80 immigrants suspected of entering the United States illegally were arrested in a makeshift encampment in suburban South Texas.

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Rightist reasoning: let the rich steal what they can, treat poor people like radioactive waste.

What was he stealing you scum sucking lying piece of fucking shit?


Grass? His cattle were eating grass and you call that stealing?

Water? Were his cattle drinking water?

Fuck you. You're a lying, scum sucking piece of shit.

If the government wanted cattle kept off their land, they should have fenced the land.

that is the way it works for "Open Range", if you do NOT want cattle on YOUR property, you must fence them OUT !! :up:

oooooh !! just wanted to throw this in just to ruin your Easter weekend......


who and why was my post edited ??

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