Leftist Virginia County to Delay Results for As Long As It Takes

"Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed"

Oh, wat a minute -- that is actually Joseph Stalin and not Terry McAuliffe. It is so easy to get the two confused since they hold the same position when it comes to the state owning your children.
I knew those demos would find a way to cheat again. Not this time around after we learned how President Trump got it stolen.
Like in 2020, we are all going to go to bed with Youngkin having an Insurmounrable lead....only to discover tomorrow morning that during the night McAuliffe miraculously got enough votes to win...
Even bigger could be that the Republican is still holding a 1 point lead in New Jersey with 75% reporting. That’s huge for Republicans in a deep blue state. Looks like Youngkin will take Virginia despite the Dems bringing out all their big guns to try to drag McAuliffe across the line.

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