Leftists and Islamists cheer as Notre Dame burns, Buzzfeed tries to cover it up

Who is surprised? No one should be. Some Muslims have even commented that they are sad that there were no casualties. And as usual, the enemy of the people tries to cover up the fact with the usual fake news tactics.

Good to see their true views on display again. Never gets old documenting their idiocy.

Here’s an example of a hateful rightwing bigot propagating lies about Muslims and the Notre Dame fire.

Actually it's the truth. Of course, for a far left retard such as yourself, that is a foreign concept. Yet the exact messages are quoted in the video that you didn't watch, but much smarter people did watch.

Can someone not give this person a ride to his favored Muslim countries? So tired of his apology for a death cult.

We heard news reports of rightwing bigots propagating the lie that Muslims and "liberals" were responsible for the fire, and you prove those news reports to be true with your hateful, bigoted thread.
No, I didn't watch the video.

But how many actual comments were made? 10? 20? 50? And that is the basis for your condemnation of every liberal out there? lol Okey Dokey then.

If you want to make a thread about how awesome Islam is, go ahead. This is a thread about the Islamists who did what they did. You seem to have severe difficulties acknowledging that.

I guess it is easier to debate someone if you can change what they said into what you wish they had said.

Please point out where I said anything positive about Islam. Show me one single comment I made praising Islam or talking about how Islam is. Otherwise, just go ahead and admit you are lying.

I don't know if you noticed, but it was you along with all the stupid leftists of the board who are straw manning me. I never said every Muslim cheered. Please don't join their projection squad.
Look at the title of the thread. Why would anyone listen to you? Trump has made it OK for you rightists to openly lie.

People should listen because I also included a video, which includes the images of the cheering. It's a shut case, a fact... that's why people will listen.

Your emotional rants with zero facts, that is something people shouldn't and won't listen. Book a therapy session if you want an audience for that.
That does not answer what I said. You could use the session.
Who is surprised? No one should be. Some Muslims have even commented that they are sad that there were no casualties. And as usual, the enemy of the people tries to cover up the fact with the usual fake news tactics.

Good to see their true views on display again. Never gets old documenting their idiocy.

Here’s an example of a hateful rightwing bigot propagating lies about Muslims and the Notre Dame fire.

Actually it's the truth. Of course, for a far left retard such as yourself, that is a foreign concept. Yet the exact messages are quoted in the video that you didn't watch, but much smarter people did watch.

Can someone not give this person a ride to his favored Muslim countries? So tired of his apology for a death cult.

We heard news reports of rightwing bigots propagating the lie that Muslims and "liberals" were responsible for the fire, and you prove those news reports to be true with your hateful, bigoted thread.

False, absolutely no one in this thread, or in the video has claimed that either group is responsible for the fire. Now is the time to go fuck yourself and lie elsewhere.
I was thinking about this thread while I had lunch. One point that has not been made. Who gives a damn whether someone cheered, laughed or danced in the street.

Look, there are assholes all over. Who gives a rat's ass if they cheer a tragedy? It has no effect on the tragedy whatsoever.
I was thinking about this thread while I had lunch. One point that has not been made. Who gives a damn whether someone cheered, laughed or danced in the street.

Look, there are assholes all over. Who gives a rat's ass if they cheer a tragedy? It has no effect on the tragedy whatsoever.

It's been 17 pages, apparently lots of people care.

If you don't, that says more about you. This is a historical relic of western civilization. As usual, you crap all over it. And that says a lot about the motives of said people.
I was thinking about this thread while I had lunch. One point that has not been made. Who gives a damn whether someone cheered, laughed or danced in the street.

Look, there are assholes all over. Who gives a rat's ass if they cheer a tragedy? It has no effect on the tragedy whatsoever.

Of course, the tragedy remains the same. The thread has no purpose other than to denigrate Muslims and liberals. Was that ever in question? Of course, the implication is that one has to be a monstrous asshole to gloat about tragedies like a torched Notre Dame, no?

It isn't quite like Trumpletons gloating about, say, the brutalization of kids in cages at the southern border, but...
I was thinking about this thread while I had lunch. One point that has not been made. Who gives a damn whether someone cheered, laughed or danced in the street.

Look, there are assholes all over. Who gives a rat's ass if they cheer a tragedy? It has no effect on the tragedy whatsoever.

Of course, the tragedy remains the same. The thread has no purpose other than to denigrate Muslims and liberals. Was that ever in question? Of course, the implication is that one has to be a monstrous asshole to gloat about tragedies like a torched Notre Dame, no?

It isn't quite like Trumpletons gloating about, say, the brutalization of kids in cages at the southern border, but...

The difference being is that kids are not being put into cages nor are they being brutalized whereas Notre Dame actually did catch fire and leftists and Muslims are actually enjoying it.
I was thinking about this thread while I had lunch. One point that has not been made. Who gives a damn whether someone cheered, laughed or danced in the street.

Look, there are assholes all over. Who gives a rat's ass if they cheer a tragedy? It has no effect on the tragedy whatsoever.

Of course, the tragedy remains the same. The thread has no purpose other than to denigrate Muslims and liberals. Was that ever in question? Of course, the implication is that one has to be a monstrous asshole to gloat about tragedies like a torched Notre Dame, no?

It isn't quite like Trumpletons gloating about, say, the brutalization of kids in cages at the southern border, but...

The difference being is that kids are not being put into cages nor are they being brutalized whereas Notre Dame actually did catch fire and leftists and Muslims are actually enjoying it.

Democrats condone child trafficking, really enjoying that those child slaves are delivered to their hands. He needs to shut up, what a stupid point.
I was thinking about this thread while I had lunch. One point that has not been made. Who gives a damn whether someone cheered, laughed or danced in the street.

Look, there are assholes all over. Who gives a rat's ass if they cheer a tragedy? It has no effect on the tragedy whatsoever.

It's been 17 pages, apparently lots of people care.

If you don't, that says more about you. This is a historical relic of western civilization. As usual, you crap all over it. And that says a lot about the motives of said people.

As usual, you are just making up shit you think I said.

The fire at Notre Dame was a tragedy. That is why I used the word "tragedy" twice in my post.

And I, like this thread, am not actually talking about the fire. I am talking about people's reaction to the fire and the reaction to those people's reaction.

Yes, the cathedral is an amazing historical place. Nothing I said even hinted that I thought otherwise. I would much prefer it if you address what I actually say.
I was thinking about this thread while I had lunch. One point that has not been made. Who gives a damn whether someone cheered, laughed or danced in the street.

Look, there are assholes all over. Who gives a rat's ass if they cheer a tragedy? It has no effect on the tragedy whatsoever.

Of course, the tragedy remains the same. The thread has no purpose other than to denigrate Muslims and liberals. Was that ever in question? Of course, the implication is that one has to be a monstrous asshole to gloat about tragedies like a torched Notre Dame, no?

It isn't quite like Trumpletons gloating about, say, the brutalization of kids in cages at the southern border, but...

The difference being is that kids are not being put into cages nor are they being brutalized whereas Notre Dame actually did catch fire and leftists and Muslims are actually enjoying it.

Democrats condone child trafficking, really enjoying that those child slaves are delivered to their hands. He needs to shut up, what a stupid point.

The party of baby murder pretending to care about the plight of children, give me a fucking break.

They wish kids were being put into cages and tortured, it would assist their narrative.
I was thinking about this thread while I had lunch. One point that has not been made. Who gives a damn whether someone cheered, laughed or danced in the street.

Look, there are assholes all over. Who gives a rat's ass if they cheer a tragedy? It has no effect on the tragedy whatsoever.

It's been 17 pages, apparently lots of people care.

If you don't, that says more about you. This is a historical relic of western civilization. As usual, you crap all over it. And that says a lot about the motives of said people.

As usual, you are just making up shit you think I said.

The fire at Notre Dame was a tragedy. That is why I used the word "tragedy" twice in my post.

And I, like this thread, am not actually talking about the fire. I am talking about people's reaction to the fire and the reaction to those people's reaction.

Yes, the cathedral is an amazing historical place. Nothing I said even hinted that I thought otherwise. I would much prefer it if you address what I actually say.

It doesn't concern you one bit that some people are laughing about the destruction of a historical place, while sorrowing that there weren't casualties.

You might want to check that you have functional balls, single mother almost guaranteed.
I was thinking about this thread while I had lunch. One point that has not been made. Who gives a damn whether someone cheered, laughed or danced in the street.

Look, there are assholes all over. Who gives a rat's ass if they cheer a tragedy? It has no effect on the tragedy whatsoever.

It's been 17 pages, apparently lots of people care.

If you don't, that says more about you. This is a historical relic of western civilization. As usual, you crap all over it. And that says a lot about the motives of said people.

As usual, you are just making up shit you think I said.

The fire at Notre Dame was a tragedy. That is why I used the word "tragedy" twice in my post.

And I, like this thread, am not actually talking about the fire. I am talking about people's reaction to the fire and the reaction to those people's reaction.

Yes, the cathedral is an amazing historical place. Nothing I said even hinted that I thought otherwise. I would much prefer it if you address what I actually say.

It doesn't concern you one bit that some people are laughing about the destruction of a historical place, while sorrowing that there weren't casualties.

You might want to check that you have functional balls, single mother almost guaranteed.

LMAO!! "Single mother almost guaranteed"? YOu are simply an idiot or a total troll. You pick which.

I am very concerned about the destruction of a beautiful and historic place. I have seen it in person and it was awe-inspiring.

But what other people think of the tragedy is inconsequential. It is completely meaningless.

As for my balls, they are functional. And they too are unaffected by people cheering a tragedy.
I was thinking about this thread while I had lunch. One point that has not been made. Who gives a damn whether someone cheered, laughed or danced in the street.

Look, there are assholes all over. Who gives a rat's ass if they cheer a tragedy? It has no effect on the tragedy whatsoever.

It's been 17 pages, apparently lots of people care.

If you don't, that says more about you. This is a historical relic of western civilization. As usual, you crap all over it. And that says a lot about the motives of said people.

As usual, you are just making up shit you think I said.

The fire at Notre Dame was a tragedy. That is why I used the word "tragedy" twice in my post.

And I, like this thread, am not actually talking about the fire. I am talking about people's reaction to the fire and the reaction to those people's reaction.

Yes, the cathedral is an amazing historical place. Nothing I said even hinted that I thought otherwise. I would much prefer it if you address what I actually say.

It doesn't concern you one bit that some people are laughing about the destruction of a historical place, while sorrowing that there weren't casualties.

You might want to check that you have functional balls, single mother almost guaranteed.

LMAO!! "Single mother almost guaranteed"? YOu are simply an idiot or a total troll. You pick which.

I am very concerned about the destruction of a beautiful and historic place. I have seen it in person and it was awe-inspiring.

But what other people think of the tragedy is inconsequential. It is completely meaningless.

As for my balls, they are functional. And they too are unaffected by people cheering a tragedy.

There must be an explanation for your lack of situational awareness. Single mother would be my best guess. Is your brain made out of soy by chance? Damn... It's time to go to see doc and check the T levels.
I was thinking about this thread while I had lunch. One point that has not been made. Who gives a damn whether someone cheered, laughed or danced in the street.

Look, there are assholes all over. Who gives a rat's ass if they cheer a tragedy? It has no effect on the tragedy whatsoever.

It's been 17 pages, apparently lots of people care.

If you don't, that says more about you. This is a historical relic of western civilization. As usual, you crap all over it. And that says a lot about the motives of said people.

As usual, you are just making up shit you think I said.

The fire at Notre Dame was a tragedy. That is why I used the word "tragedy" twice in my post.

And I, like this thread, am not actually talking about the fire. I am talking about people's reaction to the fire and the reaction to those people's reaction.

Yes, the cathedral is an amazing historical place. Nothing I said even hinted that I thought otherwise. I would much prefer it if you address what I actually say.

It doesn't concern you one bit that some people are laughing about the destruction of a historical place, while sorrowing that there weren't casualties.

You might want to check that you have functional balls, single mother almost guaranteed.

LMAO!! "Single mother almost guaranteed"? YOu are simply an idiot or a total troll. You pick which.

I am very concerned about the destruction of a beautiful and historic place. I have seen it in person and it was awe-inspiring.

But what other people think of the tragedy is inconsequential. It is completely meaningless.

As for my balls, they are functional. And they too are unaffected by people cheering a tragedy.

There must be an explanation for your lack of situational awareness. Single mother would be my best guess. Is your brain made out of soy by chance? Damn... It's time to go to see doc and check the T levels.

Spare me the weak attempts at insults.

My situational awareness is excellent. But please, tell me how someone in Des Moines, Qatar or Timbuktu cheering a tragedy has any effect on you? Tell me about the "situation" you are so keenly aware of.
Of course, the tragedy remains the same. The thread has no purpose other than to denigrate Muslims and liberals. Was that ever in question? Of course, the implication is that one has to be a monstrous asshole to gloat about tragedies like a torched Notre Dame, no?

The implication finally got thru to right people then, HAHA. Glad it wasn't wasted.
It's been 17 pages, apparently lots of people care.

If you don't, that says more about you. This is a historical relic of western civilization. As usual, you crap all over it. And that says a lot about the motives of said people.

As usual, you are just making up shit you think I said.

The fire at Notre Dame was a tragedy. That is why I used the word "tragedy" twice in my post.

And I, like this thread, am not actually talking about the fire. I am talking about people's reaction to the fire and the reaction to those people's reaction.

Yes, the cathedral is an amazing historical place. Nothing I said even hinted that I thought otherwise. I would much prefer it if you address what I actually say.

It doesn't concern you one bit that some people are laughing about the destruction of a historical place, while sorrowing that there weren't casualties.

You might want to check that you have functional balls, single mother almost guaranteed.

LMAO!! "Single mother almost guaranteed"? YOu are simply an idiot or a total troll. You pick which.

I am very concerned about the destruction of a beautiful and historic place. I have seen it in person and it was awe-inspiring.

But what other people think of the tragedy is inconsequential. It is completely meaningless.

As for my balls, they are functional. And they too are unaffected by people cheering a tragedy.

There must be an explanation for your lack of situational awareness. Single mother would be my best guess. Is your brain made out of soy by chance? Damn... It's time to go to see doc and check the T levels.

Spare me the weak attempts at insults.

My situational awareness is excellent. But please, tell me how someone in Des Moines, Qatar or Timbuktu cheering a tragedy has any effect on you? Tell me about the "situation" you are so keenly aware of.

You have to think intensely about how it could be a problem that people are laughing that one of the greatest masterpieces of western civilization and Christianity is on fire. Even after intense thinking, you do not come up with an answer.

Quite frankly you have no situational awareness. This one is a job for the doctors, not for me. Might want to check the IQ as well. But in any case I will tell you the answer so you can at least move forward.

The obvious answer is that this means there are bunch of enemies of western civilization and Christianity lurking around. I am not sure if you have noticed, but the Muslim populations in Europe are growing every year.
As usual, you are just making up shit you think I said.

The fire at Notre Dame was a tragedy. That is why I used the word "tragedy" twice in my post.

And I, like this thread, am not actually talking about the fire. I am talking about people's reaction to the fire and the reaction to those people's reaction.

Yes, the cathedral is an amazing historical place. Nothing I said even hinted that I thought otherwise. I would much prefer it if you address what I actually say.

It doesn't concern you one bit that some people are laughing about the destruction of a historical place, while sorrowing that there weren't casualties.

You might want to check that you have functional balls, single mother almost guaranteed.

LMAO!! "Single mother almost guaranteed"? YOu are simply an idiot or a total troll. You pick which.

I am very concerned about the destruction of a beautiful and historic place. I have seen it in person and it was awe-inspiring.

But what other people think of the tragedy is inconsequential. It is completely meaningless.

As for my balls, they are functional. And they too are unaffected by people cheering a tragedy.

There must be an explanation for your lack of situational awareness. Single mother would be my best guess. Is your brain made out of soy by chance? Damn... It's time to go to see doc and check the T levels.

Spare me the weak attempts at insults.

My situational awareness is excellent. But please, tell me how someone in Des Moines, Qatar or Timbuktu cheering a tragedy has any effect on you? Tell me about the "situation" you are so keenly aware of.

You have to think intensely about how it could be a problem that people are laughing that one of the greatest masterpieces of western civilization and Christianity is on fire. Even after intense thinking, you do not come up with an answer.

Quite frankly you have no situational awareness. This one is a job for the doctors, not for me. Might want to check the IQ as well. But in any case I will tell you the answer so you can at least move forward.

The obvious answer is that this means there are bunch of enemies of western civilization and Christianity lurking around. I am not sure if you have noticed, but the Muslim populations in Europe are growing every year.

Apparently you were unaware that there are people around the world who hate Western civilization and the Catholic Church. And you think my IQ needs checking?

I would be willing to bet a paycheck that most of those posting the hateful remarks are either going for shock value or are the type of people who just want to see the world burn. Perhaps another, admittedly smaller, portion of them have a personal issue with the Catholic Church. And that last group could easily include many conservatives. And yes, there are people who hate Western civilization. I thought everyone knew that.

But none of that has anything to do with the point I made. The people going online and laugh or cheering about one of the greatest cathedrals in history being seriously damaged by fire, are not the dangerous ones. The truly dangerous ones are quiet until they act.

As I said, I have excellent situational awareness. But people laughing online at a tragedy are not a threat. That you see people laughing as a threat speaks more to your own insecurities. That you feel my comments warranted a discussion of my testicles, testosterone levels and marital status of my parents shows you have nothing of value to add to the discussion. You tried to make a thread to stir shit up. And you got pissed when people disagreed. That speaks volumes.
It doesn't concern you one bit that some people are laughing about the destruction of a historical place, while sorrowing that there weren't casualties.

You might want to check that you have functional balls, single mother almost guaranteed.

LMAO!! "Single mother almost guaranteed"? YOu are simply an idiot or a total troll. You pick which.

I am very concerned about the destruction of a beautiful and historic place. I have seen it in person and it was awe-inspiring.

But what other people think of the tragedy is inconsequential. It is completely meaningless.

As for my balls, they are functional. And they too are unaffected by people cheering a tragedy.

There must be an explanation for your lack of situational awareness. Single mother would be my best guess. Is your brain made out of soy by chance? Damn... It's time to go to see doc and check the T levels.

Spare me the weak attempts at insults.

My situational awareness is excellent. But please, tell me how someone in Des Moines, Qatar or Timbuktu cheering a tragedy has any effect on you? Tell me about the "situation" you are so keenly aware of.

You have to think intensely about how it could be a problem that people are laughing that one of the greatest masterpieces of western civilization and Christianity is on fire. Even after intense thinking, you do not come up with an answer.

Quite frankly you have no situational awareness. This one is a job for the doctors, not for me. Might want to check the IQ as well. But in any case I will tell you the answer so you can at least move forward.

The obvious answer is that this means there are bunch of enemies of western civilization and Christianity lurking around. I am not sure if you have noticed, but the Muslim populations in Europe are growing every year.

Apparently you were unaware that there are people around the world who hate Western civilization and the Catholic Church. And you think my IQ needs checking?

I would be willing to bet a paycheck that most of those posting the hateful remarks are either going for shock value or are the type of people who just want to see the world burn. Perhaps another, admittedly smaller, portion of them have a personal issue with the Catholic Church. And that last group could easily include many conservatives. And yes, there are people who hate Western civilization. I thought everyone knew that.

But none of that has anything to do with the point I made. The people going online and laugh or cheering about one of the greatest cathedrals in history being seriously damaged by fire, are not the dangerous ones. The truly dangerous ones are quiet until they act.

As I said, I have excellent situational awareness. But people laughing online at a tragedy are not a threat. That you see people laughing as a threat speaks more to your own insecurities. That you feel my comments warranted a discussion of my testicles, testosterone levels and marital status of my parents shows you have nothing of value to add to the discussion. You tried to make a thread to stir shit up. And you got pissed when people disagreed. That speaks volumes.

Around the world?

Those people are IN THE COUNTRIES. Damn...

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