Leftists and Islamists cheer as Notre Dame burns, Buzzfeed tries to cover it up

Actually it's the truth. Of course, for a far left retard such as yourself, that is a foreign concept. Yet the exact messages are quoted in the video that you didn't watch, but much smarter people did watch.

Can someone not give this person a ride to his favored Muslim countries? So tired of his apology for a death cult.
No, I didn't watch the video.

But how many actual comments were made? 10? 20? 50? And that is the basis for your condemnation of every liberal out there? lol Okey Dokey then.

If you want to make a thread about how awesome Islam is, go ahead. This is a thread about the Islamists who did what they did. You seem to have severe difficulties acknowledging that.

I guess it is easier to debate someone if you can change what they said into what you wish they had said.

Please point out where I said anything positive about Islam. Show me one single comment I made praising Islam or talking about how Islam is. Otherwise, just go ahead and admit you are lying.

I don't know if you noticed, but it was you along with all the stupid leftists of the board who are straw manning me. I never said every Muslim cheered. Please don't join their projection squad.

Once again, please point out where I said anything resembling what you accused me of saying. I am not making any strawman arguments. I am challenging your accusations at me.

So show where I said anything about how awesome Islam is, or admit you are a liar. Your choice.

You did make a straw man argument, you stated that my argument was that every Muslim or liberal cheered. I never argued for such a thing.

As for the SUGGESTION, which wasn't a straw man. Go ahead and make a thread apologizing for the Muslims if that's your thing. Plenty of the other leftists here love Islam.
No, I didn't watch the video.

But how many actual comments were made? 10? 20? 50? And that is the basis for your condemnation of every liberal out there? lol Okey Dokey then.

If you want to make a thread about how awesome Islam is, go ahead. This is a thread about the Islamists who did what they did. You seem to have severe difficulties acknowledging that.

I guess it is easier to debate someone if you can change what they said into what you wish they had said.

Please point out where I said anything positive about Islam. Show me one single comment I made praising Islam or talking about how Islam is. Otherwise, just go ahead and admit you are lying.

I don't know if you noticed, but it was you along with all the stupid leftists of the board who are straw manning me. I never said every Muslim cheered. Please don't join their projection squad.

Once again, please point out where I said anything resembling what you accused me of saying. I am not making any strawman arguments. I am challenging your accusations at me.

So show where I said anything about how awesome Islam is, or admit you are a liar. Your choice.

You did make a straw man argument, you stated that my argument was that every Muslim or liberal cheered. I never argued for such a thing.

As for the SUGGESTION, which wasn't a straw man. Go ahead and make a thread apologizing for the Muslims if that's your thing. Plenty of the other leftists here love Islam.

I did? Where? I questioned why we should be upset over a handful of idiots. But I never said you claimed every muslim cheered.
If you want to make a thread about how awesome Islam is, go ahead. This is a thread about the Islamists who did what they did. You seem to have severe difficulties acknowledging that.

I guess it is easier to debate someone if you can change what they said into what you wish they had said.

Please point out where I said anything positive about Islam. Show me one single comment I made praising Islam or talking about how Islam is. Otherwise, just go ahead and admit you are lying.

I don't know if you noticed, but it was you along with all the stupid leftists of the board who are straw manning me. I never said every Muslim cheered. Please don't join their projection squad.

Once again, please point out where I said anything resembling what you accused me of saying. I am not making any strawman arguments. I am challenging your accusations at me.

So show where I said anything about how awesome Islam is, or admit you are a liar. Your choice.

You did make a straw man argument, you stated that my argument was that every Muslim or liberal cheered. I never argued for such a thing.

As for the SUGGESTION, which wasn't a straw man. Go ahead and make a thread apologizing for the Muslims if that's your thing. Plenty of the other leftists here love Islam.

I did? Where? I questioned why we should be upset over a handful of idiots. But I never said you claimed every muslim cheered.

It's a bit hard to take you seriously, when you pretend that you didn't say what you said just a few minutes ago, also linked in your own quote!

And that is the basis for your condemnation of every liberal out there? lol Okey Dokey then.

And if you start pretending that this was a question, it's time to pull the head out of the sand. I won't be believing such nonsense.
Who is surprised? No one should be. Some Muslims have even commented that they are sad that there were no casualties. And as usual, the enemy of the people tries to cover up the fact with the usual fake news tactics.

Good to see their true views on display again. Never gets old documenting their idiocy.

The TRUTH: we (Western Christians of all origins) are being brainwashed, coerced and pressed by many of our political leaders into believing that Islam offers a better, more civilized, somehow gentler path for our civilization to take and follow. Somehow, don't fucking ask me how exactly, loads--and I mean millions--of Americans, Canadians, Limeys and Europeans are buying into this Islamic cult bullshit. Our leaders are betraying us as we speak, selling the future of our children out to the fanatical murder cult otherwise known as Islam. WTF you might ask? Don't worry, I WTF this insanity on a daily basis. Can a sane political brain please enter the "building"?
Who is surprised? No one should be. Some Muslims have even commented that they are sad that there were no casualties. And as usual, the enemy of the people tries to cover up the fact with the usual fake news tactics.

Good to see their true views on display again. Never gets old documenting their idiocy.

Stupid hick.

Just because some demented Muslims feel that way does NOT IN ANY WAY PROVE THAT THEY ALL OR EVEN MOST OF THEM FEEL THAT WAY.

You see one person acting a certain way and you automatically assume ALL of that person's 'group' MUST feel the same way.

You xenophobic neo-Nazi.
Who is surprised? No one should be. Some Muslims have even commented that they are sad that there were no casualties. And as usual, the enemy of the people tries to cover up the fact with the usual fake news tactics.

Good to see their true views on display again. Never gets old documenting their idiocy.

Stupid hick.
Just because some demented Muslims feel that way does NOT IN ANY WAY PROVE THAT THEY ALL OR EVEN MOST OF THEM FEEL THAT WAY.

You xenophobic Trumpbot neo-Nazi.

You see one person acting a certain way and you automatically assume ALL of that person's 'group' MUST feel the same way.

Hate-filled idiot.

Oh a other one!

No leftist idiot has had the same response. This hasn't been dealt in the thread at all, for example right above your post. Thank you for your very original and relevant contribution.

What a hive mind the Islam apologists are. Maybe get out of the echo chamber once in a while.
Last edited:
I guess it is easier to debate someone if you can change what they said into what you wish they had said.

Please point out where I said anything positive about Islam. Show me one single comment I made praising Islam or talking about how Islam is. Otherwise, just go ahead and admit you are lying.

I don't know if you noticed, but it was you along with all the stupid leftists of the board who are straw manning me. I never said every Muslim cheered. Please don't join their projection squad.

Once again, please point out where I said anything resembling what you accused me of saying. I am not making any strawman arguments. I am challenging your accusations at me.

So show where I said anything about how awesome Islam is, or admit you are a liar. Your choice.

You did make a straw man argument, you stated that my argument was that every Muslim or liberal cheered. I never argued for such a thing.

As for the SUGGESTION, which wasn't a straw man. Go ahead and make a thread apologizing for the Muslims if that's your thing. Plenty of the other leftists here love Islam.

I did? Where? I questioned why we should be upset over a handful of idiots. But I never said you claimed every muslim cheered.

It's a bit hard to take you seriously, when you pretend that you didn't say what you said just a few minutes ago, also linked in your own quote!

And that is the basis for your condemnation of every liberal out there? lol Okey Dokey then.

And if you start pretending that this was a question, it's time to pull the head out of the sand. I won't be believing such nonsense.

My question is valid. You post a video with some quotes, and want to blame the left for their lunacy. I never said "every". But you seem to have no trouble blaming leftists in general.

And you have said several times that I made positive comments about muslims. Have you found the quote yet? I notice you refuse to answer. I don't blame you. Admitting you lied is tough.
Who is surprised? No one should be. Some Muslims have even commented that they are sad that there were no casualties. And as usual, the enemy of the people tries to cover up the fact with the usual fake news tactics.

Good to see their true views on display again. Never gets old documenting their idiocy.

Stupid hick.
Just because some demented Muslims feel that way does NOT IN ANY WAY PROVE THAT THEY ALL OR EVEN MOST OF THEM FEEL THAT WAY.

You xenophobic Trumpbot neo-Nazi.

You see one person acting a certain way and you automatically assume ALL of that person's 'group' MUST feel the same way.

Hate-filled idiot.

Oh a other one!

No leftist idiot has had the same response. This hasn't been dealt in the thread at all, for example right above your post. Thank you for your very original and relevant contribution.

What a hive mind these guys are. Maybe get out of the echo chamber once in a while.

Muslim apologists. Unbelievable, huh, my internet friend? How many generations until history claims "white dudes" perpetrated September 11th, 2001? American traitors, any who choose the virtual Islamic Caliphate over their own US of A.
I don't know if you noticed, but it was you along with all the stupid leftists of the board who are straw manning me. I never said every Muslim cheered. Please don't join their projection squad.

Once again, please point out where I said anything resembling what you accused me of saying. I am not making any strawman arguments. I am challenging your accusations at me.

So show where I said anything about how awesome Islam is, or admit you are a liar. Your choice.

You did make a straw man argument, you stated that my argument was that every Muslim or liberal cheered. I never argued for such a thing.

As for the SUGGESTION, which wasn't a straw man. Go ahead and make a thread apologizing for the Muslims if that's your thing. Plenty of the other leftists here love Islam.

I did? Where? I questioned why we should be upset over a handful of idiots. But I never said you claimed every muslim cheered.

It's a bit hard to take you seriously, when you pretend that you didn't say what you said just a few minutes ago, also linked in your own quote!

And that is the basis for your condemnation of every liberal out there? lol Okey Dokey then.

And if you start pretending that this was a question, it's time to pull the head out of the sand. I won't be believing such nonsense.

My question is valid. You post a video with some quotes, and want to blame the left for their lunacy. I never said "every". But you seem to have no trouble blaming leftists in general.

And you have said several times that I made positive comments about muslims. Have you found the quote yet? I notice you refuse to answer. I don't blame you. Admitting you lied is tough.

What in the flying fuck? I just quoted your own post to you, which said precisely "EVERY", and now you say you didn't say every. Are you slow or are you expecting people to buy the BS?

And that is the basis for your condemnation of every liberal out there? lol Okey Dokey then.
Disgusting animals should be stoned then set on fire.
Why? Because some conspiracy freak 'supposes'? You act on a 'probably'? Well, if you want it done, don't be a coward and call for somebody else to do what you want. Grab your AK and go murder a few of 'them' yourself. I'm sure Trump will pardon you for doing 'His' work.

Be my pleasure. Not like pussy ass liberals need someone to protect them. Scum like you are probably happy. Liberals are all the same. They talk behind cover. I did my talking on the street during my Law Enforcement days. The cowards day will come.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
"I did my talking on the street during my Law Enforcement days. The cowards day will come."

Oh, God! Please tell me you are off the streets. Giving a badge and a gun to someone who believes in mass murder by reason of ethnicity is why we are in so much distrust today.
Quit spreading fake news

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I am sorry to spread videos containing buzzfeed articles, but in the end, only by displaying fake news we can identify the problem.

You are probably a regular reader. Good place to start the recovery process.

You're very sorry to promote hate, lies and bigotry but you do it anyway. That about sums you up Norman.

Your post was full of hate of me. Please stick with hating yourself like the regular leftists. There is no guilt or hate of myself to be found here.

Maybe you were more likeable and not worthy of hate, if you weren't such a bitch.

I don't hate you or anyone else. I feel sorry for anyone so consumed with anger and bittnerness. Hate harms the haters. It destroys your health, your relationships with others, and leaves you isolated and alone. You look for reasons to stoke that hate, because without fresh outrage, the fire burns out.

I look for the good in people. I believe in doing nice things for other people even if it's not reciprocated, and even when there's nothing in it for me. It never ceases to amaze me how often the good we do comes backs to us. I live life believing that we can and will make things better.

I think you are mistaking the politics forum for a personal therapy service. You must have really had some anger issues for it to have destroyed your health, relationships and now your credibility by presenting it as a somehow relevant political point. Seek some help and defeat the self hate for good, it all starts by growing a sack. And once you figure out how to have some pride, maybe help JoeB as well.

Where did I say anger destroyed my health? I didn't. But I've seen it destroy the health of others.

I have had extreme anger projected at me, and I refused to accept it or act on it. I simply deflect it back on the person who aimed it at me. We have a family member who is consumed with rage. People don't visit their home anymore. They don't invite them anywhere. He has dealt with so many medical problems it's hard to keep up with them. And he gets fired from every job he's ever had.

Today, hate is a relative political point, because hate is driving American politics on the. Hatred of the "other", those who are "not like us". Hatred of brown people, black people, Muslims, women, those who don't believe in a fire and brimstone, hate-fueled perversion of Christianity.

In the end, I have always believed that : "Love is better than hate, hope is better than fear", the last public words of a truly great man, Jack Layton. I have been a loving Christian since I was a child. People like you have called me crazy, a "Pollyanna", naive, and stupid. In these difficult times, my side will win, because humans, as a species, are a people who always have hope for the future.

Humans are much better people than YOU give them credit for.
I am sorry to spread videos containing buzzfeed articles, but in the end, only by displaying fake news we can identify the problem.

You are probably a regular reader. Good place to start the recovery process.

You're very sorry to promote hate, lies and bigotry but you do it anyway. That about sums you up Norman.

Your post was full of hate of me. Please stick with hating yourself like the regular leftists. There is no guilt or hate of myself to be found here.

Maybe you were more likeable and not worthy of hate, if you weren't such a bitch.

I don't hate you or anyone else. I feel sorry for anyone so consumed with anger and bittnerness. Hate harms the haters. It destroys your health, your relationships with others, and leaves you isolated and alone. You look for reasons to stoke that hate, because without fresh outrage, the fire burns out.

I look for the good in people. I believe in doing nice things for other people even if it's not reciprocated, and even when there's nothing in it for me. It never ceases to amaze me how often the good we do comes backs to us. I live life believing that we can and will make things better.

I think you are mistaking the politics forum for a personal therapy service. You must have really had some anger issues for it to have destroyed your health, relationships and now your credibility by presenting it as a somehow relevant political point. Seek some help and defeat the self hate for good, it all starts by growing a sack. And once you figure out how to have some pride, maybe help JoeB as well.

Where did I say anger destroyed my health? I didn't. But I've seen it destroy the health of others.

I have had extreme anger projected at me, and I refused to accept it or act on it. I simply deflect it back on the person who aimed it at me. We have a family member who is consumed with rage. People don't visit their home anymore. They don't invite them anywhere. He has dealt with so many medical problems it's hard to keep up with them. And he gets fired from every job he's ever had.

Today, hate is a relative political point, because hate is driving American politics on the. Hatred of the "other", those who are "not like us". Hatred of brown people, black people, Muslims, women, those who don't believe in a fire and brimstone, hate-fueled perversion of Christianity.

In the end, I have always believed that : "Love is better than hate, hope is better than fear", the last public words of a truly great man, Jack Layton. I have been a loving Christian since I was a child. People like you have called me crazy, a "Pollyanna", naive, and stupid. In these difficult times, my side will win, because humans, as a species, are a people who always have hope for the future.

Humans are much better people than YOU give them credit for.

Even as an atheist I identify that you can't be a christian and that's not difficult. Here you are defending Islam as Islamists cheer at the burning of the stunning piece of Christian history. No wonder your relatives are pissed off with cowardice like that. I would be absolutely furious. Maybe take some pride and your family members don't need to hate your betrayal of them.

"Your side" whatever that means will absolutely win the hugging the bear competition. That much is clear to anyone.
Once again, please point out where I said anything resembling what you accused me of saying. I am not making any strawman arguments. I am challenging your accusations at me.

So show where I said anything about how awesome Islam is, or admit you are a liar. Your choice.

You did make a straw man argument, you stated that my argument was that every Muslim or liberal cheered. I never argued for such a thing.

As for the SUGGESTION, which wasn't a straw man. Go ahead and make a thread apologizing for the Muslims if that's your thing. Plenty of the other leftists here love Islam.

I did? Where? I questioned why we should be upset over a handful of idiots. But I never said you claimed every muslim cheered.

It's a bit hard to take you seriously, when you pretend that you didn't say what you said just a few minutes ago, also linked in your own quote!

And that is the basis for your condemnation of every liberal out there? lol Okey Dokey then.

And if you start pretending that this was a question, it's time to pull the head out of the sand. I won't be believing such nonsense.

My question is valid. You post a video with some quotes, and want to blame the left for their lunacy. I never said "every". But you seem to have no trouble blaming leftists in general.

And you have said several times that I made positive comments about muslims. Have you found the quote yet? I notice you refuse to answer. I don't blame you. Admitting you lied is tough.

What in the flying fuck? I just quoted your own post to you, which said precisely "EVERY", and now you say you didn't say every. Are you slow or are you expecting people to buy the BS?

And that is the basis for your condemnation of every liberal out there? lol Okey Dokey then.

And your claims about what I said about muslims? Have you found anything yet. My mistake on saying I did not say "every". I admit that.

Do you admit you lied about what I have said about Islam? Come on, junior. Show me where I have been an apologist for Islam.
You did make a straw man argument, you stated that my argument was that every Muslim or liberal cheered. I never argued for such a thing.

As for the SUGGESTION, which wasn't a straw man. Go ahead and make a thread apologizing for the Muslims if that's your thing. Plenty of the other leftists here love Islam.

I did? Where? I questioned why we should be upset over a handful of idiots. But I never said you claimed every muslim cheered.

It's a bit hard to take you seriously, when you pretend that you didn't say what you said just a few minutes ago, also linked in your own quote!

And that is the basis for your condemnation of every liberal out there? lol Okey Dokey then.

And if you start pretending that this was a question, it's time to pull the head out of the sand. I won't be believing such nonsense.

My question is valid. You post a video with some quotes, and want to blame the left for their lunacy. I never said "every". But you seem to have no trouble blaming leftists in general.

And you have said several times that I made positive comments about muslims. Have you found the quote yet? I notice you refuse to answer. I don't blame you. Admitting you lied is tough.

What in the flying fuck? I just quoted your own post to you, which said precisely "EVERY", and now you say you didn't say every. Are you slow or are you expecting people to buy the BS?

And that is the basis for your condemnation of every liberal out there? lol Okey Dokey then.

And your claims about what I said about muslims? Have you found anything yet. My mistake on saying I did not say "every". I admit that.

Do you admit you lied about what I have said about Islam? Come on, junior. Show me where I have been an apologist for Islam.

It was a suggestion, that IF you want to apologize for Islam participate in some other thread.

If you aren't an apologist for Islam and indeed have balls. Congratulations...
I'm not happy the ND cathedral burnt down.

It would have made a nice building to convert into a future mosque when France becomes an Islamic country. ... :thup:
How can you gloat when you know your religion is violent, supremacist, sexist ravings of an evil genius that claimed to be a prophet not to mention drinking camel urine is good for you?

I guess all the killing is alright with you. You drink your camel urine straight or on the rocks?
I wonder how many fundies cheered in their big box churches? Did Pat Robertson? Wouldn't put it past him.
I wonder how many fundies cheered in their big box churches? Did Pat Robertson? Wouldn't put it past him.
We are not talking about
I'm not happy the ND cathedral burnt down.

It would have made a nice building to convert into a future mosque when France becomes an Islamic country. ... :thup:
How can you gloat when you know your religion is violent, supremacist, sexist ravings of an evil genius that claimed to be a prophet not to mention drinking camel urine is good for you?

I guess all the killing is alright with you. You drink your camel urine straight or on the rocks?
Darkness was about to descend upon Islam.Ishaq:461“Just before the noonprayers, Gabriel came to the Apostle wearing a gold turban. He was riding a mule. He said,‘Have you laid down your weapons and stopped fighting, Muhammad?’ ‘Yes,’ he replied.Gabriel said, ‘The angels have not laid down their arms! I’ve just returned from pursuingthe enemy. Allah commands you to march to the Qurayza. I, too, will attack the Jews andshake them out of their homes.’” Angels in turbans, lumbering on donkeys, wield-ing swords, commanding Arabs to slaughter Jews—it’s quite a picture.
This is for Sunni man

This is the crap the people inspired to kill by Islam believe. Are you proud of that? Inciting violence with a an angel killing Jews? Proud of that?

Please tell me one thing positive in Islam for the non-Muslim.
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You did make a straw man argument, you stated that my argument was that every Muslim or liberal cheered. I never argued for such a thing.

As for the SUGGESTION, which wasn't a straw man. Go ahead and make a thread apologizing for the Muslims if that's your thing. Plenty of the other leftists here love Islam.

I did? Where? I questioned why we should be upset over a handful of idiots. But I never said you claimed every muslim cheered.

It's a bit hard to take you seriously, when you pretend that you didn't say what you said just a few minutes ago, also linked in your own quote!

And that is the basis for your condemnation of every liberal out there? lol Okey Dokey then.

And if you start pretending that this was a question, it's time to pull the head out of the sand. I won't be believing such nonsense.

My question is valid. You post a video with some quotes, and want to blame the left for their lunacy. I never said "every". But you seem to have no trouble blaming leftists in general.

And you have said several times that I made positive comments about muslims. Have you found the quote yet? I notice you refuse to answer. I don't blame you. Admitting you lied is tough.

What in the flying fuck? I just quoted your own post to you, which said precisely "EVERY", and now you say you didn't say every. Are you slow or are you expecting people to buy the BS?

And that is the basis for your condemnation of every liberal out there? lol Okey Dokey then.

And your claims about what I said about muslims? Have you found anything yet. My mistake on saying I did not say "every". I admit that.

Do you admit you lied about what I have said about Islam? Come on, junior. Show me where I have been an apologist for Islam.
Muslims and Islam are two different things. Islam is hate for anything un-Islamic. That is what is taught. Muslims are individuals who may or may not take this crap seriously. Enough do to make Islam a serious threat to our civilization. And yet the world does nothing to expose Islam for what it is. An ideology with religious obligations and goals willing to use everything and any act of terror to bring Islam into dominance.
President Trump could have saved the spire with his personal tanker jet airplane.

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