Leftists and Islamists cheer as Notre Dame burns, Buzzfeed tries to cover it up

LMAO!! "Single mother almost guaranteed"? YOu are simply an idiot or a total troll. You pick which.

I am very concerned about the destruction of a beautiful and historic place. I have seen it in person and it was awe-inspiring.

But what other people think of the tragedy is inconsequential. It is completely meaningless.

As for my balls, they are functional. And they too are unaffected by people cheering a tragedy.

There must be an explanation for your lack of situational awareness. Single mother would be my best guess. Is your brain made out of soy by chance? Damn... It's time to go to see doc and check the T levels.

Spare me the weak attempts at insults.

My situational awareness is excellent. But please, tell me how someone in Des Moines, Qatar or Timbuktu cheering a tragedy has any effect on you? Tell me about the "situation" you are so keenly aware of.

You have to think intensely about how it could be a problem that people are laughing that one of the greatest masterpieces of western civilization and Christianity is on fire. Even after intense thinking, you do not come up with an answer.

Quite frankly you have no situational awareness. This one is a job for the doctors, not for me. Might want to check the IQ as well. But in any case I will tell you the answer so you can at least move forward.

The obvious answer is that this means there are bunch of enemies of western civilization and Christianity lurking around. I am not sure if you have noticed, but the Muslim populations in Europe are growing every year.

Apparently you were unaware that there are people around the world who hate Western civilization and the Catholic Church. And you think my IQ needs checking?

I would be willing to bet a paycheck that most of those posting the hateful remarks are either going for shock value or are the type of people who just want to see the world burn. Perhaps another, admittedly smaller, portion of them have a personal issue with the Catholic Church. And that last group could easily include many conservatives. And yes, there are people who hate Western civilization. I thought everyone knew that.

But none of that has anything to do with the point I made. The people going online and laugh or cheering about one of the greatest cathedrals in history being seriously damaged by fire, are not the dangerous ones. The truly dangerous ones are quiet until they act.

As I said, I have excellent situational awareness. But people laughing online at a tragedy are not a threat. That you see people laughing as a threat speaks more to your own insecurities. That you feel my comments warranted a discussion of my testicles, testosterone levels and marital status of my parents shows you have nothing of value to add to the discussion. You tried to make a thread to stir shit up. And you got pissed when people disagreed. That speaks volumes.

Around the world?

Those people are IN THE COUNTRIES. Damn...

Of course they are in the countries, you dolt. Do you think I meant they were floating in the ocean?

When someone says "people around the world" they mean people in countries all around the world. In the US, in the UK, in France, in Saudi Arabia, in South Africa, in Brazil, in Russia ect ect ect.
There must be an explanation for your lack of situational awareness. Single mother would be my best guess. Is your brain made out of soy by chance? Damn... It's time to go to see doc and check the T levels.

Spare me the weak attempts at insults.

My situational awareness is excellent. But please, tell me how someone in Des Moines, Qatar or Timbuktu cheering a tragedy has any effect on you? Tell me about the "situation" you are so keenly aware of.

You have to think intensely about how it could be a problem that people are laughing that one of the greatest masterpieces of western civilization and Christianity is on fire. Even after intense thinking, you do not come up with an answer.

Quite frankly you have no situational awareness. This one is a job for the doctors, not for me. Might want to check the IQ as well. But in any case I will tell you the answer so you can at least move forward.

The obvious answer is that this means there are bunch of enemies of western civilization and Christianity lurking around. I am not sure if you have noticed, but the Muslim populations in Europe are growing every year.

Apparently you were unaware that there are people around the world who hate Western civilization and the Catholic Church. And you think my IQ needs checking?

I would be willing to bet a paycheck that most of those posting the hateful remarks are either going for shock value or are the type of people who just want to see the world burn. Perhaps another, admittedly smaller, portion of them have a personal issue with the Catholic Church. And that last group could easily include many conservatives. And yes, there are people who hate Western civilization. I thought everyone knew that.

But none of that has anything to do with the point I made. The people going online and laugh or cheering about one of the greatest cathedrals in history being seriously damaged by fire, are not the dangerous ones. The truly dangerous ones are quiet until they act.

As I said, I have excellent situational awareness. But people laughing online at a tragedy are not a threat. That you see people laughing as a threat speaks more to your own insecurities. That you feel my comments warranted a discussion of my testicles, testosterone levels and marital status of my parents shows you have nothing of value to add to the discussion. You tried to make a thread to stir shit up. And you got pissed when people disagreed. That speaks volumes.

Around the world?

Those people are IN THE COUNTRIES. Damn...

Of course they are in the countries, you dolt. Do you think I meant they were floating in the ocean?

When someone says "people around the world" they mean people in countries all around the world. In the US, in the UK, in France, in Saudi Arabia, in South Africa, in Brazil, in Russia ect ect ect.

Yes okay... so it does not bother you at all that there are people who are cheering the burning of a historical relic in these countries. Okay, you are an exceptional individual, it is a total wonder how these genes were not removed from the gene pool long ago. I feel that the Darwin award is about to be awarded. But march along, best of luck.
Spare me the weak attempts at insults.

My situational awareness is excellent. But please, tell me how someone in Des Moines, Qatar or Timbuktu cheering a tragedy has any effect on you? Tell me about the "situation" you are so keenly aware of.

You have to think intensely about how it could be a problem that people are laughing that one of the greatest masterpieces of western civilization and Christianity is on fire. Even after intense thinking, you do not come up with an answer.

Quite frankly you have no situational awareness. This one is a job for the doctors, not for me. Might want to check the IQ as well. But in any case I will tell you the answer so you can at least move forward.

The obvious answer is that this means there are bunch of enemies of western civilization and Christianity lurking around. I am not sure if you have noticed, but the Muslim populations in Europe are growing every year.

Apparently you were unaware that there are people around the world who hate Western civilization and the Catholic Church. And you think my IQ needs checking?

I would be willing to bet a paycheck that most of those posting the hateful remarks are either going for shock value or are the type of people who just want to see the world burn. Perhaps another, admittedly smaller, portion of them have a personal issue with the Catholic Church. And that last group could easily include many conservatives. And yes, there are people who hate Western civilization. I thought everyone knew that.

But none of that has anything to do with the point I made. The people going online and laugh or cheering about one of the greatest cathedrals in history being seriously damaged by fire, are not the dangerous ones. The truly dangerous ones are quiet until they act.

As I said, I have excellent situational awareness. But people laughing online at a tragedy are not a threat. That you see people laughing as a threat speaks more to your own insecurities. That you feel my comments warranted a discussion of my testicles, testosterone levels and marital status of my parents shows you have nothing of value to add to the discussion. You tried to make a thread to stir shit up. And you got pissed when people disagreed. That speaks volumes.

Around the world?

Those people are IN THE COUNTRIES. Damn...

Of course they are in the countries, you dolt. Do you think I meant they were floating in the ocean?

When someone says "people around the world" they mean people in countries all around the world. In the US, in the UK, in France, in Saudi Arabia, in South Africa, in Brazil, in Russia ect ect ect.

Yes okay... so it does not bother you at all that there are people who are cheering the burning of a historical relic in these countries. Okay, you are an exceptional individual, it is a total wonder how these genes were not removed from the gene pool long ago. I feel that the Darwin award is about to be awarded. But march along, best of luck.

It is a total wonder how the genes of someone who gets their panties in a wad over people cheering or laughing, has not been eliminated. Wasting time and energy on something that has no affect on the tragedy and cannot be changed is ridiculous.

But if you want to rant and rave about something that is completely inconsequential, feel free to do so. Maybe your "situational awareness" won't notice the number of people laughing at you.
You have to think intensely about how it could be a problem that people are laughing that one of the greatest masterpieces of western civilization and Christianity is on fire. Even after intense thinking, you do not come up with an answer.

Quite frankly you have no situational awareness. This one is a job for the doctors, not for me. Might want to check the IQ as well. But in any case I will tell you the answer so you can at least move forward.

The obvious answer is that this means there are bunch of enemies of western civilization and Christianity lurking around. I am not sure if you have noticed, but the Muslim populations in Europe are growing every year.

Apparently you were unaware that there are people around the world who hate Western civilization and the Catholic Church. And you think my IQ needs checking?

I would be willing to bet a paycheck that most of those posting the hateful remarks are either going for shock value or are the type of people who just want to see the world burn. Perhaps another, admittedly smaller, portion of them have a personal issue with the Catholic Church. And that last group could easily include many conservatives. And yes, there are people who hate Western civilization. I thought everyone knew that.

But none of that has anything to do with the point I made. The people going online and laugh or cheering about one of the greatest cathedrals in history being seriously damaged by fire, are not the dangerous ones. The truly dangerous ones are quiet until they act.

As I said, I have excellent situational awareness. But people laughing online at a tragedy are not a threat. That you see people laughing as a threat speaks more to your own insecurities. That you feel my comments warranted a discussion of my testicles, testosterone levels and marital status of my parents shows you have nothing of value to add to the discussion. You tried to make a thread to stir shit up. And you got pissed when people disagreed. That speaks volumes.

Around the world?

Those people are IN THE COUNTRIES. Damn...

Of course they are in the countries, you dolt. Do you think I meant they were floating in the ocean?

When someone says "people around the world" they mean people in countries all around the world. In the US, in the UK, in France, in Saudi Arabia, in South Africa, in Brazil, in Russia ect ect ect.

Yes okay... so it does not bother you at all that there are people who are cheering the burning of a historical relic in these countries. Okay, you are an exceptional individual, it is a total wonder how these genes were not removed from the gene pool long ago. I feel that the Darwin award is about to be awarded. But march along, best of luck.

It is a total wonder how the genes of someone who gets their panties in a wad over people cheering or laughing, has not been eliminated. Wasting time and energy on something that has no affect on the tragedy and cannot be changed is ridiculous.

But if you want to rant and rave about something that is completely inconsequential, feel free to do so. Maybe your "situational awareness" won't notice the number of people laughing at you.

It's like your brain completely skipped over the threat processor. You still don't even understand what I am talking about, it's like as if you were reading Chinese. Best of luck...
When you promote false ideas you will get truthful answers that you do not like.
Apparently you were unaware that there are people around the world who hate Western civilization and the Catholic Church. And you think my IQ needs checking?

I would be willing to bet a paycheck that most of those posting the hateful remarks are either going for shock value or are the type of people who just want to see the world burn. Perhaps another, admittedly smaller, portion of them have a personal issue with the Catholic Church. And that last group could easily include many conservatives. And yes, there are people who hate Western civilization. I thought everyone knew that.

But none of that has anything to do with the point I made. The people going online and laugh or cheering about one of the greatest cathedrals in history being seriously damaged by fire, are not the dangerous ones. The truly dangerous ones are quiet until they act.

As I said, I have excellent situational awareness. But people laughing online at a tragedy are not a threat. That you see people laughing as a threat speaks more to your own insecurities. That you feel my comments warranted a discussion of my testicles, testosterone levels and marital status of my parents shows you have nothing of value to add to the discussion. You tried to make a thread to stir shit up. And you got pissed when people disagreed. That speaks volumes.

Around the world?

Those people are IN THE COUNTRIES. Damn...

Of course they are in the countries, you dolt. Do you think I meant they were floating in the ocean?

When someone says "people around the world" they mean people in countries all around the world. In the US, in the UK, in France, in Saudi Arabia, in South Africa, in Brazil, in Russia ect ect ect.

Yes okay... so it does not bother you at all that there are people who are cheering the burning of a historical relic in these countries. Okay, you are an exceptional individual, it is a total wonder how these genes were not removed from the gene pool long ago. I feel that the Darwin award is about to be awarded. But march along, best of luck.

It is a total wonder how the genes of someone who gets their panties in a wad over people cheering or laughing, has not been eliminated. Wasting time and energy on something that has no affect on the tragedy and cannot be changed is ridiculous.

But if you want to rant and rave about something that is completely inconsequential, feel free to do so. Maybe your "situational awareness" won't notice the number of people laughing at you.

It's like your brain completely skipped over the threat processor. You still don't even understand what I am talking about, it's like as if you were reading Chinese. Best of luck...

I understand the threats quite clearly. But the fact that people cheered the burning of the Notre Dame cathedral does not change the threat level one iota.

The cause of the fire is likely to be shown to be an accident, having to do with the work being done. And the cheering does nothing at all.

But please, tell me how the cheering and laughing increased any threat?
Around the world?

Those people are IN THE COUNTRIES. Damn...

Of course they are in the countries, you dolt. Do you think I meant they were floating in the ocean?

When someone says "people around the world" they mean people in countries all around the world. In the US, in the UK, in France, in Saudi Arabia, in South Africa, in Brazil, in Russia ect ect ect.

Yes okay... so it does not bother you at all that there are people who are cheering the burning of a historical relic in these countries. Okay, you are an exceptional individual, it is a total wonder how these genes were not removed from the gene pool long ago. I feel that the Darwin award is about to be awarded. But march along, best of luck.

It is a total wonder how the genes of someone who gets their panties in a wad over people cheering or laughing, has not been eliminated. Wasting time and energy on something that has no affect on the tragedy and cannot be changed is ridiculous.

But if you want to rant and rave about something that is completely inconsequential, feel free to do so. Maybe your "situational awareness" won't notice the number of people laughing at you.

It's like your brain completely skipped over the threat processor. You still don't even understand what I am talking about, it's like as if you were reading Chinese. Best of luck...

I understand the threats quite clearly. But the fact that people cheered the burning of the Notre Dame cathedral does not change the threat level one iota.

The cause of the fire is likely to be shown to be an accident, having to do with the work being done. And the cheering does nothing at all.

But please, tell me how the cheering and laughing increased any threat?

It's fascinating that you don't understand. However, I don't want to keep discussing about this, it's clear that you are one of a kind. Let's put it this way, if there is someone laughing about the funeral of one your family members, there is a reason for some concern. Maybe by analogy you will finally get it. Again, best of luck.
Of course they are in the countries, you dolt. Do you think I meant they were floating in the ocean?

When someone says "people around the world" they mean people in countries all around the world. In the US, in the UK, in France, in Saudi Arabia, in South Africa, in Brazil, in Russia ect ect ect.

Yes okay... so it does not bother you at all that there are people who are cheering the burning of a historical relic in these countries. Okay, you are an exceptional individual, it is a total wonder how these genes were not removed from the gene pool long ago. I feel that the Darwin award is about to be awarded. But march along, best of luck.

It is a total wonder how the genes of someone who gets their panties in a wad over people cheering or laughing, has not been eliminated. Wasting time and energy on something that has no affect on the tragedy and cannot be changed is ridiculous.

But if you want to rant and rave about something that is completely inconsequential, feel free to do so. Maybe your "situational awareness" won't notice the number of people laughing at you.

It's like your brain completely skipped over the threat processor. You still don't even understand what I am talking about, it's like as if you were reading Chinese. Best of luck...

I understand the threats quite clearly. But the fact that people cheered the burning of the Notre Dame cathedral does not change the threat level one iota.

The cause of the fire is likely to be shown to be an accident, having to do with the work being done. And the cheering does nothing at all.

But please, tell me how the cheering and laughing increased any threat?

It's fascinating that you don't understand. However, I don't want to keep discussing about this, it's clear that you are one of a kind. Let's put it this way, if there is someone laughing about the funeral of one your family members, there is a reason for some concern. Maybe by analogy you will finally get it. Again, best of luck.

Oh, I see. In other words, you can't come up with an explanation to back your claim that a handful of people laughing at a tragedy is somehow a clear and present danger to us all. I understand. That is because it isn't.

If someone laughs about a death in my family? Let's see. Not laughing wouldn't bring them back. Laughing doesn't threaten the rest of my family. And they aren't doing it at the funeral. Nope, no concern.

You are far too invested in what others think.
As far as me being one-of-a-kind, you betcha!! I never felt the need to imitate others.

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