Leftists attack "Fixer Upper" hosts Chip and Joanna Gaines for attending Christian Church.

So on the same day the usual suspects are demanding a boycott of Kellogg,

they're pissing their pants with fake righteous indignation that someone is, boo hoo, criticizing this couple that attends a homophobic fake Christian church.
Just as in any group there are those that are the loudest and most intolerant. Unfortunately, they are the ones we hear.

Just like the Westboro (non) church.

One thing you will never find is this group of gays attacking a muslim business owner, due to their mosques teaching that gays must be killed or ostracized

And the author of this hit piece seems to be a virtual unknown. Trying to make a name for herself, through

She wouldn't have the balls to attack a muslim business owner about Islam's teaching.
She feels safe attacking Christians because she knows they don't want to stone her to death She is a you know what..
It is just stupid. This is not the way you change minds. They are attempting to attack the church throuyh attacking them.

Homossexuals as well as left loons are vile creatures, they demand tolerance....then attack anyone they dares to go against their narrative.

Yet they are still wondering why Nov 8th happened
Yeah, don'tcha know, he slept for 20 years. Lol
What obummer got attacked for was lying. After attending the church for twenty years he swore up and down he never heard any " god damn America it's in da bible." Nice try though.
Totally false equivalency.

That's right, he slept through 20 years of 'damn America.
It is just stupid. This is not the way you change minds. They are attempting to attack the church throuyh attacking them.

Which is what every righty did to obama because of shit Rev Wright said .

You hypocrites.
Seriously? They have a show "Property Brothers", in which they are gay!
And -

Benham brothers lose HGTV show after 'anti-gay' remarks - CNN.com

Benham brothers lose HGTV show after 'anti-gay' remarks

By Lisa Respers France, CNN

updated 4:18 AM EDT, Fri May 9, 2014

I'd say buzzfeed's Ben Smith summed it up quite well:

"This is a story about a big company, HGTV, refusing to say whether they ban LGBT people from a TV show. They should just answer the question"

Yeah, how about that? Answer the question.
So are the Gaineses against same-sex marriage? And would they ever feature a same-sex couple on the show, as have HGTV’s House Hunters and Property Brothers? Emails to Brock Murphy, the public relations director at their company, Magnolia, were not returned. Nor were emails and calls to HGTV’s PR department.

Fixer Upper has fans of all stripes: Christians, feminists, and LGBT viewers have all found something to love in the Gaineses. So in the absence of a response from them or their representatives, it’s worth looking at the severe, unmoving position Seibert and Antioch take on same-sex marriage.

Chip And Joanna Gaines' Church Is Firmly Against Same-Sex Marriage

And they they discuss the position Seibert has about gays in general.

Let me say whoop de fucking do.
If they don't talk of gays on the show then it should not matter their belief. There is this thing called freedom of religion in our country, remember, or are you suggesting everyone's beliefs of every show on every station should be made public, even though they have refrained from making them public, and then fired for them if they don't match certain individuals beliefs?

Kookoo for cocoapuffs.
So are the Gaineses against same-sex marriage? And would they ever feature a same-sex couple on the show, as have HGTV’s House Hunters and Property Brothers? Emails to Brock Murphy, the public relations director at their company, Magnolia, were not returned. Nor were emails and calls to HGTV’s PR department.

Fixer Upper has fans of all stripes: Christians, feminists, and LGBT viewers have all found something to love in the Gaineses. So in the absence of a response from them or their representatives, it’s worth looking at the severe, unmoving position Seibert and Antioch take on same-sex marriage.

Chip And Joanna Gaines' Church Is Firmly Against Same-Sex Marriage

And they they discuss the position Seibert has about gays in general.

Let me say whoop de fucking do.
Proper thread etiquette is that you post a link wh your story .
I know righties don't like to do that because you just like to make things up .

Dude, most of the posters here, libtards and conservative and those between post a link.

But here ya go, took me five minutes.

Chip And Joanna Gaines' Church Is Firmly Against Same-Sex Marriage

HGTV Responds To Chip And Joanna Gaines' Anti-Gay Church Controversy | The Huffington Post

BuzzFeed published a piece by reporter Kate Arthur Tuesday about the Gaines’ affiliation with the Antioch Community Church, a nondenominational, evangelical church located in Waco, Texas ― the same town where the couple runs their Magnolia businesses. Arthur’s article focuses on the fact that the church’s pastor, Jimmy Seibert, “takes a hard line against same-sex marriage and promotes converting LGBT people into being straight.” But she notes that “whether the ‘Fixer Upper’ couple agrees is unclear.”

Why Chip And Joanna Gaines Are Under Fire is The Reason Trump Won

Pray for Chip and Johanna Gaines of "Fixer Upper": Why They're the New Focus of Attacks by LGBT Activists

Why BuzzFeed’s attack on Chip and Joanna Gaines is nothing more than malicious thought policing

Fixer Upper stars Chip and Joanna Gaines under fire for attending evangelical church

‘Fixer Upper’ Couple Under Fire for ‘Wrong’ Views on LGBT Issues

Chip and Joanna Gaines Under Attack for Attending Bible Believing Church; Benham Brothers Respond

'Fixer Upper' stars under fire for attending 'anti-gay' church

The political left is full of a bunch of goose stepping fascists and little snowflakes like you accuse everyone else of lying rather than simply facing the uncomfortable fact that Stalin would be more comfortable in the Dimocratic Party today than JFK or FDR would be, in fact the last two would be REPUBLICANS if they lived today.
they're pissing their pants with fake righteous indignation that someone is, boo hoo, criticizing this couple that attends a homophobic fake Christian church.

Lol, you are such an evil shit4brains.

Read the first chapter of the book of Romans then lets talk about who is a "fake Christian" ass hole.
The LGBT sexual perverts are attacking this couple in the media. Soon, they will go after HGTV and it's advertisers until the network drops the popular show.
Its ok for these perverts to stick up for their sick lifestyle. But hell hath no fury if Christians do the same. I don't attack "Ellen", i just turn the channel.
We conservatives should all help this couple keep their show skyrocketing in the ratings.
Tune in.
people shouldn't mock or attack people with mental illness like them
The LGBT sexual perverts are attacking this couple in the media. Soon, they will go after HGTV and it's advertisers until the network drops the popular show.
Its ok for these perverts to stick up for their sick lifestyle. But hell hath no fury if Christians do the same. I don't attack "Ellen", i just turn the channel.
We conservatives should all help this couple keep their show skyrocketing in the ratings.
Tune in.

I notice you have no link, no quotes, nothing, nada
So on the same day the usual suspects are demanding a boycott of Kellogg,

they're pissing their pants with fake righteous indignation that someone is, boo hoo, criticizing this couple that attends a homophobic fake Christian church.

As usual the echo chamber is lying to it's marks. The Buzzfeed article didn't criticize the couple. Only the beliefs of the pastor of the Mega church they attend.
The LGBT sexual perverts are attacking this couple in the media. Soon, they will go after HGTV and it's advertisers until the network drops the popular show.
Its ok for these perverts to stick up for their sick lifestyle. But hell hath no fury if Christians do the same. I don't attack "Ellen", i just turn the channel.
We conservatives should all help this couple keep their show skyrocketing in the ratings.
Tune in.

Link? Credible proof? Context?
Look it up. I did.

You started the thread jackass!

It's a guarantee you misrepresented the story by the way . I don't even have to look it up.

You should have.....jackass

But not everyone appreciates those Christian beliefs – especially the militant LGBT crowd.

And now, they are on the warpath.

The Mainstream Media and militant LGBT activists are unleashing their fury over reports the Gaines family attends Antioch Community Church, a non-denominational megachurch.

'Fixer Upper' stars under fire for attending 'anti-gay' church

Okay- here are the links- how are they 'under fire'?

Chip and Joanna Gaines's Pastor Preaches "Homosexuality Is a Sin"

Not one attack on the couple in the article.

Wait- look at this attack on the couple!
Chip And Joanna Gaines' Church Is Firmly Against Same-Sex Marriage
Fixer Upper has fans of all stripes: Christians, feminists, and LGBT viewers have all found something to love in the Gaineses.

Now compare that to how Rightists attack Barack Obama for the church he attended.....now those were real attacks.
It is just stupid. This is not the way you change minds. They are attempting to attack the church throuyh attacking them.

Homosexuals as well as left loons are vile creatures, they demand tolerance....then attack anyone that dares to go against their narrative.

Right Wing nut jobs are vile creatures.

Not only do they attack anyone who dares not agree with them, they whine and whine when anyone dares suggest that they might be wrong.
Link? Credible proof? Context?
Look it up. I did.

You started the thread jackass!

It's a guarantee you misrepresented the story by the way . I don't even have to look it up.

You should have.....jackass

But not everyone appreciates those Christian beliefs – especially the militant LGBT crowd.

And now, they are on the warpath.

The Mainstream Media and militant LGBT activists are unleashing their fury over reports the Gaines family attends Antioch Community Church, a non-denominational megachurch.

'Fixer Upper' stars under fire for attending 'anti-gay' church

Aw, so they attended an 'anti-gay' church. Now we have some context. Actions have consequences.
If it's a Christian church, aka preaches the bible, it's anti-gay.

Ah so that is your litmus test.

Not what Jesus preached- but just whether or not the church is anti-gay.

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