Leftists attack "Fixer Upper" hosts Chip and Joanna Gaines for attending Christian Church.

I think its' okay to write an publish an article about what their pastor has said. And I don't think it's controversial to ask them if they would have ever have a same sex couple on their TV show. They should not be afraid to answer the question.

Because they stated their Christian faith ismstrong? I've not found anything they wrote or said, other than that. If you think it is ok to attack someone for simply having faith , well, the Constitution has something to say about that.

This buzzfeed author wishes to attempt to destroy them because they are Christians.

Let's see her go after muslims faith of Islam-a theocracy which doesn't adhere to our Cconstitution- the same way. She would be too chicken to do that, I would bet.
If they don't talk of gays on the show then it should not matter their belief. There is this thing called freedom of religion in our country, remember, or are you suggesting everyone's beliefs of every show on every station should be made public, even though they have refrained from making them public, and then fired for them if they don't match certain individuals beliefs?

Kookoo for cocoapuffs.
So are the Gaineses against same-sex marriage? And would they ever feature a same-sex couple on the show, as have HGTV’s House Hunters and Property Brothers? Emails to Brock Murphy, the public relations director at their company, Magnolia, were not returned. Nor were emails and calls to HGTV’s PR department.

Fixer Upper has fans of all stripes: Christians, feminists, and LGBT viewers have all found something to love in the Gaineses. So in the absence of a response from them or their representatives, it’s worth looking at the severe, unmoving position Seibert and Antioch take on same-sex marriage.

Chip And Joanna Gaines' Church Is Firmly Against Same-Sex Marriage

And they they discuss the position Seibert has about gays in general.

Let me say whoop de fucking do.

They have every right to say or not say what ever they please. Didn't they open their lives and beliefs in their book? They can answer Buzzfeeds questions or not. Buzzfeed can report on the nondenominational church they attend and the beliefs of the pastor of that church all they want to as well.
Look it up. I did.

You started the thread jackass!

It's a guarantee you misrepresented the story by the way . I don't even have to look it up.

You should have.....jackass

But not everyone appreciates those Christian beliefs – especially the militant LGBT crowd.

And now, they are on the warpath.

The Mainstream Media and militant LGBT activists are unleashing their fury over reports the Gaines family attends Antioch Community Church, a non-denominational megachurch.

'Fixer Upper' stars under fire for attending 'anti-gay' church

Aw, so they attended an 'anti-gay' church. Now we have some context. Actions have consequences.

Freedom of religion asshole, it's sort of Constitutional

Yep, which also means freedom from religion. Sounds like these bigots have lost the LGBT folks. Ain't capitalism great.

We'll see just how much it effects the show.
Still waiting for a single quote attacking Joanna and Chip. Still waiting.

Meanwhile this church is just very traditional- appears that they are just as against Trump's third marriage as they are against gay marriage.

Marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime.

Frankly while i don't agree with this church, I don't see anything particularly unusual. The church itself doesn't appear to be stridently against gay marriage, and barely even talks about homosexuality.

A whole lot of outrage about nothing- outrage by Buzzfeed, and outrage about this non-attack on this couple.
Because they stated their Christian faith ismstrong? I've not found anything they wrote or said, other than that. If you think it is ok to attack someone for simply having faith , well, the Constitution has something to say about that.

This buzzfeed author wishes to attempt to destroy them because they are Christians.

Again- where did anyone attempt to destroy them?

Where did anyone attack them for being Christians?

Go ahead- provide those quotes.
Link? Credible proof? Context?
Look it up. I did.

You started the thread jackass!

It's a guarantee you misrepresented the story by the way . I don't even have to look it up.

You should have.....jackass

But not everyone appreciates those Christian beliefs – especially the militant LGBT crowd.

And now, they are on the warpath.

The Mainstream Media and militant LGBT activists are unleashing their fury over reports the Gaines family attends Antioch Community Church, a non-denominational megachurch.

'Fixer Upper' stars under fire for attending 'anti-gay' church

Aw, so they attended an 'anti-gay' church. Now we have some context. Actions have consequences.

This election didn't teach you punk bitches a thing did it? You faghadist bitches have had your day and the consequences are about to swing the other way.
Oh dear! Whatever will we do? You will be slinging harsh words in our direction!
No, they have every right to keep their beliefs private, just as anyone does, if they so choose.

Have you EVER called out Hillary for her and Bill's belief against gay marriage? Wikileaks showed they lied to get the gay vote. They didn't evolve. They admittedly in private are still against it. Yet not a peep from the left. Once again do as I say, not as I do.
I think its' okay to write an publish an article about what their pastor has said. And I don't think it's controversial to ask them if they would have ever have a same sex couple on their TV show. They should not be afraid to answer the question.

Because they stated their Christian faith ismstrong? I've not found anything they wrote or said, other than that. If you think it is ok to attack someone for simply having faith , well, the Constitution has something to say about that.

This buzzfeed author wishes to attempt to destroy them because they are Christians.

Let's see her go after muslims faith of Islam-a theocracy which doesn't adhere to our Cconstitution- the same way. She would be too chicken to do that, I would bet.
If they don't talk of gays on the show then it should not matter their belief. There is this thing called freedom of religion in our country, remember, or are you suggesting everyone's beliefs of every show on every station should be made public, even though they have refrained from making them public, and then fired for them if they don't match certain individuals beliefs?

Kookoo for cocoapuffs.
So are the Gaineses against same-sex marriage? And would they ever feature a same-sex couple on the show, as have HGTV’s House Hunters and Property Brothers? Emails to Brock Murphy, the public relations director at their company, Magnolia, were not returned. Nor were emails and calls to HGTV’s PR department.

Fixer Upper has fans of all stripes: Christians, feminists, and LGBT viewers have all found something to love in the Gaineses. So in the absence of a response from them or their representatives, it’s worth looking at the severe, unmoving position Seibert and Antioch take on same-sex marriage.

Chip And Joanna Gaines' Church Is Firmly Against Same-Sex Marriage

And they they discuss the position Seibert has about gays in general.

Let me say whoop de fucking do.

They have every right to say or not say what ever they please. Didn't they open their lives and beliefs in their book? They can answer Buzzfeeds questions or not. Buzzfeed can report on the nondenominational church they attend and the beliefs of the pastor of that church all they want to as well.
You'd think they'd try to woo these guys.

Imagine what they could do with the trannies.

HeSheJane are you ready to see your fixer-upper?

The LGBT sexual perverts are attacking this couple in the media. Soon, they will go after HGTV and it's advertisers until the network drops the popular show.
Its ok for these perverts to stick up for their sick lifestyle. But hell hath no fury if Christians do the same. I don't attack "Ellen", i just turn the channel.
We conservatives should all help this couple keep their show skyrocketing in the ratings.
Tune in.

I notice you have no link, no quotes, nothing, nada

Missing link. lol. Around here that should be a synonym for 'screw loose' or 'empty seats in the balcony'.
The mere fact that they wrote about their church's beliefs and then tried to question them personally about theirs. .
They never would have written the piece or asked them those questions if they weren'-t attempting to make an issue of their church and show, asking them their beliefs when they have kept private their belief on the issue and have every right to do so.
Even the Washington Post stated it was a dangerous article to Chip and Joanna.
Because they stated their Christian faith ismstrong? I've not found anything they wrote or said, other than that. If you think it is ok to attack someone for simply having faith , well, the Constitution has something to say about that.

This buzzfeed author wishes to attempt to destroy them because they are Christians.

Again- where did anyone attempt to destroy them?

Where did anyone attack them for being Christians?

Go ahead- provide those quotes.
The mere fact that they wrote about their church's beliefs and then tried to question them personally about theirs. ]

Still waiting for those quotes showing anyone attacking them.

Still waiting.

And I will have to keep waiting since you can't find any actual attacks on them- you just have to invent outrage.
They were asked about their TV show. They published a book about themselves so they didn't choose to be private. Didn't read it and not going to read it either.

Let me repeat me.

"They have every right to say or not say what ever they please"

No, they have every right to keep their beliefs private, just as anyone does, if they so choose.

Have you EVER called out Hillary for her and Bill's belief against gay marriage? Wikileaks showed they lied to get the gay vote. They didn't evolve. They admittedly in private are still against it. Yet not a peep from the left. Once again do as I say, not as I do.
I think its' okay to write an publish an article about what their pastor has said. And I don't think it's controversial to ask them if they would have ever have a same sex couple on their TV show. They should not be afraid to answer the question.

Because they stated their Christian faith ismstrong? I've not found anything they wrote or said, other than that. If you think it is ok to attack someone for simply having faith , well, the Constitution has something to say about that.

This buzzfeed author wishes to attempt to destroy them because they are Christians.

Let's see her go after muslims faith of Islam-a theocracy which doesn't adhere to our Cconstitution- the same way. She would be too chicken to do that, I would bet.
If they don't talk of gays on the show then it should not matter their belief. There is this thing called freedom of religion in our country, remember, or are you suggesting everyone's beliefs of every show on every station should be made public, even though they have refrained from making them public, and then fired for them if they don't match certain individuals beliefs?

Kookoo for cocoapuffs.
So are the Gaineses against same-sex marriage? And would they ever feature a same-sex couple on the show, as have HGTV’s House Hunters and Property Brothers? Emails to Brock Murphy, the public relations director at their company, Magnolia, were not returned. Nor were emails and calls to HGTV’s PR department.

Fixer Upper has fans of all stripes: Christians, feminists, and LGBT viewers have all found something to love in the Gaineses. So in the absence of a response from them or their representatives, it’s worth looking at the severe, unmoving position Seibert and Antioch take on same-sex marriage.

Chip And Joanna Gaines' Church Is Firmly Against Same-Sex Marriage

And they they discuss the position Seibert has about gays in general.

Let me say whoop de fucking do.

They have every right to say or not say what ever they please. Didn't they open their lives and beliefs in their book? They can answer Buzzfeeds questions or not. Buzzfeed can report on the nondenominational church they attend and the beliefs of the pastor of that church all they want to as well.
No, they have every right to keep their beliefs private, just as anyone does, if they so choose.

Have you EVER called out Hillary for her and Bill's belief against gay marriage? Wikileaks showed they lied to get the gay vote. They didn't evolve. They admittedly in private are still against it. Yet not a peep from the left. Once again do as I say, not as I do.
I think its' okay to write an publish an article about what their pastor has said. And I don't think it's controversial to ask them if they would have ever have a same sex couple on their TV show. They should not be afraid to answer the question.

Because they stated their Christian faith ismstrong? I've not found anything they wrote or said, other than that. If you think it is ok to attack someone for simply having faith , well, the Constitution has something to say about that.

This buzzfeed author wishes to attempt to destroy them because they are Christians.

Let's see her go after muslims faith of Islam-a theocracy which doesn't adhere to our Cconstitution- the same way. She would be too chicken to do that, I would bet.
If they don't talk of gays on the show then it should not matter their belief. There is this thing called freedom of religion in our country, remember, or are you suggesting everyone's beliefs of every show on every station should be made public, even though they have refrained from making them public, and then fired for them if they don't match certain individuals beliefs?

Kookoo for cocoapuffs.
So are the Gaineses against same-sex marriage? And would they ever feature a same-sex couple on the show, as have HGTV’s House Hunters and Property Brothers? Emails to Brock Murphy, the public relations director at their company, Magnolia, were not returned. Nor were emails and calls to HGTV’s PR department.

Fixer Upper has fans of all stripes: Christians, feminists, and LGBT viewers have all found something to love in the Gaineses. So in the absence of a response from them or their representatives, it’s worth looking at the severe, unmoving position Seibert and Antioch take on same-sex marriage.

Chip And Joanna Gaines' Church Is Firmly Against Same-Sex Marriage

And they they discuss the position Seibert has about gays in general.

Let me say whoop de fucking do.

They have every right to say or not say what ever they please. Didn't they open their lives and beliefs in their book? They can answer Buzzfeeds questions or not. Buzzfeed can report on the nondenominational church they attend and the beliefs of the pastor of that church all they want to as well.

Sounds like you believe all that distorted, doctored, fake news that Putin and Assange spoon fed you.
The LGBT sexual perverts are attacking this couple in the media. Soon, they will go after HGTV and it's advertisers until the network drops the popular show.
Its ok for these perverts to stick up for their sick lifestyle. But hell hath no fury if Christians do the same. I don't attack "Ellen", i just turn the channel.
We conservatives should all help this couple keep their show skyrocketing in the ratings.
Tune in.

Homosexuality is the official religion of the nation. Those who fail to follow this religion will pay the price.
No, Obama lied. He said sitting in the pew for 20 years he never heard anything negative about America come out of Wrights mouth. And Michelle said after 40 years, she was for the firsst time proud of America. So she spent 40 years pretty much hating America.

Nowhere have Chip and Joanna lied about anything. They have just chosen not to answer questions regarding their faith, knowing someone is attempting to destroy them.

Proper thread etiquette is that you post a link wh your story .
I know righties don't like to do that because you just like to make things up .

Dude, most of the posters here, libtards and conservative and those between post a link.

But here ya go, took me five minutes.

Chip And Joanna Gaines' Church Is Firmly Against Same-Sex Marriage

The political left is full of a bunch of goose stepping fascists and little snowflakes like you accuse everyone else of lying rather than simply facing the uncomfortable fact that Stalin would be more comfortable in the Dimocratic Party today than JFK or FDR would be, in fact the last two would be REPUBLICANS if they lived today.

The political right is full of a bunch of goose stepping fascists who think any article in a newspaper is an attack on them.

The fact is that no one has attacked Chip and Joanna for either their Christian beliefs or for attending this church.

Unlike the hypocritical right who attack President Obama for the church he attended and demanded he declare whether or not his beliefs were what was preached at that church.

What did Rev Wright say that isn't said in all these churches .
Link? Credible proof? Context?
Look it up. I did.

You started the thread jackass!

It's a guarantee you misrepresented the story by the way . I don't even have to look it up.

You should have.....jackass

But not everyone appreciates those Christian beliefs – especially the militant LGBT crowd.

And now, they are on the warpath.

The Mainstream Media and militant LGBT activists are unleashing their fury over reports the Gaines family attends Antioch Community Church, a non-denominational megachurch.

'Fixer Upper' stars under fire for attending 'anti-gay' church

Aw, so they attended an 'anti-gay' church. Now we have some context. Actions have consequences.

Hey dumb fuck!!! Most Churches are against the gay lifestyle.

Hey dumb fuck. Churches are pretty much against everything ! But righties cherry pick what they want to justify there hatred for the gays .
The LGBT sexual perverts are attacking this couple in the media. Soon, they will go after HGTV and it's advertisers until the network drops the popular show.
Its ok for these perverts to stick up for their sick lifestyle. But hell hath no fury if Christians do the same. I don't attack "Ellen", i just turn the channel.
We conservatives should all help this couple keep their show skyrocketing in the ratings.
Tune in.

Meh, give them time. they will get pissed and boycott something else. But, Im thinking they will lose a ton of good will much like BLM has.
No, Obama lied. He said sitting in the pew for 20 years he never heard anything negative about America come out of Wrights mouth. And Michelle said after 40 years, she was for the firsst time proud of America. So she spent 40 years pretty much hating America.

Nowhere have Chip and Joanna lied about anything. They have just chosen not to answer questions regarding their faith, knowing someone is attempting to destroy them.

Proper thread etiquette is that you post a link wh your story .
I know righties don't like to do that because you just like to make things up .

Dude, most of the posters here, libtards and conservative and those between post a link.

But here ya go, took me five minutes.

Chip And Joanna Gaines' Church Is Firmly Against Same-Sex Marriage

The political left is full of a bunch of goose stepping fascists and little snowflakes like you accuse everyone else of lying rather than simply facing the uncomfortable fact that Stalin would be more comfortable in the Dimocratic Party today than JFK or FDR would be, in fact the last two would be REPUBLICANS if they lived today.

The political right is full of a bunch of goose stepping fascists who think any article in a newspaper is an attack on them.

The fact is that no one has attacked Chip and Joanna for either their Christian beliefs or for attending this church.

Unlike the hypocritical right who attack President Obama for the church he attended and demanded he declare whether or not his beliefs were what was preached at that church.

What did Rev Wright say that isn't said in all these churches .

Everything. Defiantly aint from the bible.
The LGBT sexual perverts are attacking this couple in the media. Soon, they will go after HGTV and it's advertisers until the network drops the popular show.
Its ok for these perverts to stick up for their sick lifestyle. But hell hath no fury if Christians do the same. I don't attack "Ellen", i just turn the channel.
We conservatives should all help this couple keep their show skyrocketing in the ratings.
Tune in.

Link? Credible proof? Context?
Look it up. I did.

You started the thread jackass!

It's a guarantee you misrepresented the story by the way . I don't even have to look it up.

You should have.....jackass

But not everyone appreciates those Christian beliefs – especially the militant LGBT crowd.

And now, they are on the warpath.

The Mainstream Media and militant LGBT activists are unleashing their fury over reports the Gaines family attends Antioch Community Church, a non-denominational megachurch.

'Fixer Upper' stars under fire for attending 'anti-gay' church

Aw, so they attended an 'anti-gay' church. Now we have some context. Actions have consequences.


Sure, like one man sticking his dick in another mans rectum should.

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