Zone1 Leftists, do you agree that kids should receive sex-change operations without parental knowing?

Again, your sexual hangups aren't really my problem.
As long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, there's not a problem with sex.

You might have a point, if your pet perverts were not, with your enthusiastic blessing, openly going after children. That's a rather important part of the point of this thread.
You might have a point, if your pet perverts were not, with your enthusiastic blessing, openly going after children. That's a rather important part of the point of this thread.
Medical professionals are sexual perverts now?

Look, man, if you want to have a sensible discussion about what point medical interventions are needed to treat gender dysphoria, I'm fine with that, as long as it is based on sound medicine and not "God Says It's Icky".
Medical professionals are sexual perverts now?

Anyone who wants to encourage minors into immoral fucked-up sexual perversion is more than just a pervert. That is the sort that should be branded for life as dangerous sex offenders.

The only way their profession is related is if they use their status as members of a respected profession as cover for their sick, harmful behavior.
Anyone who wants to encourage minors into immoral fucked-up sexual perversion is more than just a pervert. That is the sort that should be branded for life as dangerous sex offenders.

How are they "encouraging them", exactly? By telling them what they are? Your whole premise is that no one would be LGBTQ+ unless someone told them that was a thing. Any LGBTQ person would tell you how laughable that is. They knew they were different at a pretty early age.

The only way their profession is related is if they use their status as members of a respected profession as cover for their sick, harmful behavior.
See, here's your problem, Bob... this is about your sensibilities, not what constitutes best care.

You freak out about the very small number of kids who get gender affirming care (less than 5% of transgender youth) but don't bat an eye about the millions of kids who are pumped up with Ritalin to make them more manageable for teachers who probably should be doing something else for a living.
How are they "encouraging them", exactly? By telling them what they are? Your whole premise is that no one would be LGBTQ+ unless someone told them that was a thing. Any LGBTQ person would tell you how laughable that is. They knew they were different at a pretty early age.

A boy is not a girl.

Telling a boy that he is a girl, encouraging him to believe that, is abusive and harmful. And subjecting him to quasi-medical Frankensteinery that fucks his body up for life, to reinforce that falsehood, even more so.

For that matter, encouraging any minor, toward any fucked-up sexual perversion, is abusive and harmful.

That you even think of defending this shit tells us all that anyone needs to know about you; not that it is anything that we do not all already know about you.

This is what the bill does. First it doesn't say that children can simply go to California to get sex-change surgeries. What it does say that when theirs a dispute over it a judge CAN decide to allow gender affirming care. Not WILL. Sex-change surgeries on minors do need permission from at least a parent.

As for the question itself.

I can imagine situations where this would make sense. Broken home. One parent who has custody sees that the child is in need of gender affirming care. The other parent who is at odds doesn't want to allow it. What is the solution that's best for the kid here?

The problem here is that you and people like you have decided that the trans community is your enemy. Because being homophobic has gone out of style. So now it's a convenient cultural issue that with the proper misinformation is a political boon.

After all. "Democrats want to allow doctors to cut off little children's penises" sounds bad and is easily understood to be bad for those that don't bother to actually look at what's really going on.

Dont think that because a citizen opposing sex reassignment surgery for young folks that AUTOMATICALLY makes them "
decided that the trans community is your enemy.

That's just bunk. What IS NOT bunk is that the surgical decision IS about "cutting off little childrens' penises (or boobs)"

A judge is just a surrogate for the law AND to some extent -- community values. To have a law on this -- it can NOT BE EVEN a self declaration of which 39 genders the CHILD prefers. SO -- any activist judges that rule in favor of such surgery should have to take responsibility for the FUTURE OUTCOMES of that decision. And we KNOW the "regret rate" is AWFULLY damn high - if suicide doesn't end that life first.

So the community weighs in with equal weight on issues like this one. Sex reassignment surgery in MOST ALL parent minds is something left for a decision WITH a child's INFORMED and tested consent at LATER AGES....

There's a whole lot of years to contemplate regrets.

A new study from the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law finds that 81% of transgender adults in the U.S. have thought about suicide, 42% of transgender adults have attempted it, and 56% have engaged in non-suicidal self-injury over their lifetimes.

While transgender and cisgender adults reported similar rates of hazardous drinking and problematic drug use, transgender people were significantly more likely to experience poor mental health during their lifetimes. Compared to cisgender adults, transgender adults were seven times more likely to contemplate suicide, four times more likely to attempt it, and eight times more likely to engage in non-suicidal self-injury.

I really have given up on California. It's doomed to a one party rule, totalitarian dystopia. So if they want to host trans surgeries for residents of states that prohibit them on the very young -- go for it. That's how freedom of choice should work over 50 states.

But ANY state has the right to pass legislation prohibiting gender surgeries as they see fit.
A boy is not a girl.

Telling a boy that he is a girl, encouraging him to believe that, is abusive and harmful. And subjecting him to quasi-medical Frankensteinery that fucks his body up for life, to reinforce that falsehood, even more so.

For that matter, encouraging any minor, toward any fucked-up sexual perversion, is abusive and harmful.

That you even think of defending this shit tells us all that anyone needs to know about you; not that it is anything that we do not all already know about you.
The irony is that you're the delusional one thinking yourself qualified to make these medical assessments. 😄
Dont think that because a citizen opposing sex reassignment surgery for young folks that AUTOMATICALLY makes them "

That's just bunk. What IS NOT bunk is that the surgical decision IS about "cutting off little childrens' penises (or boobs)"

A judge is just a surrogate for the law AND to some extent -- community values. To have a law on this -- it can NOT BE EVEN a self declaration of which 39 genders the CHILD prefers. SO -- any activist judges that rule in favor of such surgery should have to take responsibility for the FUTURE OUTCOMES of that decision. And we KNOW the "regret rate" is AWFULLY damn high - if suicide doesn't end that life first.

So the community weighs in with equal weight on issues like this one. Sex reassignment surgery in MOST ALL parent minds is something left for a decision WITH a child's INFORMED and tested consent at LATER AGES....

There's a whole lot of years to contemplate regrets.

A new study from the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law finds that 81% of transgender adults in the U.S. have thought about suicide, 42% of transgender adults have attempted it, and 56% have engaged in non-suicidal self-injury over their lifetimes.

While transgender and cisgender adults reported similar rates of hazardous drinking and problematic drug use, transgender people were significantly more likely to experience poor mental health during their lifetimes. Compared to cisgender adults, transgender adults were seven times more likely to contemplate suicide, four times more likely to attempt it, and eight times more likely to engage in non-suicidal self-injury.

I really have given up on California. It's doomed to a one party rule, totalitarian dystopia. So if they want to host trans surgeries for residents of states that prohibit them on the very young -- go for it. That's how freedom of choice should work over 50 states.

But ANY state has the right to pass legislation prohibiting gender surgeries as they see fit.
Is there some reason you didn't quote what came after and what they attributed to higher rates of suicide? Don't worry, I'll do it for you.

“The rates of suicidal ideation and self-injury among transgender people are alarming—particularly for transgender nonbinary adults,” said study author Ilan H. Meyer, Distinguished Senior Scholar of Public Policy at the Williams Institute. “A lack of societal recognition and acceptance of gender identities outside of the binary of cisgender man or woman and increasing politically motivated attacks on transgender individuals, increase stigma and prejudice and related exposure to minority stress, which contributes to the high rates of substance use and suicidality we see among transgender people.”
The irony is that you're the delusional one thinking yourself qualified to make these medical assessments. 😄


Because, according to that ignorant bimbo that was recently put on the Supreme Court, one has to be a biologist to know what a woman is, right?

Of got news for you.

Human beings have known very well what distinguishes a man from a woman, since long before there was any organized form of medical science. Without this knowledge, our species would have died out a very long time ago.

Because, according to that ignorant bimbo that was recently put on the Supreme Court, one has to be a biologist to know what a woman is, right?

Of got news for you.

Human beings have known very well what distinguishes a man from a woman, since long before there was any organized form of medical science. Without this knowledge, our species would have died out a very long time ago.
So post the teachings from cavemen where you got your ideology from. 😄
So post the teachings from cavemen where you got your ideology from.

It's written in my DNA. I am descended from those who knew the difference between male and female, and who made proper application of this difference in order to pass their traits on to many generations of offspring.

It would have only taken one aberration among my long line of ancestors to cut that line, and result in me not existing.
It's written in my DNA. I am descended from those who knew the difference between male and female, and who made proper application of this difference in order to pass their traits on to many generations of offspring.

It would have only taken one aberration among my long line of ancestors to cut that line, and result in me not existing.
Man you really don't know how to logic. 😄 If your argument is that being born is what allows you to know the difference between male and female then by logical extension you're arguing everyone knows the difference. 😄
Man you really don't know how to logic. 😄 If your argument is that being born is what allows you to know the difference between male and female then by logical extension you're arguing everyone knows the difference. 😄

I would never have been born, if my father and my mother did not recognize, and make proper use of, the distinction between male and female.

Or if my grandparents had not done so.

Or my great grandparents.

And so on.
I would never have been born, if my father and my mother did not recognize, and make proper use of, the distinction between male and female.

Or if my grandparents had not done so.

Or my great grandparents.

And so on.
And procreation is the only way to tell males from females? What about people who haven't procreated or can't? To you they're just sexless human beings? Your caveman knowledge doesn't extend that far? 😄
And procreation is the only way to tell males from females? What about people who haven't procreated or can't? To you they're just sexless human beings? Your caveman knowledge doesn't extend that far? 😄

Almost everyone, from a very young age, with the exception of fucked-up mental cases such as yourself, knows how to tell a boy from a girl.

Almost everyone, from a very young age, with the exception of fucked-up mental cases such as yourself, knows how to tell a boy from a girl.

So castrated men aren't men? Cavemen and movie knowledge really isn't helping you to find a coherent definition. :itsok: Maybe try reading a book?
So castrated men aren't men? Cavemen and movie knowledge really isn't helping you to find a coherent definition. :itsok: Maybe try reading a book?

The only thing that needs to be said about morality is that it's subjective and is therefore as useless of an objective measurement as any other subjective opinion.

Morality is not subjective. Morality comes from God.
Is there some reason you didn't quote what came after and what they attributed to higher rates of suicide? Don't worry, I'll do it for you.

“The rates of suicidal ideation and self-injury among transgender people are alarming—particularly for transgender nonbinary adults,” said study author Ilan H. Meyer, Distinguished Senior Scholar of Public Policy at the Williams Institute. “A lack of societal recognition and acceptance of gender identities outside of the binary of cisgender man or woman and increasing politically motivated attacks on transgender individuals, increase stigma and prejudice and related exposure to minority stress, which contributes to the high rates of substance use and suicidality we see among transgender people.”

All horseshit. Transgender people kill themselves because they are severely ill. Folks like you perpetuate the lie that they can change their sex but deep down they know they know the truth. They can NEVER change their sex. So why do you folks keep telling them that they can? Are you next going to "affirm" to a 90-pound anorexic teen girl that she is "fat" as she believes?
Morality is not subjective. Morality comes from God.
Which God? Can you prove this God objectively exists?
All horseshit. Transgender people kill themselves because they are severely ill. Folks like you perpetuate the lie that they can change their sex but deep down they know they know the truth. They can NEVER change their sex. So why do you folks keep telling them that they can? Are you next going to "affirm" to a 90-pound anorexic teen girl that she is "fat" as she believes?
Take it up with the poster who offered it up as evidence. 😄

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