Zone1 Leftists, do you agree that kids should receive sex-change operations without parental knowing?

You do understand, don't you, that none of that quasi-medical Frankensteinery can make a person of one sex into the actual opposite sex, right? The best it can do is a superficial, nonfunctioning counterfeit of the opposite sex.
You don't really understand much about science which is why you hardly ever talk actual science and instead engage in name calling and references to works of fiction. Previously I spoke of hormones because hormones and genes are what cause the body to form one set of sex organs over another. As a fetus the same tissue in me that formed my male genitals would form female genitals under different chromosomal and hormonal differences. For instance it's typically the Y chromosome that influences the growth of male genitals in fetuses but some females also have this Y chromosome coupled with androgen insensitivity syndrome so while their body produces the hormones that would influence the growth of male genitals their cells don't absorb this hormone and so that male genital growth never occurs.

Does having a Y chromosome make someone a man? | Intersex Society of North America

Basically, when we administer puberty blockers and give hormone treatments we are preventing some biological changes and influencing others because again, it isn't magic that causes sex differences but hormones and genes. Some changes are superficial, currently, others are biologically induced through the introduction of the same hormones that cause these changes naturally. There is little doubt in my mind that with the work we are currently doing with gene editing that one day all of these changes will be biologically identical to naturally induced sex organs just as there really isn't much difference from a natural hard on and a chemically induced one.
An insane man who thinks he is a woman, who has all of that done to him, is still not a woman; he's still a man, albeit a badly fucked-up, mutilated, ruined form of a man.
You're not medically trained enough to make objective determinations of other people's sanity. You can't even properly state the issue. Trans people aren't confused about what set of genitalia they have. An inherent property of being trans is to feel an incongruity with your body and your identity. Insane people don't know they're insane.
Apparently, children can travel to California and get sex-change surgeries without their parents knowledge or consent. Do you support that?

round 40% re on the autism spectrum and re not legally competent

85% of these kids solve their issues nturlly s they enter young adulthood

it is becoming clearer that this whole transexual thing is a sexual turn on for libs........they really like is an aphrodisiac to liberal
You don't really understand much about science which is why you hardly ever talk actual science and instead engage in name calling and references to works of fiction. Previously I spoke of hormones because hormones and genes are what cause the body to form one set of sex organs over another. As a fetus the same tissue in me that formed my male genitals would form female genitals under different chromosomal and hormonal differences. For instance it's typically the Y chromosome that influences the growth of male genitals in fetuses but some females also have this Y chromosome coupled with androgen insensitivity syndrome so while their body produces the hormones that would influence the growth of male genitals their cells don't absorb this hormone and so that male genital growth never occurs.

Does having a Y chromosome make someone a man? | Intersex Society of North America

Basically, when we administer puberty blockers and give hormone treatments we are preventing some biological changes and influencing others because again, it isn't magic that causes sex differences but hormones and genes. Some changes are superficial, currently, others are biologically induced through the introduction of the same hormones that cause these changes naturally. There is little doubt in my mind that with the work we are currently doing with gene editing that one day all of these changes will be biologically identical to naturally induced sex organs just as there really isn't much difference from a natural hard on and a chemically induced one.

You're not medically trained enough to make objective determinations of other people's sanity. You can't even properly state the issue. Trans people aren't confused about what set of genitalia they have. An inherent property of being trans is to feel an incongruity with your body and your identity. Insane people don't know they're insane.
40% of these kids re on the autism spectrum

this trans sexual issue is only about a turn on for you love this fantasy crap
40% of these kids re on the autism spectrum

this trans sexual issue is only about a turn on for you love this fantasy crap
1. You haven't qualified that claim with any evidence.

2. You haven't tried to intellectually explain what you're trying to imply with that claim.

3. You're the one who literally just fantasized me being turned on by this. You certainly don't have any objective evidence of it.
1. You haven't qualified that claim with any evidence.

2. You haven't tried to intellectually explain what you're trying to imply with that claim.

3. You're the one who literally just fantasized me being turned on by this. You certainly don't have any objective evidence of it.
I just started a thread in Badlands that will properly address your issues.
Yes, you keep citing that bullshit study, in the face of how obviously absurd the conclusion is.

Does the deep, intense hatred that you regularly express toward human beings, that have any sense of ethics or morals, mean that deep down, you are actually a latent, self-hating human being with disturbing inclinations toward ethics and morals, rather than the façade that you constantly wear of a soulless, Godless, subhuman sociopath?

Well, the thing is, I don't confuse "religion" for "ethics and morals". I have my own code of ethics and morals, probably too influenced by my Catholic upbringing. What I don't buy into are a lot of bronze age superstitions. My experience in life that most religious people tend to be flaming hypocrites. You know, like THIS woman.

Wow, so this good "Christian" had a "Threesome". Now, this is something I would never do, because my wife would probably not be keen on it and it would be disrepectful to her.

Not by any definition that I use.

A woman, by definition, is an adult female human. Not all women are fertile, and that is not part of any rational definition thereof; any more than having two arms and two legs is a part of the definition of a human, and that anyone who is missing a limb is therefore not human.

Except your definition is confused. A lot of cisgendered women can't have babies, and a lot of transgender women you could pass on the street and never know they are trans.

They put me on Ritalin for a while, but it really didn't help anything. There was never anything truly wrong with me, nothing really to treat or to try to cure; I was just different. A bit like being left-handed, and growing up in a world set up by and for, and inhabited almost exclusively by right-handed people.

Oh, there is so much wrong with you, buddy. The intolerance and hate, the whacky cult, the weird stalking.

I can be a little more sympathetic knowing you are on the spectrum, but not much.

So you can sympathize with left-handed people or people on the spectrum, but a transgender person in a cisgender world, well, that's just too much!!!

You see why this isn't about what's wrong with them, it's what's wrong with you.

I dispute that it is any kind of treatment at all.

A man who thinks that he is a woman is fucked in the head; there is nothing otherwise wrong with his body.

As a matter of undeniable biological fact, it is impossible to turn a man into a woman.

Except is it shown to have benefits. Transgender people who get gender-affirming care are less likely to commit suicide than ones who don't.

After his genitalia have been destroyed, his capacity to enjoy any kind of sexual sensation destroyed, his health ruined, his body otherwise mutilated and damaged; all in a futile effort to force his body to conform to his delusions; sooner or later, he is going to have to face the unalterable reality that he is still not a woman, that his mind every bit as fucked up as it was before, but now his body is also irreversibly fucked up as well.

His health ruined, his body ruined, his chance at any kind of a normal social life, much less a romantic/sexual life ruined.

To see this as any kind of improvement, I think, would require being almost as fucked up in the head as it would take to actually be a tranny.

you seem to have all this expertise about how transgenders SHOULD feel, but you've admitted that you don't know any and have never talked to one about her feelings.
Lol at JoeB131 the abortionist lecturing to the rest of us about morals.

Lol at JoeB131 the abortionist lecturing to the rest of us about morals.
Fetuses aren't people under US Law, so there's nothing immoral about abortion.

If your side was serious about less abortions, then you'd support contraception, sex education, paid family leave and universal health care.
Fetuses aren't people under US Law, so there's nothing immoral about abortion.

If your side was serious about less abortions, then you'd support contraception, sex education, paid family leave and universal health care.

You serve your master, Satan, very well!
Lol at JoeB131 the abortionist lecturing to the rest of us about morals.

View attachment 868880

Not just on abortion. As demonstrated here, he is someone who openly takes the side of fucked-up sexual perverts. Elsewhere, he is consistently seen openly taking the side of violent, subhuman criminals against that of human beings. He takes the side of the Hamas terrorists murdering Jews, a reflection of his proud Nazi heritage.

Wherever good is in conflict with evil, wherever reason is in conflict with madness, he is nearly always found standing firmly on the side of evil and madness.
Not just on abortion. As demonstrated here, he is someone who openly takes the side of fucked-up sexual perverts. Elsewhere, he is consistently seen openly taking the side of violent, subhuman criminals against that of human beings. He takes the side of the Hamas terrorists murdering Jews, a reflection of his proud Nazi heritage.

Wherever good is in conflict with evil, wherever reason is in conflict with madness, he is nearly always found standing firmly on the side of evil and madness.
If the basis for your beliefs is voodoo then why not state it proudly? Why pretend that it's science or rational thought? That pretense is just evidence of your internal shame. 😄
Oh, there is so much wrong with you, buddy.

Buddy is my cat. I wonder if pets count as family members with regard to the rule against attacking family. You do not know my cat, and you certainly have no basis on which to say that there is anything wrong with him.

You serve your master, Satan, very well!
When you talk about Satan like it's a real thing, it's hard to take you seriously.

I serve my master, Santa, very well.


Not just on abortion. As demonstrated here, he is someone who openly takes the side of fucked-up sexual perverts.
Again, your sexual hangups aren't really my problem.

As long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, there's not a problem with sex.

Elsewhere, he is consistently seen openly taking the side of violent, subhuman criminals against that of human beings.
It's not a zero sum game, guy. We have crime because we have problems in our society we REFUSE to address.

He takes the side of the Hamas terrorists murdering Jews, a reflection of his proud Nazi heritage.
Uh, the Zionists are the new Nazis.

"The Germans killed the Jews
and the Jews killed the Arabs
and the Arabs killed the hostages,
and that is the news...
Is it any wonder that the monkey's confused?

Roger Waters, Amused to Death.
Buddy is my cat. I wonder if pets count as family members with regard to the rule against attacking family. You do not know my cat, and you certainly have no basis on which to say that there is anything wrong with him.
The things that poor cat has seen!

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