Zone1 Leftists, do you agree that kids should receive sex-change operations without parental knowing?

A person identifying with a different gender is rare. Changing their mind after is rarer still. In the end though it doesn't matter. Unless of course they've taken the drastic step of surgery.

What you're saying is that people should feel guilty for identifying with another gender because very rarely they change their mind later. A problem THEY not you, have to deal with if that occurs.

It seems to me that your problems with transgenders is exactly that. A problem you have.

Regret after changing is not at all rare within the group, which is those that transition. Quit obfuscating.
Forkup, you're a smart guy, so I'm hoping for an intelligent answer to this:

Why do Democrats, woke, liberals, or whatever you want to call them do that? Minimize what is happening to children who receive "gender affirming care?"

This thread is not about people who believe they are in the wrong body wanting to be "legally classified" as the sex/gender they believe they really are. It is about children young enough that parental consent is normally required for any medical treatment having their bodies surgically treated and altered in ways that hinder their normal healthy physical development, and sometimes destroy or remove vital organs, such as breasts, vaginas, penises, and testicles.

What perplexes me is that you know this. I won't even entertain the notion that an intelligent poster like you does not know it. So why pretend otherwise? You absolutely saw the question, understood what the OP was asking, but then decided to join the thread by pretending the question was something else.

Why the subterfuge?

You're not the only progressive who does this. All of them do, on this topic. With the others, I don't bother to ask them why, because I know why.

I often disagree with you, but up until this very post, you have always been straightforward in what you believe and offered reasonable arguments for it. Yet on this one topic, you have to lie to even participate in the discussion.

No surgeon is going to operate on a minor without parental permission or a decision from the court.
No surgeon is going to operate on a minor without parental permission or a decision from the court.
Yes. Surada. sigh

Liberal judges overriding parental judgements to surgicalize a child's mental concerns is what the thread is about.

Not legally classifying a male as a female as forkup pretended.
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do you agree to congressional brain transplants w/out consent?

So citizens shouldn't discuss, debate, and decide the laws of their communities?
The law in your state, sure!

But we are a republic and other states may disagree with the laws in your state, and have their own laws applied.
Children only get those drugs under supervision of medical professionals. It's not like you simply go to a pharmacy and pick them up like it's Tylenol. Again, most children who get these drugs are much more comfortable after.

Let me put it like this. Not allowing those drugs for children who want and need them cause some of them to commit suicide. In fact, and I won't say I have data to support it, this is more common than children changing their mind after they have been given gender affirming care. I dare say being dead has a more profound effect than having to live with the effects of been given hormones when you're young.

The suicide tactic from the left is deplorable and a lie. Many of the kids have mental issue that go untreated because they are deceived by the lie of transition will solve all your problems. What ends up happening is all the complications from transition make things worse.
You're still being dishonest. Still minimizing to avoid discussing the actual topic.

Surgery is included in "gender affirming care." Underage people have had organs removed. Under these California law the can do it without parental consent but "consent" from a judge.That is the topic of the thread.

Your posts are like arguing against banning the death penalty by claiming no one actually gets executed.
Now you are being dishonest. The OP not me changed the premise. After which Mac asked other questions. And NO read my original response. Surgery (the removal of organs) does require consent from at least one parent. I looked it up. Another reason I said that the OP premise was at the very least misleading if not outright misinformation.
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If men are not allowed in women’s bathrooms a rapist will not have much time time to accomplish his goal before someone calls the cops
Lol. If one is intent on rape, a law on entering bathrooms is the least of the worries. As to the rest. What "time" does being allowed in a bathroom afford that not being allowed doesn't?

As I said I played sports my entire life. It's almost statistically certain that some of the people I shared a shower with were gay. Maybe one of them found my sexually attractive (maybe he was blind). Quite a few of them were bigger than me. Should those facts now prevent gays from showering with heterosexuals?

I always wonder why people think that being gay or transgender means the norms against sexual assault are all of a sudden more easily broken.

Another good, tangentially related question is why the people who are against transgenders using bathrooms are in general the same people who support a guy who admitted publicly on tape he walks into womans dressing rooms to see beautiful woman naked. Something that subsequently was confirmed by several woman, one of which was 15 at the time of the incident.
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no. but there could be exceptions.

can you imagine a case where the parents might be required to be uniformed? me either. bit i do not think about this as much as conservative busybodies do.

Read my sig.

I stand between a child and anyone who thinks it's a good idea to sexually assault that child IN ANY WAY.

And many millions stand with me.

Now you are being dishonest. The OP not me changed the premise. After which Mac asked other questions. And NO read my original response. Surgery (the removal of organs does require consent) from at least one parent. I looked it up. Another reason I said that the OP premise was at the very least misleading if not outright misinformation.
If you looked it up, please post it. That's another thing progressive posters do that you're not usually guilty of, claiming they saw something somewhere when copying and pasting a link would have taken ten seconds.

The OP asks a simple yes or no question: do you agree that kids should receive sex change operations without parental knowing?

"It never happens" is a dodge.
Apparently, children can travel to California and get sex-change surgeries without their parents knowledge or consent. Do you support that?

The guy doesn't know wtf he is talking about.
If you looked it up, please post it. That's another thing progressive posters do that you're not usually guilty of, claiming they saw something somewhere when copying and pasting a link would have taken ten seconds.

The OP asks a simple yes or no question: do you agree that kids should receive sex change operations without parental knowing?

"It never happens" is a dodge.
It is no dodge it is the truth.
If you looked it up, please post it. That's another thing progressive posters do that you're not usually guilty of, claiming they saw something somewhere when copying and pasting a link would have taken ten seconds.

The OP asks a simple yes or no question: do you agree that kids should receive sex change operations without parental knowing?

"It never happens" is a dodge.
The California bill referenced in the bill would not change parental custody laws, according to the bill sponsor and legal experts. It also won’t change requirements for parental consent, which is currently required for gender-affirming surgery.

It is absolutely time for people with brains to accept that their children need to be kept completely out of the system, period.

If the system doesn't know your child exists, the system will be unable to get its foul hands on your child. The way to keep your child safe from the evil we're talking about in this thread is to keep the system from knowing your child exists.


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