Zone1 Leftists, do you agree that kids should receive sex-change operations without parental knowing?

The only witch hunt is the left going after people trying to save children from these butchers.
Gender affirming care doesn’t necessarily mean surgery on minors. Medical care should be determined by doctors, the patient and the parents in the case of a minor, not politicians.

And ya…it is a witch-hunt….it goes far beyond just the medical side. Even mentioning transgender can get a person in trouble with the torch and pitchfork crowd.
Apparently, children can travel to California and get sex-change surgeries without their parents knowledge or consent. Do you support that?

Well, I have asked a number of people if a 12 year old should be allowed a tattoo. As we know, kids of that age, not a life changing thing, can't get a tattoo, but they support kids getting life changing sex operations. But not one answered.

So as you ask, "Apparently, children can travel to California and get sex-change surgeries without their parents knowledge or consent. Do you support that?", could they answer the tattoo question and relate the two.
Gender affirming care doesn’t necessarily mean surgery on minors. Medical care should be determined by doctors, the patient and the parents in the case of a minor, not politicians.

And ya…it is a witch-hunt….it goes far beyond just the medical side. Even mentioning transgender can get a person in trouble with the torch and pitchfork crowd.
Your side is giving children drugs that will affect them for the rest of their lives

You are creating lib Frankenstein monsters even without the surgeons scalpel

Calling it “gender affirming” is a lie

Its gender altering
Your side is giving children drugs that will affect them for the rest of their lives

You are creating lib Frankenstein monsters even without the surgeons scalpel

Calling it “gender affirming” is a lie

Its gender altering
Would you oppose it if gender affirming care was limited to social transitioning?
Would you oppose it if gender affirming care was limited to social transitioning?
If the parents are informed and sign a waver

I still wouldnt approve but its none of my business at that point

I would however support sacking the school board that allows such a thing to go on
I would depend on the case. If you had one parent who took him to the doctor, but the other parent is a religious bigot, then, yes, I can see where they should be able to get gender affirming care. .

Of course everyone here knows that what you mean by “religious bigot” is anyone who accepts sound science over the insane delusions of fucked-up mental cases that don't know the difference between male and female.
"It never happens" is a dodge.

No, this is a Dodge…


Or at least that's how it's branded. It's really some sort of weird Alfa Romeo/FIAT/Hyundai/Mercedes Benz/Chrysler mongrel.
Gender affirming care doesn’t necessarily mean surgery on minors. Medical care should be determined by doctors, the patient and the parents in the case of a minor, not politicians.

Any kind of “gender affirming care” applied to minors is abusive and malpractice, and anyone having any willing part in it needs to face serious criminal charges, a very, very, very long time in prison, and to be flagged for life as a dangerous sex offender.

Boys are not, and cannot become, girls; and girls are not, and cannot become boys. Any procedure that purports to “affirm” one as the other is pure fraud, of a most dangerous and harmful sort.
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Any kind of “gender affirming care”[/i] applied to minors is abusive and malpractice, and anyone having any willing part in it needs to face serious criminal charges, a very, very, very long time in prison, and to be flagged for life as a dangerous sex offender.

Boys are not, and cannot become, girls; and girls are not, and cannot become boys. Any procedure that purports to “affirm” one as the other is pure fraud, of a most dangerous and harmful sort.
What if it lowers suicide rates?
What if it lowers suicide rates?

What if having artificial wings transplanted on to children allows them to fly like birds?

What if hitting them very hard over the head with a hammer turn them into geniuses and leads to a cure for cancer?

What if making it illegal to wear the color blue leads to world peace?
What if having artificial wings transplanted on to children allows them to fly like birds?

What if hitting them very hard over the head with a hammer turn them into geniuses and leads to a cure for cancer?

What if making it illegal to wear the color blue leads to world peace?

You would need evidence supporting that.
You would need evidence supporting that.

You would need evidence to support a claim that mutilating a mentally-diseased person's body in a futile attempt to force it to conform to his delusions, reduces suicide rates, or has anything at all other than a net-harmful effect. In fact, that would be an extraordinary claim, calling for an extraordinary level of evidence, and you cannot even produce an ordinary level of evidence to support such an absurd claim.
You would need evidence to support a claim that mutilating a mentally-diseased person's body in a futile attempt to force it to conform to his delusions, reduces suicide rates, or has anything at all other than a net-harmful effect. In fact, that would be an extraordinary claim, calling for an extraordinary level of evidence, and you cannot even produce an ordinary level of evidence to support such an absurd claim.
I was referring to non surgical treatments, even as simple as social transitioning.

There is evidence that it has reduced suicidal ideation, depression and suicide attempts.
I was referring to non surgical treatments, even as simple as social transitioning.

Even “social transitioning” is wrong and harmful.

A boy is not a girl, and cannot become a girl.

A girl is not a boy, and cannot become a boy.

Someone who is suffering from a delusional mental disease needs to have psychiatric help. No good will ever come, only harm from trying to force reality to conform to an insane person's delusions. That does nothing to address the underlying mental illness.

There is evidence that it has reduced suicidal ideation, depression and suicide attempts.

Bullshit. That's a lie, and everyone who keeps repeating it knows damn well that it's a lie.
Even “social transitioning” is wrong and harmful.

A boy is not a girl, and cannot become a girl.

A girl is not a boy, and cannot become a boy.

Someone who is suffering from a delusional mental disease needs to have psychiatric help. No good will ever come, only harm from trying to force reality to conform to an insane person's delusions. That does nothing to address the underlying mental illness.

Bullshit. That's a lie, and everyone who keeps repeating it knows damn well that it's a lie.
It isn’t a lie, although more rigorous research needs to be done, there are indications it helps in conjunction with psychiatric help.

So…how well has psychiatric help alone worked? Don’t you think social acceptance of the individual rather than social shaming or abusive practices designed force a person into a role that hasn’t worked? For many it can phase, if so…accepting them for who they are socially can allow them to work through it. For those who truly are transgender, social acceptance could mean the difference between life and death.
Don’t you think social acceptance of the individual rather than social shaming or abusive practices designed force a person into a role that hasn’t worked?

By “social acceptance”, what you mean is forcing sane people to play along with the insane delusions of those who are mad, forcing us to treat blatant lies and falsehoods as truth.

You want us to corrupt our essential social institutions, our moral standards, even our language, in order to pander to fucked-up mental cases and perverts.

It is not going to happen, and if it did, it would cause much harm, and no good at all.
Your side is giving children drugs that will affect them for the rest of their lives

You are creating lib Frankenstein monsters even without the surgeons scalpel

Calling it “gender affirming” is a lie

Its gender altering

Yes, it's demonic.

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