Zone1 Leftists, do you agree that kids should receive sex-change operations without parental knowing?

By “social acceptance”, what you mean is forcing sane people to play along with the insane delusions of those who are mad
Dave Chappelle.jpg
So…how well has psychiatric help alone worked? Don’t you think social acceptance of the individual rather than social shaming or abusive practices designed force a person into a role that hasn’t worked? For many it can phase, if so…accepting them for who they are socially can allow them to work through it. For those who truly are transgender, social acceptance could mean the difference between life and death.

The gender disorder madness is a recent phenomenon. It's man-made. People like you have legitimized the lie that a person can change their sex. You encourage them to believe the lie and to seek medical treatment that will forever change them into a complete mess. You're not helping them; you're hurting them.
Of course everyone here knows that what you mean by “religious bigot” is anyone who accepts sound science over the insane delusions of fucked-up mental cases that don't know the difference between male and female.
No, exactly that, religious bigot.

Science recognizes that Gender Dysphoria is a real thing.

Any kind of “gender affirming care” applied to minors is abusive and malpractice, and anyone having any willing part in it needs to face serious criminal charges, a very, very, very long time in prison, and to be flagged for life as a dangerous sex offender.

Well, thankfully, we don't live in a crazy theocracy.

Boys are not, and cannot become, girls; and girls are not, and cannot become boys. Any procedure that purports to “affirm” one as the other is pure fraud, of a most dangerous and harmful sort.

Why, because you say so?

I personally think that Mormonism is a deranged, evil cult, but I wouldn't throw your missionaries in jail. YOu know, because that whole freedom thing.

What if it lowers suicide rates?
You think BOb cares if transgender people kill themselves?
Science recognizes that Gender Dysphoria is a real thing.

Funny how "gender dysphoria" was extraordinarily rare until recently, now it's common. It's a spiritual, demonic, phenomena advanced by blind, Godless people like yourself. You may not believe in Satan and demons but they exist and they whisper into your ear and you do their bidding.
You think BOb cares if transgender people kill themselves?
Transgenders kill themselves because they cannot accept themselves. Rather than encouraging them to accept themselves as they are, you play along with their delusion that they can magically change their sex. After receiving life-altering medications and surgeries they are forever transformed and can never return to normal. That's when many of them commit suicide.
Science recognizes that Gender Dysphoria is a real thing.
You mean pseudo science
Academic quacks and social engineers pretending to be real scientists

Various dysphorias do exist, as mental illnesses. Nothing scientifically unsound about recognizing this.

Not just gender dysphoria, but all manner of related disorders, in which the patient believes that some part of his body isn't supposed to be there. In more extreme cases, patients have sought to have limbs amputated, or healthy organs removed or destroyed. People who believe that were supposed to be blind have sought to have their eyes removed or destroyed.

I think that any sane person can understand that in any event, this is a psychiatric illness, and mutilating one's body in order to force it to comply with the delusion is no cure at all.

But to some degree, most forms of dysphoria, it is possible to force the body to fit the delusion. Someone who thinks he's supposed to be blind, destroy his eyes and he really is blind. If he thinks he's supposed to have only one arm, cut off one arm, and he really will have only one arm.

Gender dysphoria is a little different. A man who thinks that he's supposed to be a woman—it is not actually possible to make him into a woman. You can destroy his previously-healthy male reproductive system, and construct a poor, superficial, nonfunctional counterfeit of the external female reproductive system, but this imitation will never be functional; all you've really done, it to destroy what sexual and reproductive capacities he had, while giving him nothing in its place.

Whatever kind of dysphoria you're talking about, all that this approach does is to take someone whose body is healthy, and whose mind if fucked up, and turn him into someone whose mind is every bit as fucked up as it was before, but whose body is now also fucked up. It takes a JoeB131 level of depraved madness to see this as any kind of improvement.

This is what the bill does. First it doesn't say that children can simply go to California to get sex-change surgeries. What it does say that when theirs a dispute over it a judge CAN decide to allow gender affirming care. Not WILL. Sex-change surgeries on minors do need permission from at least a parent.

As for the question itself.

I can imagine situations where this would make sense. Broken home. One parent who has custody sees that the child is in need of gender affirming care. The other parent who is at odds doesn't want to allow it. What is the solution that's best for the kid here?

The problem here is that you and people like you have decided that the trans community is your enemy. Because being homophobic has gone out of style. So now it's a convenient cultural issue that with the proper misinformation is a political boon.

After all. "Democrats want to allow doctors to cut off little children's penises" sounds bad and is easily understood to be bad for those that don't bother to actually look at what's really going on.

People who use made up phrases like 'gender affirming care' to keep from admitting they support extreme sexual mutilations of children should be kept away from children by law.
People who use made up phrases like 'gender affirming care' to keep from admitting they support extreme sexual mutilations of children should be kept away from children by law.
People like you who make believe like they're on the same page with the professional medical community are hilariously embarrassing in your thirst for legitimacy. :lmao:
Various dysphorias do exist, as mental illnesses. Nothing scientifically unsound about recognizing this.

Not just gender dysphoria, but all manner of related disorders, in which the patient believes that some part of his body isn't supposed to be there. In more extreme cases, patients have sought to have limbs amputated, or healthy organs removed or destroyed. People who believe that were supposed to be blind have sought to have their eyes removed or destroyed.

I think that any sane person can understand that in any event, this is a psychiatric illness, and mutilating one's body in order to force it to comply with the delusion is no cure at all.

But to some degree, most forms of dysphoria, it is possible to force the body to fit the delusion. Someone who thinks he's supposed to be blind, destroy his eyes and he really is blind. If he thinks he's supposed to have only one arm, cut off one arm, and he really will have only one arm.

Gender dysphoria is a little different. A man who thinks that he's supposed to be a woman—it is not actually possible to make him into a woman. You can destroy his previously-healthy male reproductive system, and construct a poor, superficial, nonfunctional counterfeit of the external female reproductive system, but this imitation will never be functional; all you've really done, it to destroy what sexual and reproductive capacities he had, while giving him nothing in its place.

Whatever kind of dysphoria you're talking about, all that this approach does is to take someone whose body is healthy, and whose mind if fucked up, and turn him into someone whose mind is every bit as fucked up as it was before, but whose body is now also fucked up. It takes a JoeB131 level of depraved madness to see this as any kind of improvement.
When we use “Gender Dysphoria” to describe a mental disfunction I suppose its as good as any other term

But libs such as JoeB131 mean to say its normal and everyone else is crazy for not accepting the malfunction as ok
People like you who make believe like they're on the same page with the professional medical community are hilariously embarrassing in your thirst for legitimacy. :lmao:

lol you don't know shit about 'duh Medical community'; you smear cowshit on your hair to attract colorful flies as a cosmetic beauty trick, and never invented shoes, much less 'medicine'. Sacrificing chickens and making frog god statues aren't medical procedures, dumbass.
Funny how "gender dysphoria" was extraordinarily rare until recently, now it's common. It's a spiritual, demonic, phenomena advanced by blind, Godless people like yourself. You may not believe in Satan and demons but they exist and they whisper into your ear and you do their bidding.

Yeah, you see, guy, when you talk about Satan like he's a real thing, you kind of don't have any credibility.

Gender Dysphoria has always been about 1% of the population. The only difference is that we are better at identifying it now.

Transgenders kill themselves because they cannot accept themselves. Rather than encouraging them to accept themselves as they are, you play along with their delusion that they can magically change their sex. After receiving life-altering medications and surgeries they are forever transformed and can never return to normal. That's when many of them commit suicide.

Transgenders kill themselves because of the way society treats them.

ou mean pseudo science

Academic quacks and social engineers pretending to be real scientists

And where is your degree in psychology from?

When we use “Gender Dysphoria” to describe a mental disfunction I suppose its as good as any other term

But libs such as @JoeB131 mean to say its normal and everyone else is crazy for not accepting the malfunction as ok

50 years ago, homosexuality was classified as a mental illness.
70 years ago, marrying someone outside your race was a crime.
100 year ago, women having strong opinions were chalked up to "Hysteria"- i.e., their wombs were making them crazy.

Science advances. Religious intolerance stays a stick in the mud, until society changes, and then they try to pretend they weren't part of the problem.
Various dysphorias do exist, as mental illnesses. Nothing scientifically unsound about recognizing this.

Not just gender dysphoria, but all manner of related disorders, in which the patient believes that some part of his body isn't supposed to be there. In more extreme cases, patients have sought to have limbs amputated, or healthy organs removed or destroyed. People who believe that were supposed to be blind have sought to have their eyes removed or destroyed.

I think that any sane person can understand that in any event, this is a psychiatric illness, and mutilating one's body in order to force it to comply with the delusion is no cure at all.

I agree, those cases ARE pretty extreme (and rare.)

but conversely, we have breast augmentations, blepharoplasties, liposuctions, rhinoplasties, tummy tucks, face lifts, hair transplants, and so on, because people don't feel right about themselves. And I don't hear you bitching about those.

My personal dislike is blepharoplasties performed on Asians because popular culture has convinced them that their eyes look wrong. In short, they are told that they are abnormal, and would be happier if they looked more like white people.

Gender dysphoria is a little different. A man who thinks that he's supposed to be a woman—it is not actually possible to make him into a woman. You can destroy his previously-healthy male reproductive system, and construct a poor, superficial, nonfunctional counterfeit of the external female reproductive system, but this imitation will never be functional; all you've really done, it to destroy what sexual and reproductive capacities he had, while giving him nothing in its place.

What counts as functional? Let's say at some point, we actually can do a womb transplant. If instead of doing a vaginaplasty, we actually provide transgenders with fully functional sex organs donated from other people, We have already transplanted wombs between cis-gendered women, sometimes from live donors.

So if she has a uterus from a donor, does she then become "female"? Seems to me that this would be no different than a heart of kidney transplant.
50 years ago, homosexuality was classified as a mental illness.
70 years ago, marrying someone outside your race was a crime.
You are mixing different issues

50 years ago, homosexuality was classified as a mental illness.

It was a mental defect then and still is now

But if you prefer to blame the defective gay gene thats on you

70 years ago, marrying someone outside your race was a crime.

Thats a political issue that has nothing to do with your quack queer “science”
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lol you don't know shit about 'duh Medical community'; you smear cowshit on your hair to attract colorful flies as a cosmetic beauty trick, and never invented shoes, much less 'medicine'. Sacrificing chickens and making frog god statues aren't medical procedures, dumbass.
More make believe from name calling from the people who can't talk actual science. There there. :itsok: By the way I'm an atheist. Sacrificing animals is something the heroes in your Bible did. Your voodoo religion isn't any better than anyone else's....
You are mixing different issues

50 years ago, homosexuality was classified as a mental illness.

It was a mental defect then and still is now

But if you prefer to blame the defective gay gene thats on you

How is it a mental defect?

Other than you think it's icky and God says it's bad.

I know gay folks who are better adjusted than most straight folks.

70 years ago, marrying someone outside your race was a crime.

Thats a political issue that has nothing to do with your quack queer “science”

But it wasn't a political issue. It was a religious one.

When ruling against Loving's challenge to Virginia's Miscegenation Laws, the judge said this.

"Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.[22]"

Some people are straight, some people are gay.
Some people are attracted to their own race, some people like people of other races.
Some people are cisgender, some people are transgender.

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