Leftists of California start secede process

I don't even think this random group could even manage get CA's constitution changed, much less is this fringe group is going to convince other states to join their plea. This too will pass.

As for "useful ports" in the Pacific I'm sure Oregon would be thrilled to take on US shipping. We'll have to do some dredging but that's not such a big deal - we can call it building infrastructure. True though Alaska is mostly used for Valdez shipping out oil, tourist cruise ships into Anchorage, and international air cargo flights.
I don't even think this random group could even manage get CA's constitution changed, much less is this fringe group is going to convince other states to join their plea. This too will pass.

As for "useful ports" in the Pacific I'm sure Oregon would be thrilled to take on US shipping. We'll have to do some dredging but that's not such a big deal - we can call it building infrastructure. True though Alaska is mostly used for Valdez shipping out oil, tourist cruise ships into Anchorage, and international air cargo flights.

Reckon that only leaves about 6,400 miles of Alaska coastline to be exploited.
Spare_change heh don't worry about it deary. My current MENSA qualifying IQ is 203, I can assure you I'm quite amused by being called a "retard" by the "tolerant" extremists of American society :p

Most of Alaska's coastline is considered national park so there isn't likely to be any exploitation - that's why the state doesn't have a heck of a lot going for it port wise. We wouldn't be keen to give up the tourism that is generated by our wild ocean areas.
Yeah, just wait for all these Blue states that are in the black in their budgets, decide they are tired of carrying a bunch of the Red states that are sucking on the Federal funding. The U. S. would be so fucked.


You think it is funny? California pays in the most taxes... and excepts the least amount of federal funds. Take out a couple more Blue states like Minnesota, Oregon, and Washington and that would be a serious strain on the U.S. economy.

Yep --- I think it's VERY funny.

Ask yourself these questions.

1) What state gets the most federal government contract money?

2) If California secedes, who will they sell their product to?

3) Why are you even discussing a ridiculous issue --- no, not even an issue --- a screed from the left begging for attention because they know they are on the verge of irrelevance?

4) Why don't you spend your time doing something constructive like writing a position paper and sending it to your congressman?

How gets the MOST government funding? Not California. I just old you they get the least. California has dropped out of the top spot as far as least dependent on federal funding.

Here however is the top 5 DEPENDENT states on federal funding. Hint, they are ALL Red States.
1. New Mexico
2. Mississippi
3. Kentucky
4. Alabama
5. Montana

Top 5 LEAST dependent states. Hint 4 of them are Blue states.
1. New Jersey
2. Delaware
3. Illinois
4. Minnesota
5. Kansas

This map shows the states the most and least dependent on the federal government
Ain't gonna happen.

Maybe it could if we all supported their decision. Of course, they'll take the electoral votes and millions of illegal votes with them. The Dem politicians would go ape shit.

It's clear to me why you guys elected a financially inept retard into the Presidency. You have no financial bone in your body, and you can't see why Trump is a financial disaster, and you can't see why California becoming its own country would be a financial disaster as well...

What's next? Washington? Oregon? yeah let's let them join the liberal California... bye bye liberals! Oh no... we lost an entire coastline! Well, at least we have a stronger conservative base.......

Liberals!! Geez. First, sarcasm goes over your heads. Now, the liberals in California are talking about seceding from the union and you criticize the right. Keep it up. Damn, you guys are entertaining.
Spare_change heh don't worry about it deary. My current MENSA qualifying IQ is 203, I can assure you I'm quite amused by being called a "retard" by the "tolerant" extremists of American society :p

Most of Alaska's coastline is considered national park so there isn't likely to be any exploitation - that's why the state doesn't have a heck of a lot going for it port wise. We wouldn't be keen to give up the tourism that is generated by our wild ocean areas.

Frankly, I find the word "retard" to be among the most offensive. Clearly, it indicates a childish immaturity that has no place in an adult discussion.

As for that coastline, I spent several years fishing along it, so I'm very familiar with it. Most people don't realize that the Cook Inlet alone has coastline equal to about 60% of the total coastline of California. But, then, as we know, ignorance seems to be the watchword for most of the left.
Ain't gonna happen.

Maybe it could if we all supported their decision. Of course, they'll take the electoral votes and millions of illegal votes with them. The Dem politicians would go ape shit.

It's clear to me why you guys elected a financially inept retard into the Presidency. You have no financial bone in your body, and you can't see why Trump is a financial disaster, and you can't see why California becoming its own country would be a financial disaster as well...

What's next? Washington? Oregon? yeah let's let them join the liberal California... bye bye liberals! Oh no... we lost an entire coastline! Well, at least we have a stronger conservative base.......

Liberals!! Geez. First, sarcasm goes over your heads. Now, the liberals in California are talking about seceding from the union and you criticize the right. Keep it up. Damn, you guys are entertaining.
Sort of like the Three Stooges.
Spare_change heh don't worry about it deary. My current MENSA qualifying IQ is 203, I can assure you I'm quite amused by being called a "retard" by the "tolerant" extremists of American society :p

Most of Alaska's coastline is considered national park so there isn't likely to be any exploitation - that's why the state doesn't have a heck of a lot going for it port wise. We wouldn't be keen to give up the tourism that is generated by our wild ocean areas.

Yeah, I'm sorry I'd have to see that. That would put you into the top 5 smartest people in the world. And there has only been 40 people in history that has either tested or been calculated to have an IQ of 200 or higher.

Top 12 People with Highest IQ in the World - Listovative

IQ: 200+ - Hmolpedia
meh lets see if they can even get the 400,000 sigs needed by May in order to motion to change their state constitution (which notes that CA is an "inseparable" part of the USA.)


The US would still have Alaska, we own more coastline than the rest of the US combined not to worry. Also I doubt Oregon would join this fools errand. Washington is also more likely to stay with the US than not.

Most of Alaskan coastline is useless for commercial purposes. Yeah let's ship all our products to Alaska to then ship out to sea!


It was sufficient to attempt to rebut the statement.

Was it necessary to call the poster a name?? And, of course, you have to pick a particularly offensive one besides. Does any adult still use the word "retard" any more?

Pretty fucking childish, if you ask me ---- or, even if you don't.

Would you prefer I call you a cuck, like the alt-right?
Yeah, just wait for all these Blue states that are in the black in their budgets, decide they are tired of carrying a bunch of the Red states that are sucking on the Federal funding. The U. S. would be so fucked.


You think it is funny? California pays in the most taxes... and excepts the least amount of federal funds. Take out a couple more Blue states like Minnesota, Oregon, and Washington and that would be a serious strain on the U.S. economy.

Yep --- I think it's VERY funny.

Ask yourself these questions.

1) What state gets the most federal government contract money?

2) If California secedes, who will they sell their product to?

3) Why are you even discussing a ridiculous issue --- no, not even an issue --- a screed from the left begging for attention because they know they are on the verge of irrelevance?

4) Why don't you spend your time doing something constructive like writing a position paper and sending it to your congressman?

How gets the MOST government funding? Not California. I just old you they get the least. California has dropped out of the top spot as far as least dependent on federal funding.

Here however is the top 5 DEPENDENT states on federal funding. Hint, they are ALL Red States.
1. New Mexico
2. Mississippi
3. Kentucky
4. Alabama
5. Montana

Top 5 LEAST dependent states. Hint 4 of them are Blue states.
1. New Jersey
2. Delaware
3. Illinois
4. Minnesota
5. Kansas

This map shows the states the most and least dependent on the federal government

Why don't you go back and read the question again before you make a COMPLETE ass our of yourself???
Spare_change heh don't worry about it deary. My current MENSA qualifying IQ is 203, I can assure you I'm quite amused by being called a "retard" by the "tolerant" extremists of American society :p

Most of Alaska's coastline is considered national park so there isn't likely to be any exploitation - that's why the state doesn't have a heck of a lot going for it port wise. We wouldn't be keen to give up the tourism that is generated by our wild ocean areas.

This is priceless. Mensa, 203 IQ!

Man, doesn't get any more delusional than this.

No, it doesn't have much goin for it port wise because it's a low population state, with only wood and oil as its predominant natural resources.

It cost shitloads of money to ship stuff to and from Alaska... especially if you'd have to ship it from Houston to Alaska, or through Canada.

meh lets see if they can even get the 400,000 sigs needed by May in order to motion to change their state constitution (which notes that CA is an "inseparable" part of the USA.)


The US would still have Alaska, we own more coastline than the rest of the US combined not to worry. Also I doubt Oregon would join this fools errand. Washington is also more likely to stay with the US than not.

Most of Alaskan coastline is useless for commercial purposes. Yeah let's ship all our products to Alaska to then ship out to sea!


It was sufficient to attempt to rebut the statement.

Was it necessary to call the poster a name?? And, of course, you have to pick a particularly offensive one besides. Does any adult still use the word "retard" any more?

Pretty fucking childish, if you ask me ---- or, even if you don't.

Would you prefer I call you a cuck, like the alt-right?

Actually, I'd prefer if you didn't call me - or anybody else - childish names.

If you can't hold your own in an adult discussion, you're probably best suited just to be quiet, take notes, and learn.
meh lets see if they can even get the 400,000 sigs needed by May in order to motion to change their state constitution (which notes that CA is an "inseparable" part of the USA.)


The US would still have Alaska, we own more coastline than the rest of the US combined not to worry. Also I doubt Oregon would join this fools errand. Washington is also more likely to stay with the US than not.

Most of Alaskan coastline is useless for commercial purposes. Yeah let's ship all our products to Alaska to then ship out to sea!


It was sufficient to attempt to rebut the statement.

Was it necessary to call the poster a name?? And, of course, you have to pick a particularly offensive one besides. Does any adult still use the word "retard" any more?

Pretty fucking childish, if you ask me ---- or, even if you don't.

Would you prefer I call you a cuck, like the alt-right?

Actually, I'd prefer if you didn't call me - or anybody else - childish names.

If you can't hold your own in an adult discussion, you're probably best suited just to be quiet, take notes, and learn.

Well if you post like a retard, you're going to get called a retard. And you're doing just that.

Just calling it like I see it, Alfred.
meh lets see if they can even get the 400,000 sigs needed by May in order to motion to change their state constitution (which notes that CA is an "inseparable" part of the USA.)


The US would still have Alaska, we own more coastline than the rest of the US combined not to worry. Also I doubt Oregon would join this fools errand. Washington is also more likely to stay with the US than not.

Most of Alaskan coastline is useless for commercial purposes. Yeah let's ship all our products to Alaska to then ship out to sea!


It was sufficient to attempt to rebut the statement.

Was it necessary to call the poster a name?? And, of course, you have to pick a particularly offensive one besides. Does any adult still use the word "retard" any more?

Pretty fucking childish, if you ask me ---- or, even if you don't.

Would you prefer I call you a cuck, like the alt-right?

Actually, I'd prefer if you didn't call me - or anybody else - childish names.

If you can't hold your own in an adult discussion, you're probably best suited just to be quiet, take notes, and learn.

Well if you post like a retard, you're going to get called a retard. And you're doing just that.

Just calling it like I see it, Alfred.

Maybe you can explain why you would make 6 posts in this thread and not even talk about the subject at hand.

Let me guess ---- you talk while you type, and you love to hear the sound of your own voice.
Most of Alaskan coastline is useless for commercial purposes. Yeah let's ship all our products to Alaska to then ship out to sea!


It was sufficient to attempt to rebut the statement.

Was it necessary to call the poster a name?? And, of course, you have to pick a particularly offensive one besides. Does any adult still use the word "retard" any more?

Pretty fucking childish, if you ask me ---- or, even if you don't.

Would you prefer I call you a cuck, like the alt-right?

Actually, I'd prefer if you didn't call me - or anybody else - childish names.

If you can't hold your own in an adult discussion, you're probably best suited just to be quiet, take notes, and learn.

Well if you post like a retard, you're going to get called a retard. And you're doing just that.

Just calling it like I see it, Alfred.

Maybe you can explain why you would make 6 posts in this thread and not even talk about the subject at hand.

Let me guess ---- you talk while you type, and you love to hear the sound of your own voice.

Third post, you blind fuck.
HereWeGoAgain Alaska has always had a lot of respect for Texas' independent spirit, even if we like to raz ya'll for being such a small state ;)

Alaska prides itself on its huffing children. Alaska respects any state that contributes to the production of huffing compounds.
Yeah, just wait for all these Blue states that are in the black in their budgets, decide they are tired of carrying a bunch of the Red states that are sucking on the Federal funding. The U. S. would be so fucked.


You think it is funny? California pays in the most taxes... and excepts the least amount of federal funds. Take out a couple more Blue states like Minnesota, Oregon, and Washington and that would be a serious strain on the U.S. economy.

Yep --- I think it's VERY funny.

Ask yourself these questions.

1) What state gets the most federal government contract money?

2) If California secedes, who will they sell their product to?

3) Why are you even discussing a ridiculous issue --- no, not even an issue --- a screed from the left begging for attention because they know they are on the verge of irrelevance?

4) Why don't you spend your time doing something constructive like writing a position paper and sending it to your congressman?

How gets the MOST government funding? Not California. I just old you they get the least. California has dropped out of the top spot as far as least dependent on federal funding.

Here however is the top 5 DEPENDENT states on federal funding. Hint, they are ALL Red States.
1. New Mexico
2. Mississippi
3. Kentucky
4. Alabama
5. Montana

Top 5 LEAST dependent states. Hint 4 of them are Blue states.
1. New Jersey
2. Delaware
3. Illinois
4. Minnesota
5. Kansas

This map shows the states the most and least dependent on the federal government

Why don't you go back and read the question again before you make a COMPLETE ass our of yourself???

The state that gets the most Contract money according to an article with 2014 statistics says Virginia. California is #2.

Most Profitable States for Government Contractors | FEDSched

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