Leftists of California start secede process

Seriously, do people really believe Safe Space California twits are gonna lead a successful Revolution? They're gonna take on the military might of the Federal Government? Safe Spacers? Really?

Sorry, not gonna happen folks. To lead a successful Revolution, you have to have real guts and are willing to sacrifice. And those are two qualities Safe Space Moochers just don't possess. California ain't goin nowhere. It is what it is.
Seriously, do people really believe Safe Space California twits are gonna lead a successful Revolution? They're gonna take on the military might of the Federal Government? Safe Spacers? Really?

Sorry, not gonna happen folks. To lead a successful Revolution, you have to have real guts and are willing to sacrifice. And those are two qualities Safe Space Moochers just don't possess. California ain't goin nowhere. It is what it is.

Well, when the next big one hits, they may get their secession.
California isn't going anywhere. It's too strong a financial powerhouse for the United States.

You all are idiots if you'd be willing to let California go for political reasons. Yeah, let's give up our highest GDP state by a large margin... cause we hate valley girls!
It's not even that.

CA could not function as an independent country. If CA secedes it will turn into an official third world shithole
Seriously, do people really believe Safe Space California twits are gonna lead a successful Revolution? They're gonna take on the military might of the Federal Government? Safe Spacers? Really?

Sorry, not gonna happen folks. To lead a successful Revolution, you have to have real guts and are willing to sacrifice. And those are two qualities Safe Space Moochers just don't possess. California ain't goin nowhere. It is what it is.

The Rock will be our first Comrade-in-Chief. The Rock will save us. The only thing that can defeat rock is paper, and we're headed for a paperless society.


We're leaving behind the safe space of 20th century models. Cascadia will be a total reset. Our $65 billion in owed pensions will be renegotiated.

Come and see us sometime. We can convert your dollars to bitCoin. Perhaps you'd like to don some VR goggles and attend one of our virtual universities. Come on vacation and rent a self-flying solar charged jet pack and fly over acres of grapes and emerald fields of ganja.
Seriously, do people really believe Safe Space California twits are gonna lead a successful Revolution? They're gonna take on the military might of the Federal Government? Safe Spacers? Really?

Sorry, not gonna happen folks. To lead a successful Revolution, you have to have real guts and are willing to sacrifice. And those are two qualities Safe Space Moochers just don't possess. California ain't goin nowhere. It is what it is.

Ah heck no. Speaking for myself, I rather enjoy watching liberals fail.
bitCoin would be an attractive currency because it's already traded worldwide. Not sure if there's adequate supply to accommodate the 6th largest economy in the world.

But the advantage of cryptocurrency is that it operates independent of govt. It has no central bank. It's regulated by math. You can't stop anyone from trading in it if they have an internet connection.

You can go down the list of federal govt functions and you find that technology is steadily rendering each of them obsolete.

You need to dial back the mgic mushrooms..

It's the height of mushroom season in the forests and cow pastures of Cascadia.
I can't wait for the new republic of California to find out what water is going to cost them.
charwin95 In any event, yes AK has an issue with domestic violence, and while I'm sure some will call me a racist for saying it, the truth is that it's the Native Alaskan's, it's part of their culture for whatever reason and they are self-governing bodies. I don't deny it, however I do argue that /if/ we were to instill the laws, rules, and culture of Anchorage/Fairbanks with the natives their crime would be far less. You have to understand that in the villages, we are typically talking about a number of families (from 1 to 50) who are managing their own affairs, so, for example, when the son beats his wife he gets away with it many times before it's even brought to the attention of the troopers (it's pretty much the same thing that happens in ghetto communities; let it go, let it go, let it go, until it gets out of hand and someone gets seriously hurt) - well that "when someone gets seriously hurt" is when Anchorage ends up taking over (because we have the prisons for the state) and we deal with the criminals that the villages can't handle (aka gave up on dealing with,) which puts a crime number on our national ratings. Worse these folks even after their stint in jail are then stuck in Anchorage with no finances, nor welcome, to go back home - so we have this homeless population that drinks heavily and (helpfully/unhelpfully depending on how you view it) are used to living off the land to a great extent so have little desire to work. These now "ousted" natives tend to form quasi-village communities and continue their, what city folk would call "barbaric," behaviors. In fact, on crime maps you can see exactly where they set up camp; around beans cafe and around the native hospital - [another group of stranded folks]) It is what it is. Even so, there really isn't that much crime and given the choice between Alaska and what I've seen of the lower 48, I firmly believe that Alaska as a shit ton safer, and pretty much anyone who's been up here would agree without question, regardless of what the national stats reflect.

As far as the IQ thing, you miss the key element which is a desire to learn things. IF said persons /wanted/ to learn in college yes, if they are the typical student who doesn't put in the effort the obviously they're not going to increase their IQ. Also college learning isn't designed to build IQ, in fact, not much of it has nothing to do with IQ increases and has more to do with 'conformity to rules' which is an antithesis to 'curiosity' that drives IQ growth. But as you said, you can believe what you want. Also, I'm pretty sure I noted that getting over 125 IQ was meaningless as far as jobs were concerned; 125 is said to be the level at which you can do any position in the world. If I left that off this particular post of that issue, well, there it is.

Anyway, so basically your answer to my question is that you think California would not have trade agreements with the US.

1. In short Alaska is a crime state regardless of your excuse. Remember we have 2 millions illegals that behave better than the whole population of Alaska.
2. In short your theory about IQ is nothing more than a canard on your part.
3. Definitely any body who is not threat to us will be able to have a trade relations. But your hostility attitude towards Ca or anybody is not acceptable. Why would I be willing to be your partners when you are showing such uncivilized behavior?
Yeah, just wait for all these Blue states that are in the black in their budgets, decide they are tired of carrying a bunch of the Red states that are sucking on the Federal funding. The U. S. would be so fucked.

Please leave then.

Take California with you.

We'll then invade you and take it back, killing a bunch of you in the process.

Do you think those red states will survive without federal aid?

A more sensible idea, which has been explored many times, is to divide California into anywhere from two to six states. The liberals can have the parts where liberals are in a majority (the big cities and surroundings, about 1/15 of the state's current area). Normal Americans will take the rest.

That way the liberals will get what they're demanding (but without having normal Americans to sponge from), and the normal Americans would certainly be happy.

Movement to Split California into 2 States Continues

Six Californias - Wikipedia

Members of this movement is very tiny slightly over 5,000. Texas has 200k members.
So why in the world you guys are panicking?
Yeah, just wait for all these Blue states that are in the black in their budgets, decide they are tired of carrying a bunch of the Red states that are sucking on the Federal funding. The U. S. would be so fucked.

Please leave then.

Take California with you.

We'll then invade you and take it back, killing a bunch of you in the process.

Do you think those red states will survive without federal aid?

Many of the red states have large Indian reservations/Indian populations that fully 100% depend on the fucking federal government… Fact
That skews the numbers
California isn't going anywhere. It's too strong a financial powerhouse for the United States.

You all are idiots if you'd be willing to let California go for political reasons. Yeah, let's give up our highest GDP state by a large margin... cause we hate valley girls!
Well, I say let them go. Then declare war on them after they become their own country. Then bomb the ever living shit out of San Francisco, Hollywood, and the others. Especially on Oscar night.....

That is my dream.

Why do you want to kill your fellow Americans? Getting violent there eh whitey thugy.
Charwin should do some homework and use HIS brain instead of reciting force-fed BS, such as the liberal provided map. Look dude, I've watched Ca. grow from a great state to "progress"ive decay. Sure you can't see this on your fossil hungry boat, beings you're excited, but just take a walk down near any street. It's mostly a Zombie apocalypse. The people are stoned, they're fat, lazy and dirty. Filth is everywhere, and it literally stinks. Too many rules, too many regulations, too much tax and most things chaotic. On top of that the state is ironically burning up.
Yeah, just wait for all these Blue states that are in the black in their budgets, decide they are tired of carrying a bunch of the Red states that are sucking on the Federal funding. The U. S. would be so fucked.

Please leave then.

Take California with you.

We'll then invade you and take it back, killing a bunch of you in the process.

Do you think those red states will survive without federal aid?

Many of the red states have large Indian reservations/Indian populations that fully 100% depend on the fucking federal government… Fact
That skews the numbers

Many? Name them. And name what "large reservation" they are.
Oh, by the way California. You'll need to find a new source of water, the Colorado will no longer be available to you.
Not to mention electricity.

If we don't support federal government we can build our own water desalination plant and nuclear plant to produce electricity. So don't worry about that.
And If we cut off the food supply what happen then?

What Would We Eat if It Weren’t for California?

Food scientists at Cornell University have produced a strain of broccoli that thrives in hot environments, which may make it possible for states with stiflingly hot summers to grow the vegetable. California, where cool coastal fog is perfect for growing standard broccoli, currently produces more than 90 percent of the broccoli grown in the United States. If California were to disappear, what would the American diet be like?

Expensive and grainy. California produces a sizable majority of many American fruits, vegetables, and nuts: 99 percent of artichokes, 99 percent of walnuts, 97 percent of kiwis, 97 percent of plums, 95 percent of celery, 95 percent of garlic, 89 percent of cauliflower, 71 percent of spinach, and 69 percent of carrots (and the list goes on and on). Some of this is due to climate and soil. No other state, or even a combination of states, can match California’s output per acre. Lemon yields in California, for example, are more than 50 percent higher than in Arizona. California spinach yield per acre is 60 percent higher than the national average. Without California, supply of all these products in the United States and abroad would dip, and in the first few years, a few might be nearly impossible to find. Orchard-based products in particular, such as nuts and some fruits, would take many years to spring back.

Funny. I'd say about 80% of the fruits and veggies in my grocery store come from south of the border.

I'm not surprised that veggies coming from your south. I think it's too far to transport from California to Texas.

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