Leftists owe the rest of us an explanation for the Florida shooting

Aaaaand no one gives a fuck, because it's irrelevant.
Dumbfuck, of course it’s relevant. It doesn’t become irrelevant just because it’s pesky for you. The right is blaming the left for gun free zones. Meanwhile, both parties were responsible for passing it and neither party made any effort to get rid of it.

No, it's irrelevant because the OP and the entire thread are about LEFTISTS, not Democrats. Dumbfuck.

Apparently, in your hollow cranial cavity, Democrats don’t represent the left. :cuckoo:

Regardless of your insignificant dismissal, gun-free zones were sponsored by a Democrat. Voted for by a margin of 313-1, which means both left and right supported it, and signed into law by a Republican Party. That was nearly 3 decades ago and while both parties have been in control at various times over that period, neither party has attempted to revoke gun free zones. The whiney, sniveling right look like the fools they are for blaming the problem on gun-free zones when they are equally responsible for them.

There's a lot of overlap, no denying that, but leftists don't have to be Democrats, and Democrats don't have to be leftists. My objection is to the philosophy, not the political party.

The rest of your post proves my point. One does not have to be a Democrat to engage in egregious left-think.
Then your point is DOA because if that’s how you want to look at it, neither the “left” nor the “right” write laws. Democrats and Republicans do. And Democrat and Republican law makers in Congress represent the entire country, left, right, middle, i.e, everyone. And Democrats and Republicans together passed gun-free zones. 313-1.

Neither side can blame the other on this issue. I don’t actually know that either side wants to blame the other or even thinks it’s the problem; just a relative few people who don’t know where to turn or are seeking to blame someone else.

Perhaps this is because the notion that people should not bring guns to school, unless they are law enforcement, is neither a "liberal" nor "conservative" issue. Just mebbe. LOL
Dumbfuck, of course it’s relevant. It doesn’t become irrelevant just because it’s pesky for you. The right is blaming the left for gun free zones. Meanwhile, both parties were responsible for passing it and neither party made any effort to get rid of it.

No, it's irrelevant because the OP and the entire thread are about LEFTISTS, not Democrats. Dumbfuck.

Apparently, in your hollow cranial cavity, Democrats don’t represent the left. :cuckoo:

Regardless of your insignificant dismissal, gun-free zones were sponsored by a Democrat. Voted for by a margin of 313-1, which means both left and right supported it, and signed into law by a Republican Party. That was nearly 3 decades ago and while both parties have been in control at various times over that period, neither party has attempted to revoke gun free zones. The whiney, sniveling right look like the fools they are for blaming the problem on gun-free zones when they are equally responsible for them.

There's a lot of overlap, no denying that, but leftists don't have to be Democrats, and Democrats don't have to be leftists. My objection is to the philosophy, not the political party.

The rest of your post proves my point. One does not have to be a Democrat to engage in egregious left-think.
Then your point is DOA because if that’s how you want to look at it, neither the “left” nor the “right” write laws. Democrats and Republicans do. And Democrat and Republican law makers in Congress represent the entire country, left, right, middle, i.e, everyone. And Democrats and Republicans together passed gun-free zones. 313-1.

Neither side can blame the other on this issue. I don’t actually know that either side wants to blame the other or even thinks it’s the problem; just a relative few people who don’t know where to turn or are seeking to blame someone else.

Perhaps this is because the notion that people should not bring guns to school, unless they are law enforcement, is neither a "liberal" nor "conservative" issue. Just mebbe. LOL

What's your plan to get shooters to not bring guns to school? If you want to live in the 1970s, that's fine. But don't pretend it is the 1970s.

And how many times have you told conservatives that? Hey guy, don't live in the past.

The reality is that starting with Columbine in 1999, not coincidentally not long after schools were made gun free zones, there have been repeated shootings and repeatedly no one is shooting back.

It's time to man up and address reality. Not live in the past as you'd gladly say to Republicans.

And when you think about it, the plan to keep 300 million guns away from people who want to kill people while maintaining our having no southern border was a stupid plan to begin with.

Leftists can be forgiven to a degree for a stupid plan. You cannot be forgiven when the results of your plan has been a long line of dead children's bodies and you refuse to think wow, maybe your plan was a stupid idea
No, it's irrelevant because the OP and the entire thread are about LEFTISTS, not Democrats. Dumbfuck.

Apparently, in your hollow cranial cavity, Democrats don’t represent the left. :cuckoo:

Regardless of your insignificant dismissal, gun-free zones were sponsored by a Democrat. Voted for by a margin of 313-1, which means both left and right supported it, and signed into law by a Republican Party. That was nearly 3 decades ago and while both parties have been in control at various times over that period, neither party has attempted to revoke gun free zones. The whiney, sniveling right look like the fools they are for blaming the problem on gun-free zones when they are equally responsible for them.

There's a lot of overlap, no denying that, but leftists don't have to be Democrats, and Democrats don't have to be leftists. My objection is to the philosophy, not the political party.

The rest of your post proves my point. One does not have to be a Democrat to engage in egregious left-think.
Then your point is DOA because if that’s how you want to look at it, neither the “left” nor the “right” write laws. Democrats and Republicans do. And Democrat and Republican law makers in Congress represent the entire country, left, right, middle, i.e, everyone. And Democrats and Republicans together passed gun-free zones. 313-1.

Neither side can blame the other on this issue. I don’t actually know that either side wants to blame the other or even thinks it’s the problem; just a relative few people who don’t know where to turn or are seeking to blame someone else.

Perhaps this is because the notion that people should not bring guns to school, unless they are law enforcement, is neither a "liberal" nor "conservative" issue. Just mebbe. LOL

What's your plan to get shooters to not bring guns to school? If you want to live in the 1970s, that's fine. But don't pretend it is the 1970s.

And how many times have you told conservatives that? Hey guy, don't live in the past.

The reality is that starting with Columbine in 1999, not coincidentally not long after schools were made gun free zones, there have been repeated shootings and repeatedly no one is shooting back.

It's time to man up and address reality. Not live in the past as you'd gladly say to Republicans.

And when you think about it, the plan to keep 300 million guns away from people who want to kill people while maintaining our having no southern border was a stupid plan to begin with.

Leftists can be forgiven to a degree for a stupid plan. You cannot be forgiven when the results of your plan has been a long line of dead children's bodies and you refuse to think wow, maybe your plan was a stupid idea
Oh no, I have no interest in rehabilitating your snark thread, sparky. Esp after accusing me of snarking on your snark.

I have considered starting a serious thread on the issue of what's achievable and what might possibly lessen a person's ability to pull off a mass shooting. But there are too many threads on Parkland, and I think people like you would hijack the thread over your partisanship
No, it's irrelevant because the OP and the entire thread are about LEFTISTS, not Democrats. Dumbfuck.

Apparently, in your hollow cranial cavity, Democrats don’t represent the left. :cuckoo:

Regardless of your insignificant dismissal, gun-free zones were sponsored by a Democrat. Voted for by a margin of 313-1, which means both left and right supported it, and signed into law by a Republican Party. That was nearly 3 decades ago and while both parties have been in control at various times over that period, neither party has attempted to revoke gun free zones. The whiney, sniveling right look like the fools they are for blaming the problem on gun-free zones when they are equally responsible for them.

There's a lot of overlap, no denying that, but leftists don't have to be Democrats, and Democrats don't have to be leftists. My objection is to the philosophy, not the political party.

The rest of your post proves my point. One does not have to be a Democrat to engage in egregious left-think.
Then your point is DOA because if that’s how you want to look at it, neither the “left” nor the “right” write laws. Democrats and Republicans do. And Democrat and Republican law makers in Congress represent the entire country, left, right, middle, i.e, everyone. And Democrats and Republicans together passed gun-free zones. 313-1.

Neither side can blame the other on this issue. I don’t actually know that either side wants to blame the other or even thinks it’s the problem; just a relative few people who don’t know where to turn or are seeking to blame someone else.

Perhaps this is because the notion that people should not bring guns to school, unless they are law enforcement, is neither a "liberal" nor "conservative" issue. Just mebbe. LOL

What's your plan to get shooters to not bring guns to school? If you want to live in the 1970s, that's fine. But don't pretend it is the 1970s.

And how many times have you told conservatives that? Hey guy, don't live in the past.

The reality is that starting with Columbine in 1999, not coincidentally not long after schools were made gun free zones, there have been repeated shootings and repeatedly no one is shooting back.

It's time to man up and address reality. Not live in the past as you'd gladly say to Republicans.

And when you think about it, the plan to keep 300 million guns away from people who want to kill people while maintaining our having no southern border was a stupid plan to begin with.

Leftists can be forgiven to a degree for a stupid plan. You cannot be forgiven when the results of your plan has been a long line of dead children's bodies and you refuse to think wow, maybe your plan was a stupid idea

The first gun free zone federal law was passed in 1990.

My biggest problem with them is the 1000 foot rule that includes the roads and sidewalks around the schools. Sounds like a LEO harassment tool.
Aaaaand no one gives a fuck, because it's irrelevant.
Dumbfuck, of course it’s relevant. It doesn’t become irrelevant just because it’s pesky for you. The right is blaming the left for gun free zones. Meanwhile, both parties were responsible for passing it and neither party made any effort to get rid of it.

No, it's irrelevant because the OP and the entire thread are about LEFTISTS, not Democrats. Dumbfuck.

Apparently, in your hollow cranial cavity, Democrats don’t represent the left. :cuckoo:

Regardless of your insignificant dismissal, gun-free zones were sponsored by a Democrat. Voted for by a margin of 313-1, which means both left and right supported it, and signed into law by a Republican Party. That was nearly 3 decades ago and while both parties have been in control at various times over that period, neither party has attempted to revoke gun free zones. The whiney, sniveling right look like the fools they are for blaming the problem on gun-free zones when they are equally responsible for them.

There's a lot of overlap, no denying that, but leftists don't have to be Democrats, and Democrats don't have to be leftists. My objection is to the philosophy, not the political party.

The rest of your post proves my point. One does not have to be a Democrat to engage in egregious left-think.

I agree that "Democrats don't have to be leftists," but I no longer know any who aren't.

Certainly not all leftists are Democrats though

That WOULD be the problem.
Blaming this monstrous act on the Gun Free School Zone acts of the 90's or even to say that those Bills were some kind of Leftist subversion of common sense is as ludicrous as saying either side is to blame. The one to blame is the guy who did the deed. Hanging's too good for him.

Well, it's nice to see a leftist who actually wants to blame the criminal. That, however, does nothing to resolve the very real fact that we need more effective ways to prevent people like him from killing sprees in schools, malls, whatever. And I can and do blame "gun free zones" for being utterly ineffectual in that regard.

Furthermore, YOU started out by trying to blame Florida's gun laws for this shooting, and NOW you say we can't hold anyone or anything responsible EXCEPT the shooter. Could you possibly flail your way around to some consistency?

Well yeah I did start out with a partisan and flippant remark about the OP. Since I haven't been here all year I didn't want to jump into any long established discussions. Didn't the OP blame the Left exclusively for the gun free zone laws for this atrocity, which were in reality a bipartisan venture? Also, if we're going to blame the laws for failing to stop the behavior they were intended to restrict, do we blame all the murders committed on the laws against it? No of course not. Do you blame the rapist or the laws against rape for failing to stop the crime? Ridiculous!

Thanked for admitting your partisan remark. Few admit anything, particularly on the left. Care4all said my claim school gun free zones was federal was wrong. I showed her the link that school gun free zones was actually a Federal bill. She wouldn't admit she was wrong.

Anyway, logically, when I criticize the left for supporting gun free zones, I don't follow your logic that means I'm blaming the left "exclusively." I believe that's a non-sequitur.

However in this case, I am curious who besides the left you think is driving gun free zones so I can blame them too

The original bill was passed by a voice vote in Senate and passed 313 to 1 in the House, with 1 Republicans voting against it. G.H.W. Bush signed it.

But gunfree zones are leftist. They can't be conservative. LOL

By definition, yes.

That's because Republicans aren't necessarily conservative . . . which would be why this thread is about leftists vs. conservatives, rather than Democrats vs. Republicans.

I knew if I explained it enough times, you people would eventually catch on.
Okay, first of all, just let me say that I'm well aware of the leftist tactic of "Show up after a long argument, pretend to be completely ignorant of anything that's been said, demand that the entire argument be repeated for you, and hope your opponent gets frustrated and gives up". Doesn't work on me, and never will. I will be perfectly happy to kick your ass for the next 60 pages just like I did Lewdog's in the previous 60, AND continue kicking his ass while I'm at it.

Now, having said that . . . you wanna go? Then giddyup, son.

As I have already said to JED, this is not about Republicans and Democrats. I'm not responsible for the Republican Party or any of its members, and I don't really give a damn about them. The OP said "leftists", and I've been talking very consistently about leftists, so this is about political philosophy, not political parties. I have no intention of letting you re-define the parameters of the debate because you're unable to mount a defense based on the current ones.

Furthermore, if you are planning on framing your argument on the basis that the gun laws of the state of Florida are directly responsible for this shooting, then by all means, present me with the specific law or laws and your reasoning as to how they are responsible, and we can discuss them. But I will not be blindly accepting your vague premise without substantiation.

Bring it on.

Blaming this monstrous act on the Gun Free School Zone acts of the 90's or even to say that those Bills were some kind of Leftist subversion of common sense is as ludicrous as saying either side is to blame. The one to blame is the guy who did the deed. Hanging's too good for him.

Well, it's nice to see a leftist who actually wants to blame the criminal. That, however, does nothing to resolve the very real fact that we need more effective ways to prevent people like him from killing sprees in schools, malls, whatever. And I can and do blame "gun free zones" for being utterly ineffectual in that regard.

Furthermore, YOU started out by trying to blame Florida's gun laws for this shooting, and NOW you say we can't hold anyone or anything responsible EXCEPT the shooter. Could you possibly flail your way around to some consistency?

Well yeah I did start out with a partisan and flippant remark about the OP. Since I haven't been here all year I didn't want to jump into any long established discussions. Didn't the OP blame the Left exclusively for the gun free zone laws for this atrocity, which were in reality a bipartisan venture? Also, if we're going to blame the laws for failing to stop the behavior they were intended to restrict, do we blame all the murders committed on the laws against it? No of course not. Do you blame the rapist or the laws against rape for failing to stop the crime? Ridiculous!

See, again, you're conflating a discussion of "left and right" with "Democrat and Republican". A policy may be "bipartisan" in the sense of getting people from both political parties to vote for it (which is kinda the definition of "bipartisan"), but that doesn't apply to the philosophical divide of leftist and conservative. Gun-free zones are 100% leftist; there is no permutation in which they are remotely conservative. Therefore, the blame for any harm caused by them belongs to the left, not the right. The fact that Republican sometimes vote for leftist policies just demonstrates what I said before: left-think is more contagious than a flaming case of herpes.

Furthermore, we are not blaming laws for failing to stop behavior; we are blaming them for actively exacerbating that behavior. Gun-free zones not only do NOT prevent spree shooters from bringing guns into them to kill people, they ENCOURAGE them to go to those places for their slaughterfests, because they know all their targets will be defenseless. THAT is our objection.

Laws against murder in general act as a deterrent for most of society, including some criminals (who, for example, commit burglaries when no one is home, rather than when the family is present), but their primary purpose isn't to prevent murders so much as it is to offer a framework for which to arrest and punish people who commit them. More importantly in this context, they do not actively encourage people to do what they prohibit.

As for stopping rape, in a lot of cases, I blame the same gun laws I'm blaming for school shootings, because they prevent the victims from being able to defend themselves.

I disagree that most of the mass murderers choose the location of their slaughter because they are gun restricted areas. Fact is most of the deadliest ones did not happen in a gun free zone. Sadly, I think more schools now do need to have more armed security and more individuals authorized/allowed to carry weapons. They certainly need to implement better security policies to prevent access to the so called gun free zones.

Whoa up there, Trigger.

"Most of the deadliest ones did not happen in a gun free zone". Okay, and now you're going to explain how you got THAT statement.

But I appreciate that you're starting to come around to our argument on the subject of armed security.
Aaaaand no one gives a fuck, because it's irrelevant.
Dumbfuck, of course it’s relevant. It doesn’t become irrelevant just because it’s pesky for you. The right is blaming the left for gun free zones. Meanwhile, both parties were responsible for passing it and neither party made any effort to get rid of it.

No, it's irrelevant because the OP and the entire thread are about LEFTISTS, not Democrats. Dumbfuck.

Apparently, in your hollow cranial cavity, Democrats don’t represent the left. :cuckoo:

Regardless of your insignificant dismissal, gun-free zones were sponsored by a Democrat. Voted for by a margin of 313-1, which means both left and right supported it, and signed into law by a Republican Party. That was nearly 3 decades ago and while both parties have been in control at various times over that period, neither party has attempted to revoke gun free zones. The whiney, sniveling right look like the fools they are for blaming the problem on gun-free zones when they are equally responsible for them.

There's a lot of overlap, no denying that, but leftists don't have to be Democrats, and Democrats don't have to be leftists. My objection is to the philosophy, not the political party.

The rest of your post proves my point. One does not have to be a Democrat to engage in egregious left-think.
Then your point is DOA because if that’s how you want to look at it, neither the “left” nor the “right” write laws. Democrats and Republicans do. And Democrat and Republican law makers in Congress represent the entire country, left, right, middle, i.e, everyone. And Democrats and Republicans together passed gun-free zones. 313-1.

Neither side can blame the other on this issue. I don’t actually know that either side wants to blame the other or even thinks it’s the problem; just a relative few people who don’t know where to turn or are seeking to blame someone else.

So your position is that if someone joins a political party, that negates their ability to hold a political philosophy? It's not at all possible in your worldview for someone to do both?
Dumbfuck, of course it’s relevant. It doesn’t become irrelevant just because it’s pesky for you. The right is blaming the left for gun free zones. Meanwhile, both parties were responsible for passing it and neither party made any effort to get rid of it.

No, it's irrelevant because the OP and the entire thread are about LEFTISTS, not Democrats. Dumbfuck.

Apparently, in your hollow cranial cavity, Democrats don’t represent the left. :cuckoo:

Regardless of your insignificant dismissal, gun-free zones were sponsored by a Democrat. Voted for by a margin of 313-1, which means both left and right supported it, and signed into law by a Republican Party. That was nearly 3 decades ago and while both parties have been in control at various times over that period, neither party has attempted to revoke gun free zones. The whiney, sniveling right look like the fools they are for blaming the problem on gun-free zones when they are equally responsible for them.

There's a lot of overlap, no denying that, but leftists don't have to be Democrats, and Democrats don't have to be leftists. My objection is to the philosophy, not the political party.

The rest of your post proves my point. One does not have to be a Democrat to engage in egregious left-think.
Then your point is DOA because if that’s how you want to look at it, neither the “left” nor the “right” write laws. Democrats and Republicans do. And Democrat and Republican law makers in Congress represent the entire country, left, right, middle, i.e, everyone. And Democrats and Republicans together passed gun-free zones. 313-1.

Neither side can blame the other on this issue. I don’t actually know that either side wants to blame the other or even thinks it’s the problem; just a relative few people who don’t know where to turn or are seeking to blame someone else.

Perhaps this is because the notion that people should not bring guns to school, unless they are law enforcement, is neither a "liberal" nor "conservative" issue. Just mebbe. LOL

Actually, that's a very leftist viewpoint, because they can't wrap their minds around the change that people ARE bringing guns to school, for the purpose of slaughtering others, and sternly telling them it's naughty just isn't cutting it.

Apparently, in your hollow cranial cavity, Democrats don’t represent the left. :cuckoo:

Regardless of your insignificant dismissal, gun-free zones were sponsored by a Democrat. Voted for by a margin of 313-1, which means both left and right supported it, and signed into law by a Republican Party. That was nearly 3 decades ago and while both parties have been in control at various times over that period, neither party has attempted to revoke gun free zones. The whiney, sniveling right look like the fools they are for blaming the problem on gun-free zones when they are equally responsible for them.

There's a lot of overlap, no denying that, but leftists don't have to be Democrats, and Democrats don't have to be leftists. My objection is to the philosophy, not the political party.

The rest of your post proves my point. One does not have to be a Democrat to engage in egregious left-think.
Then your point is DOA because if that’s how you want to look at it, neither the “left” nor the “right” write laws. Democrats and Republicans do. And Democrat and Republican law makers in Congress represent the entire country, left, right, middle, i.e, everyone. And Democrats and Republicans together passed gun-free zones. 313-1.

Neither side can blame the other on this issue. I don’t actually know that either side wants to blame the other or even thinks it’s the problem; just a relative few people who don’t know where to turn or are seeking to blame someone else.

Perhaps this is because the notion that people should not bring guns to school, unless they are law enforcement, is neither a "liberal" nor "conservative" issue. Just mebbe. LOL

What's your plan to get shooters to not bring guns to school? If you want to live in the 1970s, that's fine. But don't pretend it is the 1970s.

And how many times have you told conservatives that? Hey guy, don't live in the past.

The reality is that starting with Columbine in 1999, not coincidentally not long after schools were made gun free zones, there have been repeated shootings and repeatedly no one is shooting back.

It's time to man up and address reality. Not live in the past as you'd gladly say to Republicans.

And when you think about it, the plan to keep 300 million guns away from people who want to kill people while maintaining our having no southern border was a stupid plan to begin with.

Leftists can be forgiven to a degree for a stupid plan. You cannot be forgiven when the results of your plan has been a long line of dead children's bodies and you refuse to think wow, maybe your plan was a stupid idea
Oh no, I have no interest in rehabilitating your snark thread, sparky. Esp after accusing me of snarking on your snark.

I have considered starting a serious thread on the issue of what's achievable and what might possibly lessen a person's ability to pull off a mass shooting. But there are too many threads on Parkland, and I think people like you would hijack the thread over your partisanship

Partisanship? You don't know what that means, do you? You know they have things things called dictionaries. Try one.

And yes, leftists always say laws aren't working. What we need to fix that are more laws. Plenty of leftists have started your new thread for you
Dumbfuck, of course it’s relevant. It doesn’t become irrelevant just because it’s pesky for you. The right is blaming the left for gun free zones. Meanwhile, both parties were responsible for passing it and neither party made any effort to get rid of it.

No, it's irrelevant because the OP and the entire thread are about LEFTISTS, not Democrats. Dumbfuck.

Apparently, in your hollow cranial cavity, Democrats don’t represent the left. :cuckoo:

Regardless of your insignificant dismissal, gun-free zones were sponsored by a Democrat. Voted for by a margin of 313-1, which means both left and right supported it, and signed into law by a Republican Party. That was nearly 3 decades ago and while both parties have been in control at various times over that period, neither party has attempted to revoke gun free zones. The whiney, sniveling right look like the fools they are for blaming the problem on gun-free zones when they are equally responsible for them.

There's a lot of overlap, no denying that, but leftists don't have to be Democrats, and Democrats don't have to be leftists. My objection is to the philosophy, not the political party.

The rest of your post proves my point. One does not have to be a Democrat to engage in egregious left-think.
Then your point is DOA because if that’s how you want to look at it, neither the “left” nor the “right” write laws. Democrats and Republicans do. And Democrat and Republican law makers in Congress represent the entire country, left, right, middle, i.e, everyone. And Democrats and Republicans together passed gun-free zones. 313-1.

Neither side can blame the other on this issue. I don’t actually know that either side wants to blame the other or even thinks it’s the problem; just a relative few people who don’t know where to turn or are seeking to blame someone else.

So your position is that if someone joins a political party, that negates their ability to hold a political philosophy? It's not at all possible in your worldview for someone to do both?
No, that not my position.
And I clearly stated my position.

Apparently, in your hollow cranial cavity, Democrats don’t represent the left. :cuckoo:

Regardless of your insignificant dismissal, gun-free zones were sponsored by a Democrat. Voted for by a margin of 313-1, which means both left and right supported it, and signed into law by a Republican Party. That was nearly 3 decades ago and while both parties have been in control at various times over that period, neither party has attempted to revoke gun free zones. The whiney, sniveling right look like the fools they are for blaming the problem on gun-free zones when they are equally responsible for them.

There's a lot of overlap, no denying that, but leftists don't have to be Democrats, and Democrats don't have to be leftists. My objection is to the philosophy, not the political party.

The rest of your post proves my point. One does not have to be a Democrat to engage in egregious left-think.
Then your point is DOA because if that’s how you want to look at it, neither the “left” nor the “right” write laws. Democrats and Republicans do. And Democrat and Republican law makers in Congress represent the entire country, left, right, middle, i.e, everyone. And Democrats and Republicans together passed gun-free zones. 313-1.

Neither side can blame the other on this issue. I don’t actually know that either side wants to blame the other or even thinks it’s the problem; just a relative few people who don’t know where to turn or are seeking to blame someone else.

Perhaps this is because the notion that people should not bring guns to school, unless they are law enforcement, is neither a "liberal" nor "conservative" issue. Just mebbe. LOL

What's your plan to get shooters to not bring guns to school? If you want to live in the 1970s, that's fine. But don't pretend it is the 1970s.

And how many times have you told conservatives that? Hey guy, don't live in the past.

The reality is that starting with Columbine in 1999, not coincidentally not long after schools were made gun free zones, there have been repeated shootings and repeatedly no one is shooting back.

It's time to man up and address reality. Not live in the past as you'd gladly say to Republicans.

And when you think about it, the plan to keep 300 million guns away from people who want to kill people while maintaining our having no southern border was a stupid plan to begin with.

Leftists can be forgiven to a degree for a stupid plan. You cannot be forgiven when the results of your plan has been a long line of dead children's bodies and you refuse to think wow, maybe your plan was a stupid idea
Oh no, I have no interest in rehabilitating your snark thread, sparky. Esp after accusing me of snarking on your snark.

I have considered starting a serious thread on the issue of what's achievable and what might possibly lessen a person's ability to pull off a mass shooting. But there are too many threads on Parkland, and I think people like you would hijack the thread over your partisanship

"Serious thread" = "One that only respects my viewpoint"
Dumbfuck, of course it’s relevant. It doesn’t become irrelevant just because it’s pesky for you. The right is blaming the left for gun free zones. Meanwhile, both parties were responsible for passing it and neither party made any effort to get rid of it.

No, it's irrelevant because the OP and the entire thread are about LEFTISTS, not Democrats. Dumbfuck.

Apparently, in your hollow cranial cavity, Democrats don’t represent the left. :cuckoo:

Regardless of your insignificant dismissal, gun-free zones were sponsored by a Democrat. Voted for by a margin of 313-1, which means both left and right supported it, and signed into law by a Republican Party. That was nearly 3 decades ago and while both parties have been in control at various times over that period, neither party has attempted to revoke gun free zones. The whiney, sniveling right look like the fools they are for blaming the problem on gun-free zones when they are equally responsible for them.

There's a lot of overlap, no denying that, but leftists don't have to be Democrats, and Democrats don't have to be leftists. My objection is to the philosophy, not the political party.

The rest of your post proves my point. One does not have to be a Democrat to engage in egregious left-think.

I agree that "Democrats don't have to be leftists," but I no longer know any who aren't.

Certainly not all leftists are Democrats though

That WOULD be the problem.

Yep. When the Democrat party is all leftist and half the Republican party are leftists, it explains where we are headed as a country
There's a lot of overlap, no denying that, but leftists don't have to be Democrats, and Democrats don't have to be leftists. My objection is to the philosophy, not the political party.

The rest of your post proves my point. One does not have to be a Democrat to engage in egregious left-think.
Then your point is DOA because if that’s how you want to look at it, neither the “left” nor the “right” write laws. Democrats and Republicans do. And Democrat and Republican law makers in Congress represent the entire country, left, right, middle, i.e, everyone. And Democrats and Republicans together passed gun-free zones. 313-1.

Neither side can blame the other on this issue. I don’t actually know that either side wants to blame the other or even thinks it’s the problem; just a relative few people who don’t know where to turn or are seeking to blame someone else.

Perhaps this is because the notion that people should not bring guns to school, unless they are law enforcement, is neither a "liberal" nor "conservative" issue. Just mebbe. LOL

What's your plan to get shooters to not bring guns to school? If you want to live in the 1970s, that's fine. But don't pretend it is the 1970s.

And how many times have you told conservatives that? Hey guy, don't live in the past.

The reality is that starting with Columbine in 1999, not coincidentally not long after schools were made gun free zones, there have been repeated shootings and repeatedly no one is shooting back.

It's time to man up and address reality. Not live in the past as you'd gladly say to Republicans.

And when you think about it, the plan to keep 300 million guns away from people who want to kill people while maintaining our having no southern border was a stupid plan to begin with.

Leftists can be forgiven to a degree for a stupid plan. You cannot be forgiven when the results of your plan has been a long line of dead children's bodies and you refuse to think wow, maybe your plan was a stupid idea
Oh no, I have no interest in rehabilitating your snark thread, sparky. Esp after accusing me of snarking on your snark.

I have considered starting a serious thread on the issue of what's achievable and what might possibly lessen a person's ability to pull off a mass shooting. But there are too many threads on Parkland, and I think people like you would hijack the thread over your partisanship

Partisanship? You don't know what that means, do you? You know they have things things called dictionaries. Try one

I used to advocate a program called "Dictionaries for Democrats", so they could finally figure out the meanings of all those complicated words, like "infringe" . . . and "is".
There's a lot of overlap, no denying that, but leftists don't have to be Democrats, and Democrats don't have to be leftists. My objection is to the philosophy, not the political party.

The rest of your post proves my point. One does not have to be a Democrat to engage in egregious left-think.
Then your point is DOA because if that’s how you want to look at it, neither the “left” nor the “right” write laws. Democrats and Republicans do. And Democrat and Republican law makers in Congress represent the entire country, left, right, middle, i.e, everyone. And Democrats and Republicans together passed gun-free zones. 313-1.

Neither side can blame the other on this issue. I don’t actually know that either side wants to blame the other or even thinks it’s the problem; just a relative few people who don’t know where to turn or are seeking to blame someone else.

Perhaps this is because the notion that people should not bring guns to school, unless they are law enforcement, is neither a "liberal" nor "conservative" issue. Just mebbe. LOL

What's your plan to get shooters to not bring guns to school? If you want to live in the 1970s, that's fine. But don't pretend it is the 1970s.

And how many times have you told conservatives that? Hey guy, don't live in the past.

The reality is that starting with Columbine in 1999, not coincidentally not long after schools were made gun free zones, there have been repeated shootings and repeatedly no one is shooting back.

It's time to man up and address reality. Not live in the past as you'd gladly say to Republicans.

And when you think about it, the plan to keep 300 million guns away from people who want to kill people while maintaining our having no southern border was a stupid plan to begin with.

Leftists can be forgiven to a degree for a stupid plan. You cannot be forgiven when the results of your plan has been a long line of dead children's bodies and you refuse to think wow, maybe your plan was a stupid idea
Oh no, I have no interest in rehabilitating your snark thread, sparky. Esp after accusing me of snarking on your snark.

I have considered starting a serious thread on the issue of what's achievable and what might possibly lessen a person's ability to pull off a mass shooting. But there are too many threads on Parkland, and I think people like you would hijack the thread over your partisanship

"Serious thread" = "One that only respects my viewpoint"
No, one that doesn't have "leftist" or "conservative" in the OP
No, it's irrelevant because the OP and the entire thread are about LEFTISTS, not Democrats. Dumbfuck.

Apparently, in your hollow cranial cavity, Democrats don’t represent the left. :cuckoo:

Regardless of your insignificant dismissal, gun-free zones were sponsored by a Democrat. Voted for by a margin of 313-1, which means both left and right supported it, and signed into law by a Republican Party. That was nearly 3 decades ago and while both parties have been in control at various times over that period, neither party has attempted to revoke gun free zones. The whiney, sniveling right look like the fools they are for blaming the problem on gun-free zones when they are equally responsible for them.

There's a lot of overlap, no denying that, but leftists don't have to be Democrats, and Democrats don't have to be leftists. My objection is to the philosophy, not the political party.

The rest of your post proves my point. One does not have to be a Democrat to engage in egregious left-think.
Then your point is DOA because if that’s how you want to look at it, neither the “left” nor the “right” write laws. Democrats and Republicans do. And Democrat and Republican law makers in Congress represent the entire country, left, right, middle, i.e, everyone. And Democrats and Republicans together passed gun-free zones. 313-1.

Neither side can blame the other on this issue. I don’t actually know that either side wants to blame the other or even thinks it’s the problem; just a relative few people who don’t know where to turn or are seeking to blame someone else.

So your position is that if someone joins a political party, that negates their ability to hold a political philosophy? It's not at all possible in your worldview for someone to do both?
No, that not my position.
And I clearly stated my position.

And then I paraphrased it for clarification. You're welcome.
Then your point is DOA because if that’s how you want to look at it, neither the “left” nor the “right” write laws. Democrats and Republicans do. And Democrat and Republican law makers in Congress represent the entire country, left, right, middle, i.e, everyone. And Democrats and Republicans together passed gun-free zones. 313-1.

Neither side can blame the other on this issue. I don’t actually know that either side wants to blame the other or even thinks it’s the problem; just a relative few people who don’t know where to turn or are seeking to blame someone else.

Perhaps this is because the notion that people should not bring guns to school, unless they are law enforcement, is neither a "liberal" nor "conservative" issue. Just mebbe. LOL

What's your plan to get shooters to not bring guns to school? If you want to live in the 1970s, that's fine. But don't pretend it is the 1970s.

And how many times have you told conservatives that? Hey guy, don't live in the past.

The reality is that starting with Columbine in 1999, not coincidentally not long after schools were made gun free zones, there have been repeated shootings and repeatedly no one is shooting back.

It's time to man up and address reality. Not live in the past as you'd gladly say to Republicans.

And when you think about it, the plan to keep 300 million guns away from people who want to kill people while maintaining our having no southern border was a stupid plan to begin with.

Leftists can be forgiven to a degree for a stupid plan. You cannot be forgiven when the results of your plan has been a long line of dead children's bodies and you refuse to think wow, maybe your plan was a stupid idea
Oh no, I have no interest in rehabilitating your snark thread, sparky. Esp after accusing me of snarking on your snark.

I have considered starting a serious thread on the issue of what's achievable and what might possibly lessen a person's ability to pull off a mass shooting. But there are too many threads on Parkland, and I think people like you would hijack the thread over your partisanship

Partisanship? You don't know what that means, do you? You know they have things things called dictionaries. Try one

I used to advocate a program called "Dictionaries for Democrats", so they could finally figure out the meanings of all those complicated words, like "infringe" . . . and "is".
Infringe is not your strongpoint, and neither are 18th century English usage or constitutional history.
No, it's irrelevant because the OP and the entire thread are about LEFTISTS, not Democrats. Dumbfuck.

Apparently, in your hollow cranial cavity, Democrats don’t represent the left. :cuckoo:

Regardless of your insignificant dismissal, gun-free zones were sponsored by a Democrat. Voted for by a margin of 313-1, which means both left and right supported it, and signed into law by a Republican Party. That was nearly 3 decades ago and while both parties have been in control at various times over that period, neither party has attempted to revoke gun free zones. The whiney, sniveling right look like the fools they are for blaming the problem on gun-free zones when they are equally responsible for them.

There's a lot of overlap, no denying that, but leftists don't have to be Democrats, and Democrats don't have to be leftists. My objection is to the philosophy, not the political party.

The rest of your post proves my point. One does not have to be a Democrat to engage in egregious left-think.

I agree that "Democrats don't have to be leftists," but I no longer know any who aren't.

Certainly not all leftists are Democrats though

That WOULD be the problem.

Yep. When the Democrat party is all leftist and half the Republican party are leftists, it explains where we are headed as a country

You can prevent the spread of syphilis in a whorehouse easier than you can left-think in Congress. Sad, but true.
By definition, yes.

That's because Republicans aren't necessarily conservative . . . which would be why this thread is about leftists vs. conservatives, rather than Democrats vs. Republicans.

I knew if I explained it enough times, you people would eventually catch on.

And in this case leftists versus conservatives and libertarians since this is an issue we agree with conservatives on.

Leftists are authoritarians, so we don't agree with them on anything as they are the opposite of libertarians.

Even when their position on an issue is right, it's always for the wrong reason and only applies to them, no one else
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Then your point is DOA because if that’s how you want to look at it, neither the “left” nor the “right” write laws. Democrats and Republicans do. And Democrat and Republican law makers in Congress represent the entire country, left, right, middle, i.e, everyone. And Democrats and Republicans together passed gun-free zones. 313-1.

Neither side can blame the other on this issue. I don’t actually know that either side wants to blame the other or even thinks it’s the problem; just a relative few people who don’t know where to turn or are seeking to blame someone else.

Perhaps this is because the notion that people should not bring guns to school, unless they are law enforcement, is neither a "liberal" nor "conservative" issue. Just mebbe. LOL

What's your plan to get shooters to not bring guns to school? If you want to live in the 1970s, that's fine. But don't pretend it is the 1970s.

And how many times have you told conservatives that? Hey guy, don't live in the past.

The reality is that starting with Columbine in 1999, not coincidentally not long after schools were made gun free zones, there have been repeated shootings and repeatedly no one is shooting back.

It's time to man up and address reality. Not live in the past as you'd gladly say to Republicans.

And when you think about it, the plan to keep 300 million guns away from people who want to kill people while maintaining our having no southern border was a stupid plan to begin with.

Leftists can be forgiven to a degree for a stupid plan. You cannot be forgiven when the results of your plan has been a long line of dead children's bodies and you refuse to think wow, maybe your plan was a stupid idea
Oh no, I have no interest in rehabilitating your snark thread, sparky. Esp after accusing me of snarking on your snark.

I have considered starting a serious thread on the issue of what's achievable and what might possibly lessen a person's ability to pull off a mass shooting. But there are too many threads on Parkland, and I think people like you would hijack the thread over your partisanship

"Serious thread" = "One that only respects my viewpoint"
No, one that doesn't have "leftist" or "conservative" in the OP

So you're going to discuss political issues and policies while pretending there aren't two philosophical sides to them.

Pretty sure that's what I just said.

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