Leftists scream No evidence! No evidence... then when there is obvious evidence...

Do Americans really want to expose the meddling in the Ukraine
Once again, duck, "It is NONE of your business." You are a walking talking contradiction. In one sentence you claim that the US needs to keep foreign policy under cover and in the very next sentence, you ask what Americans want in regard to a foreign policy. How about this. I want commie Canadians to stay out of the discussion of US domestic or foreign policies. Clean up your own back yard.
So you had three years of nothing with Trump and Russia or is that somehow different?

Yes we did have evidence about Trump and Russia

We had evidence Russia interfered in the election
Evidence that Trump used information Russia stole
Evidence that Trump staff met with Russian agents
Evidence of Trump asking Russia to investigate Hillary
More on that video that even some R may not finish watching:

at point 9:10 comments are made that the article by that shill was written w/ the hope that "Americans are dumb enough to believe it [the OP-ed that basically says Nothing to see here]"

Well, we already know that some Americans are definitely dumb enough or hack enough to believe... what they choose to believe (for the sake of the "party")

Also, at one point in this OP video Barr is (apparently quoted as) saying that he would vote for bidum over Trump!!!!!!!!!

told ya he is a RINO! I could 1/2 ass buy it that he sees something nefarious in the indictment situation (not having read the whole thing, I could 1/2 ass buy that), but vote for EGREGIOUS corruption over... alleged... (whatever)? What a sick bastard
Yes we did have evidence about Trump and Russia

We had evidence Russia interfered in the election
Evidence that Trump used information Russia stole
Evidence that Trump staff met with Russian agents
Evidence of Trump asking Russia to investigate Hillary

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Lying asshole.
Yes we did have evidence about Trump and Russia

We had evidence Russia interfered in the election
Evidence that Trump used information Russia stole
Evidence that Trump staff met with Russian agents
Evidence of Trump asking Russia to investigate Hillary

What mental psychosis looks like.
Newsmax needs to remember that the important facts of their stories has to be understood in the first 5 or no more than 10 minutes. They could have done a better job at doing that!

There's an easy kill on the Biden family here but the R side need to compromise their country's foreign policy if they run with it.

Republican lowbrows such as MTG, Gaitz, and the others will likely make the compromise.
Video also brings up allegations (not verified as of yet) that bidum was taking $$ from the Russians also.. stay tuned on that one

that's at 12:00

then at 16:20 we have the inspiring Tom Fitton RE the indictment and how Clinton and the sock story pretty much dealt with this kind of document handling issue long ago. (But hey, Clinton's a dim, Trump is R... so...) :rolleyes:

at point 23:00 they discuss how America does not trust gummit much (big newsflash there!)
Once again, duck, "It is NONE of your business." You are a walking talking contradiction. In one sentence you claim that the US needs to keep foreign policy under cover and in the very next sentence, you ask what Americans want in regard to a foreign policy. How about this. I want commie Canadians to stay out of the discussion of US domestic or foreign policies. Clean up your own back yard.
I think you're trying to say that this is a bombshell that Republicans need to consider carefully before they touch it.

The times you turn to spamming are revealing even though you skirt the topic but broadcast your displeasure. Tell us more. You just might be clever enough to actually understand this and how US foreign policy is at stake, for the pleasure of doing harm to the potatohead!

Continue the childish spamming and you're back on ignore.
It’s NewsMax. They have a casual relationship with the truth.

I’ve probably heard it several times.

Can you summarize it?
better a casual relationship with Truth

than a deep animus toward it, as per the leftists
Video also brings up allegations (not verified as of yet) that bidum was taking $$ from the Russians also.. stay tuned on that one

that's at 12:00

then at 16:20 we have the inspiring Tom Fitton RE the indictment and how Clinton and the sock story pretty much dealt with this kind of document handling issue long ago. (But hey, Clinton's a dim, Trump is R... so...) :rolleyes:

at point 23:00 they discuss how America does not trust gummit much (big newsflash there!)
95% of their audience will wander off after ten minutes. That's why they need the story to be a 'hook' that grabs interest during short attention span limits.

Maybe Fox will run with it, but maybe they will understand the foreign policy compromise?

I'll bring it here from the Russian media when they snatch it up. They're very intent on damaging Biden for Trump's sake.

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