Leftists, you AGREE that it's good for govt. officials to lie and commit crime to get Trump...

Were you talking about the FBI Director who said "no reasonable prosecutor" would bring a case against HRC for her emails?

Was that my question, dumbass? No, it wasn't. You dodged it because you're a fucking little c*nt.
Jesus, what a retard. How is this idiot thread not in the rubber room?

Hey asshole, the Democratic Party is riddled with corruption. Lying and cheating is what they've been doing for years now. You live in a fantasy land if you don't think the Democratic Party is and has been engaged in MASSIVE corruption for years now. The Obama regime was the most corrupt in American history. What Democrats and their goons in the DOJ/FBI/IRS/CIA/NSA have done to Trump is the most significant scandal in the history of the U.S.

You whiny ***** always pretend Trump is a victim. Wake up, dipshit. The DoJ has been under Trump's control for 2-1/2 years. If there were a criminal case to be made against Clinton, why hasn't Donny done it?
Wow- you sure have drunk the Trump koolaid. I leave you to go back to all of your right wing Konspiracy websites to wallow in the lies spewed forth from your Orange Messiah's regime.

Speaking of conspiracy theories, what was Trump's crime? LOL.
You whiny ***** always pretend Trump is a victim. Wake up, dipshit. The DoJ has been under Trump's control for 2-1/2 years. If there were a criminal case to be made against Clinton, why hasn't Donny done it?

I don't know. I DO know that what Hillary did was against the law and she did it well over 100 times. You or I would have been sent to prison. Hillary skated.
As long as we start at the top with the head criminal, the fat orange man.

What crime has Trump committed?

Numerous leftists here claim Trump has committed crimes but can't make the case for one. Leftists don't believe in "justice" or "equal application of the law". That's why they'll condemn and convict Trump without a crime but happily give a pass to Hillary, who actually committed crimes.

To be a leftist, one has to deny truth and live in a alternate reality.
I don't have to make the case. I'm not a lawyer OR a congress person. I am happy with how my elected congress people are proceeding with their thorough investigation. There will be public hearings very very soon and we'll get to hear all about the crimes.

Patience grasshopper.
I've been very critical of Trump on this forum on a multitude of topics. You are the lemming, not me.

Not to me, you haven't. Everything you argue is in bad faith. You are doing your best to virtue signal from some moral high ground of your own making. It would be funny if it weren't so pathetically disingenuous.
Quoting you: Trump hasn't committed any crimes.
Are you now saying you were lying- or that you were mistaken? The answer is that we don't know all of the crimes Trump may have committed while in office(or before), since he has been so very busy preventing anyone from knowing.

Hey bud, there is something called a presumption of innocence. Unless and until you or someone else can make a strong case that Trump broke a law, then I can absolutely say that Trump hasn't committed any crimes.

You expect others to acknowledge that Trump has committed crimes when you can't even make the argument for one. Then you accuse us of being unreasonable. LOL.
You whiny ***** always pretend Trump is a victim. Wake up, dipshit. The DoJ has been under Trump's control for 2-1/2 years. If there were a criminal case to be made against Clinton, why hasn't Donny done it?

I don't know. I DO know that what Hillary did was against the law and she did it well over 100 times. You or I would have been sent to prison. Hillary skated.

You don't know jackshit.

At the top of the list of things no one ever said is this: 'Trump's word is his bond.'

I know, ..."but, but but Hillary!"
If there were a criminal case to be made against Clinton, why hasn't Donny done it?

Hey c*nt, it is legal for government officials to transmit classified documents through a private server? Cue the c*nt act. Now, go hide under your bed.

I know, ..."but, but but Hillary!"

No, it's about equal application of the law. If you don't believe in it, then you don't believe in law. You obviously have NO PROBLEM with crime when it's a Democrat that's engaged in it. Your loyalty isn't to your fellow, average American. Your loyalty is to the Democratic Party, as evidenced by your hysterical defense of them, even when they're blatantly guilty.
If there were a criminal case to be made against Clinton, why hasn't Donny done it?

Hey c*nt, it is legal for government officials to transmit classified documents through a private server? Cue the c*nt act. Now, go hide under your bed.


No one is hiding from you. You want to rely on the testimony of a man who said no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case, that's up to you. The law isn't necessarily as simple-minded as you.
This is typical of the left. The FBI Director and the DOJ IG said she DID, but leftists like you delusionally deny REALITY. As they say, it's hard to win an argument with a smart person; it's almost impossible to win an argument with a stupid person. You're not alone. Folks like Coyote also deny undeniable facts and reality. Hillary was caught, red-handed, the corrupt Obama regime made sure that she skated and you deny that any of it happened. Unreal. Congratulations.

LoneLaugher is another delusional, cowardly twat that ran away when presented with truth and facts. Lying little twat.
No one is hiding from you. You want to rely on the testimony of a man who said no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case, that's up to you. The law isn't necessarily as simple-minded as you.

Hey c*nt, is it legal for a government official to transmit classified documents through a private server?

You can't answer the question because you don't like the answer. You lack the honesty, integrity and character to tell the truth. That's why you're a sniveling little c*nt.
I know, ..."but, but but Hillary!"

No, it's about equal application of the law. If you don't believe in it, then you don't believe in law. You obviously have NO PROBLEM with crime when it's a Democrat that's engaged in it. Your loyalty isn't to your fellow, average American. Your loyalty is to the Democratic Party, as evidenced by your hysterical defense of them, even when they're blatantly guilty.

If you're seeing hysteria, it's because you're looking in the mirror. You have a simple question without context. The FBI Director to whom you refer thought it didn't rise to the level of a crime..

Here's one for you - Is it legal to ask a foreign government to interfere in a US election?
No one is hiding from you. You want to rely on the testimony of a man who said no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case, that's up to you. The law isn't necessarily as simple-minded as you.

Hey c*nt, is it legal for a government official to transmit classified documents through a private server?

You can't answer the question because you don't like the answer. You lack the honesty, integrity and character to tell the truth. That's why you're a sniveling little c*nt.
nobody gave a damn about emails until the Russians hacked the DNC and wrecked the election. General Powell and condoleezza did all the same things. Not reported on your propaganda machine of course....60% of TV coverage of the election was about her emails. Absolutely ridiculous. And all investigated and nothing but garbage propaganda.
This is typical of the left. The FBI Director and the DOJ IG said she DID, but leftists like you delusionally deny REALITY. As they say, it's hard to win an argument with a smart person; it's almost impossible to win an argument with a stupid person. You're not alone. Folks like Coyote also deny undeniable facts and reality. Hillary was caught, red-handed, the corrupt Obama regime made sure that she skated and you deny that any of it happened. Unreal. Congratulations.

LoneLaugher is another delusional, cowardly twat that ran away when presented with truth and facts. Lying little twat.

I would love to speak with you live. Call into our podcast on Friday night. See the details in my sig.

I will respond to every crazy thing you say with calm and measured factual info.

Can you handle that?

We shall see.

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