Leftists, you AGREE that it's good for govt. officials to lie and commit crime to get Trump...

Your barely-literate OP is a steaming pile of monkey shit, Gomer.

And you're a fucking idiot. It's fucking idiots like you that allow massive government corruption. You're so fucking stupid you defend the fucking crooks. Go fuck yourself - asshole!
...right? You support it, right?

No, but Trump has made many enemies that are powerful from the Clinton's to Romney and in between you have the Bush, Cruz and McCain families.

Trump wanted to be Caesar and know as the Senate draws their knives he might finally become Caesar with his political career being assassinated...

You do not go out attacking powerful families and not expect for those families not to aim at you and burn your political career to the ground and destroy you and your entire family...

I know what do I know, so when and if Trump goes down just know this is a warning to those that want to burn down the families that run our country...
...right? You support it, right?

No, but ...


Should government employees that lie and engage in crime be fired and/or prosecuted?
Conviction in the Court of Hannity isn't real. Trump has been able to direct the DoJ for over 2-1/2 years. It's time you stop whining.

Hey you fucking hillbilly, is it LEGAL to transmit classified documents through a private fucking server? Eh, shit-for-brains? Hillary specifically set up the private server to AVOID oversight by the American people. Why did you support that type of corruption, shit-for-brains? Obama knew about it too and when asked if he had previously known about it, he fucking LIED, and you didn't give a fuck. Trump exaggerates the size of a crowd at a fucking rally and you accuse him of being the biggest liar to ever occupy the White House.
Conviction in the Court of Hannity isn't real. Trump has been able to direct the DoJ for over 2-1/2 years. It's time you stop whining.

Hey you fucking hillbilly, is it LEGAL to transmit classified documents through a private fucking server? Eh, shit-for-brains? Hillary specifically set up the private server to AVOID oversight by the American people. Why did you support that type of corruption, shit-for-brains? Obama knew about it too and when asked if he had previously known about it, he fucking LIED, and you didn't give a fuck. Trump exaggerates the size of a crowd at a fucking rally and you accuse him of being the biggest liar to ever occupy the White House.

Settle down before you hurt yourself. You're just slinging feces.
If RW nutbags ever realize that they’ve been played, we will have a massive cleanup on aisle 7.
...right? You support it, right?

No Tovarisch. It's ok to impeach a criminal president, which our Constitution demands. Unlike the mother country, the United States is a nation of laws, not a nation of men.
She didn’t.

This is typical of the left. The FBI Director and the DOJ IG said she DID, but leftists like you delusionally deny REALITY. As they say, it's hard to win an argument with a smart person; it's almost impossible to win an argument with a stupid person. You're not alone. Folks like Coyote also deny undeniable facts and reality. Hillary was caught, red-handed, the corrupt Obama regime made sure that she skated and you deny that any of it happened. Unreal. Congratulations.
...the United States is a nation of laws, not a nation of men.

Oh it seems the Democrats and their goons in government are neck-deep in crimes against our nation. By the way, where was the "the U.S. is a nation of laws" argument when Hillary skated for her innumerable felonies? I take it you didn't mind.
If RW nutbags ever realize that they’ve been played, we will have a massive cleanup on aisle 7.

Says the moron that falsely believes that Hillary never transmitted any classified documents, even after the FBI Director and the DOJ IG TESTIFIED BEFORE CONGRESS that she DID. Yea, you're a fucking clown.
Settle down before you hurt yourself. You're just slinging feces.

Where did you go, c*nt? You don't want to answer the question? Is it because you don't like the answer and you lack the integrity to answer honestly? Fucking twat.
How do you know Trump hasn't committed any crimes? You part of his inner circle? You and yours investigated Clinton for 30 years now and still haven't been able to figure out a criminal charge to charge her with- but we investigate Trump for a couple of years and you scream 'witchhunt'.

I don't know if Trump has committed any crimes. I'm simply responding to the claims that he has and asking for an explanation.

Hillary should have been charged. She broke the law. She committed well over 100 felonies. Just because the Obama regime's Department of "Justice" decided to give her a pass doesn't mean that she didn't break the law. You or I would have been sent to prison.

Quoting you: Trump hasn't committed any crimes.
Are you now saying you were lying- or that you were mistaken? The answer is that we don't know all of the crimes Trump may have committed while in office(or before), since he has been so very busy preventing anyone from knowing.

If Hillary did indeed commit 100 felonies why hasn't the Trump regime's Department of Justice filed charges? 3 years now and the clock is ticking.
Its almost like your Orange Messiah can't even get his pet AG to dummy up actual charges against her.
Settle down before you hurt yourself. You're just slinging feces.

Where did you go, c*nt? You don't want to answer the question? Is it because you don't like the answer and you lack the integrity to answer honestly? Fucking twat.

To read another thread, you yammering fuckstick. Were you talking about the FBI Director who said "no reasonable prosecutor" would bring a case against HRC for her emails?

BTW, your hair-on-fire insanity isn't compelling enough for constant attention.
Jesus, what a retard. How is this idiot thread not in the rubber room?

Hey asshole, the Democratic Party is riddled with corruption. Lying and cheating is what they've been doing for years now. You live in a fantasy land if you don't think the Democratic Party is and has been engaged in MASSIVE corruption for years now. The Obama regime was the most corrupt in American history. What Democrats and their goons in the DOJ/FBI/IRS/CIA/NSA have done to Trump is the most significant scandal in the history of the U.S.

Wow- you sure have drunk the Trump koolaid.

I leave you to go back to all of your right wing Konspiracy websites to wallow in the lies spewed forth from your Orange Messiah's regime.

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