Leftists, you AGREE that it's good for govt. officials to lie and commit crime to get Trump...

Quoting you: Trump hasn't committed any crimes.
Are you now saying you were lying- or that you were mistaken? The answer is that we don't know all of the crimes Trump may have committed while in office(or before), since he has been so very busy preventing anyone from knowing.

Hey bud, there is something called a presumption of innocence. Unless and until you or someone else can make a strong case that Trump broke a law, then I can absolutely say that Trump hasn't committed any crimes.

You expect others to acknowledge that Trump has committed crimes when you can't even make the argument for one. Then you accuse us of being unreasonable. LOL.

I have made the arguments- you just don't agree with them.

I have no problem with the 'presumption of innocence' but it is very ironic coming from someone who both accuses Clinton of crimes without her being prosecuted or convicted of anything- and someone who is defending a President who encouraged chants of 'lock her up, lock her up'

But thanks for acknowledging your mistake in saying that you knew the President had not committed any crimes.
Should she have been charged with gross negligence?
Sure. Why not. In fantasy land where that’s a thing.

Is it possible that Hillary was selling secrets? Hillary could have set up the server for the purpose of doing exactly that. The Chinese or Russian (or another) could have been given sufficient information so that they could hack (wink, wink) into it and obtain official government documents with classified information. Isn't that one reason why government officials are supposed to use government servers?

Besides Hillary, who else should get a pass for mishandling classified information, especially when they do it over 100 times?

Is it possible that Trump is selling secrets right now?
Trump has gone to great lengths to conduct secret meetings with foreign leaders and to keep them 'off the books'.

I mean if we are just going to be throwing unsubstantiated shit out there, lets be fair and throw it out at your Orange Messiah also.
She didn’t.

This is typical of the left. The FBI Director and the DOJ IG said she DID, but leftists like you delusionally deny REALITY. As they say, it's hard to win an argument with a smart person; it's almost impossible to win an argument with a stupid person. You're not alone. Folks like Coyote also deny undeniable facts and reality. Hillary was caught, red-handed, the corrupt Obama regime made sure that she skated and you deny that any of it happened. Unreal. Congratulations.
What they said was no reasonable prosecutor would charge her with a crime. That means insufficient evidence, like with Trump and collusion.

Try applying the same set of standards.
Dude. You sound crazy. For real.

Theoretically, that would indeed be a way for Hillary or anyone else to pass information without the need for secret drop locations, right? So why do you support government officials being permitted to do whatever they want with classified documents? I'll answer the question for you. It's because your loyalty is to the party. You couldn't possibly care less about average Americans. You love, loyalty and devotion is to the Democratic Party. Your devotion to the DNC reminds me of the devotion that fascism requires of its citizens to the party/state.

Guys like you are all about "we're a nation of laws" until one of yours gets caught breaking them and then you twist into contortions to give them a pass. Whether it's Hillary, Jussie Smollett and all Democrats in-between, you give them a pass.

A) I think that Clinton's use of a private server was really stupid- and how she handled the investigation was incredibly inept.
B) Unlike you, I believe in the presumption of innocence- and Clinton has not been charged with or convicted of any crimes.
C) It is clear your loyalty is not to country or party- but to Donald Trump- your cult figurehead.
those ignorant, uninformed and uneducated Trump supporters who believes that would be ok for Trump to shoot someone on 5th avenue?

Trump's lawyers argue he can't be charged while in office — even if he shoots someone

"Carey Dunne, New York District Attorney Cy Vance Jr.'s general counsel, said the president's position is too absolute.

There could be examples in which a state should be able to conduct a criminal investigation of a sitting president, "if, for example, he did pull out a handgun and shoot someone on Fifth Avenue."

Asked about that, Consovoy said a president could be charged with such a crime once he was out of office or if he was impeached and removed from office. "This is not a permanent immunity," he said.

"I'm talking about while in office. Nothing could be done? That's your position?" Judge Denny Chin asked.

"That is correct," Consovoy said."
To be more specific, Trump's supporters (the uneducated, and uninformed segment) would still support this con-man.

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